dry skin


  • Causes of dry skin: genetics and external environment
  • Recommendations for the care of dry skin and body
  • What to do if you have dry skin of hands and heads?
  • Frequent errors related to care for dry skin

The long and cold winter is over, and with it left behind during sleep and laziness. Came the warm spring days, it is now necessary to make up for lost time - bring a favorite in tone. We go to a beauty salon to try on a new image; began to go figure, adhering to diets and attending fitness classes; hurry for new clothes and so on.

And often in this pleasant spring vanity, not pay attention to the "clothing", who gave us Mother Nature. Yes, we will focus on our skin. After all, it is a protective cover for our body and therefore its status should bother us in the first place. Dull and lifeless skin makes us women over several years, and radiant and healthy, on the contrary, hiding true age.

It must be said that the type of the epidermis - is what nature endowed man with the moment of conception. In some skin of normal fat content, someone suffers from excessive shine and acne someone is inherent in a mixed type, and so on. On the one hand, we can say that the owners of dry skin incredibly lucky. After all, at a young age they do not know what teenage acne complexion often has a delicate pink hue, and enlarged pores, black spots and unsightly shine completely absent.

But eventually, when your age twenty-five crosses the line, dry skin makes itself felt first early wrinkles, flaking, redness and irritation of varying intensity. Why is this happening? The process is caused by the lack of natural moisture and fat. It is likely that you will notice is the uneasy feeling after washing and showering, as the taut skin of the face and body. Can not get rid of it only after the use of special creams and lotions.

 dry skin

Causes of dry skin: genetics and external environment

What are the main reasons for dry skin? As is known, for the natural moisture of the human epidermis correspond sebaceous gland. It is their poor performance and results in the fact that our skin loses natural protection in the form of film, which includes the sweat, grease, and a number of agents responsible for its elasticity. This is a barrier between the upper layer of the epidermis and the negative effect on it of various negative factors of the environment.

The human body, and in particular women, it is designed so that it is after twenty years of production of natural moisturizer is reduced: girls with excessively oily skin at this age are acne, and those of us who have had similar problems faced by other, more unpleasant. Since the protective properties are weakened, skin cells begin to rapidly lose moisture. From the environment fall into the sensitive skin irritants that contribute to its rapid fading.

Since the features of the epidermis are laid at the genetic level, affect the sebaceous glands is impossible even by the most modern cosmetic and other procedures. But this does not mean that escape the first obvious signs of aging at the age of twenty-five or thirty years is not possible due to the fact that you have dry skin. It is not a sentence, if the lack of natural moisture to try to make up for the outside.

But do not forget that negatively affect the status of any type of epidermis may winter cold or hot summer sun. Frost, merciless wind and too aggressive tan and can cause dry skin, even if the earlier you had no idea about a similar issue. It is therefore necessary to consider all points to measure the care brought the most pronounced results and gone for good. It is often a problem skin is the result of a negligent attitude toward her. If you do not care about her, do not be surprised if after some time suddenly find first wrinkles.

And to begin with those of you who still have dry skin type by nature, it is understood what factors may exacerbate the problem even further. In addition to natural weather conditions, may worsen the condition of the epidermis and the air in the room, if it's too hot because of central heating systems in winter or cool in the summer air conditioning is achieved through, because in both cases the necessary moisture is removed. Dry skin is losing the remnants of fat, if you too are fond of hot tubs and a lot of glory, without giving the person to relax.

Lovers of long sunbathing under the southern sun also faces a similar problem. The answer to the question about why their skin ages faster, is quite simple. Ultraviolet has the ability not only to destroy the top layer of the epidermis, but also destroy the natural collagen in it, which is responsible for the accumulation of moisture and elasticity of the skin. Therefore, the first wrinkles do not take long and will cause grief even at a young age.

If dryness and erythema accompanied by itching, it can be a manifestation of certain diseases, such as allergies, diabetes, psoriasis or eczema. But this will only dermatologist. Alcoholic drinks are not for the benefit of the epidermis, as alcohol has the ability to pull out the tissue nutrients, thereby reducing their ability to retain moisture. Very dry skin is familiar to those of the female, who often sit on diets and limit your body with vitamins and nutrients.

Recommendations for the care of dry skin and body

Any skin problem or not, need daily care, then it is a long time to keep a healthy, attractive and youthful appearance. But it is important not to overload it with unnecessary drugs and therapeutic compounds. If you have noticed that the skin of your body over the past winter has lost softness, beginning to peel off and become suddenly very dry, which means that it severely lacking moisture. This state of the epidermis is considered one of the main problems during the cold season. Some simple and affordable procedures consist of three steps, with regular use, return it to its former smoothness, elasticity, and will make again shine with health.

Care for dry body skin after winter is simple. First, you need a day to take a shower gel that contains cream and glycerin. Secondly, with a mild scrub all you need to exfoliate dead skin cells for the winter. Third, make it a rule always be applied after shower moisturizer. It is better to use the one which is composed of ceramides, as they not only retain moisture and protect skin. If the problem is dryness bothers you only in the winter, use a special sunscreen when you go out into the street and home, set humidifier with a hygrometer. Outdoor and indoor aquarium plants will also help in the fight against dryness in the apartment.

With regard to women and girls who have very dry skin is always observed, then it most likely is just about the genetic predisposition. This mainly affects the face, but often there are problems with the epidermis and in other parts of the body, such as hands, elbows, knees, head. Therefore, in addition to these measures must take into account a number of others and care for the skin more thoroughly.

Remember that your type of epidermis is very tender and capricious. The lack of external moisture it will become drier, but an excess of creams, lotions and other tools affect his state is not the best way. Therefore, everyone should adhere to a sense of proportion. Try to choose creams, which include mucopolysaccharides, oil and saturated fatty acids. It is they who are responsible for active hydration and prevent evaporation of moisture.

Ingredients such as liposomes, also perform these functions. They are well absorbed by the skin, deeply penetrating into it and saturating the cells with moisture, vitamins and trace elements. Ceramides mentioned earlier should also be part of creams, because they cause the skin to produce its own natural analogues of these compounds, which contributes to additional protection against adverse environmental factors and water conservation. The basic algorithm for the care of face, neck and decollete looks.

  1. Before going to bed dry skin should be cleaned by special means, which suits this type. This can be a lotion with a nutrient cream or lotion. Designed to cope with the cleansing and cosmetic oil, which is half-diluted with water and washed off so well, removing all the dirt. Note that the hard water from the tap is better not to use it.

    It contains salt, which cause additional suhost.Chtoby avoid this, buy a special thermal water, it is neutral and hypoallergenic. Cleanser, remove the skin moistened cotton swab in it. Then apply a night moisturizer that is rich in essential fats. He will nourish their epidermis, and the next day you will have a fresh new look. If you have observed a strong dry skin, then as a base for the cream, use a hydrogel.

  2. In the morning it is necessary to wash with the help of thermal water and apply day cream, which has a light texture and good absorption. Additional cleaning needs to be done. Do not rush immediately to start makeup. Wait five minutes and take a look: perhaps some skin too quickly absorbed cream. Repeat the application is already just for them.

Do not forget that in the day cream should also include wetting agents and special oils that provide the skin the necessary nourishment throughout the day. Well, if you selected the tool will contain special filters that can protect skin cells from UV exposure.

There are days when the skin problem is particularly a need for moisture while it looks painful, strongly shelled, and you feel like a mask. Reanimate this epidermis is possible by means of two simple and accessible tools: ointment based on almond oil and panthenol. They can be used both as emergency measures to help the damaged skin and for normal maintenance.

Ointment replace night cream if problem skin has elevated dry. And from the oil do warm compresses, heated two or three tablespoons of it in a water bath. Pre-cut gauze something like a mask with slits for eyes, nose and mouth, dip it in oil, and put on face for fifteen minutes or twenty. After a specified time, remove the cheesecloth and remove the excess oil with a cotton swab.

 Dry Skin Care

What to do if you have dry skin of hands and heads?

Caring for dry skin of the hands is also necessary because it will help prevent the occurrence of cracks and eliminate the peeling. As a cleaning agent is better to use a mild baby soap or gel with a cream base. Do not forget about the need to dry your hands well. After each wash, apply skin cream with plant extracts, and before going to bed, use a bold tool with filters to avoid the appearance of age spots (recommended for those who are over 30 years old). Do not wash the dishes without rubber gloves, and before you put them on, moisten the hands of ordinary vegetable oil.

In cold weather, use a special cream that provides protection from the weather, and do not forget about the gloves. In the summer it should be applied to the skin composition with UV protection. Pamper your hands warm compress based on olive oil. For this it must be heated up to 40 degrees, dip gauze folded in several layers brush wrap it, and top cover piece of cellophane and natural fabrics. After 15 minutes, a compress can be removed. Such a procedure is recommended as prophylaxis once a week.

If the skin is dry on the head, it is also an unpleasant fact. Contribute to create a hair dryer use, frequent washing and excess styling. I must say that it is dandruff often appears when too dry and damaged skin cells, which at some point fail and give beginning to be updated. Dead the same way those same white flakes that ugly strewn collar of your dress or blouse.

To deal with such an unpleasant feature of the possible and necessary. First of all, try to avoid frequent shampooing and hair dry cool air flow. Choose special shampoos, balms and masks that have a neutral pH level. Also use a moisturizing serum for the scalp. To help with the selection of suitable in your case means may be either a good hairdresser or triholog or conventional dermatologist.

Frequent errors related to care for dry skin

Excessive love to light the consistency of cream. Dry skin needs special treatment, so it is necessary to take care of in the first place, moisturizing saturated fatty creams. Why is that? Very simple: fat-free cosmetic formulations instantly absorbed, but also evaporate from the skin so rapidly that not enough time to moisten it. Thus leaving a thin film of an emulsifier. This material is necessary for binding fat and water. As soon as the last drop of moisture to evaporate from the skin surface, an emulsifier begin to pull it from the inside, thus contributing to the greater dryness. Remember that your skin type will suit the cream, a drop which did not dissolve in water.

Swimming pool with chlorinated water. Of course, swimming is useful for the body. However, the epidermis, is prone to dryness, is particularly vulnerable to this disinfectants because it destroys the protective properties of the skin. If you are repeatedly noticed that after a bath covered with red spots, then either find another pool with a less aggressive cleansing, or reduce the frequency of visits. Try to be in it no more than once or twice a week and swim no more than half an hour. Remains of chlorinated water rinse in the shower and moisturizing body lotion nutritious.

Excessive love to water procedures. Of course, to monitor the cleanliness of your body is very important. But it should be done correctly. Do not forget, shower gels and soaps destroy not only dirt, but sebum, to protect the surface of the epidermis. So purchase the synthetic detergent called syndet. Its pH level close to that which is with the human skin. Therefore, its effect on the epidermis gentle. And yet, try to reduce the time spent in the shower, ie wash faster.

Pilling keratinized particles. Problem skin, prone to dryness do not require cleaning, even through the soft exfoliating agents, unless you want to get a result in the form of eczema and red spots. Remove dead skin flakes, you can use the usual massage cloth soaked in thermal water. You can also use another recipe, popular in Japan. Mix with water, a small amount of rice bran and cover get a lot of face. After seven to ten minutes, massage the skin around and wash with warm water.

In conclusion, I would like to add something else. To keep your skin radiant health, and its tendency to dryness is not caused the onset of wrinkles at a young age, the use of cosmetics alone is not enough. First of all do not forget about good rest. After all, during sleep restorative processes occurring in the cells of the skin. Physical activity and light body massage using moisturizing oils help to improve blood circulation, allowing the epidermis receives oxygen and nutrients.

Try to saturate the body with moisture, drinking at least two liters of fluid a day and pay attention to what you eat. The use of sugar, coffee, chocolate and fried foods in excess is not the best way affects the skin. Make sure that your diet is always present cereals, nuts, fruits and vegetables in their raw form. Do not forget about the courses of receiving a multivitamin, such as E, A, C, and others.

Get rid of smoking and do not abuse alcohol. In addition, try as much as possible to be outdoors. Do not avoid walking in the rain and fog, because the smallest particles of water perfectly moisturize the surface layer of the epidermis naturally and stimulate its blood supply. If the execution of all the above guidelines do not help, and problem skin continues to hurt you your condition, do not delay the visit to the doctor.
