Quite often it happens that after a few years in the company, you are surprised to see that your salary has long been hopelessly behind the market level. But your boss why this issue is not worried. How to ask for a pay raise? And is it worth doing?
There are at least three versions of events. The choice is yours:
- Option One - unconstructive
Silently worry and angry at the same time hoping that the authorities "will wake up consciences" and he - finally! - You will appreciate at its true worth. Theoretically, of course, such an outcome is possible. Almost - it is extremely rare.
As a rule, the result is sad - you start to silently hate the boss, work colleagues, his failed life ... well, and so on. Most likely, after a while you just write a letter of resignation.
- The second option - the search for "escape routes"
You can start looking for a new job with a decent salary. Find out your level of salaries in other companies. Send your resume. Make sure that they are ready to take you to it. So why not change jobs?
Perhaps this will be a new round of your career.
But what if the company you are satisfied with almost everything - duties, level of responsibility, career prospects, the staff ... in short, all but one - your salary? How to approach the "sensitive issue"?
Talk about salary increase - this is the same business negotiations. And as in any negotiations, it is necessary to carefully prepare.
Pick Case
To get started, try to determine if there are objective reasons for the revision of your paycheck. What should be considered objective reasons?
According to experts of the personnel market, there are two good reasons for the request for salary increase. This - "the expansion of job responsibilities" and "increase the volume of work." With such arguments, you have all the chance to get a long-awaited boost.
The other, quite controversial, the reasons are:
- "A significant increase in self-qualification"
Of course the fact that you have mastered the new knowledge and skills that you characterize as a serious and motivated employee. But if you apply the new knowledge to carry out all the same old job, then why should it be an argument for your superiors?
- "The strong mismatch of your current level of income to the average on the market"
Unfortunately, many leaders are extremely sensitive to such statements. After all, when you get a job, do you agree with this salary, right?
Therefore, this argument may not always work. It should result in only if you are working in the company for a long time and wages you have not increased. Of course, during this period the average market salaries experts your level increased significantly.
Are you convinced that you have a good reason "to demand a raise?" Then we go further.
Determine the purpose of
Clearly define for yourself the amount you wish to receive further. Otherwise, a direct question may put you into a blind alley.
As a rule, the amount of allowances is 10-15% of salary. We do not recommend to pass this level - otherwise the authorities may be tempted to look for a new employee.
Picking up your salary, the head of the company's costs will increase. So before you ask for a raise, make sure that you have selected the correct time. Business should be "on the rise" - it can be an increase in sales, the opening of branches or any other favorable situation. It is hardly necessary to contrive such a conversation, if your company is on the verge of bankruptcy.
It is worth considering, and one more thing. Almost all large companies budget for next year is made in a certain period. If you know exactly when it happens, it makes sense to ask for a pay rise at the beginning of this period. Then the chief will not be able to respond to you, that the budget is already painted "to the penny."
Catch the right moment
Make sure that the head of a good mood, he has free time and can easily discuss your problem. Do not contrive such a conversation "on the run". Psychologists recommend hold talks in the afternoon. At this time, usually it has been less urgent cases. And talk to the head of fed safer than hungry.
On the eve of the conversation you have committed some mistake - the conversation is better to postpone. Otherwise, you can be sure that you 'will remember everything. "
It is believed that the best way to hold such talks in the office of the - where he feels confident and calm. It is not necessary to ask for a raise on corporate parties. Of course, probably the chief is in a good mood, but it is unlikely he will want to discuss the "production problems". And even if you can tell him whatever you want, it is likely that most of your arguments will take place on deaf ears.
Remember all your achievements. Select the projects and initiatives that have increased the company's profits. Prepare the new proposals for the development of the areas for which you are responsible. Make it so that the chief could clearly understand what he should raise your salary.
That is, in every way try to convince the head of that by raising your salary will win not only you, but also the company.
Make a plan conversation
It is natural that during an important conversation for you, you can start to worry. It is therefore necessary to think in advance what and in what order you say.
Try to imagine the possible objections of the chief, and prepare answers to them. How will you react if the boss says that currently the company has no money to increase the salaries of employees? Or offer to transfer the conversation to "later"?
Try to stay confident and look friendly - do not put yourself in a "position of the petitioner." After all, you are talking about their real merits and achievements.
Be patient. Do not "put pressure" on the head, trying to make him an immediate solution. It is possible that he just is not ready to respond immediately. However, in some areas better than to be firm. Ask when you can come for an answer. Otherwise, you run the risk did not wait for a clear answer.
The most unpleasant thing that can happen - it's a failure. But you understand that it can happen, when they decided to ask for a pay rise, right? The main thing is to stay optimistic and try to benefit even from such an unpleasant situation.
Try to find out exactly why you have been denied. It often happens that the director and I would like to raise the salary, but he has no such possibility. In this case, be sure to find out when you can come back to this issue.
Offer to take on additional duties to be paid over and above your salary. If this opportunity is likely you will go to a meeting.
If the boss is not satisfied with the quality of your work, listen carefully to all the arguments. Find out what you need to change to improve results.
In any case, you now have a complete picture of how you evaluate the bosses. Moreover, do you know how to ask for a pay raise, and how, in general, to talk with management. And it is very important for building a career.
And she is sure to be successful you have!