Homemade hair masks are very popular, they allow you to quickly restore hair health, shine, elasticity and fluffiness. Typically, these masks are required when the dandruff appears, do the hair becomes dull and ugly, and regular shampoo simply can not cope with such problems. But costly treatments in the salon is not everyone can afford, so the aid comes simple home recipe.
With mixtures based nettle, natural vegetable and essential oils, yogurt and eggs can make even well-groomed hair is beautiful and shiny.
In addition, it masks help eliminate the negative effect of the frequent use of curling irons, hair dryer, varnishes and foams for modeling hairstyles.
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Homemade masks: the timely help for your hair
But is it useful homemade recipe? The fact that a self-made cosmetics are used only natural products, which are far better than the synthetic additives most shampoos and complex restorative procedures in professional salons. Of course, the result will not come immediately, after about 3-4 weeks, but it will continue for much longer, and the hair will be beautiful.
Homemade hair masks can be very different, they are helping dandruff, hair loss, faintness, and more. But it is necessary to eliminate such negative factors, such as poor nutrition, constant stress, the use of colors, direct exposure to UV rays. Without this long-awaited result did not come.
It is worth noting that any home recipe must be selected in accordance with the problem, because different products have different effects on the hair. Here are some very simple but very effective recipes that will make your curls elastic and very beautiful.
How to restore the mask?
Reducing masks from natural ingredients, usually used for colored, brittle hair, which suffered greatly after bleaching, the use of various cosmetic products, such as lacquers.
One of the most effective recipe is a home-based yogurt. This is usually a low-fat yogurt is applied to the hair about half an hour, and then washed off.
Instead of yogurt can be used decoctions of oak bark, chamomile, plantain. Their action similar, but returns an oak bark still shine, not only makes the hair stronger.
Very interesting and homemade recipe based on honey. For the preparation you need to take the honey, two egg yolks, a little brandy. The mixture was applied to the surface of the hair for 30 minutes and then thoroughly washed. This mask has a complex effect: honey nourishes the hair, making it stronger, cognac shine and a very attractive appearance, and the yolks create a fluffiness and volume.
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What masks can be used at night?
For those who are not able to engage in hair during the day, suitable mixture for nighttime use. This home recipe allows you to make a mask, apply it on your hair, then rinse in the morning. Such masks are very effective and simple, they can do each.
We offer a simple homemade recipe for ginger-based mixture. The hair will then be easy to comb, stop split. For the manufacture must take 30 ml of sesame oil, a tablespoon of ground ginger. It means carefully rubbed into the hair along the entire length. After that you need to wrap your head with plastic wrap, and in the morning just wash with shampoo.
You can choose to make the means and on the basis of carrot, apple juice and aloe juice. For an average length of only three tablespoons of carrot juice, a quarter of a glass of cider, a full tablespoon of aloe juice. For long hair should take more of the ingredients.
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Getting rid of dandruff
Dandruff - it is one of the most common problems that can ruin the life of not only women but also men. The hair become unkempt, dull, have a permanent plaque. Dandruff can occur at each, so for locks requires careful and constant care.
Today, a large selection of a variety of means, but they are not all great help. But homemade recipe can quickly and easily get rid of this problem. Here are some simple but effective options that dandruff quickly and safely get rid of:
Mask with yogurt. For the preparation you need to take a glass of sour milk, one fresh egg. The whole was mixed using a blender, and the mixture is rubbed into the roots. On the need to keep her hair about half an hour, after which you can wash it off.
Mask with cheese and beer. For her, it is necessary to use 150 grams of cheese and a glass of regular beer. The mixture is whipped and applied to the roots for half an hour. After that it is necessary to warm water gently wash off the mask with hair, wash your hair with shampoo.
Mix with olive oil. This homemade hair mask helps not only to get rid of dandruff, but also makes the hair stronger. For the preparation it is necessary to take three spoonfuls of olive oil, add a little fresh lemon juice, a little burdock, castor oil, for a couple of drops of essential oils of orange and lavender. The mask is applied to the entire length of the hair is left for half an hour, then it is necessary to thoroughly wash the head using shampoo. Repeat should be at least once a week.
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Make hair thick
Density of women's hair - it's something that many seek. It has long been no secret that the widely advertised shampoos do not ensure that the density of what they promise. In many cases, even the expensive treatments in the salon can not give the desired effect, but the homemade recipe based on the most simple products can bring back splendor and density of hair.
The recipe itself is quite simple, for it is necessary to take 100 grams of yogurt, one egg, a teaspoon of cocoa powder. The mixture was stirred to homogeneity, then divided into two equal parts. One rubbed into the roots, then it is necessary to wait until the mask dries. The second part is uniformly applied to the hair, they must cover the shower cap, roll up your head warm scarf and leave for thirty minutes.
Half an hour later, rinse hair with warm water, can be used for this nettle broth. Repeat mask can be two to three times a week, a month will see the obvious result, hair becomes thicker.
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Effective winter mask
Winter - it's a difficult test for our hair. They become dull, lifeless, easily go awry, bad comb, volume and density vanishes. Home hair mask winter will return your tresses shiny and healthy appearance, firmness. Used for the preparation of therapeutic compositions should be only natural products such as honey, vinegar, colorless henna, a special cosmetic clay, eggs, butter, even some alcoholic beverages. Here are some recipes that are very easy to make your own hands.
Homemade recipes with aloe and a mask with rum
This mask has the following advantages: the use of aloe vera can return volume, fluffiness hair, accelerate their growth. It is very simple: the leaves are kept for several days in the refrigerator, and then pulverized in a blender (you can just skip them through a meat grinder). To add weight fresh lemon juice, one egg yolk. Some advise to add crushed garlic, but the smell of it will be very difficult to get rid of.
The mass should be mixed thoroughly, gently rub into the scalp. Then wrap the head with plastic wrap, hide towel. Keep the mask should be about thirty minutes, and then wash your hair with regular shampoo.
Homemade recipe for rum can solve such a problem as the loss of light and healthy looking hair. To the mixture should be prepared:
two ordinary eggs,
one tablespoon of jojoba oil,
Cocoa (can be replaced with macadamia)
three drops of essential oil of ylang-ylang,
teaspoonful of rum,
tablespoon of liquid honey flower.
Home hair mask on the basis of the Roma is so eggs should be whipped into a froth, add all the other ingredients, and then heat it in a water bath. Finished mask is applied to the head, it is distributed along the entire length of the hair. After that you need to wrap your head with plastic wrap, a woolen scarf. Hold composition should be about forty minutes, then rinse with water.
Nourishing Mask winter
To better hair grew, you must provide them with food. It's enough to mix three drops of grapefruit essential oil, a tablespoon of fresh ginger juice, half a teaspoon of tincture of burning pepper and teaspoon of vitamin A and E, the yolk of one egg. All is stirred until a uniform mixture. The mask is applied to the roots, then the entire length, to keep it on the head enough for about fifteen minutes. Repeat recommended 2-3 times a week, combined with a shampoo wash.
Homemade hair masks are very useful for the overall condition of the hair, but it is necessary to apply them as needed. Use only organic foods, and the mixture is chosen according to what is necessary to get the effect. These home remedies are very different. In winter, they help to restore elasticity and a healthy condition of the hair in summer - removes excess fat, return vitality, shine and health.