I want a good husband


  • Where and how to choose a good husband
  • Signs that a man can be a wonderful husband
  • How to make the best of men husband

No, well, what girl does not dream of a good husband? No doubt, there are plenty of free women, excellent feel, and without a stamp in the passport. But who knows how they would react to the absence of a stamp, getting them an excellent candidate for a partner.

It is likely that tried to make a mark on a specific page of your document. Just as long as such a candidate could be found. Most young ladies sleep and see themselves next to a family man, to be a support for his wife and children.

Ladies seeking only tight wallets, we will not take into account. This indifferent character qualities men. If only he had a bank account with a few zeros. Other poboku. We are talking about women, which is a vital decision on how to choose a good husband.

Yes, a couple of hundred years ago this business was easy. Was the lady at the ball, and there worthy suitors - a dime a dozen. Each of them was sufficiently aware of society and pop married to hang the scoundrel, or a greedy tyrant could perhaps too frivolous or nobody demanded lady. There were, of course, cases where women "want-not want" was not considered, and marriage was contracted against the will of the young ladies.

Today, fortunately, such rare. But often you can spoil your life by choosing a man for marriage from a variety of low-grade copies of the opposite sex. So where is it better to look for the highest family of media samples, and how it should be?

Where and how to choose a good husband

In fact, to find a good husband is possible anywhere. But there could be as lucky. And good luck - a piece capricious and unpredictable. Someone is literally spinning under your feet, and someone podvorachivaetsja not too often. So hope for luck will not. It is better to try to outline the range of places where most oshivayutsya able to make a decent batch of bachelors.

  1. Supermarket

    If a man is free, then, of course, to shop for groceries, he goes himself. Catch a fish in supermarkets is better in the evenings. Because people usually work during the day. And when no one is at home waiting for dinner, after work, they drop into the store to buy some fast food.

    No, it happens that bachelors acquire something more impressive - you never know these days men are able to prepare a good idea! However, most of them prefer to put quickly in the microwave or that zamorozku.Nu or shoplifting dumplings boil, fry eggs ... It is necessary to hang around in the kitchen after a day! So in the evening we go to the supermarket and watch the male buyers.

    A suitable object must choose the goods, not the name of someone, and without looking at the list. Finding him swim up close and ask, for example, get a jar with spices from the top shelf. Not able to get - so not our choice. Would get - invent, what to ask next.

  2. Bowling

    This is where the expanse! It should show the girl that she did not know how to bowl on track as soon there will a bunch of wishing her a wisdom teach. And if we can still ride them, others do not necessarily know about it. In the end, the woman - actress from prirody.Vsegda possible to pretend that the pins and balls we see for the first time.

    Let run over unsuited teachers cunning art and are trying their best, showing his own skill. No, well, what a man to miss a moment to show off in front of a pretty young lady? We just need to gently probe each for OKOLTSOVANNY and choose the most suitable candidate for the groom.

  3. Library and bookstore

    Yes, and so computerized, there are cranks, Masta such places. It is not known what they have lost, but it does not matter. It is important that these men have time to read. What does this fact mean? Firstly that they have intelligence to be present. This is great because my husband fool can hardly bestow normal woman.

    Well, and secondly that the bookworm have enough free vremeni.Imey he family, his wife certainly would limit the limit.Vprochem, wives and men are different byvayut.Da sticking in libraries and bookstores, often live in their world, not letting anyone into it. But you can try something!

    Especially that meet in places neslozhno.Dostatochno start a conversation about some book. And then everything goes like clockwork. And if the person would be still a family man, we had a polite goodbye. Big deal!

  4. Fishing

    Ooooh, this is an excellent option to find a candidate for a husband! Not only do they near each puddle called the pond, a dime a dozen, so also the fish in the "pond" to catch a snap. For this we need only to purchase gear and learn to distinguish the float from the fishing line. A worm on a hook able to stick optional. Will stick to what connoisseurs of the case. And, you can bind them to help throw the bait, pre waved a couple of times and caught on a hook in the next bush.

    That's just make fishing should not be applied in any case! Not assistants became suspicious and falls in love with the newfound throw in the lurch. Well, if no makeup we feel bluish corpse, then lie on the beach, pretending to sunbathe. However, in this case, to find an excuse to talk with fans of fishing will be more difficult.

  5. Internet

    By dating online usually are skeptical. That seems to correspond with an impressive start to a man or a nice young man. And on the other side of the monitor is sitting bored teenager or an elderly lady entertained. But even if it is quite a suitable age we gentleman and he set up a meeting, then it can come to the bustling dude, unable to pay for the girl even eat tramvae.Ili sleazy lover, who always wears a soiled pants. Or ... In a word, any misunderstanding.

    But! In addition to these subchikov on dating sites there are quite decent people. You just do not ask in order to find out there is her husband. To get started simply enough interesting sobesednika.Intellektualnaya compatibility - it's something. Not suitable for a family union man, so at least the other will! But in general, couple themselves better to look at the discussion forums and blogs. It is unlikely that there rubbing those who need a friend for one night.

  6. Courses and Study

    This is a traditional place of finding a good husband. It is unlikely that amateur look into the bottle have the intention to study foreign languages ​​or ballroom dancing. Do not go there and cheapskate, count every penny. On things like money and time should be vouchsafed to waste unless the person striving for self-development. This is a matter of respect.

    No, of course, he can be selfish or narcissistic notorious indyukom.No because such traits can not hide! At the very least, a reasonable woman will notice them after a few meetings. The main thing - do not look at the man through rose-colored glasses. We are looking for someone who will make our lives more comfortable, but not a gray hair on his head!

  7. Events of various kinds

    All sorts of exhibitions, festivals, presentations, conferences and similar gatherings - simply Klondike to search for a life partner. They pounded bachelors of all ages and categories, ranging from bohemian creatures not of this world and ending too adventurous followers "yellow devil". No bohemian creation or adherents "yellow devil" is not suitable for the role of high-grade family man.

    The first problem close to the bulb, and the latter would wither over with gold and keep his wife and children in black tele.Poetomu better selection of potential groom in this case - the middle between those and these. That is, it must be a man, enthusiastic, moderately romantic, but at the same time business-like, able to think about the comfort of the family.

Find someone who can be a wonderful husband and a good father, can be through friends and acquaintances, at work and even nightclubs. There is an opinion that in such places just hang out all sorts of burning. This is not quite true. There are clubs in which the audience is going pretty decent.

That is progressive, creative, intelligent people, both holidaymakers and discuss some pressing questions. In order to get it in this society, you just have to choose the right institution.

Well, we have more or less decided on the places where are found worthy of her husband bachelors. But what are the criteria to determine the suitability of the gentleman for family life or to find someone better?

 signs of a good husband

Signs that a man can be a wonderful husband

We often fall into the trap, being guided in choosing a life partner on their own feelings. No doubt, every girl wants to marry a loved one. But, alas, reality shows that love marriages are rarely successful and strong. Because when raging emotions, the mind is silent. And we just ignore the warning signs of what a person is not suitable for family life.

It is understandable. In the euphoria of being in love does not want to overshadow his pragmatic approach to the state as a partner. But if we really intend to create quite favorable union, want it or not, and the rose-colored glasses albeit with difficulty, but will have to withdraw. So you do not izgryzat elbows, regretting his own thoughtlessness and lack of foresight.

So, what should be the main signs that a man can be a good husband?

  1. Candor

    If the gentleman in conversation trying to get away from discussing some personal matters and prefers to talk as little as possible about yourself, you have to guard. It may well be that after the wedding show up not very pleasant circumstances relating to its past, present and future plans. Well, the past as past. In life, anything may happen, and people often change for the better.

    But present and future plans may be quite unacceptable for us. So one has to be open, not conceal the fact that in his heart and mind. Such frankness demonstrates confidence, which is a good basis for creating long-term relationship.

  2. Reliability

    Often we fall in love for the ears of boys whose behavior is like a breath of wind. You never know in what direction will bear loved and what he'll do. Needless to say, that for family life this fact - that the knife into her heart? Her husband, who can not be what hope can not be oporoy.Hotya as a defense at times and is suitable.

    But how to feel completely safe without solid under their feet? When the next fickle, unpredictable, albeit an extremely decent man, is it possible to rely on him? Is it possible to be confident in the fact that in such a difficult husband always will support? Of course not. So, first check the reliability of the gentleman, and then think about marriage with him.

  3. Listening

    In principle, such a quality is necessary to have both men and women. In family life, without the ability to listen to and hear each other can not do. No, in the superficial arguments on general topics can sometimes not go into every word. If the issue under discussion is not so important, it is not necessary to give it all your attention. But when it comes to important things - that worried, upset, or, on the contrary, pleasure - then each spouse must listen to your soul mate.

    Otherwise, they were not understanding dobitsya.I if in the beginning of a relationship, there are signs that the man does not listen to our remarks about personal experiences, we must guard. It is likely that it will be just as deaf to discuss any family problems.

  4. Ability to argue

    Often, choosing a husband, we want to see the chosen one in the person with whom subsequently never be disagreements. This is the wrong approach to marriage. Differences - an integral part of the normal coexistence of two people. After all, they allow us to find the optimal solution of a problem. The dispute - the father of truth. But he has to be honest and fair.

    If the guy in the discussions into a rage and may even offend, it's a bad priznaki.Potomu that marriage surely he will make trouble in the event of any ambiguous situation. In order to become a good husband, a young person should be able to discuss controversial issues without much fervor and the transition to the individual. Only in this way can always come to a compromise and save the marriage, despite all of life's troubles.

  5. Active in the development of relations

    This means that man must strive to take care of the young lady, to help her make some decisions, together with the girl to plan something, interested in her problems. Unfortunately, today there are many men in a passive position in such matters.

    They are either waiting for all the Gordian knots friend will cut or even let things take their course. To live with such a person is difficult. Unless, of course, we are not going to be the head of the family. Because the responsibility for the family, he is unlikely to be borne. Anyway, try to stay away from her, the lion's share obyazyannostey spihivaya on the shoulders of his wife.

It can be a long time to talk about what should be signs of bachelors who in the future will be a good husband. However, in all this there is one significant caveat. Some generally good guys just have no idea about the requirements of marriage.

They belong to the family life, based on the concepts of her lengthy. There are even young people, safe in the knowledge that the marriage should not change anything in their lives. And when she did me, or do not know how to behave, or are trying to get rid of such an unexpected state.

And dispose differently. Someone goes to the town red, and someone even escapes from the family. Therefore, the challenge of a girl who says to himself: "I want a good husband! "Not so much to find it, how then to mold for themselves. What is the essence of creating a life partner?

 how to be a good husband

How to make the best of men husband

That the husband was really good, a little to get hold of the right for the role of the groom. Even the best of the workpiece can be ugly low-quality product. So it is with men. If you do not master the art of proper influence on them, it is likely that people will begin to resist, even destroying itself. Of course, neither of which a favorable atmosphere in the family and then not speak.

What is the impact on the art of the spouse? First of all, in the sense of when to be firm and when to go to him to make concessions. And as it is necessary in some way to convince her husband. Someone needed for this rigid insistence on the part of women, and someone - a soft, sometimes compassionate approach.

The ambition of the man must be able to warm up, simultaneously developing in him self-respect, and not to destroy. And then he will want to be better and make this effort. Minded, hysterical, quarrelsome wife never will achieve this effect.

In short, a good husband is not necessary to look for and do. He - not a gift of fate, but the result of their work kopotlivoy halves. Only this work must be such that the favorite of her did not even know. Will allow him to save face, delicately reshaping in his own way some quality and tactfully pointing to the correct path of development. Let him think he takes the right decisions. And then a man, after all, really learn to accept them.

 I want a good husband! Where can I get it?

We advise to check: What men want and expect from women?
