Modern women manage not only to give birth to and raise children, not looking up from his work and career, but also travel around the world without taking away with the baby. For added convenience, there is a possibility to transport the baby in the stroller or carrying a special and in a convenient sling.
This sling can be an excellent vehicle for carrying a small child, and, most important, while remaining completely hands free. The cost of such a device depends on the tissue from which it is sewn, and of course, a matter which brand he was released. But whether or not to overpay for the brand? It is much wiser to sew your own sling carrier for their crumbs in which he would feel comfortable and comfortable while traveling in public transport or walking.
Ease of any sling primarily in the fact that you can lock the child in a convenient position for the mother. The ideal option would be carrying this for nursing mothers, because due to the width of the web can feed your baby almost anywhere, without confusing its kind strangers.
Types of slings
Before making a sling, you must decide exactly what you need. After all, there are different types of slings - depending on the needs and the age of the kid - May, scarf and others. The most practical - is:
Sling - Scarf
This reminds Sling scarf and is ideal for carrying children of any age - both newborns and godovastikov. The only drawback, which is different from other types of slings -The need to know how to tie it. If such a skill you do not own, you'll need a little time for training and skill.
This carrying not take up much space, easy and simple to put on my mother out of it convenient to get baby. But the main advantage is that it can be used for older kids who like to look at everything - kids are very curious!
Sling with rings
It is quite easy to carry handle, which is convenient for walking. Incidentally, this is the sling today enjoys a special love for young mothers.
This sling is perfect for carrying babies after six months, which are arranged face or backs to the mother. This reminds carrying a backpack, which is often available in stores for children older than six months. But, of course, May-sling is much more convenient for both mother and for the baby.
Special difficulties in creating a sling does not arise even for those mothers who can not boast of success in the field of needlework. The main necessary condition - your desire. If you long to suffer, then something happens.
To create a sling you need a certain density of the fabric, thread and a special ring for fixing the ends of carrying. Ideally, of course, and it will need a sewing machine. While many moms manage without her. Everything you need you buy in the shop of fabrics and accessories. But let's talk more about that.
What do I need to buy a sling?
So as not to get lost in the fabric store and buy exactly what you need? Carefully read the information below. And even better - write down on a piece of paper and take you to the store - so you just do not forget to buy.
In choosing the material for the carrying sling should take into account not only personal color preferences, but also its density, durability and ease of washing. Best of all, if it is thick knitted fabric length of 220-250 cm and a minimum width of 90 cm. Select the color and thickness of the fabric is necessary, depending on the season. For example, in a sling from wool in the summer the baby will feel not very comfortable. But in winter it becomes your baby extra protection from the cold.
If you do not have a sewing machine, you discover a little secret - in order to avoid processing the edges of the fabric by hand, you can either choose a fabric that does not require it. Well, or the second option - to go to the studio, where it is made on professional equipment. It is especially important to consider if you decide that you need a scarf - the sling rather peculiar.
Plastic - and even better metal ring with a diameter of about 9 cm, the need for securing the ends of the sling and adjust the position of the baby in it. When choosing a plastic or plastic rings worth checking their strength to avoid breakage in the most important moment. It's a question the safety of your baby and it can not be ignored in any case!
No less attention should be paid and thread - they must be strong enough. This is probably one of the few cases when there is a preferable synthetic - such thread will be much stronger.
Sling with rings
So, bought the fabric - you can proceed directly to the manufacture of the sling. First, you need to fold the material "accordion" - only need about eight or nine folds. If the fabric "fray", do not forget to pre-process the edge overlock or even manually. This is best suited Mylar threads, which are slightly stretch under load.
Once the fabric is folded in an accordion, one end is threaded into both ring and fold back approximately three or four centimeters. We sew the resulting fold - the best on the sewing machine. It is better to do a few stitches, each of which is firmly fix the material. If you're sewing by hand - make sure that the seams are very, very strong. All sling is almost ready.
If you want your sling was lined, it will have to work a little more. Spread fabric and tack pad. Incidentally, it is possible to make the seal at the back - this will provide a more comfortable fit. Then, threading one end of the fabric-lined through both rings and fold the edge of one of them. Tightly sew .. and all! It is safe to sit in a baby sling and go for a walk or a trip. One of the major facilities in the possibility of carrying a child stir in any position: lying down or sitting, facing or back to the mother.
Sew May-sling
To match the May-sling, you need fabric, padding polyester and a desire to create an original carrier for your baby. In choosing the material for this type of sling it is necessary to consider not only the color but also the texture. It is best to choose a tight jeans, Jacquard, velvet - for winter and thick linen - summer.
Cutting fabric for sewing May-sling alone is relatively straightforward. Need fabric width of about 90 cm and a length of about 200 cm. Were cut out two items 35 to 45 cm - for future back, top strap 200 of 20 cm in an amount of 2 pieces, the lower strap 160 to 15 cm. As best seal sintepon use.
After cutting the fabric sling collect future: first place Cleave the seams with tailoring pins. If they are not at hand, you can resort to using basting stitches. Sew the back, paving sintepon. On the wrong side zastrachivaem the entire length of the strap, after which they were to turn out. We put in the strap padding polyester for softness and sewed them on the ends. All done most of the work - you can collect sling. Remember a few tricks - first carefully iron the fabric to stretch their joints. Secondly, in order to sintepon not slide and do not stray lumps, it is a decorative seam stitch strap. Which, by the way, will give the product originality.
Is applied to the two identical back straps that will fill up the top, sew them at an angle of 45 degrees. By the bottom of the back putting a shorter strap and also carefully sew it. Again otutyuzhivaem finished product. For greater convenience, cost to sew pocket into which you can put a cloth or a bottle of water. No less convenient to do wear seat cushion, the baby could sleep while walking.
Sew pocket sling
With sewing such products can handle any mom - even one that is anywhere but school lessons are not picked up a needle and thread. To do this, stock up perseverance, the right to buy the fabric and allocate a couple of hours on the arduous business. Before buying the material, it is necessary to calculate the amount. Too long or too short sling-pocket is not convenient for either mother or for the baby. And keep in mind - Infant Toddler Sling-pocket is not good enough! It is better to pay attention to the scarf - we will tell you about it below.
We expect the number of tissue
For a correct calculation will need regular tape measure and assistant. Measure the distance from the right shoulder to the left hip. Having a certain amount of see, multiply it by two, and then to the final result we add 16 cm. And do not forget about SEAM and processing. In addition, it should be noted that to wear the sling in winter have to wear it on the jacket or coat and as a result, consumption of tissue will be more. So you need to be measured in the upper clothing.
When choosing fabrics should be considered as a personal preference and season, during which will be used sling-pocket. For a perfect summer tight cotton. And in the winter as the top (outer) layer Jacquard suit, jeans or corduroy. Lined fit the same calico different shades.
After buying the fabric you are ready to disclose it. Expanding the first layer of material on the table underside, from top to him are putting the wrong side of the lining cloth. Shear them together using tailoring pins or a basting stitch. Zastrachivaem canvases double seam along the length of both sides. If there may be further processed overlock junction to avoid excessive hairiness. After that, the workpiece to turn out future sling on the front side and stripped iron to maximum temperature.
After stripping the tissue to begin carving a pocket in which to place the baby. Fold panel length and a half times the short edges to each other. Having measured 10 cm from the outer edge, draw an arc, cutting unnecessary. It turns canvas fabric with two rounded edges. Fold in half and sling zastrachivaem them on the sewing machine. To avoid the appearance of wrinkles and hide the raw edges, then sew from the middle. Carefully otglazhivaem seams. Wrenched sling on the front side, throws it over his shoulder and the resulting indentation perching baby.
Sling scarf for the most advanced moms
Original moms prefer to choose an unusual sling - a scarf, which can be fastened in several ways and it is located in a child of any age and at any time of the year. Incidentally, this scarf is recommended for newborns. And it sewed scarf is very simple - do not need any skills.
Depending on the season, choose a fabric that should not be too hard, not only, but also too elastic. For the summer, an excellent choice is tight knit, cotton, calico, and winter slings sewn from a thin but dense wool, corduroy or denim.
If you want to make such a scarf note - its length should be at least five meters and width - depending on the material - from 50 to 70 cm. It is necessary to take into account the extent to which the fabric stretches so that the child could not fall during the slopes or sudden movements. Acquiring material should be with some reserve. And best of all, if the edges do not require additional processing on the overlock - this will give it the shape of their own, without the help of a professional tailor. After the scarf should be moderately elastic and independently handle the edges properly will not be easy. For young children better to choose natural tissue without the addition of synthetic fibers, which can cause allergic reactions in a child.
The scarf can take several forms - your choice. Classic rectangle, the easiest option is suitable even for those who have never picked up a needle. Model sling "muffler" in the form of a parallelogram with truncated ends in different directions, it is most convenient to tying. Sling scarf oval require mandatory treatment at the edge overlock to avoid shaggy fabric. Model suitable spindle at a choice of thick fabric, when tying knot is too big.
As you can see, the sling with his hands to do is not so hard. So if you decide to - go without postponing. After all, popular wisdom says that the road then leads to the square Never.