fear of people


  • Fear of people: Causes
  • The symptoms of social phobia
  • How to get rid society of intolerance?

Our society is entirely tied to communication. Successful person is prescribed to be an active, communicative and easy-going. Fear of people or social phobia, does not fit this ideal image. Statistics inexorable: about five percent of the adult population of the world are familiar with this sad disorder. How do I know you have this phobia? What are the causes and symptoms? How to get rid of it? Find answers to your questions in this article.

Fear of people: Causes

It is natural that when speaking of any phenomenon, you want to know where he got the "grow legs". Some psychologists adhere to the version that fear of humans - is far-fetched modern society phobia. They say that when a person has something does not work, he hangs the label "social phobia" and with peace of mind denies the possible beginnings. But that's just it explains the behavior of young people and adolescents, but not mature personalities who, nevertheless, are held captive by his own fear. What factors influence the occurrence of this disorder?

  • Anatomy and Physiology

    Currently, there are several versions of health care related to social phobia. Some scientists believe that the reason a genetic predisposition to an intense experience of fear, which could be passed from parents. Others suggest it's all about violations by the structure of the nervous system that cause an imbalance of hormones in the body. For example, a lack of serotonin may be involved in the manifestation of social phobia.

  • Character

    Even as a child can be observed that all people behave differently. Some are calm and silent, while others are constantly "on the rampage." They are outgoing, sociable and feel "like a fish in water" among the new guys. Future social phobia usually differ anxiety, secrecy and reluctance to be separated from his mother. It is necessary to try to talk to them - and fifteen minutes of hysterical weeping you provided.

  • Taunts from others

    Unfortunately, it happens often enough that a modest and shy child is faced with a lack of understanding of their peers, and sometimes teachers. Fear of appearing ridiculous and awkward amplified by the negative reactions of others, which further increases their agressiyuvnost. So a vicious circle, as a result of which the child becomes an outcast.

  • Prolonged stress

    It is not always the phobia is associated with communication is psychological trauma. The psyche of the child is such that, when it can not cope with too heavy for him the circumstances in a particular area "gets out" negative symptom. But as a rule, these stresses are related to the lack of support and an inferiority complex.

  • Parental overprotection

    When the couple a child is born, they wish him the best. And very quietly pass a simple line between care and overprotection. What is it expressed? The constant calls the child on the phone, a pile of rules and regulations, sometimes completely unnecessary, hard daily routine and other restrictions, masquerading as the idea of ​​"We wish you well" or "you should grow a good person." All this gives the child in its entirety to get in touch with the real world, as parental actions distort his perception. And subsequently in relation to reality in the child develops phobia.

  • The lack of social skills

    If we talk about some limitations, they somehow depriving the child the opportunity to acquire important and useful experience, especially in dealing with others. For example, a mother who does not offend his other children, without even knowing, depriving his ability to stand up for themselves and to protect their borders. Because this experience is very small compared with other people, have grown up child does not have an adequate understanding of the norms of behavior in society, especially on the informal.

  • Lack of love

    Too many problems in human life "grow" from the banal nedolyublennosti child's parents. He subconsciously growing sense that the world is hostile and the people who inhabit it always humiliated, offended, repulsed. Naturally, he tends to avoid such negative experiences, and this fear is generated from a phobia.

  • Imitation parents

    Another reason why some people are afraid to communicate. As the child grows and develops? He looks at parents and uncritically assimilates their manners, attitudes, attitude to the world and behaviors. If the parents are reserved and reclusive lifestyle, are wary of new people, and communication is not for them joy and a source of stress and problems, then it is likely that the child will inherit their worldview.

  • Violence

    In any kind of reason, and it becomes the source of many personal problems. Mind resembles clay, which leave traces all more or less significant events of our lives. If a person has gone through violence, it is now all the people will be seen as a potential threat. Any phobia, including those relating to people, violent color bloom on this basis, as energy, which carries the psychological trauma such as violence, is very, very strong.

 people fear phobia

The symptoms of social phobia

In general, it is now fashionable to use serious psychiatric terminology in use. Everywhere you can hear words like "depression", "phobia", "nonsense", etc. ... But each of them is hiding something or other mental disorder or borderline! Naturally, our readers are interested in specific symptoms based on which it can be concluded about the severity of a condition. So how evident this phobia?

The symptoms of social phobia are divided into mental and physical. Naturally, the latter is a reflection of the first. At the heart of the whole complex is the human desire to avoid situations that are perceived by them to be critical. These are all situations that require communication: the answers to questions of strangers, public speaking, going to cafes, exam, etc. ... All of this causes social phobia, extreme anxiety.

He also has a special personality traits. Social phobia is very afraid of criticism, with both objective and subjective. This is due to the fact that it has an extremely low self-esteem. It is characterized by severe shyness, because he sometimes can not utter a word in the presence of strangers. His thoughts peculiar to a particular obsession, thanks to which they are constantly reduced to playing the alarm situations that "threaten" social phobia. All this is further complicated by the fact that he is trying to conceal its concern and "handicap" from other people. Naturally, this only leads to an increase in symptoms.

But this is rarely realized person who has this phobia. First of all, he suffers from bodily manifestations disorder. Almost always appear so-called "clips" in the voice and in the chest. They are related to the above concern, which sometimes develops into an animal fear. It also manifests itself in the form of a tremor in the hands, heart palpitations, muscle tension and stiffness, dry mouth and sweating. There may be dizziness and headache. A person sometimes changed temperature sensitivity, leading to a sharp sensation of cold or heat.

Accordingly, the fear of the people can manifest itself as a more or less pronounced personal fear or phobia. In the first case the symptoms described above are simply less intense, or some of them may be missing. At the same time, in the second embodiment, there is a serious problem, manifested in the loss of human life from the public. All these symptoms lead to the fact that the poor social phobia simply ceases to leave the house! Well, or trying to do so only when absolutely necessary. Of course, the question can not be a happy, or at least a normal life.

 phobia is the fear of people

How to get rid society of intolerance?

People who have seen it a phobia, not just discomfort in communication, seek help from a therapist. The fact that the self-borderline mental disorders can have very unpleasant consequences. The doctor very carefully and correctly establish the diagnosis by verifying that you have a phobia of it, and not something else, prescribe adequate medication and select the appropriate method for your specific therapy.

Phobia, including those associated with the fear of the people, can be adjusted within a wide variety of psychotherapeutic approaches. Psychoanalysis, in particular, runs very deep and allows you to first understand all of their "weak" places, and then reconstruct the personality with the purpose of improving the quality of life. Unpleasant symptoms in this case go away by themselves. Sometimes therapists resort to methods of rational psychotherapy, clearly showing the patient what is the destructiveness of their thoughts and vital installations. Proponents of the Gestalt approach, guided by feelings and human experience, allowing him to find areas where there is power, and reset it. Thus, the skilled artisan will be able to work with you in the way that suits you and your resources.

However, if you notice that you have not a phobia, but the habit, begins inconvenience, you can resort to the help of psychological recommendations offered below:

  1. Do not demand too much from yourself

    This is the factor that enhances the already unpleasant condition. Psychological correction need to be addressed gradually, otherwise it will cause harm instead of relief. Listen to yourself and your feelings, relying primarily on them and not on instructions from the outside.

  2. Analyze your situation disturbing

    Most likely, they can find something in common, and that is it - a clue to the problem. You can try to apply the metaphor when describing the situation - perhaps she will show the hook that catches every time and gives you easy to communicate with people. When you find, it will be easier to prove to herself that things are not as bad as you thought.

  3. Avoid negative experience. Man is so constituted that, with any setting (eg, hostility), he unconsciously doing everything to prove it

    But you're not a machine! Receiving a confirmation of his views, you are more and more strengthened in them, and it is necessary, on the contrary, to be disappointed. Therefore, try to organize themselves around such situations, to communicate with people in them brings you a joy and benefit.

  4. Increase self-esteem

    Social phobia is often associated with low self-confidence. Get into the habit several times a day to praise himself for anything. Make a list of the advantages and attach it to a mirror in which you are constantly watching. Enjoy and indulge yourself, even in small things.

  5. To master techniques of relaxation

    Any phobia based on the fear that, in the first place, causing muscle tension and clips. So do "approach from below" and learn how to get rid of anxiety by using relaxation. It may be associated with meditation, immersed in happy memories, massage, random muscle relaxation, etc. ... Select the method that you like most of all - and more!

In no event it is impossible to think that the problem will be resolved by itself, but the fear and distrust of the people will be held in one day. Therefore, work on yourself and take care of your mental health, because it is without it you will never be happy and successful!

 Fear of people: all you need to know social phobia
