how to forget a loved one


  • Forget favorite
  • Forget lover ... like better?
  • How to forget a loved forever
  • In anticipation of the new happiness

Parting with a loved one ... Anyway, survived him nearly every one of us. A huge number of external factors that influence the course of events and human relationships, our inner state, some uncontrollable situation or sudden cooling of feelings on the part of the beloved - and now stands at the threshold of the inexorable separation. And emptied the house and shuts the phone and - hurts, it hurts, it hurts ... It hurts so do not recite the words. Sleepless nights, wet with tears pillow, despair, chaos in the soul and mind, and no tips friends and relatives did not make it clear how to live ... classic. How to forget it?

The agonizing minutes of waiting, melting with each passing day the hope - all that survived thousands of abandoned women. That's how our world is that women leave men are much less likely than men to women. And the painful question of how to remember a loved one, one gets almost to every second of the fair sex. Some of them were able to cope with the pain and sorrow with dignity and fairly quickly (perhaps in that someone helped the advice of a psychologist). The main part of the abandoned women of inescapable misery often go to extremes, and starts to make foolish, and sometimes even completely inappropriate behavior. The results of these actions are usually directly opposite to the expected. How can this be avoided? How quickly forget a loved one? We will try to pick up for you the best tips that have helped many to survive the loss as quickly as possible.

Forget favorite

Parting with your favorite - it's a shock, which is a serious test for the psyche. Abandoned women - in some ways a victim gets into the trap of parting with a dear person and does not know how to get out of this trap. Any movement caused her great pain, but remain trapped - like death. What to do? How to change the situation for the better, and how to forget his beloved, the one who was the most precious thing?

Let's look at the situation of parting with a loved one, as in fact taken place and irrefutable. And remember that we - the person for which the tests are merely a stepping stone to self-improvement. Of course, it would not be desirable to rise to this step was so difficult. But fate has its own laws. With it, you can not argue. Therefore, we are trying to climb up with the least loss to himself.

How to do it? In general, the process of recovery is different. However, the huge collective experience and advice of all separated from their loved ones gave women an opportunity to create a certain pattern of behavior that best answers the question, how can you forget a loved one the most painless.

How can I do that? First, in any case should not be hard to try to learn how to live now loved and with whom. Ask any psychologist, and he will say, moreover, that it is terribly painful, such actions may provoke rash acts, for which over time will become intolerably embarrassing. Everything else, even if a loved one were still some doubts in relation to the woman he left behind such actions dispel them completely. Therefore, if we rush about, not knowing how to forget their loved ones, to remember once and for all: it is necessary to keep them as far as possible. Even if you still can not forget the beloved, caught his eye can not in any case - it's the law!

Of course, if you decide to such drastic measures do not have enough mental strength and really want to at least call, then dial a phone number, you can. Unrealized desires of this kind can trigger the development of a deep depression, but it does not help to restore the mind after the stress. Therefore, a ring, but try to talk without hysterics, in a friendly interest in his affairs, health and so on. In the end, because he was my boyfriend, so why not ask how he lives now. In general, many women are calls to help calm down and are consistent with the scheme as to forget your loved one. Thanks to them gradually from the category of favorite, he can go into the category of friends, and then completely disappear from life, leaving only memories. And if you do not know how to forget his beloved, then imagine what will have to forget the familiar - it is possible.

Secondly, to be alone with his grief, scoring in the dark corner away from everyone, we should not. We izmuchal himself the memories of every moment spent with loved ones, begin to invent reasons for his departure, to dig into myself portraying homebrew psychologist ... Instead, try to visit as much as possible in public. If during this period no suitable society in which we will feel tolerably well, then just walk through the streets or somewhere in a beautiful park.

Third, to hide the emotions and can not hold them back in any case. This, of course, does not mean that we need to talk about the trouble every counter-cross. You can go to the mom or girlfriend and narevetsya it thoroughly before stuttering. One answer to the question of how to survive the separation from loved ones, it becomes an indispensable communication with loved ones. Otherwise, we provided psychosis. It is not necessary to withdraw into themselves and cultivate their pain - it will grow to gigantic proportions. Even if there are no people who can porydat in a vest, it should seek dialogue - it will help to drive away the oppressive thoughts and stabilize the emotional outburst.

Some women, having lost a loved one and not knowing how to forget it, trying to drown his sorrows in alcohol or go out of trouble by having sex with new partners. Do something, and the other is not only impractical, but harmful. Alcohol will only exacerbate the problem and promiscuity can trigger a number of additional problems. In addition, the reputation of alcoholic or licentious ladies in no way contributes to the fact that ex-boyfriend ever regretted his actions.

 how to forget

Forget lover ... like better?

In order to understand how to forget a loved one, you need to realize that out of your life you need to remove all memories of him. It is therefore desirable to eliminate all of the items to which the favorite has to do: throw or give someone his stuff, gifts and so on. It is a pity? Mental health is more expensive. Disappear from the environment tangible reminders - disappear abandoned us near him anchor. And the fate of the boat once again have the opportunity to complete freedom.

Of course, this freedom he would enjoy immediately. After the first shock of the separation will take place, there will come a period of prostration, a kind of depressive state when trouble is perceived not as acute as if from afar. How to survive the separation from loved ones during this period?

It's a pretty hard time when emotions have subsided and thoughts still revolve around trouble, getting to do something seriously. From such a state have to go all the power interruption in the company of friends, colleagues, attending corporate events, theaters, exhibitions, - anything, as long as it helped to erode sad reflections. And it is "anything" must be at least a little interesting. It is desirable that both the company and places of visits were new, nothing reminiscent of a lost love.

There is a good psychological trick that helps to quickly understand how to forget a loved one. It is necessary to make so-called "Book of Happiness" - a notebook or notebook, where each page is reserved for a specific day of the week. The titles of each of these pages, it is necessary to write the phrase "Happiness today," and every evening to record everything deliver the slightest joy, all the pleasant things of the past day. It may be amusing dog on the street, a beautiful handbag at a shop window, smiling passer-by, the flowers bloom, and so on. Once such a "happiness" would be used up to a dozen pages, the mind begins to focus on the happy event, and trouble retreat.

How to forget a loved forever

Then, when the grief of separation from a loved one has ceased to tear to pieces, but the soul is still a little moaning, it's time to create. Yes, it is to build, because such stress allows us to free up internal capacity, the power of which we previously could not be aware. This - the undoubted advantage of such situations, and we can say that even our luck.

What is expressed in this creation? Yes anything! You can radically change its image and interior of the apartment, to study foreign languages ​​or shopping, write a book, learn to knit, embroider a cross, draw, breed exotic plants ... It is very useful to find yourself some pet, if it does not, and get excited about care them. In short, you need to start building their lives anew and make it so that each minor change in it gave at least some pleasure. In these actions and concluded the foundation of understanding how to permanently forget your loved one.

It is important at this time to pay special attention to their own appearance. After all, our ex-boyfriend - not only on earth, but we are now - free, and it's time to look for another prince. Updated, to the extent possible, a wardrobe, a new hairstyle and do every day prettier smiles at his reflection in the mirror. Smiling, in spite of everything: neither bad weather nor unimportant mood. Smiling, sooner or later will act as a very effective antidepressant, and there will be new powers to take action. Life zaburlit and again sparkle with all the colors and melancholy place in it just will not. And we understand that no separation from a loved one is not the end of life. Rather, they are the beginning of it. The beginning of a new and happy phase.

 how to forget it

In anticipation of the new happiness

So, we talked about how to remember a loved one, if he suddenly disappeared from our lives. Of course, these techniques in any case can not be considered a panacea - each of us individually, and brings grief in their own way - but they tend to work. In general, the main task of women who are in such a situation is to change their attitude towards this situation. To learn how to do it quickly, you can refer to those who have experienced similar. Even their sincere sympathy is a great help in such a difficult moment.

In general, the separation from loved ones is not always such a big trouble, as it seems to us. It is possible that our beloved was not as perfect as it seemed, and losing him, we were able to meet their real happiness. In addition - as we said - the separation could be the start to great achievements and motivate to conquer new heights. And who knows - perhaps through time, we will be grateful to the former lover of what he once so suddenly gone.

One way or another, but after breaking up with a loved one should live. After all, life is so multifaceted and unpredictable! And happiness, new, reliable, we can wait around every corner! Especially now that we know how to forget a loved one, we are completely free and can be given without regard to this happiness.

 How to forget a loved one and to prepare for a new stage of life

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