causes early ovulation


  • How is oocyte maturation
  • Why would a woman know when she ovulated
  • How to identify ovulation

A lot of processes going on in the life cycle including the female body. After all, a woman's ability to conceive is directly related to her menstrual cycle. This ovulatory period is the most significant. Many women are faced with the fact that ovulation is early. What is early ovulation? And what is the cause of premature maturation of the egg?
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How is oocyte maturation

Before answering these questions, you should learn how to ovulate. This is the process whereby mature egg from an ovary goes directly into the peritoneal cavity, from where it is directed into the fallopian tube. After that there is fertilization of an egg, and pregnancy occurs. If it does not, about a day it will die.

Ripening egg every woman is different. In some, it has been observed after menstruation, while others - almost at the end of the cycle. However, most women ovum matures around midcycle. For example, if the woman's menstrual cycle lasts 28 days (the average length of the cycle), the ovulation will occur approximately at the 14th day.

The menstrual cycle is divided into two phases - follicular and luteal. In the first phase the egg matures. In the second phase of developing corpus luteum. Ovulation divides these phases. It is important to note that during the luteal phase in a somewhat stable and lasts for about 14 days, regardless of the length of the menstrual cycle.

Based on these data, we can know the day when ovulation occurs. For the duration of the menstrual cycle it takes 14 days (end). For example, if the cycle is 35 days, it is necessary to subtract 35 from 14, the result will be approximately 21 to 21 day cycle in our example a woman ovulation occurs. If a woman has a short cycle (25 days), the calculations should be carried out by a similar method. From 25 take 14 to yield 10. This would mean that the egg is released into the follicle on the 10th day of the cycle. This method of calculation is called the calendar.

 Ovulation Test
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Why would a woman know when she ovulated

If a woman is using the calendar method of contraception or planning a pregnancy, she should know exactly when her ovulation. It is worth noting that this method of contraception is not reliable enough, as any woman this period is changing very often, sometimes from month to month.

In addition, the mature egg lives overnight, and sperm can survive for up to 7 days.

Therefore, a woman can get pregnant if intercourse occurred within 6 days before ovulation and 1 day after.

Therefore, premature ovulation may be a serious problem for those women who want to conceive. After all, most of them simply do not know such a feature of an organism. When planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to learn to identify the day of ovulation.

Premature ovulation is considered a natural process that occurs in the female body. If early ovulation the egg matures and leaves the follicle already at 8-10 days after the start of menstruation. As a rule, it offensive provoke the following reasons: fatigue, stress, aggravate chronic disease, various diets, bad habits (alcohol, smoking), too active lifestyle.

Factors influencing early oocyte maturation, are very different. The slightest change in a woman affect her menstrual cycle. The maturation of the egg and its exit from the follicle just after menstruation may be due to fatigue, colds, stress, change of climate, diet and sleep. Any bad habit (smoking, alcohol), and certain medications can disrupt the menstrual cycle. Diets and dramatic weight loss can cause that conception does not occur. Often premature ovulation is associated with violation of hormonal background.

 Signs of Ovulation
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How to identify ovulation

Ovulation does not have pronounced symptoms. But if the woman will closely monitor your body for a few months, it will be able to predict the onset of ovulation, including premature. Thus, it will be able to plan their pregnancies. How do you know that your body is ready to conceive? Symptoms may include:

  1. Slightly nagging pain in the abdomen, causing discomfort. In most cases a woman feels it from one side of the abdomen (left or right);
  2. Malaise, mood swings;
  3. Increased sexual desire;
  4. Vaginal discharge becomes heavy and slimy.

Also, a woman can determine the readiness of their own fertility. In so doing, it will help the following methods. In particular, they will be useful for women who are planning a pregnancy.

The first method - measurement of basal (rectal) temperature. It is necessary to measure, strictly adhering to certain conditions. The measurements should be done within several menstrual cycles. The results should be recorded in the temperature graph. This method makes it possible to determine precisely the day of ovulation.

The fact that the basal temperature is dependent on the female hormone. In the first phase of the cycle the temperature is maintained within 36, 7-36, 8 degrees. In the second phase of the basal temperature rises to 0, 5-0, 7 degrees. During ovulation, there is a decrease to 0, 3 degrees.

It is also possible to determine ovulation by ultrasound (follikulometriya). This method allows you to see the mature follicle. Its main disadvantages are the high cost and the cost of free time.

In addition to these methods help identify premature ovulation and special tests based on the change in the number of sex hormones in the period when the egg is released from the follicle. Similar tests respond to high concentration of luteinizing hormone in the urine. Its amount is increased approximately 24-36 hours prior to ovulation.

There is another option that allows a woman to understand that premature ovulation has occurred. To do this, observe cervical secretions. Every woman should remember that early ovulation - it is not a disease, so it is sure to be able to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby. The main thing - do not miss the opportunity.

 Causes of premature ovulation

 cheesy discharge causes


  • Cheesy discharge in genital candidiasis
  • Treatment for thrush and diet
  • Curd vaginal discharge in inflammatory processes and sexually transmitted infections

Vaginal discharge in women considered absolutely normal. The number, color and texture may vary depending on the period of the menstrual cycle, sexual activity, hormonal status and age of the fairer sex. Nature bestowed upon vaginal discharge the important function - they promote the natural cleansing of the genital tract and protect them from all sorts of infections.

If the woman is healthy, then the discharge from her vagina should be transparent (sometimes whitish or yellowish) watery mucus without a sharp odor.

The amount of mucus increases during ovulation.

 symptoms of infection
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Cheesy discharge in genital candidiasis

In the case where the discharge becomes heavy, resemble cottage cheese flakes, accompanied by itching, acquire unusual for them color and sharp unpleasant odor, the lady should see a gynecologist. All these signs indicate trouble in her genital area. Cheesy discharge from the vagina may indicate the presence of serious diseases, but in most cases they are a sign of candidiasis.

Genital candidiasis (in other words - thrush) - a very common disease, it is familiar to 75% of women in childbearing age. The disease is caused by an excessive multiplication of fungi genus Candida - microorganisms that are part of the normal microflora of the mucous membrane of the female genital organs. As long as the amount does not exceed the rate of fungi in epithelial tissues to maintain the natural balance. But if fungal microbes begin to proliferate, whereas the vaginal mucosa becomes inflamed and a woman develops candidiasis.

The main reasons for active reproduction of fungal infection are:

  • pregnancy;
  • long-term treatment with antibiotics and hormones;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • low immunity;
  • holding douching without a prescription;
  • wearing underwear made of synthetic fabrics;
  • swimming in dirty waters;
  • HIV infection or diabetes.

White cheese selection - is not the only sign of thrush. In addition, women are concerned about constant itching in the perineum, discomfort during urination, the occurrence of discomfort and pain during intercourse. Vaginal whites are abundant, can sometimes take on a yellowish or greenish shade. They are characterized by a sharp smell of sour milk.

At external examination gynecologist reveals redness on the mucosa of the vagina and on the surface of the external genitalia, the formation of plaque on them in the form of cheese. If genital candidiasis developed against cervical erosion, while cheesy discharge in women become pinkish from blood clots located therein.

 Diet for thrush
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Treatment for thrush and diet

Thrush is not at risk of life and health, but its presence is extremely unpleasant woman. Constant itching, worse at night and after cleaning the warm water discharge that smells unpleasant and leave white stains on underwear - all this often leads to mental disorders and fulfilling sex life.

Previously, to get rid of genital candidiasis has not been easy, but today it is successfully treated with drugs for local and general action. For example, in mild thrush doctors prescribe their patients vaginal suppositories, ointments and capsules on the basis of Miconazole, pimafutsin, ketoconazole, nystatin and clotrimazole. With advanced forms of the disease to women prescribed medications general action (fluconazole, itraconazole).

In order to quickly and effectively get rid of yeast infection, women should dramatically change their entire diet, and to exclude from it products, promoting the development of fungal infections. These include carbonated beverages, yeast pastries, sugar, coffee, mushrooms, beer, milk, spices and various sauces and ketchup, sweet fruit, all fatty and spicy dishes. Instead, useful to use milk drinks, lean meats and fish, stale bread, bran, whole-grain cereal, steamed vegetables and fresh fruit compote.

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Curd vaginal discharge in inflammatory processes and sexually transmitted infections

Cheesy discharge odorless, painted yellow, are observed in inflammatory processes in the field of appendages, ovaries and fallopian tubes (oophoritis, adnexitis, oophoritis, salpingitis). In the case of an acute course of gynecological diseases of women complain about the appearance of heavy vaginal discharge. For chronic illnesses characterized by flowing forms of scarce education of the same consistency of cottage cheese.

Inflammatory processes in the organs of the female reproductive system are often accompanied by severe pain and fever, but in rare cases can occur without any obvious symptoms. Treatment of this group of diseases is carried out anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic drugs and physical therapy methods.

The white cheesy discharge in women are not only in the genital candidiasis. They also typical for chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma and other diseases, sexually transmitted diseases. This bleach coming from the woman's vagina, are unclear and white or gray color and have a very pungent odor. These diseases are accompanied by itching and burning in the genital area.

To determine the exact diagnosis gynecologist takes from his patient PCR smear and based on the results of laboratory research assigns the appropriate treatment. Until the final decision of a woman to facilitate the diagnosis of unpleasant symptoms are usually prescribed Fluomizin - antiseptic that effectively eliminates discomfort and thus does not affect the results of the analysis.

Yellow curdled whites with an unpleasant odor, accompanied by a burning sensation during urination, and itching in the genital area may be the signs of gonorrhea. If you experience these symptoms, women should immediately appear venereal diseases. Gonorrhea dangerous its complications, leading to irreversible changes in the organs of the reproductive system, so the treatment of this disease is better not to delay. If a patient is diagnosed gonorrhea, the doctor assigns a course of antibiotics, and recommends the abolition of sexual life for the entire period of treatment. Female sexual partners should also treat the infection.

The appearance of abundant green or yellow-green cheesy cables with an unpleasant smell - a sign of trichomoniasis. This disease is transmitted only through unprotected sexual intercourse. Selections corrode genitals, resulting in itching, occurs in women, added to his pain and lower abdominal discomfort during sexual intercourse.

For the treatment of trichomoniasis both sexual partners prescribe Metronidazole or Tinidazole and advise them to refuse sexual relations for 2 weeks. If the disease does not treat on time, then its effects may be infertility, ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage. Some venereologists believe that running trichomoniasis can cause the development of cancer.

It is important to remember that the color, quantity, consistency and odor of vaginal discharge can not be a determining factor in the diagnosis. To find out the true cause of the cheesy cables only after the laboratory examination appointed gynecologist. The sooner a woman to see a specialist, the greater her chance of a full recovery.

 Isolation cheesy cables women
