how to prepare for the new year

Before the New Year there is not much time, but if you're going to meet him at home, be sure to read our tips. The main thing that you need to have - is the energy and a little imagination. Arrange a real Christmas tale!

Christmas tree
 how to prepare for the new year
 The most important attribute of the New Year - a tree. If you do not have a Christmas tree, or you want to decorate your home with a few ornate Christmas trees, we will help you to make their own hands. Everything is done very simply, and the result is very nice.
You will need a sheet of drawing paper (per tree), tape, PVA glue, brush, scissors, decorative mesh flower can be different colors and shades and decorations.
From the sheet of drawing paper cone and turn off completely wrap it with tape, so you can easily remove the grid. Grid best cut into small pieces, so it will be easier to attach to the cone. Start from the top of the cone winding, first you can fix it on the cone pins. PVA glue in a bowl, dilute with water to the consistency of milk. Grid  how to prepare for the new year
   before wrapping can be omitted in a bowl with the glue, and then you can simply apply the adhesive on top of the grid. Apply the grid in several directions, each layer first, let dry and only then proceed to the next. When everything is dry, remove the tree from the base. Inside a Christmas tree garland, place and secure it with pins inside. Decorate your Christmas tree on top of beads, balls, bows and bells that you like best. Your Christmas tree is ready!

Romantic candles
Prepare a small floating candles and conventional transparent or colored glasses. The glasses, place candles and place them around the house. Such a romantic candlelight - an ideal solution for the New Year.

 how to prepare for the new year
 Pay attention to detail
If you invite guests on holiday, do not forget the invitations. Specify the time of, a holiday theme and dress code rules, if such exist. Describe menu.
Each guest will be pleased if you write in the invitation something personal, something others do not.

Tinsel and masks
Arrange a real carnival, come up with some theme for your party, such as a disco or a Brazilian carnival.  how to prepare for the new year
   Preferably in the same category to decorate the house and come up with some appropriate games and activities. Do not forget to prepare the music.

Arrange Competition
Remember as a child you cut snowflakes out of napkins? You may recall the fun and a competition for the best snowflake. Give all participants napkin and scissors and snowflakes come up with for the best gifts, such as candy or tangerines.
You can also arrange a karaoke contest and who knows more Christmas songs. Arrange the charade, give all guests stickers and markers, let them come up to the characters pasted on his forehead sticker and write his neighbor on his forehead invented hero. Member of using suggestive clues to guess - what he was at the game.

A box with a surprise
Before the arrival of the guests please be different colored boxes, small and large, what you like. On pieces of paper  how to prepare for the new year
   write humorous job and place of boxes. Before the arrival of the guests spread out of the box at home in a prominent place, so guests can easily find them. Before the holiday guests tell us that they are involved in comic competitions and then do not be surprised if one of the guests walk through the room wheel - which means that it has found a gift box!

 How to prepare for the New Year?

We strongly recommend to read: Rules Christmas tree ornaments

 melon cultivation


  • Choosing and preparing the land
  • Prepare seeds
  • We grow seedlings
  • Melon planted in the ground
  • Caring for melon

Melons are different ... But they are all well and grow together only in suitable conditions. Because they are not only different, but also capricious. Although the vagaries of their peculiar. But the fact is that the melon, unlike many (if not all) of vegetable crops, are not afraid to love watering and excess moisture. A sort of fan of the Finnish sauna Outdoors: hot and dry. And, of course, she also likes to sunbathe in the sun, that is absolutely not afraid of direct sunlight. Therefore, the southern regions of our vast country are considered the most suitable place for the cultivation of melons in the open field.

It's a shame, of course, the inhabitants of the middle band and northern areas that can not be so simply to take and put the melon in the garden of the villa. But why not? Can! It turns out the cultivation of melons in the open field is possible not only in the south of Russia.

Choosing and preparing the land

This southern Capricious feels comfortable only in the warmed plots, well-sealed from the cold winds. On the preparation of the landing site care must be taken in the fall. At this time, the future melon flower bed dig one bayonet shovels and fertilized with humus at the rate of about four kilograms per square meter. If your site loamy soils, it can be "underfur" a bed for the melon, adding per square meter half a bucket of clean river sand.

Then reserve a bed for the winter with peace of mind, and again in early spring dig it and fertilize with potash and phosphate fertilizers. Proportions and recommendations, see the packages you purchase fertilizers. Just before planting, fertilize the soil for melons rotted manure or special nitrogen fertilizers.

Prepare seeds

Preparation of the soil - is just the beginning of the preparatory period. In addition to the beds, and we need to prepare seeds for growing seedlings. Incidentally, the seeds can not only purchase in a store, but also to prepare their own. Melon seeds behave very strangely. Fresh seeds last harvest grow very strong and sturdy plants, but the fruit of their wait is almost impossible. The fact is, they appear much male flowers and almost no female. Therefore, to guarantee a good harvest and to sow the seeds of two to three years ago.

For sowing the seeds of selected large that it is desirable to treat the special compound, purchased in the store. Increases seed germination, and enriches them with a mixture of trace elements and solutions (0, 05%) of boric acid and zinc sulfate, in which the seeds are soaked for twelve hours.

For the cultivation of melons in Nechernozemie Experienced gardeners recommend tempered seeds. For this purpose they are first dipped into a warm (thirty to thirty-five degrees) the water and then removed and allowed to stand overnight at a temperature of approximately twenty degrees. Then the temperature is lowered almost to zero (but not below!) And kept seeds eighteen hours. After this time the temperature was again raised to twenty degrees. Such hardening is necessary to carry out three times a week before planting the seeds.

 melon cultivation

We grow seedlings

We need to seedlings peat pots (peat or tablet) with a diameter of about ten centimeters. Cardboard or plastic containers can be filled by special purchased ground for the cultivation of vegetable crops and Peat mixture of the following composition: peat and sand in a ratio of nine to one with the addition of ten liters of soil one cup of wood ash.

Before planting the seeds can be soaked for a day and discard "Dummy." Each prepared a pot plant two or three seeds to a depth of about five centimeters. Before the appearance of the first shoots should be maintained daily at not less than twenty degrees, and at night - not less than fifteen

One week after emergence of thinned, leaving potted one strong germ. After the appearance of the third true leaf seedlings pinch, prompting develop side shoots. Groom melon seedlings as well as seedlings and other plants. True to water melon should be moderate and it is necessary to make sure that water does not get to the leaves and stems. In order to prevent blackleg soil in seedling pots sprinkled a layer of dry river sand. Melon seeds sown in the month of April, and after twenty-five days, the seedlings can already be planted in open ground.

Melon planted in the ground

For the cultivation of melons in the open ground on the previously prepared and fertilized beds do wells at a distance of seventy centimeters in length and width of the bed. Seedlings are planted only after the established warm weather and frost bypassed. In the middle zone is the first of June.

The main condition for a successful transplant - cause minimal damage to the root system. Therefore, seedlings planted melons, along with a clod of earth. Before planting, fill the hole with water thoroughly, to make a bit of humus and plant seedlings, not buried stem. The top of the root ball should be slightly above the surface of the wells. Thereafter, the seedlings once again poured and sprinkled with dry soil. For the first day or two the young plants it is desirable to shade from direct sun.

If your region in early summer strong day and night temperature changes, it is possible to protect more immature plants temporary shelter film. These mini-hotbed left on the beds at night and removed in the afternoon. By the way, these devices will save your entry and from the rain that does not like a melon.

 growing melons

Caring for melon

The whole period of cultivation in the open ground melon needs weeding, hoeing, watering and hilling. In addition, you need to whip melon pinch all the time.

  • Loosening

The first two times you need to loosen the aisle at a depth of no more than fifteen centimeters. Then you need to loosen the soil to a depth of ten centimeters, and right next to the plants that you can never do. When the first side whip, melon spud, podsypaya roller to stalk the earth.

  • Watering

How melons melon does not like excessive moisture. Therefore, it should be watered more than moderately. If your cottage on the morning dew falls abundant, it is not necessary to water melon at all. Water the plants in the aisles, trying not to splash water, leaves and whip

  • Topping

The first melon topping conducted at the stage of seedlings. After the adaptation of plants in the open field the main stem pinch again (on the sixth-seventh leaf). At the same time and in the same pinch and side whip. In addition to all the extra shoots removed the flowers and leave no more than three fruit, does not tie a row, but at some distance from each other. It is necessary to carefully cut all non-bearing shoots.

  • Fertilizing

The first feeding of melon in the open field is performed two weeks after replanting. At this point, it fed ammonium nitrate or organic fertilizer (mullein, chicken manure). Next, you need to constantly fertilize the plant every ten days. You can buy a complete fertilizer or watering melon infusions of chicken manure mullein herbs with the addition of wood ash. Fertilizing should be discontinued as soon as the fruits begin to ripen.

Weed beds with melon should be needed. In addition, adjust the direction of the growth of lashes. Once the whip reaches the half-meter length, point it in the direction opposite number, so it does not slipped in Mezhuyev. It is also necessary for each to fasten boards to enclose the fruit that from contact with wet ground melon does not rot.

In general, the cultivation of melons in the open ground is not much different from the cultivation of cucumbers. If you are growing cucumbers in the country, it means that the melon is also able to not only grow, but also to keep up. However, this problem is completely solved, too. Previous until frost melon perfectly ripen at home. Still, better to choose early-maturing varieties of melon cultivation in the open field. But the main thing - to observe only three terms.

  1. Protect planted seedlings from late frosts in spring.
  2. Right form the plants, not forgetting their pinch and remove the excess of the ovary.
  3. To stimulate the growth of plants, carrying out repeated and systematic fertilization.

Actually grow melons in the open field can be almost anywhere, except for the northern regions. But for that, people came up with greenhouses and greenhouses. So go ahead: the impossible is possible!

 Melon - growing in the open field, or Impossible

We recommend that read: Growing watermelons and cantaloupes
