Interview at employment becomes stressful for many people. Well, what a sadist I came up with this stupid test? It is better to let a person to work and evaluate his work in fact - could then manifest itself in all its glory. Unfortunately, employers are not satisfied with such a prospect: they want to advance and cost can test them one or another candidate. That is why the personal meeting and the conversation with potential employees in the modern world - this is normal. How did it happen? What to include? These and many other questions you will find answers in this article.
The objectives of the interview
The interview as a phenomenon exists in our world for a long time. Even in ancient China carried out activities whose purpose was to assess the suitability of a candidate for the position or not. Job official was very prestigious, and, accordingly, the contenders for her was the sea - that's needed tool to help you find the right person, and to weed out unsuitable.
But this idea was used not only to the Chinese. Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, Russia and later periods - almost all times, people somehow come up with their own ways of professional selection. Some of them were quite bizarre; for example, Peter the Great took away to his retinue extremely hard drinking boyars.
In today's interview is more or less standardized. As a rule, it is a meeting and a conversation with a potential employer (or a recruiter representing his interests) about the open position. His goal - to get to know each other, to assess the compatibility and specify the details of possible cooperation. During the meeting, the employer asks questions about education, experience, knowledge and skills of the applicant. Often the interviewer interests and personality of the candidate: life goals, values and aspirations, plans and character traits.
The structure of the interview
It so happens that the interview is not limited to only the questions that many employers prefer to use tests and cases for objective assessment capabilities of the applicant. They can be both professional and psychological. By the way, the Labour Code of the Russian Federation does not regulate the procedure for testing: it is not compulsory, but bans it does not exist. So you can refuse to participate in the test, but your chances of being accepted to work significantly reduced.
The structure of a typical interview includes the following steps:
Its setting is important for both sides. The task of a recruiter is to the applicant at ease, and began to "open" it. The task of the candidate - to make a favorable impression on the interviewer specialist. Typically, this step consists of dating, and any common phrases.
Direct interview
Applicants must answer questions relating to his professionalism and personality, as well as solve a number of manufacturing jobs. This is the most important stage - often from him is largely dependent on the decision on hiring.
Talking about the company
During the five-twenty minutes the interviewer tells the applicant the main facts about the organization: work, structure, organizational culture, psychological climate. He also reveals the essence of the job, clarifies responsibilities and details are not listed in the ad.
Questions Jobseekers
Candidates for the post are given the opportunity to ask questions. If he had something he wanted to or not clearly specify any conditions for future work, now is the time to ask. This step is important to consolidate the views of the parties to each other.
The final stage
The applicant and the recruiter to discuss the algorithm for further cooperation: who to whom and when call. It happens that, if the applicant has made a very good impression on the employer (especially if he personally conducted the interview), he immediately reported the results. But for the most part, the parties agree to phone after some time and tell each other about the decision regarding the vacancy.
Many large companies prefer to use a multi-stage interview first candidate meets with a recruiter, then the psychologist, the head of department and the CEO. His candidacy also checks the security service - in the modern world without it anywhere.
Types of interviews
Every day recruiters come up with a way to assess the business and personal qualities of candidates. That is why there are so many different kinds and types of interviews. They differ from each other for different reasons: the format of, the structure and functional component.
The format of the interview can be massive, and individual remote. The mass interview conducted employees of the organization with several candidates. Typically, this option is used in the selection of low-skilled staff (including vendors), since there is not much time for contacts with the candidates, and the employer is interested in the mass coverage of the target audience. Individual interviews conducted with only one candidate for the exact designated time (for example, twelve hours) or at some period of time (for example, from twelve to three). Distance can be a telephone interview or videosobesedovaniem. Often this preliminary stage of the selection of staff, but in some cases it may be the only one.
The structure of the interview can be:
This is one of the most common species. It is used for several reasons: either the person conducting the interview, there are no special skills or selection criteria are minimal, and the employer is not a serious need for closer study of the career biography of the applicant (which, again, often in recruitment to lower-level positions). This type of interview is very similar to a mere acquaintance of two people, but most of the time the candidate tells about himself. The employer determines how he wants to work with the applicant, as the vzhivetsya the team, etc. ... - In general, it uses informal criteria.
In this case, compared to the level of professional knowledge and skills of the applicant to the level stated in the requirements for the job. This option is probably the most common, because all these competencies are necessary for a person to be able to carry out their work in the office to which he aspires. We analyze all the information on the candidates: where and by whom he worked, what were his achievements and problems in a previous, what difficult situations he allowed what conclusions he did. In this case, however, use all kinds of tests, questionnaires, surveys, tasks, etc. ... Most often, such an interview conducted by the personnel manager or head of department.
Very bad method, which is known to every applicant, at least once to experience it in its "skin". To use it in their practice have to be a high level. Candidate for the post enters the artificially created interviewer stressful situation, so that his behavior is evaluated in terms of irritation, that is, resistance to stress. And the HR manager should not just have fun looking at the suffering unfortunate competitor, and subtly combined stressors of different levels. Infamous candidates because of the misuse by some employers.
Finally, the functionality can be identified sift, qualifying and final interview. These types correspond to the stages of professional selection. The first is to sift the interview, whose main task is indicated in the name - frankly reject unsuitable candidates and random, frankly do not meet the requirements of employers. This usually involved recruiters often by telephone.
The second stage - a screening interview. It was at this point estimated basic information about the candidates: education, experience, motivation, expectations, salary, personal and professional qualities. The number of meetings may be different and depends on the number of candidates who passed the sieve filter, as well as the number of people employed at this stage. The overall result is usually a selection of multiple applicants for the position admitted to the final stage of the selection of personnel.
Final interview - this is the final stage. If the "finalists" were few, it is using the interview takes place the final decision on hiring the right person. But it also happens that the solution to this stage, only one competitor, in this case, the interview is formal - rather, there is little input received in the office of an employee, with an explanation of some working moments.
This was the main characteristic of such events as the interview when applying for a job. The information in this article can be useful to everyone who is going to work or are already engaged in this. Work places are changing, and the personnel manager is now a very common type of professional activity. And in order to be prepared to communicate with him, you need to understand what the interview, and "what it eats."
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