- On the health effects of jogging in the mornings and evenings
- It will run in the morning to lose weight?
- How to start running
- Where run
How to start your morning with a cup of coffee and a cigarette or a morning run? Most people do not think about how useful you run in the morning, and prefer the first version of the awakening of the body. There are those who believe that running is bad in the morning that this is an additional stress on the body, which after a night in a state of "hibernation morning": all processes are slowed down, and suddenly he will have to operate in emergency mode, mobilizing all its resources. For such people, the benefits of running in the morning is not obvious, and they would prefer to run the evening, when the body has become accustomed to waking.
Of course, no one will deny that the running and health are inextricably linked, however, as the level of the very health is not at all the same, should take the necessary precautions before you start practicing jogging in the morning: the use of it will only be the case if correctly matched load. If you feel unimportant, be sure to pass a comprehensive examination of the body, and since the conclusion of the doctor to go to the instructor - it will select for you the individual scheme of work and load capacity. Otherwise, run the benefits will result in complications, especially got you suffer from chronic diseases.
The majority of working citizens say that they did not have enough time to run in the morning, so they postpone it to a later time. A useful if running in the evenings? In general, it is the same run, only at a different time of day. Undoubtedly, it is useful, but supporters of the morning sports note that in the evening the environmental situation worse polluted air, which is not the best way affects the health. And those who are busy at work in manual labor or forced to work late, tired too hard to push yourself further and run.
However, do not think is useful if run at night to lose weight, if you are the only possible time for training. The main thing - to start. If you have many days (weeks, months) can not bring myself to get out of in the morning warm bed to run, remember that it is much easier to do it at night, when the body is still active. And after a while, when jogging has become a habit, you can go to morning classes.
On the health effects of jogging in the mornings and evenings
The best tool to get up to mischief nerves fight - it is running in the morning or in the evening. Also, start training and make a habit of jogging jogging is for those who suffer from insomnia. The effect is very simple and therefore doubly interesting: after jogging in the morning your body is mobilized and ready to work, with the result that its efficiency increases. But jogging in the evening gives you the opportunity to calm down, "burn" the resulting stress adrenaline remove accumulated over a long and difficult day of tension. You can not even think about the fact, whether the useful running in the mornings and evenings, but just like to start exercising. Great feel and impressive calmness are the best answer to the unspoken question.
Why run in the evening or in the morning is an effective remedy for stress and nerves? The thing endorphins: allocated during class, they have a state of "calm euphoria." And it is interesting that it does not necessarily run fast. You can start your journey to a healthier with jogging or even on-site - the effect will still be impressive. If you engage in intense enough endorphins to be released in 5 times more than during the sitting.
A five-fold increase in levels of the hormone in the blood gives a sense of joy and well-being, both physical and moral, suppress those emotions that can harm nerves (feelings of anger, frustration, resentment), allows you to forget about the pain and hunger. Endorphins - a source of good mood and, therefore, of mental and emotional health. Therefore, if you do not run, just standing start, or even jogging in place - most importantly, that studies were scheduled.
The fact is useful if running in the evenings and mornings, you can not even ask friends or acquaintances who have it within 15-20 years. Just look at these girls and women and chat with them, to see what effect is running. If you practice it for a few years - the house on the spot, in the gym on the treadmill, jogging track at the stadium - he will change for the better the psychological portrait, will make a person better. He is fond of them girls and women have no shortage of endorphins, stressful situations do not cause damage to their nerves, as they are just comfortable with the difficulties of life. Runners with experience friendly and nice, sociable and non-contentious.
Post workout is really worth it, especially knowing what is useful in the long term run. He gives the nervous system a rest, reducing stress on the body. If such an effect is present continuously, then at first the physical and especially mental capacity is increased, then for a long time kept at a consistently high level. Also, thanks to the active action of endorphins significantly increased creative possibilities, even at the age of 50 years. Given all this, it is simply unreasonable to be against the run in the morning or in the evening.
Also, it is worth considering what action turns on the immune system and blood circulation. The useful effect of jogging in the mornings and evenings, even light jogging or just on the ground, appears to increase the production of hemoglobin, red blood cells and white blood cells. All this increases the protective properties of the blood and resistance to various microorganisms, thereby reducing the risk of illness and injury if they are illnesses, still evident. So start running costs, and regularly all year round, even in winter.
When you are constantly busy improving blood circulation goes in hand with an increase in the reliability of cardiovascular and aerobic efficiency. Numerous studies show that the key performance indicators (eg, ECG) of women aged 40-50 years, are constantly engaged in a run in the morning or in the evening, they are on the same level as in healthy young women aged 18-25.
Start running, at least for a place or jogging, it is also because it strengthens the heart muscles (mainly - the left ventricle) and without pathological increase. This reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, the damage from which, as you know, can be overwhelming. Also in favor of running in the morning or in the evening said decrease heart rate at rest and during exercise. As a result, the loads and stressful situation, the body moves more easily.
It will run in the morning to lose weight?
If you want to lose weight, you probably a lot of questions. Effective Whether jogging in the morning to lose weight? As a result, I will be able to achieve a slim figure? What kind of exercise program you choose? It is useful to whether to run in the morning for people with a lot overweight? When it is better to train me personally, in the morning or in the evening after all? What I can achieve much cleared, running three times a week for 20 minutes?
Answers to these questions are strictly individual. Of course, first of all you need to consult a doctor and find out whether the useful jogging in the morning for you personally, or on the contrary, such loads are contraindicated. Keep in mind that this issue can not overdo it, so as not to cause harm to the body. But in general the question of whether it would be useful to run in the mornings, you can answer in the affirmative.
It proved that even brisk walking, exercises on the spot and the more jogging helps burn more than 400 calories per hour (power consumption depends on the body weight). If start running at a frequency at least every other day for two weeks, it will be easy to get rid of 3500-4000 kcal or, in other words, more than 500-600 grams of fat tissue. And this winter! In the summer, in hot weather, the loss will be even more important and enjoyable. In how useful regular jogging in the morning, you can be sure when you burn a kilogram of fat tissue and a half weeks. Agree, for the sake of such results is to overcome laziness and start practicing!
Here are the general guidelines for those who are considering running in the morning, as a way of losing weight:
- before jogging drink sweet tea, a glass of kefir or Eat apple Eat breakfast and one hour after lessons
- jogging in the morning for weight loss is most effective in combination with diet
- run after (or before) do more exercise, for example, rocking the press
- the burning of fat begins after thirty minutes of exercise, so try to gradually increase the time
It should also be noted that the morning jogging to lose weight and gives you more "residual" strain on the muscles. Even after the completion of training, they still consume oxygen for 2-3 hours in an increased amount, thereby consumes. So fat is burned even when you are resting. And this "residual" effect, though not as active there even while jogging or walking in place. So for weight loss and health improvement is indeed feasible to start training.
Note that running provides another tangible benefit: it has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism, and normalizes breathing, restores the proper functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, improves bone health - in other words, it helps the organs and systems, which in our reality is the worst offender. In addition, running an effective anti-aging tool. Training beneficial effects on the musculoskeletal system, resulting in increased inflow of liquid to the intervertebral discs and articular cartilage. This improves dampening properties and provides good protection against the UDF age-related degenerative changes.
How to start running
If the question "useful whether to run in the morning? "You answered yes to ourselves and to you it is clear that race and health tightly bound, we can give you some tips on how easier to start and what you should pay attention:
- Be sure to buy shoes, it is suitable for running. Before jogging take a few minutes of general warm up the body, carefully heat the ligaments and joints. All this prevents unwanted injury.
- If you have a long wait to begin training, try to start the weekend, when you do not so strictly limited in time.
- Start slowly, in the early days, you can do just intense walking. Over time, go for a light run and step up the pace. Start with a few minutes with each class increasing the time and distance. In principle, the regular hour classes are optimal for the health.
- If you feel that fatigue accumulates and run a burden, do not peretruzhdaetsya - it is better to take a break for a few days and then start with renewed vigor.
- Invite a friend to the (other). Responsibility to the partner will not give relax and start to miss classes. And the fun run together.
- While jogging, you can listen to your favorite music player, which gives an extra boost of energy and vitality.
- Use morning run is maximal if running in places with clean air. Ideally - in the forest, but in an urban environment will suit a park or stadium.
- If weather conditions (rain, snow, frost), continue to interfere in the morning run, the benefits will be on the treadmill. Join a gym - the money spent will be an additional incentive.
It is very important from the first day of training to start running properly, not overworked body, but not giving him favors. So, if you do 25-30 minutes, no need to immediately squeeze out all the power and complete activity holding solely on willpower. If you run with someone in a pair, do not hesitate to take a slower pace, to start with, or jogging on the spot. Takes so that the loads were feasible and did not go to harm your body.
Of course, with the active training the muscles will get tired and you will feel it. So many girls it is difficult to determine when the intense jogging extremely tiring, but it is beneficial, and when saturated activity is already threatening to health. But you will not have this problem, because we'll show you a simple formula. Guided by her, you can tell how well you're doing.
Thus, the formula: take the number 220, just take away from him his age and multiply this number to 0, 6. This is a "lower limit" for your classes. Now again, subtract your age from 220 and multiply that number by 0, 8. This is the "upper limit" for your workouts. For example, for women aged 25 border will be 117 and 156 respectively.
These limits are - that other, as the heart rate during training. Measure it during training using heart monitor for a run. And then look at the results: if the pulse is between the outside, which means that you are doing reasonably well. If it is below the lower mark, the intensity of the run can be safely increased. If the pulse is taken as the upper limit, it means that the load are already in harm and need to slow down.
But remember that this formula only gives an approximate result: the decision to start his run, focusing only on her, would not the best and faithful. It is better to first apply to the coach, who will develop an individual program run (at a rapid pace, jogging, or even on the ground - everything depends on the condition of the body). As a result, what you have on hand will be a detailed plan of activities, and that's the thing that you can check the formula.
Where run
Of course, to start running properly, you need to carefully choose the site for their workouts. To cover do not have any special requirements, if engaged in nature, can be run on natural and artificial grass, on asphalt, on solid ground. If the room can be run both on the track simulator, or just on the floor. The main thing is that your "working" surface was smooth as possible - so safe, in fact less risk to stumble and get injured. But remember that a soft surface (eg, the same grass) less loaded joints of the feet.
Obviously, if you decide to engage in summer, then your best choice is wide. You can run on the forest, enjoying the fresh air, you can go to the nearest well-paved sports field, you can finally go to the gym. But the cold winter is better not to risk the health and legs, making his way through the snow and ice. As with the bad weather, more practical to go to the gym with its machines.
But and electric treadmill has its advantages. Taking on such a simulator, you can run several different programs, manage their intensity and constantly see their current results. Running in the winter in the gym can be as effective as the summer outdoors. So do not think about when to start training - the first run on the way to good physical shape can comfortably be done at any time of the year.
Hopefully now enjoy running for you is obvious. But remember, success comes only with regular classes, and passing through the well-made program and bringing maximum benefit, not harm. Make a plan for jogging with a trainer, pick a platform and begin to deal with. Be healthy and love running!