Beautiful and well-groomed nails - the pride of every woman. It performed at the proper level manicure is as important accessory than fashionable jewelry and stylish handbag. And not necessarily for this to have long nails - the proper manicure on short nails look as beautiful and elegant as well as on long. Important to this process be given time to approach it responsibly and carefully. Then, your nails will be a wonderful addition to any image. So, what to do to short nails are not inferior to the beauty of the longest?
Natural beauty is always in fashion
Ladies who prefer a natural nail polish on short nails, should never shy away from the standard treatments for hands. Raw nails do not look aesthetically pleasing, and do not cause inspiration for men. To make your nails the best of the best, you will need:
Manicure Set;
Sea salt and olive oil;
Hand bath.
For a start, treat your pen water treatments. Prepare a bath with a few drops of olive oil and sea salt. These ingredients will soften the skin, making it pleasant to the touch. Next, treat the hand scrub, rinse them well and grease nourishing cream. Now, take an orange stick, which must be present in any manicure set and gently move the cuticle pretreated it with a special tool to soften. By the way, the cuticle to grow more slowly means you need to use several times a day until you have a positive effect.
Now you need to give marigolds neat shape. Try that they are not too short - at least 1-2 millimeters should act on your fingertip. The best option for so long is a form of "soft box". Processing short nails nail file (as well as the length) must be carried out in the same direction in order to avoid separation of the nail plate. Now apply the coating - and a manicure is ready! Yes, try to use gloss varnish is as dull tend to shorten the nails.
French manicure short nails
French manicure has always been important. And most importantly, it looks great, as long or short nails.
Immediately before applying nail polish must be degreased nails, for this means to wipe them with nail polish remover;
Manicure on short nails will last longer if to put it on a base coat;
If the nail plate is uneven, you can use spies - a special tool to align. Apply a base coat it instead;
Now take the white paint from a set of French manicure and paint the tips of the nails. Try to make sure swabs, ideally varnish is applied by three strokes: one in the middle of the nail, the second and the third - on the sides;
To keep clear boundaries, use the special stickers, available in a set of fatigues;
After drying remove the tips of the labels and covers the entire nail translucent finish - it can be beige, pale pink or cream. Here guided by your own taste.
Well, that's all - French manicure on short nails ready! Make it is not difficult - 15-20 minutes of free time, and your pen ready to enter into the light.
Tips for applying nail polish
Take a favorite nail polish, type it in the brush (if there is a surplus, remove them on the neck of the bubble);
Trays brush to the nail and rests in its base trim brush stroke hold up. Try to do everything carefully, to obtain a clean outline and clear;
The same is also done in the sides of the nail plate;
Wait until the paint is dry, apply a second coat;
In the final, we are sure to make a restorative coating. It will help preserve the beauty of nails for a longer period.
The choice of color for short nails
If you do not have the skills, ideally, manicure, try using lighter shades of lacquer. Always look spectacular color close to skin tone: pink, beige, cream, golden. Having learned to gently apply the varnish, you can begin to experiment. Mistakenly believe that the nails with a small length of bright colors do not look good. The most important thing to choose the color that is suitable to your image.
Dark tones such as chocolate, violet, cherry will look bright and shocking. You can try a manicure in a more extravagant colors: bright yellow, orange, green. The main thing to remember is that each case should be the appropriate manicure. Of course, do not need to go to work with green fingernails, but to a theme party - why not! Learn how to submit like a king in any situation, if unattended, you will not stay!
We advise to check: Easy manicure short nails
Myths about the anti-aging cosmetics
Myths about proper anti-acne
What is the basis of your daily care for the face and body? Maybe on the assurances of advertising marketers, on the advice of her best friend, recommendations dermatologist or experience your grandmother? Are you sure that their words can trust implicitly? Women are not worse manufacturers invent myths about the miraculous favorite cream, and reviews about the new mascara or lipstick on the Internet to buy at special sites for a penny. Today, we find out how well-known "rules of beauty" is not trusted when it comes to skin care, suffering from rashes or age-related changes - it is in these cases, the wrong selection of cosmetics is especially dangerous.
Myths about the anti-aging cosmetics
Myth One: if the "hooked" on the cellular and hormonal cream, then stop using them without compromising the appearance of the impossible.
Truth: The condition of the skin before applying the cream simply forgotten, so the difference seems significant.
Many women are afraid to use anti-aging and cosmetic correction of the fact that the skin of her alleged "accustomed". The forums on the network frighten them "horror stories" that after the rejection of an expensive cream on the face appears twice wrinkles and contour the cheeks and chin, "blurred" because of the hormonal "hunger."
The molecular structure of these funds can not be called simple. Due to the content of valuable extracts and active synthetic substances are "stepping up" the production of collagen and elastin. Therefore, wrinkles are smoothed out, and stretch marks on the buttocks and thighs and lighter aligned. What happens if you stop buying serum or fluid with this property? "The effect of the cancellation," which scares you - just return to the state of your skin, which was prior to use modeling cosmetics. You may find that its appearance has deteriorated significantly - but you just got used to the well-groomed, smooth and taut face, which was that of the use of the miracle anti-wrinkle cream. This skin condition can only provide specialized care for the face and body.
Myth Two: using anti-aging cosmetics, periodically change the brand's Skin funds, as the skin gets used.
The truth is: most likely, the cream has ceased to operate because of serious health problems.
Do you use your favorite cream is not the first year, the ratio of "price-quality" you are completely satisfied. Suddenly, you no longer have the means proper effect, and you remember the recommendation of a sales assistant at the store, which strongly advise you to change the brand of anti-age cream every six months. Thinking about it, you immediately get a new jar "from the TV", whose influence on your skin is still unknown, so it is doubtful ...
Are you sure that the old means exhausted all its possibilities? Often, a cream or a mask cease when your body goes through some changes. Hormonal disruptions, colds and problems with the gastrointestinal tract can lead to sagging skin and gray complexion, regardless of the brand of mascara or serum. Before you change the usual care for face and body, abstain from using any makeup for a few days and observe the state of the epidermis. If your dry skin started to allocate too much fat or pustules appear on it - not in a hurry to send the cream to the trash. Please go to the therapist and endocrinologist, to ensure that health is all right, and then make the appropriate conclusions.
Myth Three: anti-wrinkle cream with stem cells work wonders!
Truth: stem cells - not the best way to restore skin youthfulness.
Obsession "injections of eternal youth" and got to cosmetics manufacturers. Funds on the basis of stem cells are sold exclusively in drugstores, big money and are actively advertised by celebrities. After a week of constant application you are promised complete freedom from laxity and facial wrinkles. How can you not be tempted to purchase the coveted tube, even for a very considerable sum of money?
Expect miracles is not: money, more effective cell creams to fight wrinkles (mimic and age) Estheticians are not yet invented. Cosmetics based on stem cells makes the skin glow, visually smooths and has a mild chemical peel properties. And no more than that, so that pin all their hopes on the "stem" facial and body treatments are not worth it.
Be careful: the stem cells, "withdrawn" from the spine or liver, categorically not suitable for skin care. "Antagonizing" with your epidermis, they can become a cause of allergic dermatitis and even the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the deep tissues.
Choose a cream based on embryonic stem cells, or epidermialnyh. They are the most safe - a "set" of possible side effects is minimal. When buying pay attention to the expiration date funds - stem cells "live" in a jar is not more than two or three months.
Myth four: The older your skin is, the more natural it is to be cosmetic.
Truth: useful properties of organic cosmetics is clearly overstated.
The fashion for organic body care and face to reach the most distant corners of the planet. Buying a lotion or tonic, the girl carefully looking into its structure: there are no parabens and dimethicone in the lineup? Having found on the packaging familiar words, they were disappointed put the cream back on the shelf. Do you really think that the marking «paraben-free» on the tube - a pledge of eternal youth?
Organic cosmetics fans surely grieve reality. Some of the substances used in the manufacture of anti-age makeup, simply do not have analogs plant. Synthetic drugs developed in laboratories for years, "forced" cells of elastin and collagen to actively divide and "focussing" on problem areas - on the forehead, around the lips and eyelids.
Myth Five: the earlier you start using anti-aging cream, the better.
True: Use makeup that meets your skin.
Advertisers "active" you impose the need for a pull-up creams almost 20 years. No need to use a youth anti-age tonic or a mask to smooth facial wrinkles, no. Buy cosmetics, corresponding to the real needs of your skin. For oily epidermis buy regulating cream for normal - moisturizing. Once a person starts to lose its former brilliance and elasticity - and then buy a firming agent.
Myth Six: for anti-aging skin around the eyes and lips can be used only funds with a light texture.
The truth is: the deeper the tool - the better the result!
Sales assistants in shops are usually advised after 25 years of use for the care of the epidermis on the most sensitive areas of the face only a gel or fluid. Ostensibly dense means coated with a thin layer of skin fat, it loses the opportunity to breathe and quickly becomes dry and wrinkled. On the other hand, to avoid the appearance of deep wrinkles at the corners of the mouth and eyelids, buy a rich cream and apply it before going to bed, thoroughly clean the face of the remnants of makeup.
Myth Seven: "multifunctional" means fighting wrinkles better than specialized.
It is true: every issue - in its cream!
Clever marketers have long noticed that women are more likely to just buy a universal makeup - "2 in 1", "3 in 1", etc. The illusion of saving money pushes them to purchase a cream or a mask with "moisturizing, firming, toning and soothing properties." Especially funny look similar to the manufacturer, if the vehicle is mere penny.
Medical cosmetics for solving individual problems of your epidermis can not multitask. To believe that acne, age-related changes and pigment spots can handle the same cream and wash and you can even soap - is silly. Buy once the whole set of cosmetics, it is aimed at anti-age care - just as a result of its use will be noticeable.
Myths about proper anti-acne
Myth one: the more salicylic acid facial wash or shower gel, the more effective means.
Truth: the high concentration of acid is fraught with burns and allergies.
Salicylic acid - the main ingredient of therapeutic antibacterial agents. It dries pimples, blocks the emergence of new inflammation and discolor red stains on them. Manufacturers, knowing this, try to make the most effective skin care products, vying with each other by increasing the concentration of salicylic alcohol in creams and lotions. The stores can be seen the means 10, 15 and even 20% consisting of acid.
However, that amount of active substance can cause burns and redness, even the owners of a thick and insensitive epidermis. Purchase means, salicylic component which does not exceed 3-5%. If you suffer from acne, but your skin is prone to dryness or allergic reactions - not more than 1, 5%.
Myth Two: The anti-bacterial facial and body treatments is impossible without the purchase of expensive cosmetics.
Truth: folk remedies for acne are not worse.
Undoubtedly, serious dermatological problems require constant supervision by a doctor and the application of pharmaceutical products. But if you have raging hormones and pimples appear only due to high fat content, you can do without cosmetics store. Good results are obtained by treatment of problem skin with essential oils. Especially effectively removes a variety of inflammatory tea tree oil. Twice a day, wipe the face tonic prepared from 100 g. distilled water and 10 drops of oil. Ether tea tree cream and gel for washing - it kills 95% of bacteria that cause ulcers and rashes teenagers.
Myth Three: You can not use a mask for oily skin - they harm expanded pores.
Truth: mask - the best tool for the prevention of inflammation.
Many girls refuse to apply the funds to intensive care because of fear of a possible deterioration of the skin. Masks, more fatty and dense in its structure than creams and tonics, penetrate deep into the pores, badly washed out and clog them - according to some inmates Internet forums, because of their use appear 'black spots' and intensifies the sebaceous glands .
In fact, caring for oily and combination skin must include cleaning and anti-mask. For example, white and blue clay is excellent "pulls" from a dirt of enlarged pores, reduces their inflammation and dries. Take 3 tablespoons kaolin powder bought at the pharmacy, add the right amount of warm water to dilute it to the consistency of thick cream. Apply the mixture to clean skin for 10-15 minutes.
To eliminate the sebaceous plugs at home is easy to cook an egg mask. Break the egg, separate the white from the yolk. For protein, add 2 teaspoons fine salt and 3-4 drops of essential oil of ylang-ylang and rosemary. Stir evenly distribute weight on the skin. After 5-10 minutes, the protein film dries and then, together with the contents can be removed fingertips.
Myth Four: with high fat content of the skin can not do anything with it you just have to accept.
Truth: Pick matting agent - it will solve all problems.
Girls with oily and combination type of the epidermis often complain about the need for hourly use powder and matting napkins. Otherwise, on the face appear greasy luster, because of which the roll shadow "floating" eyeliner and foundation disappears.
Reduce the number allocated sebum can, if you use a specialized makeup. Note the tools's Skin and makeup, on the packaging which is mark "matting". These creams, powders and lotions are composed of absorbent and absorbent particles, allowing your skin to remain fresh for 8 hours or more.
Myth Five: inflammation squeeze yourself in any case it is impossible!
Truth: You can squeeze pimples while cleaning person.
You can not push acne, unless you dirty fingers, otherwise you increase the scale of the disaster, spread the infection all over his face. But to do at home mechanical cleaning of the face, without resorting to salon beautician, is quite real. The only way to get rid of deep acne and large eels.
Before cleaning is necessary to properly steam the skin to reveal the pores. Then remove the dirt and fat residues from them will be much easier. Pour into a bowl of 2-3 liters. boiling water, add a few drops of essential oil of lemon or apple cider vinegar. Covered, keep your face over the steam for 10-15 minutes. Be sure to close your eyes, or burn mucous membranes and cornea.
Finished steaming, wrap the fingertips with paper towels or a clean cloth. Squeeze pimples and "black spots" in turn, a sharp click. After you have finished cleaning the skin, wipe the face lotion porosuzhivayuschim.
Myth Six: BB-cream solve all the problems of oily skin.
The truth is: they are not intended for everyday use.
Japanese cosmetics has become known throughout the world thanks to these wonderful tonalnika. Masking agents from the Land of the Rising Sun is very dense, making economical use and perfectly hide imperfections. But to call them useful therapeutic or do not dare: silicone contained in the composition of any such cream, clogged pores, and remove it very difficult. For this it is necessary to acquire a hydrophilic oil which leaches through the two-phase structure of silicon, and along with them useful substances forming the protective barrier of the skin.
BB-cream - pleasure not for every day. Use them for color correction and camouflage face inflammation, only if you plan to "the publication." On his return home as soon as possible, remove the excess cream with a cotton pad soaked in a hydrophilic oil. Then wash and apply a moisturizing mask on your face - the only way 2%