Excess blood pressure or lowering is known to many people, hamper lead a normal, active life, and which often include the appearance of headaches. But it can occur, and indicates a change in intracranial pressure symptoms, which in everyday life, much less think. This syndrome is found a considerable number of people, attributing their symptoms for other reasons.
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What is know about the intracranial pressure
Our brain, as well as back, inside contains special filled protect it from shock fluid cavity. The fluid is called cerebrospinal fluid and cavity-ventricles. The last of these, fourth, opens into the subarachnoid space surrounding the brain where the cerebrospinal fluid through the vein is drawn, it is in the kidney, and then outputted. The dimensions of the space in normal adults - 130-150 ml, and the daily output of liquor - 450-500 ml. Such cerebrospinal substrate except protection renders the brain pressure which each person individually. Increasing the number of liquor gives increased intracranial pressure, and a decrease in - low. Pressure consider:
normal 10-15 mm Hg. Article .;
at higher (15 to 25) requires treatment;
exceeding 25 mm Hg. Art. It is critical and requires urgent attention.
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What are the reasons for the increase
Intracranial pressure, like blood, is not constant throughout the day and may rise and fall, without affecting our health. Only concern is the persistent change it, necessarily manifesting itself by certain symptoms that should not be ignored, we are talking about our health and the health of loved ones. So you should carefully monitor the state of health, not only to attribute a headache fatigue, weather, or stressful situations, it may be a sign of increasing pressure inside the skull in adults.
Persistent signs of change in pressure inside the skull, if you do not consider meningitis, trauma and tumors, of course, can not appear suddenly, if a person has a flourishing health. So they arose, should always be in the body of some long-term changes occurring that it violated the metabolic processes. They may even become a regular atherosclerosis or disorders in posture.
Physiological causes pressure changes in the adult becomes an increase in the number of liquor due to:
circulation disorders when liquor absorbed into the blood is not enough;
when a lot of fluid in the body, and also released a lot of liquor.
Intracranial pressure in adults can be increased gradually, while the body adapts to it, and the symptoms are expressed implicitly, mingling with the symptoms of other diseases. In such situations, and the high pressure can go unnoticed.
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What characterizes the change in pressure
In order not to miss the "hidden" increase in intracranial pressure, it is necessary to analyze its status by paying attention to these symptoms:
the gradual emergence of a headache when the intensity is moderate, but it "pays" to the eyes, and on waking felt as "bursting" in the head;
pain worse lying down, coughing, when tilted back, that is, when the cranial cavity is difficult outflow of venous blood;
in the morning in place of c pain may appear bringing relief vomiting;
such manifestations are accompanied by "noise" in the head;
eyelid edema appears (with bruises) and face;
pain in the head goes, if lie down comfortably, beating the pillow and straighten the neck (this improves the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid).
With time running out compensatory possibilities, convenient locations become smaller, and people have to take fantastic position to at least partially relieve pain. Then he added:
lethargy and sleepiness or agitation;
visual disturbances (damaged abducens) in the form of strabismus, misting and loss of lateral and central visual field;
Neurological symptoms - disturbances of movement and speech, hearing, smell.
Very high blood pressure appears in the following cases:
cerebral hypoxia;
meningitis and encephalitis;
cranial trauma;
Taking large doses of vitamin A.
We must remember that separately, in itself, does not mean every symptom of intracranial hypertension, it indicates the occurrence of several symptoms at once.
The pressure may be reduced (hypotension) due to injury, vasoconstriction, diuretic therapy drugs without medical supervision. Then the patient seems as if the head is squeezed, "wrap", they can be lethargy and irritability, nausea and vomiting. Raised intracranial pressure - not a disease but a set of signs indicating the occurrence of pathological processes in the body, which is necessary to identify and begin treatment.
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Which makes for a cure
If there is a suspicion that we have increased intracranial pressure, it is necessary, without delay, to visit an ophthalmologist, which when viewed from the fundus determine the condition of the veins, and on his recommendation to pass additional tests. Methods of imaging, ultrasound, x-rays will determine the amount of liquor, the nature of its location and the outflow of venous blood, help to clarify the reasons and the expected pick up treatment. Thus the doctor will take into account the whole clinical picture, including human health. It is important to remember that the treatment is prescribed by a doctor, a neurologist, correctly interpreting the results obtained in the examination.
Treat, of course, you need the underlying disease, but always take the extra steps to feel better. Adults appoint:
drinking regime;
diuretics (eg, furosenid), vascular and sedatives;
nootropics, they will improve the power cord;
corticosteroid agent, in severe cases, for example prednisone;
B vitamins, drinking regime;
massage collar zones;
It can be used on the advice of the doctor and folk remedies. For example, the infusion of mint, parsley, bearberry, clover.
These funds are designated for the symptoms, reduce the amount of cerebrospinal fluid within the brain, improve the flow of blood through the veins, stabilize mood.
All the "facilitating" the procedure may designate only a doctor, it is better to conduct a survey and all the treatment in the hospital complex. If intracranial pressure symptoms and treatment directly related to each other, so that in severe condition and danger to life in ventilated lung surgery. If hypotension treated by stimulating the production of fluid, normalizing the body's electrolytes. If this does not help, then surgically remove the leakage of cerebrospinal fluid, closing the hole.
Be sure to visit a doctor for suspected intracranial pressure, listen to his opinion on the methods of treatment tested.
Cure just folk ways, medicine or homeopathy can not. You can only put yourself at risk of losing time and wait irreversible changes in the body, such as hydrocephalus (decrease brain volume, filling it with liquid), blindness, changes in intelligence. And if you take medication "for the future" and much later the disease will not develop, it does not harm the body is applied as adverse reactions of drugs quickly disappear.
In order to preserve health, you need to listen carefully to the "signal" supplied by our brain. Increased intracranial pressure is very seriously disrupts the body, causing problems in the supply of oxygen to the brain, a threat to life. Our well-being is directly dependent on whether there was an increase in intracranial pressure or not. When normal pressure, then health will be all right.