Celebrations and parties occupy in our lives its integral part. And though they are not as often as we would like - we are still waiting for their look, whether it is a magnificent anniversary or just a party of friends who decide to spend a few hours together. We carefully prepare, think through the menu, phoning friends, and every time we want to please the guests something special, "neizbity."
The whole scheme feast every woman known since childhood: a table covered by all the rules of etiquette, delicious, well-dressed guests, laughter and bustle, congratulations and toasts. However, sometimes you want something more than just a regular gatherings at the table, especially if the company has a young and cheerful. The Soul simply requires amusement, as they say, not only bread but also the sights.
How to make a holiday special, not like the others? Of course, arrange fun contests for the guests! And for that there is no need to apply to a special agency - you can do everything yourself. The main thing to think and do not forget to buy souvenirs unpretentious, what contests without prizes?
Contests for parties may be different. Some of them are really children, while others openly adults. Select only you, pushing the number of people at a party on their age and interests.
The contest "in mittens ..."
This is perfect entertainment for young companies. For his conduct is necessary to prepare two pairs of gloves, preferably made of solid material, and the two men's button-down shirts. Uchuvstvuyut two teams of two people - man and woman. Men need to be blindfolded and put on gloves, and girls donned the shirt. That young man who soon will strip his partner, unbuttoned all the buttons, and a pair of wins gets the coveted award. But losing a pair of hand the consolation prize.
This game is designed for children 6-7 years old, but it is very popular at weddings and anniversary parties. For the contest should be 7-8 people. Each participant chooses an animal that will be, and to get acquainted with other "residents" of the zoo, featuring the characteristic movements of the animal.
When the introduction is complete, the person does not participate in the competition, choose who will start the game and begins to show your pet and pet the other party, who in turn shows himself and another participant, and so on. The game continues as long as someone makes a mistake, that is, the animal will show his opponent wrong. Losers participants are eliminated one by one. The further the game, the harder it is to make a mistake, because you can get lost and have left it to show "the animal."
Competition for your men
For this competition you will need newspapers or magazines of different directions. Participating men have to show how they can read aloud, and the one who reads the expressive and louder, he will win. Each participant was seated in a chair or on a chair, asked to roll up one trouser leg to the knee and throw a leg over the other. Bare foot, of course, must be on top.
The men at the same time begin to read aloud, trying to shout down opponents. According to the team, participants stop and then you need to determine the winner ... But the trick is that the men were initially misled about the rules of the contest and winning the one who has the hairy leg! And you prize is awarded to "shaggy" a man of your company.
Find the gift
It is child's play, but, nevertheless, it is quite popular at parties birthday. Participates birthday. The essence of the game is that it should look for in your present home. For this purpose, ten pieces of paper write notes in each of which the next specified location. The first note to give hero of the occasion to hand. And at the last email where the "buried treasure." It is very exciting to watch as the adult child excitedly looking treasured gift!
Certificates for various achievements
Some competitions for adult parties will have to prepare in advance. For this game you need to stock up on several diplomas, for example, "An Ideal Husband" (or wife), "the perfect father", "ideal one", "the perfect hostess." To get your reward guests will need to:
- Ideal husband - know his wife's hand, hair, leg, voice. All four assignments are performed in turn. And of course the perfect wife to do all this with her husband.
- Ideal father - show a scene from your favorite fairy tales your child perepelenat kid (well suited for this big doll the size of a baby).
- Perfect friend - remember the birthdays of all present and tell the story of acquaintance with them.
- The perfect hostess - to tie a tie, tell me how to remove the stain, such as ketchup, to advise what can be done with the salty soup. Here you can let your imagination run wild and come up with your own questions for both men and women.
Well, here we examined the popular games and competitions for the party at your home. Of course, you can not only stop them and come up with something of their own. The main thing is that now your holiday will not be another banal feast, and guests will long remember him.