plan a family budget


  • We look at the problem
  • Methods of planning the family budget
  • Cost Optimization
  • Conclusion

During our childhood and adolescence we did not think about where the money come from parents on all the family needs, all seemed to take for granted. But time does not stand still, everything changes, and now we have families, we become parents, and planning the family budget becomes our immediate problem. And we solve the seemingly unsolvable puzzle "smart" spending the money earned to the end of the month, do not stay with a handful of stuff in your pocket.

Quite often family run and a husband and wife at the same time get a pretty good salary, but are unable to afford the pleasant excesses. That is why it is necessary at an early stage of life together to agree with your partner the planning of the family budget, that there was then "excruciatingly painful."

In general, planning the family budget - something purely individual and every family is formed differently. But if we take into account that it is (planning), in fact, of the income and expenditure, it becomes clear how it operated. It is only necessary to assess the problem properly and look at it objectively.

We look at the problem

Previously, you had to rely only on themselves. But, apparently, to his own salary add the salary of her husband, and why the money is missing. Why is that? In general, women tend to spend their own money for a favorite (perfumes, cosmetics, clothes, jewelry) and they also love to give gifts to relatives and friends. Men spend a lot of money on their own interests and never denied themselves in tasty and nourishing food.

Before the emergence of disputes and disagreements on this issue must immediately put the record straight «i» and decide for what purpose you need to plan the family budget, and how to do it. Maybe the husband had no idea how much money is spent on the purchase of washing powder or other necessary things for the kitchen. His wife does not understand why so much money is required for the maintenance of the "iron horse."

And yet, how to plan the family budget? To cope with this can anyone with a basic understanding of addition and subtraction. For good planning, data on family expenditure in the last six months. But even if such data are not available, and you have no idea about what to spend last salary - do not worry! The main thing to have a desire and aspiration. However, if at first you will have to independently conduct financial statistics.

 how to plan a family budget

Methods of planning the family budget

They are two: either we try to increase revenue, or trying to reduce consumption. Then the "debit to credit" converge. But there is a middle ground: an exact calculation of gains and losses.

First, we should define the major income families. They consist of the salaries of husband and wife, awards, scholarships, no social benefits. If you are a man of vision, then there is plyusuem interest on deposits, income from dividends, cash gifts, and sometimes even part time. In the case where part of the revenue is reduced, it is possible to come up with different ways to break-in period. The determining factor here is the desire and resourcefulness spouses. In the absence of these or inevitably arise scandals and misunderstandings on the grounds of lack of money.

On the expenditure side, the situation is more complicated. Each family defines its own individual standard of living (sometimes prohibitive income). But are binding on all utility costs or fees for rental housing, spending on food, clothes and shoes, as well as spending on education and development of children. You can also mention the ongoing costs, such as transport, cellular services, as well as the cost of recreation, gifts to friends (as always unexpected) guests and domestic holidays. To calculate the daily expenditure can be divided into the amount you set aside for this purpose, the number of days (a week or a month). If any of the days the amount exceeds the estimated cost, then the next day have to "tighten their belt".

Cost Optimization

How to plan a family budget, optimizing costs? You can always safely reduce at least one of the items of expenditure. For example, psychologists are advised not to go shopping on the first day of receipt of salary. On this day, every man is in the euphoria of the fact that he is rich, even for a short while. Therefore, the "mindless" spending more likely. Spending on food can be reduced if not buy all the way home from work and by making a list of essential products for a week, to go with him to the market on Saturday or Sunday. At work, you can eat the food seized from the house and not to leave their money in nearby cafes. Moreover, the quality of prepared dishes in them is poor. However, there is one "but". Do not skimp on essential products such as milk, cheese, eggs, fruits, vegetables, juices (organic) meat. Treatment from a lack of vitamins and minerals can do much more.

You can find yourself a separate purse and put back all the small coins. At the end of the month you will be surprised how much this "home deposit" accumulated funds. Do not buy advertising like "every detail - all for $ 100," from little things might get a large sum, which you did not expect to spend.

Loans, loans in the bank as well as bank cards, checks, insurance could result in serious debt pit. Did not hesitate to ask the employees of the bank's total amount of payments that you will need to produce. Otherwise, seemingly quite "favorable" conditions can become quite burdensome for the family budget.

The study of family planning budget revealed that, ideally, half the family income should be spent on essential needs, 30% of the budget can be given to the things that you would like to buy, but could very well do without them, and the remaining 20% ​​deferred. Savings may be needed as a "rainy day" and become a kind of emergency reserve that will help you in case of unforeseen expenses. It will be much more efficient to save money on your bank account, forcing them to work for themselves and not to lay dead weight "under the mattress." After receiving the first interest you can already feel the return on investment.

And one more thing. Both spouses need to leave some money for personal expenses. And do not carefully counting every penny you spend your better half. At best, it will lead to confusion and at worst - to the nervousness and rejection. Private money will allow you to make a pleasant surprise with or without cause.

With regard to children, the psychologists give a definite answer: "Give the money for personal expenses." Let it be a small amount, but it will bring them a sense of independence, and later the children themselves will be able to plan their own costs.

 how to plan a family budget


From time to time you have to sit down with a pen and a notebook (or even for a computer if you do not want to bother writings), and analyze the family expenses. After a couple of months, you will get a more or less clear idea of ​​where your money goes. As an opportunity to identify punctures, or, on the contrary, be designated effective solutions.

We hope these tips will help you understand how to plan the family budget properly, and why it is generally necessary. Over time you develop a personal approach to solving this problem. Allow yourself to live by controlling your income and expenses, and not letting them run your life. And for the future. Carry only the amount you expect to spend today in order not to be tempted to spend it.

 Planning for the family budget: Tips and Secrets

We recommend that read: how to learn to save money

 how to make money online


  • How to make money without investing money
  • Earnings from the start-up capital
  • Other types of income through the Internet

Perhaps one of the most popular questions that people ask search engines - "how to make money online? "And there is nothing surprising. It has long been known that making money can not only working in the office, but also by working at home. To do this quite a bit: the computer, comfortable work space and internet.

How to make money without investing money

However, inexperienced person difficult to navigate in all possible ways such earnings. Therefore, the options below will help you choose the most suitable. To begin with, how fast to earn through the Internet without investing money.


Now it is difficult to find someone who is not familiar with the word. For many it is associated with something frivolous, they think that freelancing dedicated people just do not want to work in the office and make money, "like everyone else." But these stereotypes should be set aside. If you have some skills, such as writing a great attention-grabbing texts, then you direct road to the copywriters. You know how to program or to create beautiful pages in the Internet? Excellent! Services coders, programmers and web-designers in high demand on the stock exchanges of freelancing, and pay for them a lot of money. So what's the point to sit in the office, if you can do the same in the comfort of home, planning their own time and quickly get good money for it?


The term "posting" (from the English «post» - data transfer) appeared on the Internet for a long time, since the first forums. Then about blogs yet no one knew anything, simply because they did not exist. The point of posting is to transfer data using the messages for which the advertiser pays you money. It is no secret that any popular entries in the network lot of readers who quickly leave a lot of comments. Posting a person engaged in commenting specifies article in the form of data entry site of the advertiser. This way you can earn no more than $ 100 a month, but many beginners start from that - for them it is a wonderful first experience to make money fast on the Internet.

Referral Links

It is not the most profitable way to earn online. Referral - an affiliate program that is registered on the site, providing some services and leaves it to his referral link partner (the referrer). And that, in turn, pays a referral fee to attract new members. In short, it is a kind of pyramid: Powered through reference customers in exchange for money. But the percentage of attracted new customers through the Internet, on average quite low, and therefore in such a way to make money quickly and not much happens.

 how to make money online

Earnings from the start-up capital

So now you know how to make money through the Internet, not investing. Now it's time to talk about more serious and profitable way of earnings through the Internet. The first and main one - is to create your own website or blog, which, though not too fast, but you will start to make permanent, guaranteed money. All this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing you need to do - buy hosting, register a domain name, which will be the name of your site, and start filling the site content. Even if you do not know where to start, through the Internet you can find a lot of great free courses in which you will quickly learn everything. And now, in fact, the main thing: how to make money with your website?

Contextual advertising

Contextual advertising - this is perhaps the most powerful weapon that can be used to monetize the site, that is, to make sure that he began to make money. Browse the Internet, you've probably seen at various sites, and the windows are small banners with the offer of goods and services for which I feel like a mouse click. If you do this, the site owner will receive a fee from the advertiser. Thus, to save on online contextual advertising, you get rid of the question of how to make money online because you really start to quickly earn good money!

Search engine optimization (SEO)

In order to get your site in the search engines was quoted and visited a lot of people will need to be optimized. You need to identify key words or phrases that best reflect the specifics of your site, and place them, for example, in the articles. After all, a person who is looking for something online, introduces a certain phrase in a search engine. And if the search engine deems it coincides with the keywords of your website, search engine site will be indexed and will appear at the top of the top.

Thematic distribution

If you are well versed in any subject and you will always have something to say to the readers, you can begin to produce thematic mailings. Through the Internet, you can find great video courses, rasskazyvayushie how to make and execute wisely newsletter. A little trick is that most ezine, of course, is a reference to your website. The popular newsletter, the greater its subscribers, and each subscriber - is a potential customer of your site.

Selling space for articles on your website

This is one of the recent techniques by which owners have become popular sites to make money even more. It's very simple: you sell via the Internet space on their website under the article, similar to him on the subject. At the same time you do not need to worry about how to fill the site with new content, it is already doing for you, your customers! That is information on the site is constantly updated, and the money was dropped on the account!

These were the main ways to make money over the Internet with the creation and optimization of your site. With a little effort, you can achieve a lot and learn a lot, and the result will be a real money income. There are several options for how to make money online, you can read about them below.

 how to make money fast

Other types of income through the Internet

Create an online store

We no longer need to get together and go to the store to buy food or, for example, household appliances. What for? After all, the Internet can buy anything your heart desires. The popularity of online shopping is growing every day as the global connectedness of society. Therefore, each person who ponders how to make money on the internet, first of all think about the creation of an online store. Occupation is troublesome and requires a successful strategy and investments. But if we approach the matter with the mind, you can become very successful online entrepreneur. The main thing that really want to, and promote your business online can be just a few months.

Earnings on Forex

You've heard about the currency markets, which takes place at free prices interbank currency exchange. You buy the currency cheaper and sell more expensive - and profit from such transactions. Such foreign exchange market called Forex. There are many real-life stories, when people did fortunes by playing on currency exchange. And yet, in order to successfully make money using exchange rates, you need to have a certain amount of knowledge and experience.

Earnings on eBay

In online auctions the same principle, that of the ordinary auctions. You place a product on a specific site - analogue commodity platforms - and exposes him the price. Naturally, it should be higher than what you are paid for it. In principle, you can make good money if you really have the rarity of some or valuable thing, because the audience is huge online auction. But an ordinary thing to sell profitably unlikely.

Summing up, just right to conclude that it is possible to make money online right now, writing such an article, but you can choose another way. But anyway, one for earnings in the network enough, and nothing prevents you to do this. Go ahead and believe in yourself! And if your business is sure to have good luck!

 How can I make money online?
