If you could ask the stork bring a good healthy baby at the right time in every sense of the life of every woman, without hesitation, I would have done it. However, children storks spread their homes only in fairy tales, but in today's reality, young moms after birth often face difficulties of various kinds. One of these problems - allergies that can occur in infants at the wrong time and at the most inappropriate reasons.
The fact that the body of a newborn baby very much exposed to various harmful factors from the outside, but because every mom trying to protect her child in every way, carefully selecting foods and observing the regime of the day.
But it is neither the mother nor the pediatrician can not determine in advance what the baby may have allergies in the future. After the medical "vice" does not give full control, because a person can live all your life, not even knowing about the presence of allergy to these or other factors. This means that the problem of allergies babies should be given special attention.
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What we know about allergy
It is known that the human body grows and changes from birth to about 25 years. This means that in all these years as if the body knows itself from within, struggling with the disease, adverse environmental factors and, of course, allergens.
The latter are considered to be from a medical point of view, it is like a kind of catalyst, through which the human immune system to develop, strengthen and learn to resist the environment. However, not always a manifestation of this struggle are the mild symptoms (light runny nose, cough). often the body literally stands on the warpath with their allergies.
The body of the newborn, as mentioned earlier, a serious negative factor susceptible because of the low resistance and a weak immune system. And if an adult allergy symptoms appear, usually within a few hours or even days after contact with an allergen, then the baby may become visible after a few minutes.
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Allergies or not: how to understand the problem?
However, quite often the picture has nothing to do with this allergy, although it looks rather alarmingly. It often happens that the baby appears small red pimples on the face and upper torso. Inexperienced young moms tend to take them for allergies, but in fact it could be just a hormonal eruptions.
What to do in such a case and as soon as the run to the doctor? First, try not to panic much, it's bad for the milk if you are breast-feeding a baby. Secondly, we should not restrict your diet, because when hormonal eruptions there is no serious need. The fact is that pimples usually go themselves after about two months after onset.
However, there is what to do in case of rash absolutely not worth it, - it is impossible to squeeze those pimples. By doing this, you can put in the wound infection and harm the baby, because, as mentioned earlier, the immune system is exposed infants hardest malign influence.
Also, quite often young moms confused with the common cold allergy. After all, both of these problems are usually accompanied by a cough, nasal congestion, sneezing and prolonged. However, as in the case of hormonal acne, treatment of these various diagnoses.
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How to identify a genuine allergy?
For a start it is worth noting that in any kind of rash and redness is still necessary to address to the pediatrician, so as not to engage in dangerous self-treatment. If in fact it turns out that the rash on the body of your baby have hormonal character, clever pediatrician will tell you about it and you go home quietly, knowing that the pimples certainly will go themselves after a certain time. However, if you have an allergic rash character, neglect treatment in any case not worth it.
How, then, self-classify this allergy? Symptomatic of its manifestation, tend to be more pronounced, and are not limited to pimples. Thus, the skin can redden, become dry and rough to the touch, with the result that the baby will disturb the constant itching.
In addition, you can watch the unusual shade of green chair and catarrhal symptoms of allergies: runny nose, coughing and sneezing. All this, of course, will cause the child a common concern, it would be bad to sleep and often cry. However, this list may be supplemented by other manifestations, because every kid - is a person, and therefore has its own body.
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Is it terrible diathesis as it is described?
Perhaps, to date no one mom who would not faced with the concept of diathesis in children. When it arrives, most anxious mothers, wanting only the best to their child begins to actively treat his symptoms. However, this is not quite the right decision.
After diathesis, and more allergic diathesis, it is rather a predisposition to inflammatory processes, rather than the disease. It may occur as well as allergies, i.e. from ingestion of certain foods. However, it is necessary to know that even diathesis may develop into a serious allergy, if you do not take timely measures qualified.
Because of what still appears diathesis? Perhaps, in the first place because of the low protective function of the intestines of the baby. In the early years of life as the body's resistance to all kinds of adverse factors is virtually zero, which is why a diathesis and a severe allergy in infants - a fairly common problem. In addition, the situation is complicated by the harmful environmental and food products containing GMOs, the presence of which is almost impossible to detect without special laboratory.
This here is the lack of resilience evident in the gastrointestinal tract of the baby. The permeability of the intestinal wall is at a high level, since infants have not produced so much of protective antibodies, and digestive enzymes. As a result, food components that can not be completely split, into the blood. Such components, primarily proteins typically cause chain and allergic reactions ranging from diathesis to serious manifestations of allergy.
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Symptoms of allergies in children
It is known that any allergic reaction is accompanied by the generation of so-called antibodies. Later these substances come into contact with the main allergen, and this leads to the formation of special substances called histamine. It is this substance contributes to the appearance of typical allergic reactions that manifest not only babies but also in adults: tissue edema, vasodilation, itching, etc.
However, in this case it is necessary to distinguish the difference between the occurrence of allergies in the adult and the newborn child. The fact that babies histamine from blood cells can be isolated not only from contact with an allergen antibody. But also because of other factors, including the display may even be ambient, e.g., low temperature, resulting in the baby may hypothermia. This is the essential difference between a serious allergic diathesis and easier.
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Reasons that may cause allergies
To date, factors that may contribute to occurrence of an allergic reaction, there is set, starting from low-quality food products and ending negative environment in general. In more detail, you can make a whole list of reasons, which are fundamental in the process of allergy.
First of all, many experts as the main reasons for failure to comply with the future mom called a special hypoallergenic diet during pregnancy and during breast-feeding a baby. In this case, most of substances derived from mother food will pass to the child, including antigens and their corresponding antibodies. That is why it is essential to observe the correct power supply system prescribed by the attending physician.
Another popular in the ranking factors precursor allergy - is vaccination. The fact that modern medicine vaccination in which routine vaccination is carried out, from the outset contain a particular allergen. So, from the very first years of life as a result of banal vaccinated mother, without even knowing it, he rewards your child allergic to some extent.
If used during pregnancy expectant mom bore any infectious diseases, most likely, the child will have an allergy. This factor has also been proven by many experts.
In addition, among the factors of allergic reactions babies recently took heredity. The fact that the parents of the child receives a unique genetic code, but, apart from the positive characteristics, we can reward your child harmful traits. It is thus often a child inherits the allergic background of their parents.
And finally, another common factor - that early eating baby cow's milk. In pediatric medical language, this factor is called artificial feeding. Specialists in this case proved that cow's milk protein is one of the most common factors of allergies in the baby.
Thus, the problem of allergies can be set, and the above is not an exhaustive list. However, it is important to as quickly as possible to determine what the cause of allergies is hidden behind your child and make it easier for the disease in the future and accelerate their elimination.
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How to help your child: treatment and prevention
Once the root cause of an allergy is identified, of course, it is as soon as possible to begin her treatment. Thus, in more severe cases, the pediatrician may recommend appropriate antihistamines and drugs for the treatment of cutaneous manifestations (although it is already in the final stages of treatment, as rashes, redness, and other manifestations in the skin - it's just a consequence of the cause). Also, your doctor may prescribe the use of activated carbon to the newborn.
In turn, the young mother should also be excluded from its food products are allergens and foods with preservatives and various food additives. It is also important to remember that nothing is more important baby breast milk and cow's milk that is not only replace the breast, but it can harm the baby.