that give parents a silver wedding


  • Gifts made of silver
  • A creative approach to gifts for silver wedding

Very nice to look at couples who have lived in marriage for twenty-five years and still love each other. But when such a holiday with relatives, that everyone has something to ponder. What to give parents a silver wedding? If you ask them this question, mum and dad will surely argue that ran the years as one day, that we should not spend money on expensive gifts unusual, and it's not as important as the success and health of own children and grandchildren. Of course, all this is so.

But still, perhaps, deep down in such a remarkable day, parents are waiting for a miracle, something new and unusual. For example, any symbol that will mark the beginning of a new stage in their life together.

Choosing gifts - it's all pretty complicated task, though interesting, but what to give to the silver wedding for those who already have almost everything? During this time parents have amassed a lot of things with their work, what they are now please? The answer lies right on the surface, and even laid down in the very wording of the question: of course, the silver! But in what form it - it is worth considering each person, depending on the amount you can spend on a surprise, and given the favorite activities of parents.

You're not going to argue with the fact that the answers to the questions you choose gifts for parents silver wedding or to give on this occasion to a friend or colleague will be very different. For relatives because you can allocate the amount is more serious, and the rest to pick up something more modest. Yet, like it or not, the main fact - is an expression of care and attention, rather than the content or value of the gift.

So, let us now examine in detail several options of what you can surprise your loved ones on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the date of their marriage.

 silver wedding gift for parents

Gifts made of silver

  1. Old custom is believed that the couple must on this day to give each other a silver ring. They put them on the ring finger of his right hand, next to the engagement ring. Note that this may give a present and visitors, but should discuss this in advance with "silver newlyweds" to find out the size of their fingers. Usually such we launched hand closest people, for example, family friends or children.
  2. A remarkable gift will be a silver chain. It is unique in its kind, because the it can give both parents and husband or wife, and relatives or friends. For a woman pick up some beautiful pendant or suspension. Pendants even have its own meaning: if it drops in the form, then no matter how long the spouse did not live with her husband, it is very small compared to how much you would like to wish them. When the decoration in the form of the heart, it is best if mom and dad gave them to each other (or even a present to her husband can be presented in the form of a silver heart-keychain).

    You can pick up the suspension in the form of signs of the zodiac, which will bring their owners happy, quiet life. You can also find unusual pendant mascot, but first need to ask the mom and dad, what protection they would like to receive.

  3. For a long time it was thought that the bracelet is a symbol of affection, affection and the inviolability of the marriage tie. Therefore, such a gift to the twenty-five years of living together will demonstrate and highlight your approach to this pair. Typically, such a gift that always gave close friends "silver" suite, but it can give children and heroes of the occasion.
  4. Undoubtedly, a very useful gift would be silver pin. It can be in various forms and with diverse destination: option in the form of a tie-clip is a symbol of respect and strong family ties; decoration for pillows tie means joy for the couple; classic English model is handed over as a sign of warmth and affection to their parents.
  5. An interesting and wonderful gift from the children - a silver bowl or tray. These things represent the wish of prosperity, respect and love. As they say - let your house be a full bowl!
  6. Nowadays, everything is quite uncertain and unstable, so each couple, who lived twenty-five years of married life, deserves a medal for understanding, love, tenderness, affection and kindness. Again, such a thing can be made of silver. This gift is also versatile, because it can give and children, friends and even colleagues. If for you it is expensive, it is possible to combine with other guests and to present a joint show. And to complement all this kind, pleasant or original wishes.
  7. During this time the couple cashing in quite a number of things, but not everyone in the family has a reserve of silver cutlery. So you can make a beautiful and useful gift. Even now, the silver sets are not as cheap as we would like, so we can present it to a few people.

 what to give to the silver wedding

A creative approach to gifts for silver wedding

Gifts for silver wedding as a sign that the husband and wife have lived together for a long time? A good option - clocks and oral desire to live together even as many years, days and hours in mutual love. People sign says that the clock to separation, so if the couple superstitious, they can give some trifle or a few coins for them to those who are donor. If you want to give originality to this gift, you can select the clock in the form of hearts and two rings in the shop, or order some unusual background, such as a wedding picture.

Most often, by the time when the couple are celebrating twenty-five years from the date of the wedding, they already have, not only children but also grandchildren. Of course, over the years, people are rarely photographed, besides photo printing is now already out of fashion, basically all digital and stored in a computer or on electronic media. That is why a great and fun gift can be a photo album, starting with the date of their marriage and to the latest developments.

Ideal and original present can be considered a family portrait. And since in our time can draw a portrait from a photograph, then a lot of time or effort to anybody from the family will not have to spend. Firstly, such a gift is the unity of the whole family, so getting such a miracle, the parents will feel more like valued and loved their home. Secondly, this gift is considered to be the most unexpected. Not everyone in the house can see the family portrait painted in oil or watercolor! So be sure the picture sure to please your loved ones.

No less pleasant and unexpected gift will become a slideshow of photos or a video clip of "silver married", decorated with pleasant music. A good gift can be a silver wine-glasses or a statuette. If you did not pick up something from the above, you can buy a beautiful bed linen, service or tablecloth.

If you come to this event with a creative side, it is possible to write your own poem dedicated to parents and this celebration. An interesting option could be printed commemorative newspaper, which tells about the main events in the family. To add photos or articles can be jokes, congratulations. This gift can be very valuable, so that in the future will be shown grandchildren.

The best gift for their parents in their twenty-five years of living together will always be your support, love, kind words that come from the heart. After all, it is your closest people, and better than you, no one can tell them how much they mean in your life. Wish they still maintain the family harmony and eternal love, which had been their faithful companions for so many years. Remember that any surprises depend entirely on your attitude to and from your imagination, so gather, remember all the preferences and interests of your loved ones and give them the best gift!

 What to give parents a silver wedding

We strongly recommend to read: How to choose a gift?

 how to mark the silver wedding


  • Tradition One: washing
  • Tradition Two: the exchange of rings
  • Tradition Three: family tea party
  • We invite guests, observing all the rules

25 years of marriage - a serious date for the celebration of which must be approached with all the enthusiasm. And it's not just about going to a restaurant or a luxury trip to rest - a very important role played by folk traditions. That's why we want to tell you how to mark the silver wedding in accordance with established traditions. Let's see what customs should observe this day as to celebrate 25 years of marriage, so that all told that you are in your party have done everything correctly.

Of course, not necessarily to thoroughly follow all the rules, because this day is a once in a lifetime. But there is a fundamental customs, without which simply can not do - we consider them in the first place. There are three things that you should definitely do in the day is celebrated a quarter-century since the wedding.

Tradition One: washing

Waking up and always kiss the wife must work together to gain the crystal clear water (preferably in a live source) to the silver jug ​​and begin joint water procedures. Husband and wife need to wash each other three times: the first time washed away the severity of past years, the second - experienced and urgent problems, and the third - the experience of the future.

After that, the couple gently wipe each other snow-white linen cloth, symbolizing the purity of their love, and put silver jug ​​with the remaining water in the sun - dry. It is believed that together and evaporating moisture leaving all the troubles and tribulations of the family.

Immediately after washing, you are ready to mark the second part - the exchange of rings. Actually, this tradition know everything, even those who do not particularly follow the rules, trying to keep it because it symbolizes a very romantic relationship between a man and a woman. So let's take a closer look at all the nuances of this custom is to know what to do on the day of the silver wedding.

 how to celebrate a wedding

Tradition Two: the exchange of rings

Of course, the couple need to think in advance about the observance of the ritual. They need to choose a ring, pleasing design, suitable in size and certainly the silver. The precious metal in common with the date and symbolizes the strength and value of the senses, time-tested.

The ceremony exchange of rings is necessary to make a really grand: it is necessary to present it to people close to the couple: parents, relatives, friends. And, of course, it should be a celebration, extending in a specific scenario.

Again, it is important to choose a program of the ceremony, and here are the options, drives you the most common ones:

  1. Many couples love to celebrate twenty-five years as well as in his time, and the wedding itself. Husband and wife choose the same clothes, the same invite witnesses and guests, go to the same registry office and a restaurant. A kind of return to the past is very popular - it can be called a classic silver wedding celebration.
  2. Another option - to find an event to highlight its cozy atmosphere, for example, at home or in the country, your family and closest friends. It is usually quiet and modest selected couples who do not want the noisy celebrations. This option is great for a husband and wife who want an important day for himself to emphasize that for them is the most important family comfort and attention to native people.
  3. In recent years become increasingly popular themed celebration celebrated by analogy with the first wedding. In this case, the guests, and heroes of the occasion dress gangsters, pirates, the aristocracy of the Victorian era - in short, choose the images that it tells a fantasy heroes of the occasion. This option is suitable mark the cheerful couples who are accustomed to live a fun and not lose enthusiasm of youth.
  4. However, and romantic celebration is also quite popular - it is usually chosen by people related to the traditions quite freely. There are couples who want to celebrate this day together, going to a luxury restaurant on the first date or place abroad, for example in the city of love - Paris. And they, of course, is understandable, because it is their silver wedding.

But how would any couple to celebrate this day, still becomes the apotheosis of exchange with silver rings. Through it, a husband and wife and prove themselves all the strength of their feelings, not fading with age.

In keeping with tradition, the couple exchanged at noon silver rings, putting them on the fingers of one another instead of gold. This past fit into the family box, and carefully kept for a year, until the next anniversary. By tradition, the ceremony of exchanging rings, the witnesses must be present at the wedding, but in some cases, such as the celebration together abroad, this rule does not necessarily adhere to.

After the exchange of rings, a feast or a romantic dinner, you can continue to fulfill the third important rite - a family tea. Let's see how it should proceed and what meaning it carries in itself.

Tradition Three: family tea party

This ritual is performed immediately after the last guest leaves. Generally, this tradition is observed when the silver wedding is celebrated in the company of loved ones at home - in the restaurant, it would not be relevant.

In accordance with the "rules of the genre," his wife pours two cups of strong flavored tea, myself and my husband and a couple of drinks it, lie as still sitting at the table (the last point is very important). This ritual symbolizes the confidence of the spouses in a joint future in the fact that among all the hustle and outgoing they are able to maintain the comfort of home, warmth and love.

Now let's consider another tradition that may not be such a major and mandatory, but rather emphasizing the hospitality of a broad Russian soul. It is the invitation of guests: parents and children, friends and relatives. Let's learn how to call them in accordance with the rules of the silver wedding.

 note silver wedding

We invite guests, observing all the rules

  1. The first rule tells us that it is necessary to call close to the heart of people in exactly 25 days before the date of the silver wedding. As you know, the symbolism in the fact that each day as it represent the year of family life.
  2. The second rule is to invite at least 25 guests, and among them, must be witnesses. In this case, the symbolism in numbers so the couple will show that value the people that were close to all the years of their married life.
  3. The third rule: you have plenty of expensive wine and dine guests. Of course, the 25 dishes you can not offer them, but a loaf on the table to be sure. By the way, his husband and his wife should be cut into 2 parts, together holding the knife. Two half-loaf to symbolize family life prior to that date and beyond. Then it will be already cut into as many parts to have enough for each guest, and treat all people who come to the feast.

These are traditions that should observe the day of the silver wedding - as you can see, they are quite simple and interesting. We wish you a great mark 25 years of marriage, in full accordance with the rules and rituals transmitted through the generations.

 As noted silver wedding all the rules

We advise to check: What to give to the silver wedding
