We start with the basics: to monitor the cleanliness of the mouth of very young children
As the first to introduce the child's toothbrush
Choose a toothpaste for baby
Toothbrushing technique: how to do it right
Time dentifrice
To have healthy teeth
Accustom the child to brushing your teeth is not so easy as it might seem at first glance. Kids do not like this thing and struggling to avoid hygiene. Someone goes on a trick and secretly squeezing toothpaste into the sink, while others pretend to wash, but only face wet. But even those who might be careful, do not know how to properly clean your teeth. Maximum - 30 seconds brushing Send the Prince of enamel, and then rinsed his mouth.
As a result - the baby teeth begin to rot, there is caries, plaque and tartar. And that poses a serious threat, because the infection can go on permanent (indigenous) teeth. It is therefore important not only to teach their offspring to do everything correctly, but also to explain that depends on his health. And the earlier you start your child to brush their teeth, the better.
We start with the basics: to monitor the cleanliness of the mouth of very young children
Prior years old kids do not give up your toothbrush, because it can swallow it, scratched or hurt yourself. Oral care have parents. At the same time you have to remember that everything is done voluntarily, carefully and in a good mood, otherwise wee just be afraid of such procedures.
But how to brush their teeth year-old child, who still really do not understand? In fact, everything is easier, the main thing - patience. So, if he is a little less than a year, you can simply remove the leftover food with a cloth. For this you need the usual cloth and purified bottled water. Blotted piece and begin to wipe them enamel. Thus, your child will get used to the fact that after each meal should be cleaned her mouth.
Also, your child can brush your teeth with a special fingertip. It can be purchased at the pharmacy. With this device, you can even remove the dirt between the teeth. Here you will calculate the forces and will not harm the little crumbs.
When the child grows up a little bit (1, 5-2 years), you can gradually accustom it to independence. Naturally, the first time it is difficult to do, because the kid wants to play all the time. As a result - the toothpaste is on the mother and on the mirror, and towel and hair.
Nothing in it is not terrible, because all kids, including those you have started. Therefore blame and punish innocent pranks so it is not necessary. It is only to explain that it is not necessary to do so. Demonstrate how to squeeze the paste what to do with a brush. And the first half a year of his own teeth brushing crumbs. When you will realize that he himself can cope with this task, safely trust him as a responsible and important job.
As the first to introduce the child's toothbrush
As psychologists claim, how did you first do it, it depends on the fact whether a pipsqueak like brushing your teeth or not. The child must show that it is not scary and painful, but fun and funny. In the earliest times, you can do everything together, setting an example for your child. Let him see that even mom and dad are not afraid of "monsters." Kids generally love to imitate adults.
Pre worth going with your child shopping to the child chose a beautiful toothbrush. Remember that each person, it should have its own. At the same time, take care to conform to all norms and standards. Bristles should not be too severe, hard, and the head - long. Well, if the villi are of different lengths, arranged at an oblique angle. This allows you to easily clean the interdental spaces, which always remains the food and accumulate bacteria.
Head itself should not be too large, and the volume, the maximum - in the two front teeth of the baby. Thus it is better to take a round, no protruding corners brush. So you're sure you will be sure that your child will not harm gums, scratches and knocks out a tooth.
With regard to the color and shape of the handle, here it is all depends on the desires of your baby. If he has some favorite characters and little animals, they can be drawn on the brush. Incidentally, there are models made as rattles when the inside handle published some sound. They are made so that the child knows when he makes the wrong move. After noise appears only if the brush is positioned vertically instead of horizontally.
Also of interest to the little man can brush toy, made in the form of dolls, cars, etc. If you want your kid to know when it's time to finish the cleaning of the teeth, use a special model which is a color change, or the sound issue after three minutes.
Note: toothbrush every three months. Otherwise, on the villi will breed bacteria that can get into the child's body is still unprotected. You do not want an early age constantly drive the kid to the dentist. So do not forget about such an important rule.
Choose a toothpaste for baby
The very first thing you should look for when buying toothpaste - this age group. Today, you can buy products for children up to 5-6 years, in which virtually no fluoride and other similar elements, and for students from 6 to 13. In the second case, the paste is almost exactly the same as in adults, but the concentration of of fluoride less. Plus, they are often completely hypoallergenic.
Note contents. Always read the composition. Manufacturers are required to indicate the amount of fluorine contained in the paste, and then, for what age their product is suitable. Do not experiment with various additives, without prior consultation with a pediatric dentist. Yes, there are those who help with the growth of teeth. They have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. But if your pipsqueak - have allergies, this option is completely contraindicated.
Ask whether there is a certificate confirming the quality of products. You do not want to fake a pipsqueak poisoned. Himself tube should be firm, with no sharp angles, or simply curious child get hurt. And do not forget to look at the expiration date.
Year-old kid have to buy the most simple children's toothpaste, it is desirable - with taste of berries. The sweet flavor and bright color, of course, attract the child's attention, but in this case care should be taken. Kids love to try everything on the taste, so the contents of the tube into the stomach to migrate risking little man. In smaller doses, of course, it is not dangerous. But your child can swallow half a pack while you distracted by something else. So always follow the process.
The first two or three times the paste can generally even be omitted. Wet the brush and on about her Zubkov crumbs. He is not afraid? Excellent. Now we teach him not to swallow mouth water during cleaning, and spit into the sink. And even when he learns to do this, you can proceed to more serious procedures.
Squeeze out the paste on the head (about the size of a pea, not more), then gently start to brush the front teeth. If the kid that does not like something, we stop for a while. Let completely calm. Can something to distract him, using, for example, toys, TV, etc.
Toothbrushing technique: how to do it right
Unfortunately, even the grown men and women do not always know how to brush their teeth. Sluggish movement from left to right, or performed awake at night as would be sad as it may sound, no good will not do. Only mud smeared and time spend.
So, let us remember how to brush their teeth properly. If it is the front or the side, the brush is located at a small angle (about 45 degrees). Sami movement - soft and progressive, from the gum to the edge, if you scrape the dirt from the surface. In no case do not make a circular motion, as you can bring something nasty in the gum. Do not press hard on the brush to the handle already crunched. If you overdo it, the baby may begin to ache or tooth or a piece of enamel break away.
You can also show your child a cartoon in which some fabulous hero will talk about the importance of brushing your teeth and good oral hygiene. Plus, in a playful way, he shows that he must make himself a child, that he had no problems with tooth decay.
Another option how to teach your baby to take care of their teeth - to take him to a pediatric dentist. There he offered to perform this procedure, and then will make a special device to enamel. The monitor will be seen, whether it was properly cleaned. I am seeing with my own eyes the germs may not want children longer neglect the elementary rules of hygiene. But such a step is necessary to go only when your child will understand and be aware of everything. And it is at least 6-7 years.
Time dentifrice
How many times a day and for how long you need to brush your teeth, that they are pure white, healthy and beautiful? As year-old child and an adult need to spend 2-3 minutes in the morning and evening. If the child get bored, you have to come up with some exciting game, to divert attention. If you wish, you can arrange a competition on who is best to cope with this task.
Remember that you are shouting and punishment in this case does not help. Only hurt, because then the child will go to the bath, as if waiting for him to torture. And we do not seek to transform the basic rules of hygiene in the hated occupation that will want to avoid.
To have healthy teeth
Surely you want to have your crumbs had a healthy white smile. But how can this be achieved? Believe me, only one tooth brushing is not enough. There are many other factors that affect the gums and enamel. Thus, you should make every effort to avoid some dental diseases.
Visit your dentist regularly
Baby teeth are more prone to tooth decay, so you have to go with the crumbs to the clinic at least once a quarter. Of course, in the first times the baby will resist, capricious, shouting. But if you kindly explain what this uncle does not do anything bad to him, he will calm down.
There are many different opinions as to when the first time should visit the doctor. Ideally - as soon as the teeth have started to erupt. But if the child is calm, a visit can be postponed. Dite crying day and night? Well, I have to go to inspection.
Also, if the teeth of your child something happened (piece dropped, knocked a whole, cracked enamel), immediately go to the dentist. No need to wait for the right moment - it may never come. A fragment will then be permanently injure cheek and gum, causing pain.
Proper nutrition
An important role is played in this case and what you feed your baby. Try from childhood to teach it to useful products. Let the vegetables, fruits, do porridge with milk. But sweets, butter and flour should be avoided. Sweet - the biggest enemy of teeth. It is better to replace the chocolate bars and dried fruit, honey, jam. And do not forget to remind your child that after every meal he should rinse your mouth.
As you can see, nothing complicated and the supernatural from the parents is not required. But remember, the earlier you start to teach the basic rules of hygiene baby, the greater the likelihood that it will continue to comply with them. At older ages, kids are starting to protest, if the parents are trying to get them to brush their teeth. But, of course, the last word still remains for moms and dads.