Can you communicate with others? It would seem that the answer is obvious: yes, of course! But often it turns out so that you do not even know about the mistakes made by you in communication. Because of this, there may be difficulties, confusion and as a result, the efficiency of interaction with other people is low.
Of course, better to learn the rules of communication in childhood, when a man like a sponge absorbs all the rules of the external environment. Unfortunately, not always the child's parents are the experts on social norms and can raise a child properly. And it's sad, because the educated man is easier to live in a society, as it easily complies with the rules of conduct in any group. He makes a good impression on the people, achieves success in interpersonal relationships, and that in the modern world - the key to a successful career. Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules of communication in different situations.
Etiquette at work
As you know, every area of life has its own characteristics - just different etiquette in its various aspects. The rules of conduct and interaction of people in the workplace are very important in a professional environment. From them can even determine the success of the major negotiations, not to mention the less important projects. In addition, the etiquette allows you to save time and effort associated with considering his line of conduct, because there are rules that have long been recorded, what should be done.
The basic postulates on which to build business communication, look like this:
Punctuality. There is no greater sin for a business person than the inability to come to work on time or a serious meeting. Nobody likes to wait - especially in the business sector. Therefore, never be late for work, and wherever your punctuality is important.
Restraint. At work, no place for emotional outbursts that sometimes especially hard to accept women. Judge for yourself, what would happen if during a business interaction employee suddenly begins to cry or yell at you because of their own problems. Surely you would not be alone.
Courtesy and tact. Good attitude to man can work wonders. Of course, you do not have to like your colleagues and clients, but the demonstration of a positive attitude in the dialogue at times usually increases the efficiency of your work.
Terms of business communication include such things as a gesture of good manners, the art of proper handshake, the order greetings, etc. ... How to start your every day? On the meeting with colleagues. Do not forget to greet all - just to say hello once per day.
Handshake - a gesture, quite common in the business of modern life, so they should possess in perfection. People shake hands when greeting, dating, greeting, and in other situations. The first arm stretches older man younger woman - man, boss - subordinate. If you are greeted at the same time a few people, the situation should not be allowed "cross" handshakes: in this case, first to each other pulled the woman's hand, and then the men. Serve should be his right hand and his left hand to use only in exceptional cases. Gesture thus should be determined and laid-back. Shake filed arm around her all the fingers. The handshake can be performed in gloves only when they are put on both men.
The situation dating in business circles involves the exchange of business cards, which must be properly designed. First name, last name, company name, position and contact details of the cardholder must be prescribed legible font. The downside cards should be clean - for records. If your work involves contact with partners from abroad, it is better to order individual cards in two languages. Rules of exchange business cards opposite rules handshakes: the first card takes a man older woman - younger.
There are many other aspects of business etiquette worthy of consideration. In particular, the appearance of the person must comply with the dress code of the company or the situation of the meeting. The most common suit of gray, blue or brown. Men should wear a tie, and women - pantyhose, and in any weather. Expensive and flashy jewelry are not welcome. A man must be clean-shaven. Women are instructed to wear strict hairstyle loose hair - bad form.
Of course, all the situations and aspects of business communication is impossible to reach. Protocol Affairs reception of business partners, the rules of communication in a business dinner, classification techniques, rituals related to alcohol consumption, manners managers and subordinates - all these areas are full of tiny nuances that are very difficult to remember. We recommend that you explore these details in the event of such situations in your professional life (almost always possible to carve out fifteen minutes of searching and reading information). A normal working life to use the rule that the head of the corner should always be respect for the people around you.
Etiquette of communication between man and woman
The feeling of love that occurs between a man and a woman, beautiful and amazing. Only on this basis can be built close and trusting relationship between the partners. Unfortunately, in today's world, these relationships are often perceived as a game, which usually leads to the disappearance of respect for each other.
It may appear that in love there must be no etiquette, because it spontaneously. But this is not quite true. If you accept the rules of communication as the framework and some restrictions then the meaning of their existence is questionable. However, based on the occurrence of etiquette is the desire to show respect for your partner and protect it from negative emotions, and in this case it rejects a very necessary and useful.
Male and female roles are inherently radically different from each other. She is associated with tenderness, gentleness, wisdom, mystery and support. Men are also characterized by strength, courage, activity and success. On the basis of these simple laws of developing a loving relationship.
As the girl realize that the relationship between you develop in the right direction? The man almost always manifests insistence on dealing with women. He calls, text messages and says he always agrees on the next meeting. Of course, there are rare exceptions when a guy shows timidity, but it goes pretty quickly. If you are active, constant, it indicates the absence of strong sympathy from him. Men do not like to exercise romanticism and tenderness - except when they are in love. That is why the most striking sign of a positive attitude to be expressive looks in your address, the reluctance to complete communication, as well as a minor offense, if you behave indifferently.
She must support the men love using all sorts of tricks and signs. Sincere embarrassment and shyness wonderful "shade" femininity. To show their sympathy to the man, she tries to look "a million" at every meeting. And, of course, it responds to all that partner offers: with interest listens to his stories, admires the achievements and share its outrage at the unpleasant aspects of life.
But this applies to the deep aspects of your relationship. There are formal and describing the external manners and behavior. In addition to the direct relationship, there are also different situations in which the need to behave in a certain way. So, how to sound rules of etiquette for men and women?
Naturally, love greeting is more intimacy and depth than normal or friendly. Also, it is appropriate to walk down the street holding hands or hugging. This man is on the left of woman. If you have slipped, then your partner should support you. If you have in your hands the heavy things, it should help you to carry them.
If you are traveling anywhere by taxi, the man should going to the car, opened the right rear door, let you and only then sit down himself. From the car, it should come out first and only then to help you. If your man himself drives a car, he first offers to take the front seat, and after that sits behind the wheel.
The room
Before entering the room, it should open the door in front of you and go after him. In the wardrobe of a man must first help the woman to undress, and then take off the robe. Going down the stairs, he always goes for a couple of steps ahead of you, and rising - from behind. Of course, the educated man does not sit in the room before the woman.
Certainly, it is a bad habit, but many of us are exposed to it. If a woman does not smoke, the man should not "smoke" next to it. In extreme cases, it is permitted, but only with the permission of the girl. But in this case it is better to move away from it at a distance so as not to cause a backlash. If you smoke, your partner must first offer you a cigarette, and, of course, to give light.
Terms meal easy to observe. Put the napkin on her lap (not plug it by the collar). Do not bend over the plate - keep your back straight. Do not arrange the elbows - they need to be pushed to the sides. Bread break into small pieces and fill the mouth large portions of food. The last spoonful of soup and a piece of meat is better to leave the plate, rather than trying to pick up. Do not eat with the tip of a spoon or knife. In general, it is better to make mistakes than sitting with a fireplace view, trying to avoid them. When the end of the evening the man pulled the score, you should offer to pay for themselves, but do not insist on this when he refuses.
Etiquette in everyday life
In addition to the culture of dialogue on the different situations, there is also the general rules of etiquette that is appropriate to use in everyday life. A typical day of a modern woman includes a lot of things: familiarity and communication with people shopping trip, a trip on public transport, etc. ... It's great if you know how to behave in every situation.
As for meeting new people, it always starts with the presentation. Here are all of the same basic rules that we described in the part about business etiquette: first is a man or a younger age. In no case can not lead a new person in the company and keep it - say, acquainted themselves. It must be clearly and distinctly to make his name, adding to them a brief verbal response adequate to the situation. For example: "Maria Ivanova, manager of the company" Sun "or" Ira Petrov, chief snowboarder among my friends. " If you want to make a good impression, the dialogue should start with a smile.
The logical extension of any dating is conversation, and there are some nuances. First of all, note that there are topics on which it is accepted and not accepted to talk in the community. Among secular areas include weather, culture, literature, family, children, work, hobbies, interesting events and travel. With rare exceptions, do not talk about religion, politics, money, disease, sorrow, death and conflict. Do not ask the unfamiliar person of his age and his position. An indicator of intelligence is the culture of speech in your words should not be rude jokes, "jargon" words-parasites.
Jokes and jokes should not be "bearded" vulgar and offensive. Even if you think that the other person really is very funny joke, do not laugh loudly, because restraint - an indicator of good breeding. Of course, you can not interrupt the partners in dialogue, as chance would have no conversation. If you persistently interrupted, you should shut up and listen to the interlocutor - do not care if they say two, no one will hear. In general, the most important thing in a conversation - is respect for your partner and courtesy.
Periodically, each of us goes to visit his friends, and here, too, has its own rules. If you are invited to someone back home, find out where it is more convenient to come. Of course, you can not be late for more than fifteen minutes - in any case it is necessary as soon as possible notify the owners. But even worse, if you promise to come and did not come. Not accepted to come to visit empty-handed - it is better to seize the flowers and candy to tea. While finding friends is not necessary to constantly keep an eye on the clock - it can hurt; however, and lose all sense of time, too, is impossible. If your friends have children, you can take her home to them - otherwise it is better not to do. Of course, a visit to behave neat and tidy: no dirty shoes dirty floor, not to spoil things, do not smoke in non-smoking company, etc. ... You all should be easy, nice and comfortable, it's - an indispensable condition for companionship.
Public transport - an integral part of the lives of many of us. Going into the subway, bus, tram or trolleybus, do not stop at the door, so as not to create a pandemonium. The exception is your exit at the next stop. If you need to wade to it from the depths of transport, prepare for it in advance, for a couple of stops. Be sure to yield her seat to pregnant women, passengers with children, the disabled and the elderly. Bags with shoulder should be clean, in order to not disturb others.
Standards of conduct behind the wheel - a different story. The first thing to observe traffic rules and respect other motorists - they are no worse than you, so do not actively push forward and "cut" drivers. And if you miss something, politely blink "emergency gang".
We often complain about the poor service, rudeness in stores and other public places. But the very first thing you need to be polite: skip coming from the building of people take their turn, without trying to get around it, to control the volume of your voice. All these simple things can greatly facilitate our lives, because if everyone would think of others, the world would be a much better and more enjoyable.
We recommend that read: Etiquette communicate by phone