atopic dermatitis in children


  • Atopic dermatitis in children
  • Food allergies and food-allergens
  • Hay fever, or allergic to pollen

In children, allergic reactions are quite common. It can manifest itself in different symptoms: skin rash, redness, runny nose, sneezing, itching, peeling, tearing.

To determine how to treat allergies in the child, it is important to identify the cause.

Pollen, animal dander, house dust cause respiratory allergy, and food and contact allergies - skin. The most common are allergies in children as atopic dermatitis, food allergies, hay fever.
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Atopic dermatitis in children

One of the most common diseases in infants - is atopic dermatitis. The common people called diathesis. It appears reddish scaly rash on the cheeks, arms, legs, ass baby, causing itching.

Many doctors believe that primarily affects the appearance of the disease genetic predisposition. And some products, acute and chronic infections, irritants skin are factors causing aggravation.

Children up to two years, usually in atopic dermatitis formed crust and moist areas. Toddlers older cracks appear on the skin, irritation and flaking. In addition, the children hard to resist when the skin itches. Therefore, the scratching gets a bacterial infection. As a result of developing a secondary inflammation.

Atopic dermatitis - a seasonal disease. He runs hard and is exacerbated during the cold season and the easier the spring and summer. In order to determine a diagnosis, it is necessary to visit the children's allergist and dermatologist. The attending doctor will prescribe the necessary tests: skin tests, blood tests, stool.

The latter should be checked to find out whether the child dysbiosis. With such a diagnosis and prescription ointment antihistamine drops help badly need to restore intestinal microflora, reduce the content of pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus, yeasts, Proteus and others). Dysbacteriosis can be caused by antibiotics. Prescribe drugs containing pre- and probiotics. For example, "Linex" can be taken at birth. However, self-medication is not allowed.

The treatment of atopic dermatitis in children should be complex. Exclude food-allergens, at least temporarily. Choose clothing and bedding for the baby only from natural fabrics. Do not overheat the baby, make sure that it was less stressful. For skin care, use soft hypoallergenic agents.

Regularly wet cleaning and airing as house dust allergy, sneezing and itching. Avoid contact with the animals and birds, as well as plants, pollen generators. If the parents of the child are allergic to something, the risk of allergic reactions in children increased by 2 times as a child from his parents is transmitted over-reaction of the immune system to foreign substances.

Remember that the best remedy for allergies is breast milk, as it contains biologically active substances that prevent the development of allergies. Only nursing mother must comply with hypoallergenic diet.

 breast-feeding in order to avoid the appearance of allergy
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Food allergies and food-allergens

In two months the intestines baby is still weak, not strengthened, and the gastrointestinal tract is not able to produce antibodies. Therefore, there is the risk of food allergies, even in such crumbs. If you are breastfeeding, especially pay attention to what you eat. Malnutrition during pregnancy can also cause food allergies in children.

Keep a food diary of the child. It is especially important to do this with the introduction of complementary foods in children. Start with small doses, enough to half a teaspoon of a new product. And watch for a week. If there was an allergic reaction, do not let this product. Try it again, you can in a few months.

Experts advise starting solid foods mashed with a single-composition, especially if there is a tendency to constipation. Best of all the child's body metabolizes vegetable puree of squash, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli. Suit apple and pear puree. With peaches, pumpkin and carrots for allergic children should be postponed.

If there is constipation, you can try and cereals. Note that in oat and buckwheat contains strong allergen - protein gluten. If the home of the cereal grains cause allergies, give preference to the purchased gluten-free porridge.

Oddly enough, but cow's milk may also be allergenic foods. In this case, porridge boil water. As a rule, cow's milk protein intolerance goes away for 1-2 years.

To allergenic foods include:

  • eggs, fish, eggs, seafood;
  • mushrooms, nuts, beans, honey, chocolate;
  • carrots, red berries, citrus;
  • tomatoes, sauerkraut, spinach;
  • smoked sausage, pork liver;
  • mayonnaise, vinegar, fermented cheeses.

Permission is granted to use the following products:

  • dairy products, non-sharp cheeses;
  • rice, buckwheat, oats;
  • potatoes, cabbage, greens, zucchini, squash, cucumbers, green apples, prunes, green pear;
  • bran cereal, white, nesdobnoe;
  • apple jellies, marshmallows, marshmallow, steam and boiled beef;
  • rabbit, turkey.

Doctors have identified cases where the cause of the allergy was overfeeding the child any product, even before it is well tolerated by the child's body. Choose natural products that do not contain food additives that provoke allergies.

Treatment of food allergy is to eliminate product-allergen appointment antihistamines and enterosorbents (agents that bind to the allergen, and removes it from the body).

 allergy to pollen
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Hay fever, or allergic to pollen

Hay fever - an allergic disease caused by hypersensitivity to pollen, which falls on the mucous membranes and causes inflammation. It manifested the disease rhinitis and conjunctivitis. In Russia, there are three periods of exacerbation of hay fever:

  • Spring (April-May) - flowering trees (oak, birch, alder, hazel);
  • Summer (June-July) - flowering grasses (wheat grass, timothy, bluegrass, fescue, foxtail and others);
  • end of summer and beginning of autumn - flowering Chenopodiaceae and Asteraceae plants (wormwood, quinoa, ambrosia, and others).

To determine which plant caused an allergic reaction, consult an allergist.

The most popular medications used to treat various types of allergies in children: a drop of gel and "Fenistil" from the 1st of the month, "Zyrtec" from 6 months gel "Lokoid" prescribed by a doctor (hormonal preparation).

 Types of allergies in children

 causes of foot deformities in the child


  • Flat-valgus feet
  • Treatment and prevention

Valgus foot deformity in children - the most common type of deformity at an early age. According to statistics, this diagnosis is almost every child with developmental disorders stop. It arises as a result of the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus of the child, based on a violation of the innervation of the muscles of the lower extremities.

Manifested most in two months after the beginning of the walk kid - this is due to a heavy load on the body with the feet still immature muscles and ligaments. From this it follows that the skilled professional examinations (in this case - the orthopedist) are very important in early age. Rarely, but this pathology can be congenital, then the diagnosis is either in the hospital or within the first month of life.
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Flat-valgus feet

When valgus deformity of its inner edge sags, thickened longitudinal arches, front office (fingers) is given out to the outside of the heel and rejected. In a standing position, when viewed from above on both feet, visible H. child walking as if trying to rely on the inner edge of the foot. Valgus is diagnosed if the distance between the inner ankle greater than 4 cm, rectified, impacted lap.

If untreated, flat-valgus feet leads to the X-shaped (valgus) strain of ankle and knee joints, which leads to an incorrect position of the pelvis, and this, in turn, causes a disturbance of posture.

Curvature of the spine and extremities axes leads to an overload of the muscles that are trying to keep the body in the correct position, hence, pain and low back pain early. Also, when the flat-valgus feet at increased risk of further cross flatfoot, arthrosis, curvature of the spine that affects the quality of all life, causing fatigue, awkward gait, difficulty in finding shoes.

The cause of the defect can be:

  1. endocrine and genetic disorders;
  2. osteoporosis;
  3. rickets;
  4. flat feet;
  5. wearing the wrong shoes (with a flat sole, soft models are not able to fix the foot).

 the right choice of shoes to avoid foot deformities in children

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Treatment and prevention

It is important not to miss a valgus deformity of the foot of the child, as bones of children is quite flexible, early correction allows you to completely eliminate the defect.   Correction is made using massage and gymnastic exercises. Since recovery will take several months, massage courses to 15 days of daily massage with an interval of 2 weeks. You must also perform regular exercises and wearing special shoes made to order. The best option would be for gymnastics massage mats in different fields.

To neuromuscular system received comprehensive training, you create a whole page of small obstacles, moving the baby will put the legs in different ways, therefore, the muscles will work in different ways to give different signals from the nerves. The effect of treatment may occur within six months. If the treatment is ineffective for a long time, it has resorted to wearing orthopedic tires corrective packings, as well as for surgery.


  1. Proper planning and management of pregnancy reduces the risk of neurological problems in children.
  2. You can not load the baby's legs before 7 months, putting it on them. Before that age, performing exercises, the child can only be a short time and only with the support of pristavlyat. Do not hurry! Better to 9 months does not put the child if he does not get up by himself.
  3. Conducting the prevention of rickets. The daily presence of the child at least 20 minutes on the street during the day with open arms and face. Up to 2 years in the autumn, winter and spring - vitamin D.
  4. Timely professional examinations. The earlier the disease is detected, so it is easier to treat.
  5. Wearing proper footwear.

Proper shoes. At the children's shoe heel (berets) must be rigid, high heel cover the entire back and sides must be tight high instep and a small heel. These shoes up for weak muscles work, performing their function and preventing the progression of deformation. For the first shoe lacing required. Keep in mind that wearing orthopedic shoes constantly is not necessary, because the the muscles need exercise.

 Flat-valgus feet baby: causes, treatment, prevention
