Thrush - a disease that can occur in the child's mouth with the wide variety of circumstances. Typically, this is a violation of Hygiene and complication of immunity. In any case, it requires immediate treatment in various ways.
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The symptoms of yeast infection in the mouth
Symptoms of yeast infection in the baby is very simple, easy to find, even at the very beginning: in the mouth (tongue, gums, inside of the cheeks) have red, inflamed spots. After some time in their place are formed characteristic selection, cheesy and whitish. They are often confused with the remains of the baby food, as in appearance they resemble cottage cheese or yogurt.
The disease occurs in a child is very painful, loss of appetite, baby even swallowing difficult, it is capricious and cries. Therefore, to remove a plaque carefully, so as not to cause suffering to the kid. Thrush is often the cause of mikroranok that begin to bleed.
Therefore, if you find a child loss of appetite, he was crying during feeding, naughty, carefully inspect the inner surface of the mouth. If this is not done, the disease will grow into a more complex form, which is more difficult to treat.
Where did the baby appears thrush?
So where did the baby may appear thrush? This usually occurs in two ways:
a child can become infected from the mother who has thrush directly during birth (infection occurs through contact with the birth canal);
due to poor hygiene. The child can very easily become infected by toys when pulling in the mouth different objects or their fingers.
Quite often it occurs and for such a reason: the nipple baby fell to the ground, my mother took her and just licked then gives the child, but to do this, you should not! Together with your child often transmitted by saliva and fungi Candida!
Thrush is passed on to the child and dirty toys, utensils. Therefore, you should regularly wash them if you can, then simmer. But not only that can cause infection of the child, is of particular importance and low immunity, too many sugary foods.
But be careful not to confuse the yeast with the remnants of baby food, which is preparing for the baby. Check out this simple: Take a cotton swab and swipe across the mucosa. If after removing the white mucous plaque is clean, then there is no yeast, if the surface is inflamed, reddened, you should see a doctor for the purpose of treatment.
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Methods of medical treatment
Today, we used a variety of methods by which you can cure a yeast infection in the baby. They include not only drugs, but also traditional medicine. Although, before starting any treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe the dosage and duration of the course in accordance with the degree of lesion of the mouth of the baby.
Thrush in the mouth in children is most often treated with special preparations against candidiasis, today they are pretty much a wide choice. To do this, fit nystatin, Candida, miramistin. If you can not decide for themselves so, what means can be used, it is best to consult a doctor.
Miramistin is quite potent antibacterial, it is available as a solution, ointment. Tampons just wipe the affected area of the mouth, a thin layer of ointment is applied. The dosage, frequency of application may appoint a doctor. Application miramistina preferable because it does not have a strong expression of taste or smell, mucous at the kid is not tingling, he quietly tolerate the treatment procedure.
Nystatin - an antibiotic that is often prescribed by doctors, when the baby was found in the mouth thrush. It comes in the form of tablets, ointments, vaginal suppositories. Assign it with very severe lesions, usually for premature infants, toddlers, who have advanced. The course lasts two weeks, it is important to make sure that the child is not an allergic reaction.
Candide is a drug that can also be used in children who have found a thrush in the mouth. By its action it is similar to Nystatin, it is prescribed as a solution for the treatment of the affected mucosa. Processing is performed two to three times per day treatment usually lasts for ten days.
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Traditional methods of treatment
Eliminate yeast infection in the mouth and the baby can be so-called traditional methods, which are quite effective. The most common way to get rid of the trouble in the form of yeast is a normal soda rinse. Apply it is possible even for infants, especially when the mouth is severely impaired. The solution is this: in a glass of boiled, cooled water is taken teaspoon baking soda thoroughly stirred.
Infants need to manually wipe the oral mucosa, but more adult children can rinse your mouth.
This should be done very carefully, because the mucous delicate, easily damaged. If grudnichok refuses to open his mouth, you can gently press your thumb on the chin, and then with a cotton swab to wipe the affected areas. This treatment should be carried out every two to three hours.
Furthermore soda may be used and other methods:
carrot juice gives infants older than four weeks is strictly one drop, do it for fifteen minutes before feeding. Swab dipped in the juice, wiped his mouth. Thus it is necessary to monitor the state of the child, as carrot juice can cause allergies;
calendula flowers. The solution is this: a tablespoon dried flowers pour 100 mg boiling water. After that, the dishes need to wrap a towel after one hour to filter. The solution wipe the affected areas;
use and honey with flax seeds, which are filled with 100 ml of boiling water and infuse for an hour. Honey is added to the solution prior to treatment of the mouth. Mucous wiped two or three times per day with a piece of gauze.
It is important to remember that, before starting to treat thrush in the child traditional methods, you should consult with your doctor. This is necessary because the herbs and other remedies can be a strong allergen for the baby, that is, its condition can only be degraded. We must start with small doses, gradually increasing if they bring effect and are safe.
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Preventing thrush
Ways to combat thrush quite a lot, but it is best simply to prevent its occurrence. It is easier to prevent the occurrence of thrush in the baby's mouth than to long to treat it backfired. The main thing - do not forget that the least prone to various diseases tempered children, that is not necessary to neglect the observance of the regime of the day, the rules of supply, outdoor exercise, personal hygiene of the child.
Here are some useful rules of prevention, which will help prevent the occurrence of thrush in the baby mouth:
do not kiss the child, as in the oral cavity in adults are quite dangerous for babies fungi. An adult can easily cope with them, but the child is not;
important not only to personal hygiene for children and adults, but the whole house. Be sure to wet cleaning, wipe all the children's toys, a stroller as often as possible. Encourage your kid that, coming from the street, it is necessary to wash your hands, wash;
do not allow your child to pull in the mouth a variety of items, especially on the street and away, in kindergarten;
excellent preventive measure is to take vitamin C and vitamin B, which strengthens the child's immune system, activate the body's defenses;
do not neglect the proper diet, try to make a balanced menu.
Any child is quite susceptible to a wide variety of diseases, especially for kids who are constantly pulling in his mouth a variety of items, lick toys and more. As a consequence, a small child can watch a disease like thrush in the mouth that causes a lot of inconvenience to the kid and suffering. Today, there are a number of funds for the treatment of thrush, but it is best to immediately take preventive measures to reduce risk to a minimum.
The causes of asthma in children
How to treat asthma in children?
Classification of asthma
Clinical parameters to determine the severity
Control over the course of the disease in a child
Asthma in children - a disease that is characterized by impaired patency of the bronchi. The basis of this disease is bronchial hyperresponsiveness and inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. During the attacks there is narrowing of the lumen, which leads to asthma attacks in both children and adults.
How to understand that the baby asthma attack? In this case, you must immediately pay attention to the following features:
dry, chronic cough, which often disturbs the night, in the morning, but it is not accompanied by fever, phlegm;
asthma attacks when exposed to animals, pollen, dust, drugs.
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The causes of asthma in children
So what are the reasons that the child began to develop asthma? Why prevention and other measures have failed to protect the baby from illness? There are several main reasons, among which should be allocated as follows:
Heredity. The tendency of the child to an allergy is inherited, if one parent has asthma, then a lot of probabilities that the child she is also there. Help may be partially correct prevention. On this subject, it is best to consult with your doctor.
Environmental conditions often favor the main cause of asthma. It's not just car exhaust, fumes and soot in the air emissions of the factory and factory shops. This is a global problem, so there is only help prevention.
Smoking. If one parent smokes, the chance of a child's asthma is quite large, as tobacco smoke is a very potent allergen. A surefire way to help your child and yourself - is to give up their bad habit.
The use of paracetamol as a drug increases the likelihood of a child's asthma tenfold. So, before you take medication, be sure to consult a doctor.
Symptoms of asthma symptoms
Symptoms of asthma in a child can not always immediately alert the parents. The fact that this disease often begins with a completely invisible, minor symptoms such as atopic dermatitis. But if it is difficult to treat, it is necessary to consult a doctor for the study.
Asthma attacks occur immediately, at first it may be a mild allergic reaction, the baby sometimes difficult to make a sigh, the frequency of such attacks is widening, may have a fever, cough. The child's condition is dependent upon the weather changes, exercise, stress, finding a number of animals or silnopahnuschih plants - all these signs should be a signal to parents that a child that something is wrong, delayed trip to the doctor should not be as asthma It can only gain strength, gradually moving to a more severe form.
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How to treat asthma in children?
When the diagnosis of asthma in the child's need to conduct a complete diagnosis that accurately determine the severity of the disease will help to identify the allergen. Spirography the wire, that is a study aimed at identifying lung volume kid, speed of exhaled air, which has bronchial lumen, and more. Allergist assigns a test to identify the allergic disposition of the whole organism, allergens. Only then will make a determination of the severity of forms, methods of treatment.
Treatment of asthma in a child can be carried out in two main areas: emergency supportive therapy or mild asthma. This mandatory prevention as a special diet, refusal of a certain type of physical activity, and more. All treatment measures can properly be determined only after the diagnosis of the attending physician.
Supportive therapy and cupping
Supportive therapy aims to prevent the development of seizures in the child, to reduce their severity. When properly prescribed therapy toddler could easily go to kindergarten and school, live a normal life, even engaged in active games and physical exercises.
In order to attack no longer disturbed children and their parents, are often used inhaled glyukokosteroidy, who are appointed in small doses. Dose reduction is possible only if the positive dynamics as six of the past months was not observed neither attack. At the same time necessarily correspond to prevention, which allows you to fix the result.
Complete removal of the drug is possible only when remission is constant (for two years).
If after the drug seizure coming back, you need to start the treatment again.
Cupping, or emergency treatment, - a method in which the attack itself must be quickly removed. Are employed in special inhalers, relieving asthma in the child. Usually it is Salbutamol, but it is best to consult with your doctor.
To prevent the occurrence of such acute attacks is necessary and appropriate prophylaxis, when given a special diet that excludes certain types of exercise. In addition, it allows you to assign positive prevention outcomes, improve the child's condition.
Eliminating allergens and anti-inflammatory treatment
In bronchial asthma, it is important to determine the cause of this disease in the baby. Asthma - a disease that has an allergic nature and the reasons usually have to look around. Often the complete elimination of the allergen leads to a full recovery of the child, a significant improvement in the situation where a painful condition of the bronchi hardly evident.
The first step is to check whether the child's response to pet dander, certain tissues, plants, food. It conducts special diagnostics, which allows to identify such causes. Anti-inflammatory treatment of a child shall be appointed in the case where the control of the state is impossible. Depending on the severity of such treatment flow, from when and how the complexity of an attack happens.
When mild to moderate forms of appointed non-steroidal drugs, with severe asthma in the child's recommended use of corticosteroid agents. It is strictly forbidden to modify or cancel their own dosage prescribed by your doctor as an attack can be difficult, the frequency - more, there is a significant deterioration of the child. Anti-inflammatory treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, in any case can not simultaneously engage in self traditional methods, which can only aggravate the situation.
Complications Asthma Symptoms
Treatment of bronchial asthma in children necessarily, otherwise the risk of severe complications. It is unacceptable even throw treatment when it has already started, as the consequences are often very unpredictable.
The most severe condition of the child is asthmatic Statute. This development of severe obstruction, the sharp deterioration that can not be corrected using the inhaled drugs. These symptoms develop when properly prescribed treatment, in the absence of treatment, with excessive physical stress, strong psycho-emotional arousal, when ingested large baby simultaneous doses of the allergen.
This state is one of the most severe, the child is subject to compulsory hospitalization. To relieve the symptoms of an attack, you need to conduct infusion therapy, ie droppers with prescription drugs, sometimes requires a connection to a ventilator.
To avoid such cases, you need timely diagnosis of asthma in children, the purpose of and compliance with treatment.
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Classification of asthma
Today, in order to determine the severity of asthma in the child, it is necessary to pay attention to the flow of attacks, conduct appropriate research for that. Key points for the classification of the following forms of the disease:
severity of seizures;
evaluation of clinical, functional parameters;
the severity of the attack on the background of treatment (given the amount of therapy, efficiency);
necessarily have to distinguish between the severity of the attack and the general course of the disease.
The structure of the general diagnosis includes features such as weight, shape the flow period of the disease (ie, acute, remission), complications. Gravity flow is determined on the basis of existing symptoms, which include features such as daily fluctuations, any physical stress tolerance, frequency of use of bronchodilators, severity, including day and night symptoms.
To determine the exact shape requires constant monitoring, conducting some research. Classification of asthma in children is as follows:
symptoms (severity of seizures, breathing): episodic;
Clinical characteristics: short, spontaneous, pass after taking a bronchodilator;
nocturnal symptoms are rare, may be absent;
exercise tolerance: normal, minor violations;
periods of remission: ERF normal, no symptoms.
Moderate degree
symptoms (severity of attacks, breath) from once a week;
Clinical characteristics: average weight, required frequent reception of a bronchodilator;
nocturnal symptoms: regular;
exercise tolerance: limited;
periods of remission: incomplete in the absence of basic therapy.
symptoms (severity of seizures, respiratory depression) on a daily basis, several times a week;
Clinical characteristics: heavy, prolonged, frequent symptoms, require the adoption of daily bronchodilators (usually corticosteroids);
nocturnal symptoms every night, usually several times;
exercise tolerance: reduced, sleep disturbed;
periods of remission: absence.
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Clinical parameters to determine the severity
To determine the course of the disease the child has clinical parameters that allow you to show the severity of the exacerbation. Among these options is isolated:
the amount of therapy that allows to stop an attack;
the degree of restriction of physical activity of the child;
respiratory rate;
sphere of consciousness;
auxiliary muscles participating in the act of breathing;
forced position of the child;
heart rate;
distension of the chest;
the intensity of the so-called wheezing;
conduct, character respiratory auscultation.
Quite simply determine the severity of the disease, but we must remember that frequent and sharp attacks are a sign of inadequate treatment. Assess the severity of an attack of a child can be based on characteristics such as:
Lightweight bout
respiratory rate: frequent;
retraction jugular fossa: is not expressed strongly;
the frequency of wheezing: at the end of exhalation;
heart rate: tachycardia;
physical activity: preserved;
Speaking: preserved;
sphere of consciousness: arousal is rarely observed.
Medium heavy attack
respiratory rate: pronounced expiratory dyspnea;
retraction jugular fossa: is expressed;
the frequency of wheezing: expressed;
heart rate: tachycardia;
physical activity: limited;
Speaking: rather limited, there are some phrases;
sphere of consciousness: arousal.
Heavy attack
respiratory rate: pronounced expiratory dyspnea;
retraction jugular fossa: pronounced;
the frequency of wheezing: pronounced;
heart rate: a sharp tachycardia;
physical activity: forced position;
Speaking: difficult;
sphere of consciousness: fear, excitement, respiratory panic;
PaCO2: less than 45 mm Hg. Article;
SaO2: less than 90%.
Status asthmaticus (extremely severe attack)
respiratory rate: bradypnea or tachypnea;
retraction jugular fossa: a paradoxical thoracoabdominal breathing;
the frequency of wheezing: the absence of respiratory noise, "silent light"
heart rate: bradycardia;
physical activity: no;
Speaking: none;
sphere of consciousness: confusion, there is hypoxic, hypoxic-hypercapnic coma;
PaCO2: less than 45 mm Hg. Article;
SaO2: less than 90%.
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Control over the course of the disease in a child
The disease the child may be very different, it all depends on the severity of asthma. Therefore, constant monitoring, which will provide an opportunity to properly assess the effectiveness of the treatment, if necessary, adjust the process.
It is believed that the treatment has reached positive results and very well-controlled asthma, under the following conditions:
in the last year there was only one or two attacks;
when measuring lung function revealed normal levels;
drugs for emergency treatment, which may require an attack, apply two or fewer times per week;
nocturnal symptoms for a child over the age of twelve occur 0-2 times under - 0-1 times a month;
limiting the activity of the child is not;
Daytime symptoms occur no more than twice a week (no more than once daily).
Only continuous monitoring can show how successful therapy is conducted, which is observed dynamics, whether the correction is necessary or not.
Attention from parents
Asthma - a disease that can occur in a child against various reasons, it is characterized by impaired patency of the bronchi, ie bronchial obstruction. The disease is bronchial hyperresponsiveness and inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. An asthma attack may be manifested in different ways, but the processes that occur within the bronchial tubes are the same: narrowing gaps large and small bronchi.
In children, it is important to identify all the time asthma symptoms, conduct a survey and begin the appropriate treatment. It should be remembered that in the risk group children up to three years, at which time asthma may develop without an increase in temperature, externally it can be similar to the common cold. Therefore, timely diagnosis is important for determining the stage of disease and proper, effective treatment. Asthma in children can lead to disastrous results, if the parents do not take appropriate measures to begin therapy, anti-inflammatory treatment and other measures that will help the child to ease his condition, to eliminate the annoying allergen.