Diet is an important part of the life of the modern woman.
This can be explained by the fact that in recent years the requirements for the female sex increased significantly. Now, not enough to be just a good housewife and mother. In modern society, a woman should be held as a person, to make a career, to be an interesting conversationalist, and, of course, beauty shine. However, many women look beautiful hinders the fullness of it.
Diet - an ideal way by which you can lose weight very quickly.
Today, there are many power systems for weight loss. One of the most effective is the Cabbage Soup Diet - namely, the cabbage soup diet. Soup recipes can be modified depending on the preferences of women. However, the important thing is that any of them can be used in any desired time and thus lose weight.
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Recipe for cabbage soup diet with beans
White cabbage - 1 kg
Beans - 0, 5 kg
Onions - 6 pieces.
Fresh tomatoes - 3 pieces.
Green celery - 1 bunch
The cube of vegetable broth
Green bell pepper - 2 pcs.
Cooking method:
In a saucepan of boiling water put a bouillon cube. After dissolution add shredded cabbage, chopped tomatoes, onions and green peppers. Beans boil separately and add to vegetables. Celery finely chopped greens and put at least. Cook until vegetables are tender. This recipe is considered the most simple and fast. Beans can be boiled in advance, then the cooking time significantly reduced. Soup cooked this recipe, contains no fat and carbohydrates to lose weight so it can be used very quickly.
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Recipe soup diet cabbage and mushrooms
Cabbage - 0, 5 kg
Mushrooms - 300 g
Chives with onion - 6 pens
Green bell pepper - 2 pcs.
Canned tomatoes - 1 can
Carrots - 3 pieces.
Green celery - 1 bunch
Vegetable broth - 12 glasses
Season soup
Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Cooking method:
Bow cleanse, wash and finely chop. In a saucepan with a thick bottom pour vegetable oil (just a little, you can just sprinkle) and put a bow. Fry until clear. Green pepper mine, cut off the tails, cut in half, chop finely and place in a pan with onions. With cabbage remove the top leaves, cut in half and one half shinkuem. Put in a saucepan. Carrots cleanse, wash and rub on a grater or chop finely. Also, put in a saucepan with vegetables. Green celery my slightly obsushivayut, chop and add to the other vegetables.
Mushrooms (mushrooms can be used) Cleans, thoroughly wash and cut into large pieces. Add them to the pot with the soup. There also put chopped canned tomatoes. You may want to put a little hot pepper. All vegetables are put out until half. Then add 12 cups of vegetable broth. It can be replaced with the same amount of water dissolved in it two bouillon cubes. When the soup comes to a boil, add salt and spices. Cook like a cabbage soup for weight loss should be about one and a half hours, to seethe all the vegetables thoroughly and become soft.
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Recipe soup diet cabbage and rice
Cabbage - 300 g
Brown rice - 20 g
Carrots - 1 pc.
Red or green bell pepper - 1 pc.
Onions - 1 small head
Fresh tomatoes - 1 pc.
Celery - 1 stalk
Sol - not more than 6 g
Water - 1 liter
Cooking method:
Vegetables, clean, wash and finely chop. Then all the ingredients (except rice), put in a saucepan with cold water and bring to a boil, then cook for a quarter of an hour on low heat, without covering the pan with a lid. Then set aside a pot of soup, cover with lid and allow to infuse for about an hour. Figure cooked separately (this can be done in advance) and added already when the soup good infusion.
Eat cabbage soup diet, cooked in this recipe should be at least five times a day in small portions. In addition it can be eaten within a day or one green apple, or 50 g of bread or 40 g hard cheese. Alcohol, sodas and sweet are completely eliminated. Drink unsweetened green tea is allowed. Water during the day should drink at least 2 liters.
History of the fat burning soup
Composite fat burning soup
Classic fat burning soup recipe
Recipe for cabbage soup fat burning
Recipe of tomato soup fat burning
Recipe for onion soup fat burning
Principles of diet on fat-burning soup
In the arsenal of recipes there are not any housewife one soup. Everybody knows about the benefits of such food. Fluid consistency is very easily digested by the body, without overloading the digestive tract. Soup fills quickly, and gives a feeling of satiety for a long time, and the reason lies in its entirety. The main component of this dish is the water that is in contact with the stomach rapidly fills it and stretches the muscle wall. It turns out that a small portion has the effect of "full stomach". For people who want to lose weight, nutritionists very often prescribed diet based on the soup. It turns out that he is able to not only cleanse the body of toxins, but also help in getting rid of the extra kilos.
So what kind of soup, which is used for weight loss? The answer is simple: fat burning! In order for people to start losing weight, it is necessary to use such food to digest that the body spends a lot of energy. So, fat burning soups just perform this function. They're very low-calorie, but to digest all of the ingredients, the body will have to spend a lot of energy. By the way, fat burning soup is great and for the prevention of excess weight.
European and Western nutritionists to their patients who are obese or just having overweight advised to use it regularly. But for those who have decided to try to lose weight in a way the first time, it is better to start from 5 days and gradually increase to 14. The main thing - do no harm to health, as if to base your diet only this soup for a long time, it can not lead to the weight loss, and to exhaustion.
Just a normal fat-burning soup can be only in the case to find the right recipe.
The most suitable ingredients - a cabbage, celery, tomatoes (an excellent antioxidant), onions, carrots, parsley, garlic and pepper. It should be quite a bit of salt and spices to get involved, too, not worth it.
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History of the fat burning soup
Finding a diet that effectively leads to weight loss and has no adverse effect on the body's metabolism, nutritionists have developed a recipe for the soup, which is able to burn fat for a long time the sensation of hunger. Woman losing weight this way can not be afraid to stress, mood swings and depression, which often arise in respect of different diets. Fat-burning soup tested by many people for a long time, and their feedback was very positive. They claim that this diet they are complying with appetite and pleasure, and the result does not have to wait long.
The recipe was passed nutritionists patients and long remained unknown to the large audience of people. He therefore had Popularity. Soon, this soup is still became public. It happened after the miraculous properties of the soup recipe and cook it published in the media. Almost immediately there was a lot of fans, and their number is growing every day. The reason for this confidence to the soup was a healthy diet, do not burden the digestion and effectively eliminate extra weight. How satisfied are everything and nutritionists, and grateful patients.
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Composite fat burning soup
Who recipes fat burning soup divorced so many, and each one has a right to exist, because the effect of weight loss for all of them remains a major factor.
But originally the recipe included 11 items that we consider:
Chicken bouillon. Excellent reduces appetite, helps digestion, calming effect on the intestines and stomach lining. Calorie stock is so low that the best basis for the fat burning soup and did not find it!
Potatoes. It turns out, boiled potatoes very useful for losing weight, because it contains vitamins and quickly saturates the body. Starch, which it contains, is not dangerous for the soup diet.
Carrot. This product is great for losing weight, because, in addition to the mineral content of vitamins and minerals, carrots contain coarse fibers that as well as potatoes, can saturate the body.
Cabbage kohlrabi. Because of its content of vitamins and minerals nutritionists actively use this vegetable in nutrition.
Bow. This vegetable can do wonders! First, it is non-nutritive, and secondly, it connects and removes from the body all the fat that is deposited not in our favor, and captures them with toxins and wastes.
Herbs: dill and parsley. Dill helps cleanse the intestines and suppresses hunger, while preventing the deposition of subcutaneous fat. Parsley normalizes metabolism and accelerates fat metabolism in the body. Effectively removes radionuclides.
Garlic. This one ingredient has fat burning property! It is perfectly cleaves fat molecules.
Tomatoes. They have a very low calorie content. Tomatoes are not only the main source of vitamin A in the diet, but also in conjunction with products such as carrots, cabbage, kohlrabi and bow retain carbohydrate balance.
Ground black pepper. It is an activator of the metabolism and is used as a seasoning.
Chicken - the main source of protein in the fat-burning soup.
Basil. It is used as a seasoning in a dry and fresh. Perfectly enhances the fat burning effect of garlic. Also involved in the withdrawal of excess fluid from the body.
Each ingredient performs a function intended for it and cope with it as "excellent", and together they effectively fight against overweight.
After examining all the properties of fat burning soup, we have a smooth transition from theory to practice, namely, the recipes of its preparation.
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Classic fat burning soup recipe
To prepare 11 need to take all the ingredients in the following amounts:
1 chicken breast;
1 potato;
2 carrots;
300 g kohlrabi cabbage;
one half of the bulbs;
3 tomatoes;
garlic to taste;
one bunch of parsley and dill;
basil to taste;
a pinch of black pepper.
To get started in salted water must be boiled chicken. When the breast will be finished, it must be removed from the broth and set aside. Sliced potatoes, onions, cabbage and tomatoes at the same time you need to throw in the broth and cook for about 20-25 minutes. Now you can add finely chopped garlic, parsley, dill, basil and black pepper. All this cook for another 5 minutes and set aside. In the finished soup fat burning diet, add the chopped chicken breast and let it brew.
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Recipe for cabbage soup fat burning
To prepare the cabbage soup that burns fat, require such ingredients:
Cauliflower - half of head;
onions - 1 pc;
sweet paprika - 1 piece;
cabbage - half of head;
Tomatoes - 5 pieces (can be 4, it all depends on their size);
carrots - 3 pieces;
lemon juice - 50 ml;
celery stalks - 7 units;
chili pepper - a pinch;
garlic, coriander and herbs to taste.
Two kinds of cabbage, peppers and carrots should be chopped and ready to cook in chicken broth so that the vegetables are almost ready. When the vegetables are cooked, you need to make sure that they are completely covered by water. If this condition is not, necessarily sneaky water. For 5 minutes until cooked you need to add all the remaining ingredients, before it chopped onion, tomato, garlic and celery.
The soup can be eaten in small portions which is 5-6 times a day. It is possible to add fresh vegetables, but the exotic sweet fruit is better to exclude.
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Recipe of tomato soup fat burning
Now, another kind of soup for losing weight, which tend to lose all the accumulated weight, fat burning is tomato soup. To prepare it, you can use all the same products included in the previous recipe. But there are small changes:
ripe tomatoes, but tight - 3 pieces;
cabbage - 500 g;
Onion - one head;
carrots - 1 piece;
celery root - 30 g;
Garlic - 2 cloves;
salt, seasoning - the ones that you prefer;
herbs - to taste.
The technological process begins with cutting the cabbage and celery. Now you can put these vegetables in a saucepan, cover with water and boil in salted water. At this time, finely chop the carrots and onions and passeruem in olive oil. This zazharku add tomatoes, pureed and pre-peeled skin and seasoning with garlic frayed. Then it all add to our soup. Already in the finished dish throw greens. Importantly, for this recipe we use the vegetable broth instead of chicken. Now you can try!
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Recipe for onion soup fat burning
Onion soup will help remove buildup in the body and give a good mood and cheerfulness! With strict adherence to a diet with these soups can get rid of 7-8 kg, and this in one week! Intriguing? Then, dear women, write down the recipe!
Composite virtually unchanged, in this recipe, they are as follows:
Cabbage - half of head;
6 bulbs;
2 tomatoes (either fresh or canned);
2 green peppers;
1 bunch of celery;
seasoning to taste;
greens (any);
Preparation of this miracle soup is not much different from cooking recipes above. As usual, chopped cabbage and celery root send stew, the broth immediately solim. Celery leaves just do not cook better to add them to the rest of the herbs in the end. Onions and peppers finely crushed and lightly fry in a pan. They interfere with mashed, peeled tomatoes and your favorite seasonings. Zazharku should stir in broth and after 2 minutes to throw into the pot herbs.
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Principles of diet on fat-burning soup
When cooking broth is not necessary to use blocks. Those additives that they contain a large amount, are simply incompatible with a term such as weight loss. Cook only natural chicken or vegetable based. Number of soup eaten daily can range from three to five servings. In addition to this soup, you can not eat anything else! Portia is determined by a standard deep-dish.
The course of the power of this technique is 5 days. Fans of the diet often increase the rate up to 7-10 days. In any case longer than two weeks to observe this diet is not recommended. Why is that? Because weight loss can range from 0, 5 kg to 2 kg a day, and it is considered a dramatic weight loss (normal weight loss, the weight is reduced by 2-3 kg per month). Because of this, your body just needs rest and the transition to a rational and meaningful nutrition.
If you feel hungry, you can eat five servings or more. Calories it will not add. And stay healthy and slim!