how to make money on the internet clicks

Earning without leaving home. For many it was a dream. Someone tired of "cute" to communicate with petty tyrant-chief, someone - a small child who has lost a job, the other - in retirement. Everyone - his reasons. But for so many money on the Internet - it is an opportunity to change your life and make it happier, more interesting, more easily.

Start looking for ways to earn money online you are sure to come across the term "surfing" and try to figure out how to make money online clicks. Why this kind of earnings is so attractive for beginners? There are several reasons.

The first reason

Surfing requires investments. Agree, sounds tempting? After all, often enough people trying to find work - and not necessarily on the Internet - have to face the fact that first you offer something to invest, and only then - and, mind you, it is not guaranteed! - You will be able to earn something.

Many people invest a few times "their money" in some vague future and not getting anything in return, just tired of endless deception. Therefore, the opportunity to start earning at the same time not risk his own money, it seems very attractive.

The second reason

Surfing requires professional skills. You do not need to "load" the head of the new knowledge, "dig" a mountain of information, study professional literature.

Just know which side should approach the computer and where is the "magic button" that it includes. And of course, Internet access is required. And before the "dip" in surfing, make sure that you have it unlimited.

Reason Three

Surfing - it's easy and pleasant. And seen the picture - you are comfortable in a chair with a cup of coffee and settle down on his knees and turning the laptop to your favorite music, browsing the sites ... and the money slowly "drip" into your virtual wallet.

And the main thing is that after a day of this here cute forwarding you with a clear conscience can tell who came home from work to her husband: "I, too, worked all day, and very tired! ". And let alone try to argue! No, well, is not this happiness?

 how to make money on the Internet for clicks

Reason Four

You can start work straight seychas.Vam no longer need to go to the interview, send a resume and stopping of each call - maybe this is it - the employer! You do not need to "twitch" and puzzle over where to attach the small children if still you find a job. You do not have to worry about a poverty-stricken old age, and only rely on the meager pension.

So, or something like this, argue those who decided to engage in web-surfing. And all this sounds, of course, very cool.

What is this and how to surf the Internet to earn money for clicks?

The point is very simple. You pay money for visits to various sites. The question arises: who and what does it do?

Paid by advertisers - the owner of a site. And he needs it in order to artificially increase the traffic to your "child" to raise the rankings, and - of course! - Start earning good money.

One caveat - the paying web-master does not directly, but through intermediaries - the company sponsors. Clicks sponsors - are intermediaries who take themselves a certain percentage of the money that is paid webmaster. Otherwise, they are called the company's CAP - a system of active advertising - or the axle box. To start surfing you need to register on the website of the sponsor.

How to find the "right" clique sponsor?

Find Clicks sponsera - it is very simple. It is not easy to find one that will pay you honestly earned money. Many sponsors simply refuse to pay when the party gaining a definition for the output amount. Others may simply delete your account, citing the violation of some mysterious "rules". Many ways of cheating.

On what to look for when choosing a sponsor?

  1. The lack of a forum. This is - a very bad sign, because it was on the forums, you can know the opinion of people has long been firmly associated with the company. Well, if the company does not want to cooperate with it was discussed ... Do the findings themselves.
  2. The lack of presence of positive and negative reviews. This is perhaps the first thing that is worth checking out.
  3. The site is located on the third-level domains and free hosting. Hence, owners do not want to invest a dime and do not count on a long work and a serious profit - a very bad sign.
  4. Poor design. This usually indicates that the administrator is not willing to spend time and energy on their "promotion". So, he does not plan to engage in the project seriously. Rather, people want to quickly earn some money and disappear without paying anyone. The same is said for spelling errors, viruses, no banners, and feedback to the administrator, as well as the divergence of prices and conditions on the main page and the FAQ.
  5. Terms of payment. For example, obviously overestimated the minimum withdrawal amount. Or payment only if the premium-account. Also pay attention to the ratio of prices in advertising and CPC. If the CPC is too large, it is likely that you just are not going to pay anything.

Before you finally select multiple sponsors, with whom you plan to work, do not be lazy - register on the forums on the earnings on the Internet and chat with people who have long been engaged in this.

Besides, in most forums, there are "black lists". There are listed unscrupulous sponsors who do not pay the money to workers.

How to register?

So Clicks sponsor is found. How to register? Well, this procedure is very simple and takes literally 2-3 minutes.

However, before you start recording, make sure that you already have an electronic purse. After all, it is there, and I will do your money. Typically used on a purse WebMoney.

Then you fill out a short form indicating your email address and the purse number and wait for the letter. After receiving the letter, pass on the link in it to confirm your registration. All. You - the surfer.

What to do next?

Then you start working. Open an additional window, which will load sites. View each of them must be from 20 to 40 seconds. The more views - the more you earn. It happens that one view is not enough. According to the terms, you will still perform small tasks - for example, click on any image, or to vote for someone.

It seems to be very simple, clear and tiring. But, of course, this type of income, there are drawbacks.

 earn money on clicks

"Pitfalls" surfing

That's how the world - all working for the money. Therefore, the main question remains is this: "How much can I earn? ".

Unfortunately, surfing - not a job that can provide a comfortable existence. As a rule, they are engaged in those who are just looking for himself, making the very first attempts to make money online. Why did not turn out good money on surfing? There are several reasons.

The first reason. Parental control. Once you start to work, the sponsor establishes certain restrictions. This is to ensure that one and the same site view different surfers. As a rule, they have a sponsor much more than advertisers. So, if they wanted to, you can not do a lot of views.

The second reason. The level of payment. Unfortunately, a simple job and get paid very little. CPC is very low. Practice shows that if you work hard for 8 hours a day, you will be able to earn around 150 -170 loans. If you work seven days a week, then a month get 4500-5100.

The price is 1,000 credits, approximately 30-36 rubles. The result is disappointing: 135-180 rubles a month. Can I change these sad figures?

How to increase income?

There is a way to improve the situation somewhat. To do this, to involve other people - referrals.

What are referrals? Most of the sponsored projects are interested in attracting new members. Therefore, they have a referral program. Referalstvo meaning that you will find people willing to participate in this program and get a reward.

Those whom you have invited are called your referrals - invited. And you - the referrer, ie the one who invited.

How it works? The mechanism is very simple. You get a personal link to the project. If someone comes to the site at this link and sign up, it becomes your referral and you'll receive a certain income, of what he was doing.

Such a system is beneficial and sponsors and participants. Sponsor will not spend money on advertising - new people will cause those who are already working. A participant has an opportunity to increase your income. The more people you attract, the more significant will your earnings. Then your referrals will attract and build their distinctive pyramid. The greater the number of levels is, the better for all participants.

Where to get referrals?

Strictly speaking, there are only 2 ways to attract:

  • purchase;
  • advertising.

And he and the other require specific - material and time - cost.

Purchase. Perhaps the cheapest way - buy referrals from sponsors. The problem is that most people are recruited in this manner, - as practice shows up to 90% - in fact, will not work. They just get their money for the registration and then safely "disappeared" from your horizon.

Another way to buy referrals - is to place your offer on online forums dedicated to the Network. However, there should be careful, otherwise the situation will be exactly the same as with purchases via sponsors. It is better to offer the money at once, for the fact of registration, but only after a person earns the sponsor any pre-agreed, amount.

Advertising. The first, easiest, and most importantly, absolutely free way - is to invite to the project of his friends and acquaintances.

The second method is suitable for "advanced" users. This is - the creation of your site. The first site is recommended to create a free hosting. However, it should be noted that the "roll" it will not be easy.

The third and perhaps the most difficult method of advertising - the creation of mailing. To do this, you must come up with an interesting subject - for example, earnings or news - and competently the text of the letter. Each letter can be recommended to their sponsor and leave a referral link.

The main thing is not openly fantasize and mislead people. Even if you manage to attract more referrals, that ultimately it could work against you. People quickly realize that they are being deceived, and you're just wasting your time and ruin the reputation of

If the skill and thought to combine all of these methods, it is possible to collect several hundred referrals and, thanks to this, to go to another level of earnings.

Here, in general, and everything from how to make money on clicks. Call it "easy" money, perhaps impossible. It's just a regular job that requires a lot of strength, time, patience and perseverance. Of course, to do this or not - you decide. Some - few of them - all turns out. Others - the majority of them - after some time find other earning opportunities on the Internet or even abandon the idea.

But, if you do not try, then certainly nothing will.

 Web-surfing, or how to make money on clicks

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