For centuries, the concept of allergy is extremely rare. As a rule, it suffered the people from the high society or of the lower classes. The reasons for this were commonplace - the lowest stratum of the population led a very unsanitary lifestyle, often bordering on the immoral, that essentially gave way the body's immunity. Most higher layers at the same time were inactive lifestyle, which also contributes to immunity, though to a lesser extent.
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Allergies and its definition
Allergies in nature - it is a gap in immunity to any external influence.
The actual harm in 9 out of 10 cases there, but very life miserable attendant factors. Every year the atmosphere is not getting better, safer chemicals, and psycho-emotional situation is calm, so there are new species, which at times can carry very serious trouble.
For example, allergy to ragweed in the initial stage does not bode bad - easy cold, which clogs even colds teas, but if time does not see a doctor, then after 5 years, there are a number of reactions to new allergens that each person individually ( dust, smoke, various kinds of pollen, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, berries, and much more). But how to treat allergies, it depends on many factors.
Immediately identify allergies and point to it for sure without a doctor's examination is almost impossible, but there are some signs that can help in the first stage:
breathing difficult. The reasons for this are different: bronchospasm and mucosal edema
running nose
allergic otitis media (sometimes extinguished by standard means, but quickly returned)
allergic conjunctivitis
itching and redness
If you notice any of the factors should be paid attention to it. In the analysis of the events of the last week to find his rationale, and if not, then it is the first sign to reflect on the causes of the disorder.
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Prevention and Treatment
In today's world every 5th person suffers from allergies, and the reason for this is the normal rhythm of life of modern man. People stopped to eat properly, exposing the body elementary exercise, sleep the right amount of time, and they are constantly passing from sources of magnetic radiation. If you engage in a healthy lifestyle and reduce the seat front of the screen to a minimum, the chance to get an allergy is reduced tenfold.
But if it has turned out that there were suspicions, the first thing you need to see a doctor who can correctly diagnose the cause of allergies, as well as tell you how to treat it. Almost always, doctors prescribe antihistamines. But always there is a note that should limit all contact with allergens.
During the treatment process is another important factor - the need to pay close attention to hygiene, with clearly monitor the amount of used chemicals, which should not be too much.
Typically, even if the allergy is impossible to get rid of (there are some species that are not amenable to treatment), it can be subjected to the development process and stabilize it.
If you lead a healthy lifestyle and at times take the survey, in the future can not be afraid of anything.
Is it possible to become pregnant while uterine fibroids?
How to remove the fibroids during pregnancy planning?
When can I get pregnant after the operation?
Uterine rupture and multiple fibroids
Quite often in women of reproductive age have any questions relating to the possibility of uterine fibroids during pregnancy or after surgery to remove it. It is important to make the right decision about the tactics of each particular patient. Will my uterine fibroids and pregnancy?
Fibroids - benign tumors made up of muscle tissue.
It occurs when the uterine muscle cells actively begin to divide. Medics had not yet fully established, why it happens, but the most likely cause is called hormonal stimulation and increased secretion of estrogen.
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Is it possible to become pregnant while uterine fibroids?
The answer to this question depends on many factors that must be considered:
Localization of myoma node
If there localization myoma node in the cavity or the uterus so that the cavity is deformed, or in the cervix, in this case are not physiologically pregnancy. Sites such locations act as spirals, are a type of contraceptives. Spermatozoa simply remain on the surface of the components and do not reach the fallopian tubes. Consequently, the egg and sperm meet. These nodes should be removed!
With small size and location of fibroids in the uterus itself or outside (subserous localization), in the absence of deformation of the cavity pregnancy with remaining satisfactory conditions may occur. In the case described nodes can plan pregnancy. In the future, though there may be problems, they may be related to child-bearing, but their frequency of statistics is about 15-20%.
If there is a node with a thin stem, during pregnancy there is a risk of torsion, it will lead to emergency surgery and the likelihood of interruption. If you are preparing to become a mother, these nodes should be deleted first.
The tendency to growth of fibroids
If the results of ultrasound and observations fibroid is growing rapidly, ie increases in size to 1, 5-2 times during half a year, planning to become pregnant with uterine impossible. In this case, there is a high risk of uterine growth during gestation, it is possible eating disorders myoma node, increases the risk of miscarriage. In this case, you must first carry out surgical treatment.
The size of fibroids
If large fibroids (uterine size greater than 10-12 weeks. Pregnancy, and in the case of IVF in the presence of fibroids larger than 4 cm), it is not necessary to plan pregnancy, miscarriage and the probability of occurrence of eating disorders during gestation, which can lead to emergency surgery . And pregnancy in this case is unlikely, as 60-70% of these patients found endometrial pathology that makes it impossible for the implantation of the embryo.
Does growing uterine fibroids during pregnancy? Predict the "behavior" of fibroids in this period is not possible. It is a genetic factor. Statistically nodes 65-75% decrease by about 30% and 25-35% myomas during pregnancy can grow, and very rapidly, and as a rule, increase is 100%.
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How to remove the fibroids during pregnancy planning?
The question of the method of surgical intervention in the case of uterine fibroids rather complicated. Laparoscopy, on the one hand, has more advantages, the main of them - reducing the likelihood of pelvic adhesions. Subsequently, it will keep the patency of the fallopian tubes, which is an important factor in the fertilized egg. At laparotomy, the likelihood of adhesion formation is much higher, and their appearance becomes possible in the pelvis and abdomen. In the future it will, in addition to infertility, complications in the gastrointestinal tract.
However, on the other hand, it is considered that in the case of larger fibroids during laparoscopy is not always possible to take in the uterus as desired. It is associated with the laparoscopic technique.
Quality of healing seam on the uterus may vary among patients, and depends on several factors:
Features of the body
Qualities for closure of the uterine scar (scar formation, properly matching stitching in layers)
Thus, the optimal (maximum) amount of nodes for possible laparoscopy patient, plan to become pregnant - 5-6 cm. For sewing in this particular case, the skill of the surgeon. In the case of larger units has developed new technology for the repair of the uterus that allow the wall to strengthen it, but the probability of the risk of rupture of the scar in such a case is always higher.
If you have nodes that are larger than 9-10 cm, the risk of rupture of the scar above the risk of adhesions after laparotomy. Here, surgeons usually refuse to laparoscopy and laparotomy carried out, taking into account the wishes of reproductive females.
The frequency of the formation of adhesions after laparoscopic significantly lower than in the laparotomy (laparotomy). But for large sites myoma, endometriosis and inflammation appendages, genetic features in the postoperative period there is a risk of recurrence of adhesions. According to statistics, the probability of formation of adhesions higher when the myoma node is localized in the uterus at the rear. The reasons for this fact are not presently clear.
If there comorbidities (chlamydia, endometriosis, gonorrhea, and others.) In patients who are interested in pregnancy, after about 6-8 months, a control laparoscopy to assess the condition of the fallopian tubes. The issue of re-operation is always solved individually, taking into account many factors and individual characteristics.
After carrying out a laparotomy on the occasion of the removal of large fibroids, due to the fact that a high probability of forming adhesions laparoscopy control is carried out in most cases, in order to restore tubal patency.
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When can I get pregnant after the operation?
After surgery to remove the fibroids, regardless of the method (laparotomy or laparoscopy), you can get pregnant after 8-12 months, it depends in most cases on the size of the remote node
. With small size (3-4 cm) to plan pregnancy can be eight months. Such restrictions associated with the physiological characteristics of the uterine muscle recovery. Resorption seams on average completely only ends after 90 days of operation. Given that the size of the uterus during pregnancy significantly increased muscle hypertrophy and stretched tight, it is necessary that the healing of the scar was full.
Indications for cesarean section after such an operation are determined individually each time, depending on the size of fibroids, which was removed because This affects the size of the scar from her previous location, from accompanying indications (age of the pregnant, the duration of infertility treatment, the presence of preeclampsia), data from the US seam during pregnancy.
In general, when you remove fibroids up to 3-4 cm, the absence of complications, young age, satisfactory according to US rumen possible to carry out a natural birth.
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Uterine rupture and multiple fibroids
After surgery to remove the fibroids, after a previous Caesarean section, in any case, the presence of uterine scar is likely to rupture during pregnancy. According to some reports the frequency of ruptures is about 6%, but it is not an exact figure.
The probability of rupture is difficult to determine, because it is determined by the individual characteristics of the muscle tissue of the uterus, it is practically impossible to estimate. Patients who have a scar on the uterus, a more attentive attitude in the management of pregnancy, need to continuously assess blood flow in the rumen, his condition requires timely developed a birth plan, advance hospitalization before delivery, etc.
In most cases, fibroids represented by several nodes. The situation with the planning of pregnancy in multiple uterine quite complicated. In several cases, localized in the uterus several nodes of different sizes, and if they are all removed, healthy tissue can hardly stay.
In these cases, only those removed fibroids that prevent pregnancy, i.e. localized so that interfere with the embryo to attach, or sites that have a tendency to rapid growth. After birth, it is already possible to remove the remaining nodes or conduct the removal at caesarean section. Delete all the fibroids in the planning and preparation for pregnancy in case of a large number of inappropriate, because this may adversely affect the very possibility of becoming pregnant, during pregnancy and childbirth.