Manicure at home


  • Manicure at home
  • Incremental algorithm hygienic manicure
  • Types manicure
  • Separate decoration nail

Even the most expensive, largest and exquisite diamond on her finger is not able to change the bad impression of his mistress, if she is not careful manicure. Recalling the expression that the eyes - a mirror of the soul, it is safe to continue: hands - her business card. Groomed hands with peeling flowery spots of nail polish around silently tell the truth about you, your habits and your inner world.

"I just do not have time to look into the interior! "- You might say in your defense. However, the justification for such a reason, frankly, is rather weak. Every girl should be able to do a manicure at home on their own, regardless of whether she has time and money to attend vocational schools or not.

Well-groomed - one of the highest priorities signs of beauty, which should not be ignored in any case. Especially since their pens and do a manicure at home quite burdensome - will require quite a bit of patience, skills and some tools.

Manicure at home

To perform a manicure at home, you will need:

  • Scissors with pointed tips - with their help you can give your nails the desired length;
  • Nail file - it is better, if it is not metal, and glass or cardboard-based. They are less traumatic for the thinning of nails;
  • There are also various tetrahedral-sawing abrasive buffs to varying degrees on each side for polishing nails. However, to use it is better to only artificial nails. Natural nail can withstand only a very gentle grinding, and that not more than couple times a year;
  • Wooden stick-claw or rake. Sometimes the role of the hoof performs rubber nozzle, which allows to process the cuticles with the utmost sensitivity;
  • Tweezers - useful to remove the cuticle or to remove burrs and chapped skin on the sides of the nail plate.

Prepare a bath with warm water, sea salt, baking soda, essential oil or olive oil, linen cloth, cotton swabs, nail polish remover. And do lacquers, hand cream, a fixer and a foundation. Do not forget about the special disinfectants, in their absence, use ordinary alcohol. Thoroughly treat them the tool before you start work.

 how to do a manicure at home

Incremental algorithm hygienic manicure

Remove with nail varnish remnants of cotton wool soaked in liquid, provided for this purpose. Optimal variant, if it does not contain acetone, which is destructive effect on the structure of the nail. Give marigolds desired shape, this should be done with scissors, if you have to radically shortening. Or using saws, if the correction is not too large. Do you need a manicure sharpened movements, without much fuss, so as not to injure the nail too.

Apply the product to soften cuticles, gently rubbing it into the skin. A few minutes later dip hands in the tub with warm water, which previously added sea salt, soda and a couple of drops of essential oil, or any other. Just 5 minutes cuticle becomes more supple and nails - compliant.

Soak hands linen napkin and start processing the cuticle. Doing the procedure can stick, just by sliding the skin to the base of the nail (not manicure) or tweezers by cutting unnecessary skin (manicure). At the same time remove the horny skin on the sides and burrs, if any. Be extremely careful and cautious, they do not tear and bite off the forceps. If the injury could not be avoided, should immediately cuts disinfectant.

Apply on the skin of the hands nourishing cream or oil massage to improve circulation. Clean the nails from the fat using nail polish remover, or a towel.

Your nails are ready for finishing touches - lacquered. How to do cover? If you prefer to apply paint to a substrate, let it dry well before that. If the varnish is applied directly to the nail, the first layer must necessarily be very thin - so manicure will last longer. To achieve increased durability and extra shine there fixers, which are applied on top of the colored lacquer.

That's all classic manicure at home is over - your pens are simply divine, and you - irresistible!

 manicure at home yourself

Types manicure

If you are already adept in the intricacies of manicure, for you will not be difficult to experiment with this technology and the types of cosmetic procedures. Now you can make a different manicure, depending on the mood and purpose.

  • French manicure or jacket - ideal for students and business lady, the elegance and grace of the fingers. The bottom line is that the rounded edge of the nail is white, and the rest is covered by the bodily or natural-pink color;
  • American manicure - differs from the others in that nails attached to the elongated oval shape and they are covered with bright and rich in color paints, matches the color of lipstick;
  • Spanish manicure - Spanish ladies are playing at a depth of color. Instead of the usual colorless matte foundations they put silt milky white hue. On top of the cover the nail varnish selected bright. Thus, the color seems to be deeper and richer.

Separate decoration nail

All fashionistas will love the fact that the special tools to draw on the nails do not need to acquire. Making and decorating can be improvised means, such as a toothpick or thin needle. These devices are used for printing on the base coat.

You do not need to finish any courses in drawing and have a great experience. Just apply a few drops on the basis of a bright polish of different colors, stir it, creating a unique abstraction - picture ready. It remains to cover all the fixing means.

Another method of drawing - the use of a gel pen. Here, too, everything is simple. Apply the foundation and giving it dry out a bit, just a little bit to lines drawn pen deep into the paint. Now we wait for the complete drying and cover fixative.

It will take quite a bit of time and your home manicure become a source of pride, because it is made in a unique author's style, in which you have invested part of his soul.

 Manicure at home: fast, beautiful, cheap

We recommend that read: Simple manicure

 how to remove age spots on the face


  • Care for problem skin spring
  • Care for problem skin in summer
  • Care for problem skin in the fall
  • Care for problem skin in winter
  • Tools for prevention
  • Whitening Mask: Who needs it?

Some lucky women with perfectly smooth skin twice a week is sufficient to apply a cleansing mask, use of moisturizing creams and light make-up to do on a daily basis. But how have to get out the fair sex whose face is nestled abundant freckles! What kind of natural beauty if every morning has to apply foundation, powder, blush.

The question is how to clean spots, do no harm with the skin of the face? After walking constantly with a ton of make-up is not the answer, because cosmetics can lead to premature aging, acne, acne. Plus there are places where have to go without make-up (swimming pools, saunas, beaches), and appear in a public place with such a gift of nature, unfortunately, are not solved all the ladies. Get rid of these defects is quite simple: to provide the proper care and use of folk remedies, recipes are passed down from generation to generation.

Care for problem skin spring

With the arrival of the first sunlight at women appear first skin problems: first appear on the face of small and barely noticeable spots, which eventually begins to darken. And if at this point not to use protective creams with SPF of at least fifteen, the situation will only get worse.

Also do not forget to wash every day decoction of herbs that not only lightens the skin, but also nourish it useful microelements. The undoubted advantage is that most of the necessary ingredients can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription. In addition to preparation of rinse aid does not have to spend a lot of time.

  • The broth of lime blossom

Pour boiling water over a handful of florets (about one hundred milliliters) and leave on for fifteen minutes in order to have time to brew broth. In a bit of chilled water, add a third of a teaspoon of honey and stir well it so it disappeared. Use this tool must be exactly the same as a normal tonic: it moisten a cotton swab and rub the problem areas on the face.

This tincture cleanses the skin, making it more radiant, elastic, prevents acne, removes dead skin particles. However, be careful with the use or store the broth, even more than two days in the refrigerator, as it is quite perishable.

  • Vinegar solution

In one liter of water, add a tablespoon of vinegar and two tablespoons of salt with a slide. Pour the solution into a glass container and store in a cool, dry place away from children. To use this tool, you can end up, if in the bottom of the bottle will not appear muddy sediment.

Wipe clean problem areas need to Sponge. If the apartment is warm, and you will not take the time after the procedure, the skin is not dried with a towel or napkin. On cold days, rub the treated areas until you feel a slight heat. So you speed up cell renewal, and dark spots on the face brighten.

  • Herbal bath

You do not know how to remove age spots on the face as quickly as possible? Take a warm bath using herbal concoctions of lightening. Pour two hundred and fifty grams of dried flowers of chamomile, fennel, blackthorn, mint, yarrow and sage water, let stand, covered means of thirty or forty minutes. Before use, be sure to add a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice.

When broth is cooled down to the desired temperature - about thirty-five degrees Celsius, soak it in a towel and apply it to the skin. If you do trays are at least two or three times a week, a month later on the face will not be freckles.

 how to remove age spots

Care for problem skin in summer

That after a long hanging in the sun you will not have to suffer so as to remove the spots, before going out be sure to take care of your skin and apply a special tonal basis. If you plan to soak up the sun or splash in the sea, using high-quality sunblock.

  • Cabbage freckles

Grind to a blender or grinder, three hundred grams of cabbage. Boil a glass of fresh homemade cow's milk and add the resulting slurry. Cook for ten or fifteen minutes, until everything turns into a homogeneous mass. Apply only to clean skin for half an hour until the mask dries out a bit.

The second option - a simpler and faster. With fresh cabbage, remove the upper layers, wash them thoroughly under running water and scald with boiling water to make them softer and more flexible. The inner side of the grease with olive oil and place the leaves on the face for twenty minutes. After the mask, rinse the skin with warm decoction of calendula and chamomile.

  • Cucumber for all ills

Take a ceramic pot, pour back two hundred grams of unboiled milk (goat's possible) and finely crumble a few pieces of fresh homemade cucumber. Half an hour later, when the means of infusion, strain it through cheesecloth. It is recommended to wipe the spots on the face twice a day, morning and evening.

  • Fresh tomatoes with Grandma beds

Rub on a small grater or chop the blender at a ripe tomato, mix it with a teaspoon of starch to make a thick paste. Add a few drops of vegetable or olive oil, if you have very dry skin. In the face mask should keep this in fifteen minutes.

If you do not have time to prepare complicated recipes that use conventional pulp bleaching. Just cut the tomatoes into several large pieces and place them on the cheeks, nose, chin, where the dark spots. This tool is great the fair sex who have problems with oily skin.

  • Sour cream mask

Two tablespoons of twenty-five percent of sour cream with a mixer beat egg yolks with three quail eggs. The resulting foam is necessary to add one teaspoon of freshly squeezed carrot juice. On the face mask to wear no more than twenty minutes, and then the skin should be washed with copious amounts of warm water.

 remove age spots on the face

Care for problem skin in the fall

In the summer you do not care about your face and constantly sunbathing, then the autumn of your skin is covered with abundant dark brown spots, become dry and lifeless. In any event, the first of September should stock up on food, of which you can prepare whitening and nourishing mask.

  • Grape juice on age spots

Girls who can not afford to spend a few hours in the kitchen preparing a mask for the skin, this option will be most welcome. Immediately after the morning you will wash with soap and clean skin of milk, cut two or three large grape. Speaking juice, wipe the entire face, neck and chest area, then wash with filtered water. After the procedure, you can apply a moisturizing day cream.

  • Rosemary tincture

In August, in a bottle of white wine if you have dry skin, or in the vodka, add rosemary (tablespoon with slide). Place the pot in a cool dark place for six weeks, and every two days thoroughly shake the mixture. When tincture is ready, strain it through a fine sieve or cheesecloth, folded in several layers.

Twice a day, wipe the face with a cotton swab dipped in a solution abundantly. Please note, this tool not only to get rid of stains but also prevents the appearance of wrinkles, make the skin smooth and shiny. Before applying the tincture should be tested in order to avoid allergic reactions.

Care for problem skin in winter

Despite the fact that in the cold season of the year and sunless pigmented spots themselves lighter or even entirely lost, must take care of the skin further. Please note that many of the procedures that you used to do before the actual output - apply the cream, wash, wipe the face tonic, will have to spend at least an hour to walk.

And remember, when the mercury drops below zero, the amount of cosmetics is necessary to reduce to a minimum. It is best to powder face ordinary crumbly powder, which also protects from frost and wind, put on lipstick and lip tint eyelashes.

  • Curd Mask

This mask is also recommended to girls whose skin is slightly coarsened, gray and darkened due to exposure to cold air. Just ten minutes a day - and your face is completely transformed. To do this, you will need to grind until smooth raw egg yolks (chicken or quail) with two tablespoons of fat cottage cheese. The resulting mixture prior to applying a few drops of hydrogen peroxide.

 how to remove age spots on the face of their own

Tools for prevention

  • Mask

To prevent the appearance of dark pigment spots on the skin, it is necessary from time to time make whitening mask of crushed fennel, parsley and a tablespoon of lemon juice. The resulting mixture should pour the broth of herbs chamomile, lime and yarrow, and infuse a few hours.

  • Cream

At the beginning of the fair sex was applied sunscreen to quickly buy "chocolate" color. But since the thirties of the last century, doctors have recommended the use of such products to all travelers to avoid skin cancer. Unfortunately, the citizens of our country do not immediately began to use the facilities for sunbathing and every second holidaymaker on the beach suffered burns.

Over time, manufacturers have added a conventional cosmetics ingredients that protect against UV rays. Please note that the availability of this property should not affect the value of tonal foundations, day cream, etc. Even the cheaper products should be safe.

Whitening Mask: Who needs it?

  • pros

Masks made according to old recipes of our grandmothers, much more useful, since they do not contain harmful substances and components (colorants, stabilizers, flavors, fragrances). The likelihood that you will manifest allergic to such means - is minimal.

  • Minuses

In most cases, achieve a positive effect of the mask can be after two to three months of continuous use, and the result, unfortunately, does not last long. Therefore, experts recommend combining traditional methods with cosmetic preparations and bleaching creams sold in pharmacies and stores.

If dark spots on the face do not pass even after the impact of special means, but you madly want to become the most attractive and charming, it is necessary to resort to more severe measures - fotoprotseduram, laser treatment, chemical peels, etc. Most of them - completely safe, if, of course, you will rely on experienced professionals.

To be engaged in a struggle with freckles and spots recommended in early autumn. In any case you choose, be sure to check beforehand with your doctor. At times like formations on the skin indicate more serious health problems.

 How to remove dark spots on the face and prevent their appearance

We recommend that read: Care for problem skin
