Long hair helps them happy owner to change images every day, focusing on mood or upcoming event. A very unusual and extravagant look jagged or graded haircut cascade or ladder type. Such creative hairstyle love young girls, and some of the ladies middle-aged and older prefer to them. The essence torn hairstyles in that it is performed using a razor. Due to this, there is an impression that the hair is cut short.
Success all torn haircuts look at any type of thick and straight hair.
But for women with long curly tresses ideal option will cascade. Especially since he is so popular today and is suitable for all hair types. The same hairstyle common among girls, whose average length tresses. You can add a long, short or asymmetrical bangs to look even more stylish.
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The most common options
The real decoration women are groomed her curls. To always be attractive and compelling need to care for and treat hair. The monthly haircut at least the tips allow them to look healthy and strong. And to change the appearance, you can resort to various haircuts.
For long hair created a sufficient number of different packings and haircuts. You can change your image in salons and at home, using scissors and combs average. If you have experience in hairdressing, then for you it will not be difficult. you can easily try on a new image, or create a unique style.
Compared with the average curls or short hair, long locks, you can experiment a lot, coming up with different options. One of them is the haircut cascade. It is smooth and stepped lines that go from the top of your head to the tips. Suitable girls with any type of person who is in harmony both with bangs or without.
The perfect alternative to add volume - a ladder. As in cascade, there occurs stepwise transition but not the whole head, but only at the bottom face. Cropped ladder locks are located at the shoulders, and if you have bangs, then locks it moving smoothly. Of course, the stage can increase the amount of hair, if you have a medium or fine hair. Grooming a ladder that chance you are not available. And in this case, the obligatory daily blow-dry.
For girls who love to experiment and imaginative reincarnation recommended haircut cap. Its principle is based on a combination of the two hairstyles. Bottom left long strands, and on top of the hair trimmed like a cap. This option hairstyle looks very impressive in the curls of medium length, but longer is more extraordinary and beautiful.
Let us turn to the most zest. Special, not wanting to look like everyone else, definitely fit asymmetrical haircut. The line can be created according to your individual wishes, the same applies to the length. Very presentable, it looks for long hair. Please note that such a bold decision to become popular among the TV stars and singers, and some of them shaved one side of the head.
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Advantages and styling
Make any haircut - this is only the first step towards a new way. Because you need to take care of her, without fail to do styling. This is due not only to the change of style, but you also need to ensure that your hair is not bored and always looked spectacular. With the help of simple and very valuable tips can be achieved mind-blowing results from the hair and create the most real masterpieces.
Dared ragged cascade of girls come to the delight of the options reincarnation. The mod is now painting in bright and flashy colors, and you can still apply the coloring on the tips. If you have blonde hair, it is best to use dark, but bright colors: purple, pink. On dark hair ashy good lie, reddish hues.
It is easy to lay torn strands when they are straight, and you can use utyuzhok. For this hairstyle is unacceptable and sloppy sticking curls. Therefore, before deciding on such a creative hairstyle, consider all the details. Decide whether you can every day to lay their strands, there will be enough this time and effort.
If a haircut requires a bang, it's even better. you'll not only look younger, but also be able to hide facial imperfections, if any. Using special techniques, you can visually lengthen the face, if it is too rounded shape. To do this, you just need to cover the straightened strands too wide cheekbones.
Ragged give curls girl pretty shocking appearance, and not everyone's strength to take on such a responsibility.
Therefore, such a hairstyle popular among young girls and teenagers. Each has its pros and cons, but, before making a decision, consult with a professional.
Do I need to change the color of the strands?
Cold and warm gamma
The classic combination of colors
Probably every woman in the modern world has ever faced such a cosmetic problem, as the selection of hair color. Some endlessly experiment and find the best option for yourself by trial and error, and some would like to know in advance what is right for them, and not to miscalculate choice.
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Do I need to change the color of the strands?
Not everyone knows that the pigment that determines the color of your locks - melanin - affects the skin tone. It is impossible not to notice the fact that between skin tone and hair interaction exists.
Psychologists have long noted the enduring link between temperament and natural tones of his skin and hair. In no event it is impossible to break this balance.
Do not forget that the choice of different colors of hair entail update wardrobe and makeup.
Therefore it is necessary to listen to yourself and to keep natural. If you still have the desire to step back a little from the natural harmony, then you should not change dramatically. In some cases it is sufficient to slightly intensify the color or coloring to make to your appearance, new features. However, each does so as it sees fit, based on their preferences.
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Cold and warm gamma
Any person corresponds to a specific type. For example, if a light or matt skin tone, the closer it is warm gamma and color of the strands may be present golden hue. If he has a pink skin tone is well suited to the ash deposition.
It happens, when it is very light skin undertone may have a tendency to yellow or pink shades, whereas in this case, you can afford to make a choice between cold and warm palette.
Many people probably pay attention to the fact that different people have the same natural colors have different saturation. Modify the color of the strands, while maintaining their natural expression, it is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. A woman, if nature endowed it with bright and vivid colors in her hair, a lot to lose if he chooses a flat tint to their tresses. At the same time saturated colors can "reload" a colorless face.
What is the contrast?
By contrasting the type can not be attributed those girls who have blond hair, tanned skin and light brown eyes. The classic embodiment of this type will be a woman with white skin and black strands. The contrast will be even more pronounced if we add to this blue eyes.
When you try to change the color of curls and color them in platinum, it is closer to the skin. In this case, lost the dynamism of the person disappears contrast, and blue eyes against the background will impress colorless. If black hair dye with the matte skin in a platinum color, the changes will be radical, though, but the "depersonalization" is not going to happen.
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The classic combination of colors
Here are the main examples of a combination of colors, perfectly suitable for different types of color appearance. But there are some deviations, because, as you know, every rule there may be exceptions.
If the natural hair color - bright, golden or blonde, it should be just a little to intensify the natural color, all other colors will look unnatural and vulgar.
Owners of fair-haired, light-brown curls and matte or golden skin tone suit golden highlights and strands. If you want to lighten up, you should pay attention to the blond or light-brown shade. For those who would just like to emphasize their natural beauty, suitable brown or golden brown.
Women who have a bright or dull, cold tone, the person (such as a rule, bad tan) and ashen shade of blond curls, well suited platinum highlights. To emphasize its color, it is enough to intensify and to lighten, then painted in platinum - with light skin and blond - with a matte.
Those who have a ash blond curls and a touch of light or dull, cold skin tone, suitable light or reddish strands. You can paint them in a light-brown shade to lighten and brown, reddish-brown or create a bright glare to emphasize.
Those girls who have bright or dull, golden skin with freckles and blond or red hair, strands and fit solar glare. If you want to lighten up a bit, it will be good to choose a paint Venetian blond, and to emphasize - a dark blond or light-brown gold.
If you have dark brown golden curls and his face is bright or matte color palette with warm or cold, you are shown a fiery red locks and glare. Choose paint copper-brown color to emphasize their naturalness, and to lighten up - in a fiery red light at the skin, dirty blonde - with a matte.
For those with curls - from dark-brown to black, and his face - bright or dull, well will look red glare, "salt and pepper". To emphasize the natural shade, it will be enough to intensify his or disguise in black, and to lighten up - dark-brown or red.
Older women who have already appeared gray curls, you should choose colors that are close to natural, but a little lighter. Black, bright red and black strands only accentuate wrinkles and age, so avoid these shades.
New tone your strands should be combined with the appearance, style and look appropriate. For example, the type of Eastern girl with almond-shaped eyes and dark skin is unlikely suit blond curls.
In order not to make the wrong choice of color, before you use a particular hair color, try toning spray.
It can be easily and without much effort to remove the strands with the first washing the head, or try on a wig of color that interests you.