how to drink tequila

Liquor, existing in the world, have a different taste, the fortress history. Today we talk about tequila - Mexican alcoholic beverages, which taste so bright and unusual, that many men compare it with a beautiful girl, whose love can bring happiness and mischief, and pain. To fully experience the taste of the drink you need to know how to drink tequila, that is not to disturb her with another alcohol, and, of course, know when to stop, because the tequila, like vodka gives a strong hangover.

"Moonshine of cactus"

Quite often you can hear how the tequila is called "Mexican moonshine" or "vodka of cactus" - far from it. Prickly plant has nothing to do with it, as well as homemade Russian alcohol. This drink is made from the sap of the blue agave - the plant grows only in Mexico. For Mexicans themselves tequila drink is quite important because it is associated with many historical moments of the country.

Agave grows in Mexico for more than nine thousand years. In ancient times it ate, thinking is very useful. In XVI century the first drink from the agave plant. This happened thanks to the Spanish conquistadors who did not spend a day without drinking. Brought them brandy rather quickly ended, and the Spaniards, showing resourcefulness, try to make an alcoholic drink made from agave core. So there was a "mezcal" - the ancestor of the modern tequila. Mezcal exists today, but it's a little different drink than real tequila is manufactured from the blue agave, while for the production of "mezcal" is used five varieties of this plant.

Drink in the form, which is presented today in stores, it appeared in the XIX century. There are several different categories of tequila, it varies according to the method of production, and exposure degrees. Each of these has its own aroma. Tequila Connoisseurs claim that the best drink must be kept for at least four years and is made from 100 percent agave, without adding extra sugar. Beverage strength can vary from 40 to 55 degrees - it also depends on the method of production.

From simple unseasoned varieties especially popular "gold tequila." For color adjustment drink embellish his burnt caramel, which gives it a resemblance to the seasoned tequila.

 How to drink tequila gold

How to drink and what to drink

There are many ways to use tequila. Quite unusual is that in Mexico, this fact does not play an important role, no one thinks about how to drink tequila - one drink a drink as it is convenient.

But the Europeans have a real ritual that give enough time to drink tequila because - it means to be his own man in the company of her admirers. Man has always been prone to all sorts of groups and societies, and there's no getting around it ...

The most famous and popular way - the use of tequila with lime and salt. Day First you need to prepare a little bit. Between the middle and index finger on the back of the hand squeeze a few drops of lime juice and sprinkle with salt. Slice of Lime go for a snack, so put it next to a glass. Now lick the salt with your hands, drink a drink quickly and seize lime. Incidentally, if there is no lime can be replaced with lemon.

A very common way of drinking tequila in young people is a cocktail of tequila boom. It has gained its popularity in nightclubs and discos because of its invigorating effect. It is necessary to mix tequila and tonic or Sprite, cover glass and hand sharply to hit them on the table. From shake drink like boils, need a quick drink, a cocktail is not settled.

Drink tequila in its purest form, while drinking a cocktail prepared with tomato and lemon juice with a pinch of chili.

The youth clubs often use this drink for making popular cocktails - El desierto, SANGRITA Margarita. True fans of tequila add it to tea, coffee, and even brandy.

On the basis of all the facts to answer the question how to drink tequila gold, and any other, can not be answered unequivocally. Just one drink of her own, as you wish. So let's take the example of the Mexicans and not ask this question, and rest easy drinking this excellent drink!

 How to drink tequila gold?

 absinthe drinking

No holiday in our life is not complete without alcoholic beverages. And no matter how many doctors asserted that "to drink - health harm" by alcohol this phrase did not become less. It can be bought in a grocery store, a pharmacy and even in parts of the business, with the inscription "cleaner" !? Of course, not all are compared to unrestrained drinking and buying drinks for the inappropriate ingestion. Not everyone…. You could even say that the Russian people still know the measure and try to acquire high-quality vodka, cognac long-term exposure, or expensive fragrant wine.

Variety of alcoholic beverages has long crossed the border when on the shelves stood alone a few bottles of cheap port. Now if you want we can try to present the French wine, whiskey American, English tape, and the most mysterious of all the drinks in the world - absinthe. In this article we will talk about it and just learn how to drink absinthe.

No other alcohol is not associated with so many mysteries, myths and rumors. And no other beverage has not won so many famous admirers - Van Gogh, Hemingway, Picasso - these great men were reputed avid absinthe, as they were called - absentistami. And to understand all the secrets of the beverage have to go a little further in its history.

How it all began

Absinthe ... His predecessor considered wormwood tincture, which was used as a medicine by the ancient Greeks. In 1792, a man named Pierre Ordiner wrote absinthe recipe, thereby becoming its discoverer. From the very beginning of its existence, this drink was used only for medical purposes, was regarded as a panacea for all ills, and has been called the "Green Fairy". They treated people with poor appetite and digestive problems.

How to drink absinthe became known to all in the same XVIII century, its made from wormwood tincture and alcohol, and adding other herbs. The infusion was distilled in a special alembic. Since then, the taste and aroma of the drink has not changed - it has a bitter aftertaste and a strong scent of wormwood and anise.

Start of industrial production of absinthe were in 1797, when a relative of the founder of absinthe - Henri-Louis Pernod opened the first plant for its production. It is best taken absinthe in France. While the French used a drink and for other purposes: it was used as a preventive agent for wounds and tropical diseases in the French army. This was important, because France was at war with the tribes of North Africa.

Years passed, and the beginning of the XIX century absinthe gradually began to gain popularity in other countries, and soon won fame in the higher strata of society, has been called "the drink of Bohemia." His fans were reputed writers and poets, who in his works repeatedly mentioned Absinth - how to drink, when to drink, and what to drink. Artists also does not lack attention bohemian drink, such as Picasso, executed a bronze sculpture and called it "A glass of absinthe."

Controversies and doubts

With the onset of the XX century absinthe began to fall out of favor. Gradually the impression that excessive consumption of this drink affects the mental health of people, and those who do not know how to drink absinthe inevitably earn a nervous breakdown, or, even worse, an incurable alcoholism. Sales and production of the drink began to stop, and in many European countries have banned it altogether. Indeed, doctors, observing people in large quantities consumed absinthe confirmed - drink leads to hallucinations and, as a consequence, the development of schizophrenia. Thus, the farmer Jean Lanfren under the influence of absinthe and other alcohol shot my family.

In the occurrence of the disease was accused thujone - the essential substance in absinthe. However, over time, we came to the conclusion that this claim is absolutely wrong. It turns out that damage to the body brought not thujone, and the poor quality of the alcohol used in the production of beverage and, of course, his excessive fortress - in absinthe contained about 72 percent alcohol.

The ban on the production and consumption of absinthe in countries of the European Union was lifted only in 1981. It is worth noting that Switzerland - the birthplace of the drink - removed the restriction only in the beginning of the XXI century, but with one condition - thujone content in the drink should not exceed certain standards.

Back in the present,

Modern absinthe has all the same fortress 70 degrees, but when the production of an alcohol and other ingredients of high quality. Of course, this does not mean that you can drink it without thinking about doses. Any alcohol in large quantities do not lead you to the good.

Modern absinthe can be yellow, transparent, brown, red, but more often this drink light emerald green. Before you drink absinthe it was diluted with water, and from this it becomes cloudy, getting a little "unappetizing" appearance.

Stamps absinthe significantly different quality. The best and most expensive drink is made from grape alcohol, cheaper varieties include the usual alcohol soaked it leaves of wormwood, absinthe is considered to be the most inexpensive, made of alcohol with the addition of relevant extracts.

On sale there are fakes, proudly referred to himself absinthe. Recognize fake can of beverage strength. There are "absinthe" fortress 55 degrees. It's just sweetened wormwood tincture, which contains essential oils and has nothing to do with this absinthe. Yet such a beverage, as compared with vodka, drunk easily. It's his only advantage.

If you are going to try absinthe is better to spare funds to buy a nice drink and the famous producer, because health is known to be more expensive than any money.

 how to drink absinthe

How to drink absinthe

So you've decided to try the most mysterious drink in the world? If that happens in the company, you first need to learn a few rules and understand how to drink absinthe, not to be trapped in front of knowledgeable people.

First note for myself that rather bitter drink absinthe, especially industrial production. Of course, you can make your own absinthe, then it will be more pleasant to the taste, but it is quite a complicated procedure that requires certain skills, abilities, and the presence of special devices.

When used in a traditional absinthe add cold water. It is poured into a glass through a special spoon full of holes, which is a lump of sugar. Sugar kills a little bitterness, and the use of the beverage becomes more enjoyable. The most correct one for the dilution percentage absinthe is 1: 5, that is one part of the beverage, and five parts water. Just get rid of the bitter taste in the mouth helps a slice of lemon.

This effect of absinthe is not like intoxication. Everyone feels it differently. Someone just relaxing, someone on the contrary can move mountains. Some people experience excessive happiness and smile never left their faces. A lot depends on the mood of the person and his personality. Therefore, before drinking absinthe relieve themselves of all the stress, calm down, and adjusts to good rest.

Several ways of preparing absinthe

The process came to us from France - differs only from the traditional proportions of water. Pour into a glass of absinthe one piece, we take a special spoon, which put the sugar and pour three parts cold water.

Czech way to completely exclude the addition of water. It is necessary to heat the spoon and putting it on a sugar cube, pour absinthe. The result is a mix of melted sugar and drink. This cocktail is drunk a little warm.

There is also a Russian way of drinking absinthe. Separately cooked sugar syrup and diluted with a drink in the correct proportions. This cocktail is best to soften the taste of absinthe.

The drink can not be diluted just before drinking absinthe in its pure form, it must be strongly cooled. Pure drink is drunk in small doses, about 30 grams.

Can be dangerous absinthe?

As mentioned above, the composition includes absinthe thujone, a substance found in wormwood. In large quantities, this substance can be a dangerous drug. Even in the times of occurrence of absinthe scientists conducted experiments in connection with which it was clear that some people use this drink can cause a seizure, a strong violation of the nervous system, seizures, and other unpleasant things.

Some doctors have argued that absinthe is addictive, comparable to heroin addiction, and even the process of its preparation is somewhat similar to the introduction of heroin intravenously.

However, most of the allegations came from a time when the science has not yet reached current heights. And the reputation of absinthe largely consisted of reports of famous people who used it. Maybe they did not know how to drink absinthe, or maybe just been mentally unbalanced people. After being famous is not easy!

For example, there is speculation that Vincent Van Gogh under the influence of absinthe cut off his ear, but at the same time if you study the life of an artist, you can find information about that in his family mental disorders hereditary. And he not only drank absinthe, it is quite another, and abused alcohol, and once even tried to drink turpentine. All this makes us modern people to look at these allegations, more or less skeptical.

Is it true absinthe is a drug, yet you ask? Yes and no. Everything depends on the "fullness poured glass." Therefore, drink or not drink - it's up to you. The main thing to know how to drink absinthe and remember that you need to know around the measure, do not overdo it with its use. After all, no one can know exactly how your body will react to a fair amount of this drink.

 How to drink absinthe?
