how to deal with laziness


  • Classification loafers
  • Universal ways to deal with laziness

Oh, this laziness - and how to fight it? Perhaps no man in the world who would once in my life did not suffer from this disease. We're not talking about a temporary fatigue when doing anything is not possible, but a state of mind where all the goals fade the temptation to another hour to sleep in a warm bed or even absent from work, lied about imaginary illness.

Although you are not so far from the truth when referring to superiors disease in the hope that you will go to the hospital. Scientists have proven that laziness - it is a disease. But it is not a physiological and psychological nature. Simply put, laziness - it is a disease of the soul. And in order to determine how to deal with laziness, it is necessary to find out why there is an unfortunate reluctance to do anything.

 laziness how to fight it

Classification loafers

  • Laziness physical

So periodically suffer from illness almost all inhabitants of the planet. Especially in late winter, when not enough vitamins and vital potential of the organism is reduced. A person becomes sluggish, sleepy and lack of initiative. No wonder labor productivity in manufacturing and the overall performance of pupils in the school drop with the onset of cold weather.

However, this disease is easily treated by taking vitamin or a standard cup of strong coffee in the morning that will help cheer up.

  • Disorganized laziness

This type of person he is suffering from his illness, as averse to move mountains and succeed. But he does not know how to do it. Man putting a goal, simply does not see ways to achieve it. Or see too many opportunities and rushes from side to side and not having achieved its goals. As a result, the goal and purpose is, efforts are unappreciated, and the man himself branded a slacker.

Meanwhile, beat the unorganized simply laziness. To do this, select the position, where all responsibilities are clearly itemized and you will not need to come up with its own plan of action. And, of course, need to develop samorganizovannost: set up an diary in which every morning burn plans for the day, perform all the promises and punish yourself if you missed something because of their own laziness.

  • Laziness of boredom

It happens at a time when a person is no longer interested in the world around us. Everything seems bland, boring and banal. In this case, one habitually running in circles (work - home - home - work), and someone drops his hands and plunges into the abyss of laziness. This man no longer see the point of achieving some goals. He just is not interesting to live.

How to deal with laziness boredom? Diversity. If you are defeated longing - take a vacation, buy a ticket to some exotic country and leave from their usual environment for a while. A change of scenery is usually a beneficial effect on humans. You can not go? There are lots of other ways to shake things up. Skydiving, extreme driving, major repairs in the apartment (those who have passed this stage in life, would agree that the repair is equivalent to an earthquake. There can be no laziness!).

  • Fear of responsibility

The most destructive lazy - when a person is scared to do anything. Fear of failure is much stronger than the joy of achievement. Usually this illness can "boast" the people in childhood greatly patronized parents. Mom and dad just did not allow a child to act independently. And when the son or daughter is still resolved to some action, parents criticized the results. Why such care? Just subconsciously mother and father did not want to have their baby has grown. They instinctively understand that the longer a child will depend on them, the more time fathers live in the house.

Destroy irresponsible laziness is difficult. To do this, you must get rid of the children's complex and excessive parental care. And if the first paragraph could handle a good psychologist, the loving mother to show resistance may have arisen at the request of her child to become an independent person. Therefore, we recommend patience and determination.

  • Fear of difficulties

This laziness is somewhat similar to the previous one, but it occurs in a milder form. Man is capable of doing, but can not take on a major project in every way delaying the start of work. He's doing a thousand little things that could make other people, and the most important thing is real. And the problem is not in the natural laziness of man, and in the elementary fear of possible difficulties. Moreover, the larger the project, the more difficult it is for him to take.

How to deal with laziness, which grows out of fear? Break large goal into smaller ones. We need to write a thesis? Divide it into chapters mentally and persuade myself to write this week introductory part. Then the next piece of work and the next. Believe me, step by step to cope with the large project much easier.

  • The love of idleness

This laziness is the most deep-rooted and shameless. Man happy immersed in watching your favorite TV series, knowing that money to bring food husband and a child from the school will grandmother. An idle life is sometimes so addictive that people stop doing even the most elementary. For example, washing the dishes or lay ironing.

A favorite proverb of the slacker becomes a "work - not a wolf in the forest will not escape." She really will not run away, but looks longingly in the form of dirty corners and dirty windows. If we talk about women's laziness, it often catches the defenseless victim on maternity leave. The child has grown up on the job is not yet settled. You can devote time itself. But in the end the days fly by and to a complete standstill, reminding each other.

If you are defeated fiat laziness and you do not know how to fight, we'll show you what to do. Arrange to work. Chief, you do not say we deserved rest, because three years have looked after the child. And you will not be able to bribe a pale face. Though through force, but you have to get up early in the morning. You will see, it may take a week or two, and laziness as the arm lift.

 lazy and how to fight it

Universal ways to deal with laziness

"What is lazy and how to fight it? "- You think, when you realize that one day you walked past. And if the first part of the question we are quite well understood, the latter still requires its answer. There are plenty of options that should look like a struggle with laziness, and each of us will probably have to choose your own the most efficient. Try?

  1. Reward

    Try to encourage yourself something of an unpleasant job done. For some, the reward can be chocolate. For someone - going to the movies. You can change the way of remuneration in order that they do not become boring. Especially when it comes to chocolate. Moreover, the larger the volume of work done, the better to be the prize. And then gradually formed in your brain communication "work - reinforcements", and it is possible that the chocolate you in the future is no longer needed.

  2. Always start with the most difficult and unpleasant things

    In the morning, when a lot of strength and energy, it is best to "crush" the largest amount of work that you do not want to. Just do not be fooled, coaxing, I now make that easier, the mood, and after'll take the complex. Grasp at once, or over small things take place day and you do not have time again.

  3. Plan

    A very effective method. And it helps not only lazy, but also hardworking people, cluttered work. The more carefully you rasplaniruete the day, the time to do more things. Write to plan in advance, from the evening to the morning schedule was ready. Firstly, in the evening you have time to remember all of the planned business. And secondly, in the morning you will certainly find for himself any excuse for not including a pair of points in the schedule. When planning, do not forget that doctors are advised to alternate mental and physical labor. Oh, and do not forget the small five-minute breaks for "lazy."

  4. Arrange competition

    Nothing is able to deal with laziness, the spirit of competition. Argue with a girlfriend: who will write the first degree. Or which one of you will get a perfect score on the exam. In any other case, to lecture you would be lazy. But before his girlfriend is awkward! And most want to prove that you are if not better, then at least, no worse than second argumentative.

  5. Take on the table

    Very often gather his thoughts prevents pile "necessary" papers on the table. Take a little cleaning. At the same time, and to work to adjust. Incidentally, this applies not only to the table, but also the entire workspace as a whole. And the appearance of order is able to add energy and tone.

Sometimes he thinks he is quite lazy energetic and successful man. Again and again he loads himself with work, complaining that nothing succeeds. In this situation, it is not about laziness, but of workaholism. These people are struggling with "laziness", whereas they have to deal with him, forcing himself even sometimes distracted from work.

In addition, laziness is sometimes very useful. No wonder it is called the engine of progress. Someone bothered to wash the laundry by hand? Coined washing machine. Tired of walking? Come in your car. Therefore, asking the question of the fight against laziness, think: do we need to get rid of it? Or life just pushes you to the next great discovery?

 How to deal with laziness?

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