fear of childbirth


  • The physiological significance of birth
  • Sources fear
  • Customizable on the positive wave

Many women fear the pain during childbirth, fear of getting pregnant or even refuse to have children. This fear an even greater extent than any other, is able to paralyze the thin girl's soul. It is very hard to reassure myself with the thought that, well, all give birth and I face. That is why the question of how to overcome fear of childbirth is one of the most important and discussed in any training courses for childbirth. Not spared him the attention and we are.

The physiological significance of birth

Before answering the question of how to overcome fear of childbirth, you need to understand and realize the principles and the physiological significance of the flow of labor. Having a child into the world - it is a normal process that has a certain periodization Each of these periods approaching women for the meeting with her baby - it must be remembered in the most difficult moments.

The first step - a cervical dilation. It begins with her smoothing - a structural change necessary for the proper flow of labor. On the onset of labor show regular contractions (regular intervals, gradually increasing the intensity of the contractions), which contribute to the disclosure of the cervix and the promotion of the presenting of the head. The main motto of the women in this period - it saves power. If the fight is still weak, it is best to sleep at all and gain energy. It is important during labor is a feeling of internal heat - it can be created with the help of hot tea, wine (yes, the new mother can skip a glass or two!) Or something tasty. You can also soak in the hot tub when I can not sleep.

Gradually smoothing the cervix moves during active labor, and women tend to evaluate this transition as subjectively more severe and unpleasant. The pain is worse, because contractions become more frequent and intense. This is due to the fact that your cervix is ​​more and more stretched (as well as your muscles during stretching exercises - painful, but not critical enough and tolerant). In order to alleviate their condition, you can:

  • Relax. During the immediate struggle, the woman may experience involuntary desire to strain - this is due to the experience of pain. But it amplifies it, and relaxation, conversely, decreases. So try as if internally "let go" of her stomach.
  • Correct breathing. It promotes relaxation and the flow of oxygen to your body (and it is very necessary for you and the baby). At the beginning and at the end of the bout takes a deep breath, and at the peak of the intensity, try to breathe two times slower than normal.
  • Adopt the correct posture. Considered the most physiological upright posture (standing relying on a husband or a chair, squatting and so on ...), but sometimes, it may not be suitable for you. Therefore, in order to facilitate their state to move and try to find the right pozu.Sluchaetsya the woman during labor provides an incredibly bizarre movements.
  • Move more. Firstly, it will distract you from the battles (and they can last for a long time - so much so that you can even get bored), and, secondly, because really it is easier to carry the fight: you are in an upright position, and it facilitates the process of cervical uterus.

Generally, during labor can comfortably go through the house; there you will not be tugging, once again inspect or stimulate. You can do some chores or just relax, which will certainly contribute to calming and relaxing. Alternatively, you can spend that time with family and friends, which is also an important factor of peace and comfort. About the time it is better not to think, if you take a minute and expect that everything will end soon, the reality may be a little fool your expectations, there will be an additional stress. So tune in a philosophical mood, and not looking at the clock. But by the end of active labor is better to come to the hospital.

This is followed by a period of transition in the birth canal. The baby's head drops and he starts to prepare for the birth. The objective of this period - to reveal the cervix from seven to eight centimeters (which led active fight) to the diameter of the child's head. The feeling is very painful - a woman as if bursting from the inside, coupled with a very strong, though premenstrual pain. But this pain is that almost all the way passed, there is not much work - and here it is, the meeting with your child!

The next period - is the period of the expulsion of the fetus. Many women are afraid to do that, as in the movie at such moments a woman looks the worst. But do not forget that this is the shortest time period - from an hour to two primiparous and from five minutes to an hour with the second and subsequent birth, and it is usually accompanied by an altered state of consciousness. During attempts births require you to not only the patient, but also a huge amount of effort. It is because of this birth is called heavy physical work. A woman has to make an effort, and as much as possible and correct - then increases the efficiency and reduces the time attempts. And finally there is the baby's head, and it is - the moment of greatest happiness in the life of any woman!

 how to overcome fear of childbirth

Sources fear

The woman never afraid of childbirth as such: the question of how to overcome fear of childbirth tormented her only in the case when there is the fear of something deeper or hidden reason. And when even a little fear has arisen in her mind, women (especially pregnant and overwrought hormone) tends to inflate and exaggerate it to an enormous size. Consequently, in her fear of the future he appeared before her as a huge monster, which is not so easy to handle. Therefore it is better to intercept him at the stage of conception. So, we offer you a list of the most common causes of fear of childbirth.

  1. Pain

    Surely you have seen on the Internet speech that during childbirth a woman feels the pain up to 57 del (a unit of measurement of pain), which is similar to twenty simultaneous fracture bones. It is possible that this is so, but in reality, things are not so bad. A woman's body is adapted to the maximum the pain, because women bear children for thousands of years, when there was no anesthesia at all. It is possible to determine in advance how much pain you will experience as much as possible and try to get rid of it: there are very effective methods of natural pain relief, well, and epidural anesthesia in case of emergency. Every woman has a sensitivity threshold. If it is low, you will not feel any pain, and even, perhaps, enjoy. If the sensitivity is high, it is very important during childbirth take the right posture, breathe correctly, and most importantly - do not be afraid!

  2. Obscurity

    Point number two in the list of the most common fears of women. Man is so constituted that the uncertainty he feels anxiety. But first birth - this is the unknown: you do not know what will happen, how it will happen and what you feel. Accordingly, the best weapon to combat this fear - knowledge. Try to learn more about what you will - and, possibly, your fear will pass by itself.

  3. Negative experiences

    Sometimes the fear of a second (or subsequent) birth due to the presence in the past experience of the negative experiences associated with childbirth. This may be the memory of evil and incompetent doctor, complications of childbirth in the past, the problem with the child, or something else - it does not matter. It is important to properly prepare for the new, and for this it is necessary to analyze the difficulties befell you in the previous sorts: what or who they were related? What are the chances of recurrence in this time? What can you do to avoid trouble? If fear still paralyze you, it is useful to a psychologist who can help you to break away from the traumatic situation.

  4. The lack of readiness for motherhood

    Sometimes the influence and psychological problems. If the expectant mother, in principle, is not ready to have a child, and subconsciously afraid of it, the body will do its utmost to try to slow the process of labor, making it painful and long. Therefore, your main helpers - faith in the future and positive emotions in anticipation of the birth of the baby. And then do it!

  5. Fear look ugly

    Oh, this woman's desire to always be attractive! Unfortunately, it is difficult to realize it in the process of childbirth. We sweat, we lose blood, and sometimes there are even embarrassments like emptying the bladder or colon. In order to understand how to overcome fear of childbirth in this case, you need to get to the bottom of his nature: why are you afraid to look ugly? This may be due to the pathologically low self-esteem, which does not let you relax for a second. Or are you worried of your appearance because of the fact that you will be giving birth in her husband, and you do not want to disappoint him. In either case, find out the true nature of this fear, and has been working with her.

  6. Fear of dying

    This fear has genetic roots: in the past, when the level of development of medicine was much lower mortality rate of women during childbirth, in turn, was much higher. In memory of those times, some women feel horror when they think about childbirth (especially if they are in the family there were such cases). If you want to overcome this fear, then you should check out the statistics on what percentage of deaths now (who, incidentally, is very small - doctors now have learned to overcome serious difficulties), because of what may be an accident - in general, Armed with the knowledge that is known to be light.

    Customizable on the positive wave

    So, we have understood the causes of fear. Well, what do you do to him? How to beat the fear of childbirth? Psychologists offer women a lot of options that contribute to its calm setting, and in a positive way. First, listen to yourself, or anyone else - if you calmly go to give birth without knowing anything about the process, go and give birth, and do not listen to friends who attend courses for expectant mothers.

    If you still calm when you know what awaits you, try to find as much information about childbirth: record lectures for future mothers, talk to those who have already given birth, read the relevant literature. The more different points of view you soak yourself - better. But try to protect themselves from negative information. For example, if you're impressionable, the video delivery better not to watch - for the unprepared mentality it may be too strong stress.

    Learn to relax and distract from all unpleasant. Overcome fear of auditory training can help you: a few times a day, repeat the various life-affirming setting - the ones you like the best. It would not be superfluous, and visualization technique. Close your eyes, turn on soft music and imagine the details of your generations: how to start fights, each of which brings you to a meeting with the kid, as he prepares to enter the outside as you tuzhites and help him and how he is born. Periodically dive in this remembrance, and delivery will be to you something intimate and quiet.

    Well, the most important thing that can help you overcome the fear of childbirth - is the next setting: childbirth - is hard work, but you work, helping born another person - your baby. In fact, you promote the greatest miracle in the world - the process of birth. Feeling the pain, think about how hard and scary to him, and how difficult his job is multifaceted. Transfer the child positive emotions - it was his first encounter with the real world. This, like so much else in life, it is important to live from beginning to end, it is to live together with the child. We guarantee you that as soon as you stop thinking only about himself and submit your baby, fear of decline, and may even be completely lost.

     Fear of childbirth: how to get rid of it?

    We recommend that read: Preparation before delivery
