camphor oil for healthy hair


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Camphor oil for hair has been used to care for them because of their valuable properties that have a positive effect on the scalp and hair condition.

Camphor oil is extracted from camphor wood (all parts). It grows the tree in Japan, Taiwan and China, and it is grown specifically for industrial purposes in Ceylon and East Africa. Each part of the camphor tree is made up of oil-cells, and the largest amount of oil contained in the bottom of the barrel. And it is extracted from the wood and roots of the tree.

The oil is very successfully used in cosmetics, medicine and life, it has healing and regenerative properties. Very good to use it in the care of withered, weak and damaged hair.

Camphor and is used for the care of eyelashes. To lashes become more flexible and quickly grew to be mixed in equal proportions castor oil and camphor. And every night, apply this mixture on the lashes with a clean brush from the carcass or a cotton swab. The result was not long in coming.

By improving blood flow locally, oil normalizes metabolism and restores the health of hair. As a result of increased supply of nutrients and oxygen to the hair roots last become more healthy appearance, improving their structure.

Camphor nourishes perfectly moisturizes the scalp, thus avoiding the appearance of dryness and section hair. The latter becomes obedient and gentle. Another derivative of camphor tree anti-inflammatory effect which makes it appropriate to use at inflamed scalp.

It is recommended to use oil in the brittle, greasy hair and hair loss. It is used in cosmetics in the care of hair in the form of a shampoo or a mask. For different types of hair shampoos using camphor should be different.

 mask with camphor oil
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Shampoos home

Preparation of a shampoo for oily hair

You must beat 1 egg yolk and gradually add the 2 tablespoons of pure water. Then the mixture is added 0, 5 teaspoon of camphor. Cooked shampoo wash his head while rubbing it into the skin for 3-4 minutes massaging movements. The mixture is then washed off with warm water.

Preparation of shampoo for dry hair

As a rule, a derivative of camphor tree is used in the case of oily scalp, but there is a recipe for shampoo and dry hair. But there are limitations to the use of the shampoo. It is necessary to apply it is not constant, about 5 times, and then shows the other reconstructive procedures. The indication for the use of shampoo is irritated and damaged, overdried scalp. A shampoo of 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of almond oil or burdock, 5-6 drops of camphor and 3-4 drops of essential oil of tea tree. All this is mixed and wash the head. It is desirable to hold a gentle massage of the scalp at the roots of the hair for 3-4 minutes. Wash off shampoo with warm water.

 the use of camphor oil
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Masks at home

Mask for hair loss and stimulate their growth

1, lemon juice mixed with 1 teaspoon of camphor oil and rubbing in the form of heat to the hair roots, and then distributing them throughout. The mixture was kept on the head at least 35-45 minutes, covering to enhance the effect of the polyethylene cap and towel. In the absence of allergic reactions can leave the mask and at night. Shampoo wash it under running water. Course application - 13-15 treatments on a daily basis.

Nourishing Mask

There is a recipe for nourishing mask with the addition of camphor, which strengthens the hair and stimulates their growth. Such a superior effect is achieved by the combination of oils essential and vegetable (camphor, essential Bey, sesame), hot pepper tincture (stimulates blood circulation) and the impact of soft egg yolk.

The principle of the preparation of masks: first, whisk yolks and add the sesame and 5 drops of essential oil Bay. Shake the components in the mixture was added 1-1, 5 teaspoons of tincture of burning pepper and 0, 5 teaspoon of camphor oil. The resulting mask is rubbed into the hair roots. Then wrapped his head with polyethylene and top with a towel. The mask must hold 35-45 minutes, then rinse hair with shampoo under warm water. The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a week general course 11-12 masks.

Mask restores permed or painting

We need to take a few pieces of dried up a little rye bread, break them into pieces and soak for 10 minutes in the water. Then slightly warmed bread and water pour 1 teaspoon of camphor. Apply the mask should be on dry clean hair, and the slurry is uniformly distributed along the roots and throughout the length. Wrap the hair in foil and a towel. Withstand the mask 35-45 minutes and washed with warm water. It is advisable to repeat this procedure 2-3 times a week for a month.

It is necessary to make quite a bit of effort, using camphor oil in hair care for their wellness and nutrition, and in gratitude they will surprise their obedience and attractiveness.

 Shampoo and mask with the addition of camphor oil

 castor oil for hair


  • Is it useful to castor oil?
  • Advantages and use of castor oil

Castor oil is naturally derived from the seeds of castor beans or. It is usually thick and either completely devoid of color or has a pale yellow color. Historically, castor oil is used in almost all over the world to assist in various skin diseases. Castor oil for hair growth can also be used.
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Is it useful to castor oil?

It contains a large amount of ricinoleic acid. This acid is a very effective natural antibacterial and antifungal. This helps to prevent any fungi or bacteria, inhibiting the growth of hair.

Castor oil has a high content of oleic acid, which nourishes the hair themselves, and hair follicles.

He has a unique ability - to penetrate deeply into the skin, which is very good effect on hair growth.

But castor oil is often overlooked due to its extremely thick and sticky consistency. If you are looking for a cheap, natural means to solve the numerous problems with hair, castor oil is worth your attention. Follow these tips, and your curls again become healthy and beautiful.

 applying castor oil on your hair
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Advantages and use of castor oil

Oil for hair growth

Due to its anti-aging properties, castor oil can be used to stimulate hair growth. This is achieved by increasing the blood circulation in the scalp, which improves the flow of nutrients to your hair.

Since castor oil is a thick consistency, it can be mixed with coconut or olive oil in a ratio of 1: 2. Share your locks on rows and apply a mixture of oil per rad. Wrap the head in 3-8 hours. Then wash. You have to do this procedure 3-4 times a week for a month.

Saturated color

Castor oil can be used to give your hair a richer and darker shade. Effective moisturizing castor oil and nutrients will help your hair to maintain the necessary moisture, thus making the color darker and more saturated.

Add a drop of castor oil the size of a pea in your leave-in conditioner and use it after every hair wash.


Due to the ability of castor oil to create a protective sheath along the hair shaft, it can be used to make hair smooth and shiny.

To make strands shinier, use castor oil as a hot oil masks 1 time per week. Do not make such a mask too often, as the scalp may become oily.

Against hair loss

Hair loss can occur due to many reasons such as prolonged illness, poor nutrition, genetics and others. Castor oil can be used as a tool to help restore the strength of your hair, and both antifungal and antibacterial agent that can prevent diseases such as seborrhea, and tinea folliculitis.

For the treatment of hair loss, apply castor oil on the scalp 2 times a week for 30 minutes before showering.

Against the split ends

Castor oil, is known to help to hold the split ends under control when used as a treatment. This is because many of the nutrients contained therein, including vitamin E, omega-6 fatty acids and essential amino acids that penetrate the dry and damaged hair follicles.

To prevent section ends carefully mix castor oil with any light oil (such as jojoba or olive oil), then smooth the strands and spread the mixture evenly over the tips.

Saving water

Castor oil is usually found in many products for hair care because of its known ability to seal moisture in the hair follicles.

Add it to your shampoo and use to further your tresses were moistened.

Dandruff and dry scalp

The bactericidal and fungicidal properties of castor oil makes it ideal for the treatment of dandruff.

Apply it directly to the dry scalp before washing.

Hydration and thickening

Omega-6 fatty acids prevent dry your curls. Regular use of castor oil will make them thicker.

It is best to use unrefined castor as a hot oil treatment and scalp massage to stimulate hair growth. Leave the mask for the night and put a plastic cap to the effect was maximal. Thoroughly rinse the next morning.

Due to the above tips, you inexpensively eliminate disturbing your hair problems, save your health and beauty of your curls.

 The best remedy for hair growth - castor oil
