Make-up for the deep-set eyes


  • The enemies of the right makeup
  • Rules applying makeup

The right makeup and skillful hands can do wonders and transform the face of any woman, create a new image and to correct some of the shortcomings. Of course, to do makeup for a competent deep-set eyes, you need to have some skills, but because "patience and a little effort!" So, first you need to decide what is good and what is bad for such a specific person.

The enemies of the right makeup

Dark Shadows - black, smoky, bright green, purple

Imposing makeup for deep-set eyes, remember that you can only use a shade lighter shades. Pastel, pearly shades - this is the most appropriate solution, because these colors open eyes, but dark on the contrary, make the eyes more narrow and inconspicuous.

The only exception - a chocolate and gray tone can be used for mild correction at the make-up. Choose three colors of one shade - from the lightest to the very rich, but the same color scheme. But the basic shade necessarily the lightest, knowing your skin tone can safely choose different shades. For example, a swarthy ladies suit white, pink and peach tones.

Groomed eyebrows

Even the most skillfully applied makeup will not produce the desired effect if they are unkempt, disheveled eyebrows. Use proper plucking superfluous hairs and to shape eyebrows suitable for you. First time better "to give" expert - in a beauty salon you will pick up the desired shape eyebrows and do everything in the best possible way. Support base is much easier than starting from scratch.

Wide and rich arrows

Use can and pencil and liquid liner. But remember - the arrow should be applied as close to the eyelashes and make it thin. In no event it is impossible to sum up the eyes of the lower eyelid - the emphasis is on the brightness of the upper movable century. That is why you can not paint the cilia on the lower eyelid - the effect of narrow eyes will appear even stronger.

 Eye makeup for deep

Rules applying makeup

Apply shadows

The movable lid should be the most clear "spot" in your way - apply to this place is the lighter shade of the color gamut. And do not forget to apply before applying the shadow foundation - foundation: first, the shadow will not slide, and look lumps; Second, they become brighter. But for the area under the eyebrows should apply a darker shade - and not one spot and feather lightly brushes.

Draw eyebrows

Eyebrows must not only correct, but also to paint on a special pencil, thus giving your eyes open. Use a pencil should be exclusively black, do not draw eyebrows, pressing hard on him. It is better to make it practically invisible line, and then feather sponge. Eyebrows bold pencil look vulgar.

Apply mascara

Mascara is also better to take the black - it is not necessary to experiment with color. The only exception - evening make-up, then it will be possible to think creatively and use the brightest colors. And if you are going to visit the Caribbean outrageous party, then the most daring shades, sometimes even incongruous. Before applying mascara, upper lashes can be curled a little - only in the outer corners of the eyes. Inflicting correcting mascara that gives lashes volume and fluffy, you can achieve amazing results.

Finish the image

And do not forget that a complete makeover includes applying blush and lip embellishment. By the way, a little bit to distract attention from your eye is not too successful, focusing on lips - choose a rich and bright color to make a clear path. And you have to be a great mood! Then will the eyes of a mysterious sheen on the lips will wander happy smile and cheeks covered with a pleasant glow. These people are just like a magnet attract all the attention of others!

So it turns out - the small tricks, sleight of hand, a little bit of experience, and makeup for a deep set eyes will be your weapon - will wide open, shining eyes amazing.

 The right makeup for deep-set eyes

We advise to check: Creative eye makeup

 eye make-up appliances


  • General rules and stages of eye makeup
  • Appliances makeup for different eye landing

Make-up - a daily ritual of every woman, by which we seek to hide all its flaws and maximize available to emphasize dignity. Performing makeup every day, any woman knows for sure what kind of cosmetics, what color and how much it fit. Particular attention is given to the art of makeup eye makeup.

Beautiful and well made eye makeup can not only emphasize our true beauty, but also to turn a full image. It is a special and rather complex art occupies in the whole process of make-up for quite some time. However, the proper technique execution, as well as helpful tips for fast and accurate application of cosmetics will help any woman to feel like a professional makeup artist.

General rules and stages of eye makeup

There are many techniques and ways to make eye makeup. But there are also the basic rules are the same for any position of the cut or color of the eyes.

  1. Cleaning and preparation of the skin

    First of all, before applying eye makeup should be thoroughly cleaned from the previous one, especially from the carcass. Remove the remains of cosmetics special milk or lotion, makeup remover. If you have enough time, before applying makeup is to make a mask for the skin of the eyelids swelling and puffiness, dark circles. Then rinse the eyes with running water and blot with a clean towel or cloth, avoiding rubbing and irritation of the delicate skin of the eyelids.

    Apply to the skin around the eyes and soothing moisturizing gel or eye cream, give it a good soak. Apply the cream should be lightly without stretching the skin of the eyelids. For the cream soak can do some light pats, drumming motions with fingertips. After 5-7 minutes, remove the remnants of the cream or gel thin paper napkin, lightly soaked skin of eyelids. This will provide a means inflicted after extra durability.

  2. Makeup base, color correction

    Eye makeup is never separate from the whole face of makeup. When applying to the skin a foundation and concealer, do not forget about the skin of the eyelids. Base makeup perfectly moisturize and align the skin, hides fine lines, provide reliable "grip" make-up and skin resistance. To hide dark circles around the eyes use concealer with different colors, depending on what you want to hide. If redness, use a green concealer if it is blue or purple circles - concealer with a yellow tinge.

    After masking flaws, is applied to the skin of eyelids a little foundation, which equilibrate skin color in the area with the rest of the face. Not bad a little powdered eyelid skin loose transparent powder. But do not do this if you have a lot of fine wrinkles around the eyes, the skin will dry powder only and make them more visible. Typically, concealers Eye have reflective particles that are well hide wrinkles.

  3. Emphasize eyebrow

    Eyebrows right shape and the right colors can emphasize the eyes, highlight the eyes in the face. If you ignore the eyebrows, they can ruin even the most beautiful eye makeup. Previously should make correction of eyebrows, giving them the necessary form by plucking, tint them, if needed. But do not make the correction immediately before the make-up, because after plucking delicate skin around the eyes may be red, Patriotic, inflamed, and no make-up will not hide it.

    The shape of the eyebrows should be chosen in harmony with the other facial features, the location and shape of eyes. Color eyebrows should match the color of the hair in the first place, as well as the color of their eyes. Dark and thick eyebrows enough to comb the brush and put a special transparent gel for eyebrows. Light and thin brows need a little touch up. Professionals advise to do it shadows and brush. This creates the necessary background with which you can adjust the shape of eyebrows, to give it color and thickness.

  4. Apply shadows

    To shade and well kept for a long time lay down, you can use the optional base for the shadows - a special cream-basis for eyelid skin. Shadows can be any, even creamy will be held on the eyelids for a long time, if you put them on the base. However, it is best to make up for the persistent use dry shade - compact compacted or crumbly. The color shades should be selected depending on the color of eyes, hair, clothing, according to the time of day and the occasion on which to apply makeup. For everyday make-up used in more muted tones, light natural shades. For evening can make a bright accents add color saturation and contrast.

    It is recommended to choose two or three colors of shadows, in harmony with each other, and several shades of one color - from dark to light. The lightest shade of shadow to apply generally to all of the upper eyelid, mobile and immobile, under the most eyebrow to the inner corner of the eye. A dark, medium shade is applied to the upper eyelid moving. The darkest color emphasize the lower eyelid, the outer corner of the eye. If you want to achieve more saturated color, apply the shadow wet brush or applicator. The boundaries between different shades of colors should be carefully shade.

  5. Contour pencil and eyeliner

    Eyeliner (liner) and outline a pencil used to highlight the eye contour, giving it a more elongated shape and expression. Pencil should be well sharpened and eyeliner - moderately thick. If you have experience in the application of the arrows on the lid, use a liquid eyeliner. Arrow Enter a single movement from the inner corner of the eye to the outside. At the outer corner of the eyes may be slightly thicker arrow and remove the top corner. The more you cuddle up eyeliner brush to the skin, the thicker the line is obtained, and vice versa.

    Liner easier to use, they can bring the arrow in a few movements. However, the pencil is good when induced line shaded with dark shadows and an applicator. This creates the effect of a trendy smoky make-up and look softness and languor. Drawing pencil arrow, gently pull the skin with your fingers, so as not formed folds, and the circuit lead right at the lash line. Arrows can emphasize not only the upper eyelid, but also lower.

  6. Mascara

    After the application of shadows and eyeliner or pencil, use mascara. This is the final step in eye makeup. Before applying mascara eyelashes should carefully comb or brush special raschesochkoy. If you do not have enough eyelashes bending tighten up their special tweezers, but do not overdo it, so as not to create a room. Mascara can choose a traditional brush or rubber raschesochkoy - as you prefer. However, any ink should be sufficiently liquid uniform consistency without lumps.

    Apply mascara grabbing a bit of money on the brush, spend it on the root of the lashes to the tips line growth, twirling in the right direction. Make smooth movements, carefully combing the eyelashes. When use of the upper lashes, keep the brush slightly to the side, to the outer corner of the eye, it will pull the eye lashes and give the almond shape. Allow the first coat of mascara to dry thoroughly, then apply the next. Coat top lashes mascara first, and then lower. If lumps are formed after applying mascara eyelashes should comb or brush clean raschesochkoy. If you want to give your lashes volume and splendor, the effect of "fluffy" eyelashes, powder the them before the application of the first and then the second layer.

 beautiful eye make-up appliances

Appliances makeup for different eye landing

All of the above tips should always be respected, no matter what location are your eyes. The most correct form of the eyes - almond-shaped, and the eyes themselves are located on the same level, the distance between the eyes, is the size of the eyes horizontally. However, the location of the eye is not at all perfect. Some of the disadvantages, for example, deep-set eyes or severe upper eyelid can easily fix the correct technique of eye makeup.

Protruding eyes

Slightly bulging eyes heavy-lidded, you can easily fix the makeup. To avoid this in the makeup and overly bright pearl shining colors. It is necessary to choose a medium shade that covers all the movable upper eyelid. Contour pencil draw a line on the upper and lower eyelid and gently shaded by dark shadows. This dark boundary line should be narrow to visually reduce the age of the bulge. External corners is to provide a little bit harder than the rest of the lid.

Deep-set eyes

The movable eyelid eyes of this type are usually small, it is necessary to emphasize the lighter shade. On the lower eyelid and apply a lighter shade. But in the cavity between the top mobile and fixed age at the outer corner of the eye dark shadows should be applied carefully shading transition. Under the eyebrow and apply a light pearly glare, it will give a look and make your eyes shine more open.

Close-set eyes

These are considered to be the eyes, the distance between them is much smaller than the size of the eye. Technique is the right make-up. On the inner corner of the eye, apply the lightest shade in the middle of the century - medium shade and the darkest - the outer corner of the eye. You can add a black pencil or eyeliner, the line should be carried out by mid-century to the outer corner. The lighter will be the inner corner of the eye, and the darker the appearance, the more widely spaced eyes will appear.

Heavy eyelids

Heavy upper lid makes eyes half-closed, dark. "Open" are the eyes, you can use matte shadows light and medium shades. Dark Shadows is applied in the crease between the mobile and fixed age. The bright pearlescent shade put itself under the eyebrow make-up at the age of nacre should be avoided.

Omitted outer corners

This lack does look sad and tired. Draw liquid eyeliner arrow along the lash line on the upper eyelid, at the outer corner of the eye lifting and driving it up. Dark shadows start to use from the middle of the upper eyelid and drawing strokes up to the outer corner of the eyebrow. Paying particular attention to the lashes at the outer corner of the eye on the upper eyelid, you can even stick a few bundles of false eyelashes.

As we can see, the technique of eye makeup is not so difficult in execution, as it seemed. Performing it correctly, you can not only emphasize the advantages, but also disadvantages to hide facial features. Having mastered the art of eye makeup and such different techniques and methods of its application, and follow the simple common rules of make-up, you can every day to change your image and transform beyond recognition.

 Beautiful eye makeup - Technique

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