What is needed children's furniture for newborns

With the arrival of a newborn in the house and there is new furniture, designed for the baby. Let's look at what you need to buy furniture for the child in the first place, how to choose and what to consider when buying children's furniture.

The most important piece of furniture is a cot. In addition to her you may need changing table, highchair, a dresser, an arena, as well as all kinds of boxes and shelves for storage of children's clothes.

The function of the changing table (or swaddling board) can perform a children's chest of drawers, which has a special fold-element increases its horizontal surface. By the way, changing table can be used for holding basins in which bathe the baby.

Models cots are divided into three types:

  • Classic beds
  • Playpens
  • Cradle (cradle)
  1. Classic beds designed for children from 1 year to 3 years. They are adjustable in height, have a rack or solid sides and back. There are also models - transformers, which increase in length. Such beds are cleaned side of the back, and get a full single bed. Cots are provided with legs, wheels or skids (sometimes all together). Very comfortable and functional models of beds with drawers, in which folded linen or toys.
  2. Riding is easy to decompose and develop, so it is very easy to use in a small space. Just riding convenient to take along for the ride. Typically, playpens have removable upholstery, and therefore easy to clean.
  3. If you recall, in the old days were wicker cradle (the cradle), which hung from the ceiling. Today on sale there too wicker cradle, but is suspended from the ceiling rare, although such a function exists, they often put on special supports that are rocking mechanism. Just let the wooden cradle on the skids. Such models are rarely equipped with a tilting mechanism.

Baby furniture should be made from natural, environmentally-friendly materials, non-allergenic. It should not have sharp corners and traumatic elements.

 What is needed children's furniture for newborns

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 The main criteria for choosing a pram

The birth of a baby - one of the most important periods in the life of almost every woman when she cares for the child, creating the conditions for its healthy development and acquiring all the necessary for baby. This woman is always a woman - for her, and it is important to monitor their appearance. Today, almost every fashion store women's clothing and goods for children consider it necessary to offer something exclusive and for expectant mothers and their babies.

The range of shops for the mother and her child, including online stores, as a rule, has a wide range of products. This fashion accessories and clothing for pregnant women, as well as the necessary group of products such as strollers.

The main factors are the choice of prams its mass, convenience, throughput and method of folding.

Weight depends on the materials that are used in the manufacture of carriages: less steel and more plastic - so it is therefore easier. However, it is important to remember that the light weight contributes to the likelihood of overturning, for example, if you hang on to the handle the bag. Therefore, it is desirable that the frame was made of metal - this stroller more stable, and therefore - is safe. Conventionally, the carriage is divided into heavy - from 9 to 15 kg, lightweight - 6 to 9 kg and light - 6 kg.

Convenience - it is comfort of the child, which is achieved if the seat is wide enough and his stiff back can be moved to different positions, so that the child could not sleep well. Besides desirable folding hood for protection from rain or snow and warm cover for the feet - in case of cold weather.

To ensure the safety of the child in the wheelchair provided a retaining strap, the most optimal of which is a five-point: the child can move freely enough, but it can not fall out of the stroller. It may also be in the presence of inguinal strap and rail safety as additional measures of protection.

Today, virtually any Internet-shop has its own "show room", or showroom, which displays samples of products that help you get a completely clear view of the products and make the right choice.

 The main criteria for choosing a pram

 myopia in children


  • Classification of myopia
  • Signs of nearsightedness
  • Consultation with a specialist
  • Tips oftalmolmologa

In terms of volume and fullness of perception of the human eye is superior to all the other senses. The visual information is about 90% of all the information supplied to the cerebral cortex. Thus, good vision - the key to successful development of cognitive processes in the child. In addition, quality vision plays an important role in the training and employment, and its violation may result in a secondary abnormalities in physical and mental development.

The most common is a violation of myopia, or in other words, short-sightedness in children when the objects are located near the child sees well, and distant from it - bad.
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Classification of myopia

Myopia can be of two types: congenital or acquired. In order to treat this or that form of the disorder, it is important to know the reasons for its occurrence. Congenital myopia can be caused by exposure to the visual analyzer of various pathogenic factors during pregnancy, or heredity. The most common of them - cataract (clouding of the lens), and pigmentary degeneration of the retina (the narrowing of the field of vision or complete disappearance). Acquired myopia has a lot more causes. The most prevalent of these are head trauma or diseases of the central nervous system.

In addition, ophthalmologists are three degrees of myopia: mild, moderate and severe. Myopia I and II degrees - non-progressive, it is not even considered a disease, but it is not necessary to treat this disparagingly, as time may have such reasons, it can develop into a Grade III - progressive, but it is not a harmless defect, but a disease with serious consequences. Its prevention depends on what terms revealed the violation of and as soon as it began to heal, because the cause of progressive myopia in the first place, is delayed medical care. This can be avoided if the parents time to notice the violation and to see a specialist. Also, it is possible that myopia III level may be innate.

 Diagnosis of an ophthalmologist
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Signs of nearsightedness

If the time to identify the child of such a defect as myopia, it is possible to prevent a third of myopia in children and childhood blindness. Determine whether there is a short-sightedness your child can be difficult, since he rarely complains of pain in the eyes. But attentive parents can recognize the violation of the following characteristics:

  1. baby bows his head low when he reads, writes or draws;
  2. He complains of headaches in the long-term strain on the eyes;
  3. It begins to squint to see anything;
  4. gets tired easily when reading;
  5. He complains that the school badly sees written on the blackboard.

If you notice such signs should not take action on their own and even more do not need to wear glasses for a child. It should seek immediate medical attention. Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis, to determine that the violation has an innate or acquired, to establish its causes and prescribe treatment.
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Consultation with a specialist

As soon as you are vigilant parents suspected signs of visual impairment in their child to a specialist must be addressed as soon as possible - to delay the visit to the ophthalmologist not worth it. He will do an exam and determine the degree of myopia. Based on his findings, the expert prescribe treatment. In some cases, if the progressive myopia, is a surgical or laser correction and many other modern methods on which the treatment of myopia in children. In other when non-progressive myopia, it may simply be exercises for the eyes, any exercise or preventive measures, through which you can prevent the development of III degree of myopia and other eye conditions. Prevention of myopia in children includes a set of measures of various kinds.

 Prevention of myopia in children
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Tips ophthalmologist

First of all, the child's parents must pay attention to how the children's room is furnished, in particular, it is a desk. He should be in front of a window to light falling directly on the notebook or textbook. In the evening hours you need artificial light - table lamp, its light should be not weak, but dim. During operation Table lamp ambient light in the room, too, must be included in order to prevent a sharp eye transition from light to dark, if the child looks up from the notebook and looks around.

It is also important to ensure that the situation in which the child is sitting at the table. Working posture must be correct: back straight, both feet flat on the floor or stand, hands on the table, bent at the elbows, but not holding up his head, his eyes about 35-40 cm or more away from the table. If such a posture is not met, there is a tendency to develop myopia.

Parents need to clearly monitor the amount of time spent by the child at the computer and TV: no more than 2-3 hours a day, with a break of 15 minutes after each hour. At half-time encouraged a special children's gymnastics for the eyes, which will advise the expert.

The child must be in the street, at least 1 hour a day: daylight and fresh air is good for the body. In addition to the above, the prevention of myopia in children and involves eating a variety of vitamins that enhance vision: A and B. They are contained in many foods, such as corn, peas, egg yolk, apples, lettuce, honey, fish, cabbage, blueberries, apricots, black currant, and others. Also, the body needs, and vitamin C, contained in oranges, dried rose hips, tomatoes, green onions, ascorbic acid.

By following these simple guidelines, you can forget about the concept of children's myopia, and if it is innate, it is possible to prevent its further progress and contribute to the proper development of visual processes in your child!

 Myopia in children: classification, treatment
