What to give the favorite and how to be a present?
Gifts to her husband on a paper wedding
Gifts from the guests to the second wedding anniversary
You can say that two years of living together - it's not such a long time, but in reality it is not so. It was quite a difficult period, during which two people are getting used to each other, a common economy, learn patience and understand that it is so important for every family. Therefore, a small anniversary is very important for the couple, although a large celebration is not satisfied. Present a paper wedding (namely the so-called date two years after the marriage) is usually associated with the paper, but the options and ideas here very much. Usually it is books, pictures, albums, photo shoots.
Why paper wedding? This name is associated with many superstitions, but the basic is the comparison of family life with a clean, but so easy to rushing paper sheet. At that time, many families already have a child, and everyday life can cause a rift between the couple. Therefore, gifts often symbolize the unity of the sheet - a young family.
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What to give the favorite and how to be a present?
Gifts wife, especially in the wedding anniversary, were always very delicate and difficult. Dear prezenty best to give a more significant anniversaries, but on paper the best wedding present an elegant and memorable souvenir.
The husband must be to think about this question more thoroughly, but his wife and he knows a lot better than the guests. It is best not to dwell on the standard gifts, and to organize an unusual, pleasant surprise. Prepare the bathroom in the morning, let the water red paper boats. This little thing will cheer up your wife, will be the first pleasant moment in this memorable day for her. But this is only the first step, which does not require from you any costs, but it will be remembered for his wife.
From gifts is better to refrain from the interior, do not give your favorite cookbooks, but the volume of her favorite poems with dried flowers between the pages will be memorable and undoubtedly the best gift among others received that day. My husband is allowed to give to his wife her favorite tickets for theater performance, a subscription to a beauty salon in the pool. An excellent option would be a romantic trip for the weekend, you can spend together.
Guests can give his wife a variety of gifts. It's not only books (best vivid and memorable, such as cooking, about the rules of family life or child-rearing, if you already have a baby). A good option would be a picture or a collage of photos of the couple joint. Spouse guests present and beautiful envelope with money, but not necessarily a large sum, it is rather a symbolic gesture of the future well-being of the family.
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Gifts to her husband on a paper wedding
Her husband - a head of the family, so the gifts on the day the paper wedding should emphasize his status. But give expensive, bulky gift in this day is not accepted, but just money - it is not the gift that is suitable in this case. So what is the best gift a spouse on your wedding day? Everything depends here on exactly who will give a gift: a wife or guests.
Souvenir of a woman may be small, but memorable. Options here the mass, it concerns not only the usual gifts and cute knickknacks that will remind every year that the couple spent together. It may be co-portraits, collage of photographs, which capture memorable and funny moments of common life.
An excellent option would be tickets to sporting events, if your spouse loves any kind of sports, concerts or other events. You can prepare and season tickets to the swimming pool, fitness center, sauna for one, but the best way for a joint visit. But remember that the holiday trip to a restaurant or theater can please only you, but the husband such entertainment can not come to their liking.
An excellent option would be an invitation to attend business training, conferences, and other things, if it directly concerns its activities.
But the choice of a gift for guests at the wedding anniversary of paper to her husband to be somewhat different. Here it is necessary to take into account a lot of the most diverse aspects ranging from flavors and finishing with a native occupation. You can give an excellent picture of a reproduction of a famous artist or a brush of modern masters, souvenirs made of paper, made in the form of a globe, map of the world.
Expensive gifts to her husband on a two-year anniversary does not usually give, so it is possible to organize a tour in the mountains or a little trip on the weekend just for two. Money husband's best not to give, a souvenir will be treated much better, and will be remembered for a long time.
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Gifts from the guests to the second wedding anniversary
Paper wedding - it's very kind of small anniversary, which symbolizes an important step. Spouses by this time already overcome a number of difficulties, but keep the old romantic relationship sometimes becomes difficult, so called "paper marriage" shows the fragility of these fragile, but such wonderful relationships.
Gifts for the wedding paper from the guests to symbolize the fragility of it, which, with due patience and understanding gradually grow into a strong family relations between the two hearts become one single. Gifts are usually connected with the paper, they can be original, unusual, with a bit of humor, but not too expensive.
Give bulky and expensive items, household appliances and home furnishings at this anniversary is not accepted, it is better to prefer sweet or useful trinkets, books, paintings.
So what can give the husband and wife on wedding anniversary paper? The most common gift is a volumetric photo album with photos of spouses on the cover. In this album, you can start collecting photos of memorable moments that are associated with birthdays, baby's first steps, funny moments on vacation. But the photo is presented very often, such a gift has become traditional, but not original.
One of the best gift options wife, as noted above, may become a book. For it to be memorable, you can choose a great cookbook with bright and colorful illustrations. This will serve as a symbol of the family-friendly focus, strong and happy family. A good idea and will be a volume of poetry, a collection of classic current works, which will serve as a great addition to the library.
A wonderful gift for husband and wife to this modest but very important for their two-year anniversary, may be the picture that will adorn the family nest. They can be very different, the main thing - it is right to take into account the tastes of the couple, especially the interior. You can use not only the works of master artists, and original gifts such as processed joint photos as a friendly cartoon, which can be ordered from a professional artist or designer.
Modern gift shops and offer options such as playing cards with pictures of his wife or the husband. There is a way for a very lazy guests who can not come up with anything original and appropriate. Paper Anniversary - giving money! But here we must remember that it is such useful "souvenirs" are remembered less often, so take a day or two in search of beautiful and interesting a present to her husband, or wife, or better both.
Gifts for wedding anniversaries are always more complex, easier to choose a souvenir for a birthday or a wedding day, than on the anniversary. Here it is necessary to take into account several factors, including not only personal tastes, but the symbolism of the date. To this date will be the best gifts souvenirs - a painting, a book, anything that may be related to the value of this memorable day.
Candy buketny period
The efforts are bearing fruit
After the wedding: the secret of marital happiness
What are the ideal relationship? This storm of emotions, feelings, or the volcano is still quiet and safe harbor?
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Candy buketny period
Their meeting was absolutely accidental. On the first day of dating, they spend every night together, do not hide their mad love and otherwise demonstrate their ideal relationship in public. Sweet couple spends almost every weekend in a romantic journey, and then they fast their happy photos in social networks is not embarrassed to add a comment about how marked the anniversary since the first kiss, when and where it happened. After some time, the lovers finishing off control shot envious of friends who every now and then complain about the banal "bored" attitude, his statement about the future wedding. It stormed all bridal salons, but he proudly says that he is happy and ready to get married on the sole. Such relationships are reminiscent of images from glossy magazine, which so passionately dream of every girl.
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The efforts are bearing fruit
In fact, the ideal relationship with the hope of a shared future - is hard work, and above all, the daily work on yourself.
The young man must learn to respect and kindness to his beloved. When a man takes responsibility and makes decisions, he should not be despotism against women. Buy wisdom help the girl modesty and prudence. Therefore, even in the early stages of joint meetings need to pay more attention, not their appearance (most of the girls descend unimaginable amounts of money and a waste of time in the hope of action by all the well-known saying "men love with their eyes"), and the development of those qualities, habits and abilities, which are then useful marriage.
When each of you to "tune" the quality of his character, it is necessary to understand the "Sounds" you in unison, that is, whether you come to each other? It is important that both partners have common beliefs and principles. Mostly compatibility is not determined by how you look and how you are able to adapt to each other. Quite often, loving people argue and disagree. What happens at this point in your couple? you keep mutual respect and calmly discussed the problem or disagreements degenerated into heated debate? Install sample frank dialogue that will allow joint problems, and use the following tips:
do not start a conversation if one of you is tired;
when one says, let the other listening (do not interrupt each other, your spouse must fully share with you my experiences);
friendly talk, do not criticize;
Be flexible and prudent;
take into account the feelings of the partner and show sensitivity;
Expresses its appreciation;
when you are wrong, I apologize.
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After the wedding: the secret of marital happiness
Based finals numerous movies, marriage is a desirable goal. The film ends with the wedding, and the characters live happily ever after. But it happens only in the movies, because the wedding - it's not final, but the beginning of a joint family life. The most important thing - to treat marriage as a union for life. You can not get married with the idea that if something goes wrong, you can always file for divorce.
Is it possible to make family life was strong and happy? Yes, if both parties know the secret of a perfect relationship. He was not kept a secret. And for those who use it in my life, every time it proves to be useful. This secret lies in two keys.
Love - this is the first key. It is important to develop several types of marital love. One of them - it is romantic love between man and woman, the other view - a warm personal attachment to a man, the third type - the love of a sister. If the spouses will develop all of these kinds of love, their marriage will be long and happy.
The second key - this respect. You do not need to act selfish and think only about their own welfare. It should take into account the interests of his partner in life and to respect his dignity. Respect will help the spouses to recognize dissent. The wife should recognize the primacy of the husband to support his decision and express appreciation for the efforts he has made in the implementation guide. In such circumstances, any man would feel "captain of the ship", to take responsibility and act only for the benefit of his wife.
The ideal relationship - it is a manifestation of love and respect for each other.
Using these keys, you can easily open the door to sharing happiness and family life will be for you a safe and secure haven in the days of storms and bad weather.