Arrears on loans

Today, loans are very accessible and popular. Many people use this opportunity to realize their dreams, requiring major investments. The loan today you can buy almost everything - car, an apartment, furniture or appliances. You can "borrow" money for a holiday or for the organization of a major event - such as a wedding or anniversary.

As a rule, before to take this step, the person evaluates its "strength". And, usually, he comes to the conclusion that the monthly payments will not make it to work. But everyone knows what threatens the failure to pay on the loan?

There are times when plans suddenly break - dismissal from work, a sudden illness, unexpected expenses - but who knows what can happen in life. And here comes another period of payment, and you understand that to make the payment on time can not. Well, just did!

The minimum delay

Well, first of all do not panic. If the delay is due to "valid" reasons and your guilt in this, then most likely, you will no sanctions are not threatened.

What is considered to be such reasons? Well, for example, emergency hospitalization or urgent business trip. Most of the banks are trying to meet their clients in such situations. He understands that all of us - living people, and each may have their own problems.

Generally, the delay in payment for the term of less than five days are usually no "punitive measures" are not followed. The only thing it can threaten you - the denial of the request for the next loan. Well, pay the fine, of course, necessary.

Late payment penalty

All of your relationship with the bank credit agreement clearly defined. So do not rely on excuses such as "forgotten", "I was not warned," "I did not know." They will not help.

Penalties for late payment of the loan may be a specific amount or expressed in interest rate rises - it all depends on your contract. You learned it well before you sign it? At the same time your debt is growing daily on the amount of the fine.

There is one more thing you need to know. As a rule, when making payment, banks write off the debt in a certain sequence:

  • penalties for delay;
  • monthly commission;
  • interest;
  • debt.

  What does it mean?

For example, your monthly payment is 6,000 rubles. You are past due on it for a few days, without specifying the size of the fines, the bank brought the usual amount. Since you first write off the penalties. Suppose they amounted to 2000 rubles. Thus, in the repayment of the loan you have only 4000 rubles. And you need a 6000!

That is, you still remained overdue loan. And it will again be assessed penalties. This system is very beneficial write-off banks. If the customer is not completely made money, the outstanding balance will necessarily comprise a portion of the debt that is subject to fines. So before you pay off the debt you must contact the bank and find out the size of the penalties and the total amount of payment.

 penalties for late loan

Overdue 5-10 days

It is already considered sufficiently serious misconduct. Be prepared for the fact that the bank's employees will regularly "ringing" you and remind you to pay. However, there is another method of dealing with debtors. Some banks do not show activity in the period of initial debt. However, to think that you have forgotten about - top frivolity!

Some banks are doing it unconsciously - simply because they do not have the staff to work with careless borrowers. But there are others. Their principle - "the longer a person does not pay, the greater the amount we get from him then."

As a rule, after a second delay in payment on the loan officers on the scene very different offices - the economic security of the bank. Employees of the service explain in great detail exactly what debtors troubles await them in the event of failure their obligations. The tone of communication, as a rule, varies greatly. Do not be surprised if the staff of the bank will begin to visit not only you, but also your neighbors, family and colleagues. Typically, these methods are hard to produce results - most people are afraid to spoil their reputation and find ways to pay the debt.

Credit bureau

By entering into a relationship with the bank, you must remember, and yet another moment. Almost every man, for once in your life who got the credit, head of credit history. And the fact of delay in payment, without a doubt, will be reflected in it. Moreover, in the long delay in your bank will transfer the data to the National Bureau of Credit Histories.

What threatens a bad credit history? The fact that in the future you will not be able to use the service in any bank. They just do not want to mess with optional client. Do not you also be able to become a co-borrower or guarantor.

Refusal of loan payments

If all these measures do not have the desired effect, the creditors make a final warning - Send a letter of demand. After 30 days from the date of dispatch, they go to court.

Please be aware that lead up to this extremely disadvantageous to borrowers. The court may require the sale of your collateral at auction. A bid price is usually much lower than what you can actually "help out" for the bail. If the collateral is not, it may be seized for all your belongings. If the "arrest" is nothing, it may be a decision of dismissal to a certain amount of your salary to repay the loan.

Collection Agencies

There is another system. After some time the bank can "sell" your debts specialized collection agencies. This is your duty to go to the new creditor and the bank just writes off its balance sheet.

Well, it sure before that it is better not to bring! After all, the main purpose of collection agencies - profit. And in the choice of methods, they are far less scrupulous than the same banks. Be assured that they will find ways to ruin your life "in full."

What to do if you can not repay the loan on time?

First, and most importantly - do not try to hide. Do not ignore letters and phone calls coming from the bank. Please contact the manager of the bank, tell about their difficulties and name the exact date of repayment of the loan. If, for some reason, make payment immediately, you can not - try to agree on a postponement. Perhaps you will meet.

Sometimes banks even make up for people who are in difficult situation, the individual payment schedule. And if you are willing to pay directly at least part of the debt, you can try to agree on that you did not impose penalties or, at least, make them minimal.

The output is always there! You just have to take action and you will certainly succeed.

 Arrears on loans - what that means?

 how to choose a contribution

"He is retired and lives on the interest" - a magic phrase. So once and seems - the sea, the yacht, a villa, a cigar ... that there still needs to be scripted? But as far as actually to "mere mortals"?

Well, most likely, just "live on the interest" does not happen. But why not try to make your money work for us? Well, just a little ... Still it will be easier! How to do it? Include their bank. Although, to begin with, we need to understand how to choose input.

Choose the deposit term

"As soon as I may need the money? "Perhaps this is the first question that must ask himself the man, who decided to open a bank account. The answer to it, you will be able to determine the time of your deposit.

The choice here is huge - banks offer deposits on virtually any period of time - a month, a year, for several years. And some of them have gone even further - you can set the exact date of closure of the account. For example, 52 days someone from your family anniversary and of course you need money. So, you can open a deposit for exactly 52 days. Convenient, is not it?

As a rule, the deposit opening, people have the same goal - to make money began to bring the maximum profit. Unfortunately, life sometimes presents unpleasant surprises - it may be an urgent need for money. Even if you've been assured that as soon as you need them.

What contribution choose money to work effectively, and to you it was the most convenient?

All banks operate on the same principle - the less freedom you have in the management of its contribution, the greater the interest on it. And this is understandable. After all, knowing exactly what you can not "get" their money before the deadline, the bank is free to dispose of them within this period. Another thing, if you can withdraw money at any time. Of course, banks are not profitable.

The main types of deposits

  • Contribution classic

In this contribution, you'll get the maximum income. It works very simply. You put your money and, before the deadline, they are "frozen." That is, no update your account or withdraw money from it, you can not.

If you are absolutely sure that you can "forget" about their money for a while, then it is better to choose it.

  • Deposit with possibility of replenishment

Typically, the average yield of this deposit. The idea is this - you can make extra money to your account, but did not take them out.

This kind of contribution is very convenient for those who have money "all the time somewhere to disappear." Receiving regular payment, you just put it on the bill. So you protect yourself from unnecessary temptations.

  • The contribution with the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal

The percentage of this contribution is the smallest, but freedom - much more. You can not only make money, but to remove them from your account. However, within a particular bank amount.

This contribution is convenient for those who are not very confident in the future and wants to have "escape route."

 the contribution to choose

Choose currency

If you are far from the world of finance - all of these traders, brokers, currency exchanges, etc. - To determine the currency most favorable to investments, it can only be intuitive. According to the principle "I believe / I do not believe." Although there is another option - open a multi deposit. It is believed that this is a good way to reduce the risks.

The bottom line is this. To open an account you get multiple accounts in different currencies. Generally, there are three most running - the ruble, the euro and the dollar. All of your money allocated to accounts in any proportion. The bank sets a separate rate for each currency. If necessary, you can give instructions to the bank and transfer money from one account to another. In this case all the terms of your deposit shall remain in force. Deposit something - one! It accounts on it three.

The only problem - for this account ever have to "keep an eye", tracking fluctuations. Otherwise, what's the meaning of it?

Select Bank

First, you have to decide how do you trust banks - private or public. In particular, as a rule, higher interest rates. But is it reliable?

In Russia, there is a system of insurance of monetary contributions. It applies to commercial banks. What does it mean? This means that if your input is less than 700 000, you will get your money back anyway. Whatever happens to your bank, and whatever it was - public or private. They will return you to the state deposit insurance agency. However, if you have multiple accounts in the same bank and the total amount of money on them exceeds 700 000, immediately you will still only get that amount. And the rest of you will be paid in installments. What to do?

Experts recommend to open several accounts in different banks. Then all your contributions will fall under the state "insurance."

In order to decide which particular bank to entrust their money and what contribution you must choose to examine the conditions on deposits of different organizations. So you can find the most suitable and profitable for you to offer.

Attention and attention once again!

Before you open a deposit, the bank will ask you to sign a contract. This document will identify all of your future relationship with the organization. The interest rate, type of deposit, penalties for early termination - all this information is spelled out in the document.

You must be clear about what consent. In order to protect yourself from unpleasant surprises, it is recommended to examine the contract in advance, in a relaxed atmosphere. You can simply go to the bank and ask them to print the document. Read his "cover to cover" - especially the fine print. If you have any questions - be sure to ask them before signing.

"Underwater rocks"

Bank charges - it is the money that you will be charged for the operation of the deposit. The problem here is that they are not all spelled out in the contract. You've read it, right?

Sometimes the commission "hidden" in the fees for transactions on the accounts. Be sure to read these tariffs - they can significantly affect the profitability of your investment.

Well, it seems more or less figured out how to select the input. Try? And let the villa and yacht remain only in dreams, but maybe even for a pair of shoes and a new dress, they - our money - we will be able to earn?

 How to choose a contribution - forces the money work

We strongly recommend to read: How do I get the money
