Why men do not want to get married


  • Reasons given by men of marriage
  • How to behave the girl if the guy does not want to get married?

Women to be difficult. Especially nowadays. Because now the fairer sex has increased responsibilities. They must not only create comfort in the house, have children, and instruct on the right path of their husbands, but also the first to find these men. More precisely, to find someone who is ready to become her husband. And it's not easy. Because men now, for the most part, try not to enter into marriage. It used to be a few decades ago, marriage was legitimate for each of them. And now young people stubbornly refuse to wear a wedding ring. Why is that? Why men do not want to get married?

Reasons given by men of marriage

Yes, modern men to marry just as hard as the climb to the highest peak of the world Mount Everest. The guy can date a girl for several years, but do not even think about marriage. The girl and her parents are still waiting for proposals from the young man. He and mustache is not blowing. And the question, is not it time to legitimize the relationship, answers evasively. Of course, the girl usually does not add optimism. The poor girl did not understand why a man is not going to get married, and continues to believe that the gentleman was about to ripen, and the marriage will take place.

What are the reasons for this situation? Usually this:

  Financial insolvency

Men want the family was not created in a vacuum. Not all of them presently have good earnings and confidence in the future. That's our fear bachelors that ensure his wife and their future children will not turn out as expected;

The desire for freedom

In this case, a man often is willing to live in a civil marriage, but to formalize relationships in no hurry. He does not want to marry, because he believes that this family will bind his hands and feet. A cohabitation or non-binding;

The ban parents

Even if a man and woman meet for a long time, his parents may oppose their marriage. This happens often because of the housing problem, because that is really a girl they do not like, or mom and dad Man believes that he has not risen to the family, and so on;

Fear of liability

Any man is well aware that the family - is a big responsibility. And after marriage, he will have to answer not only for themselves but also for others. Therefore, it is necessary to something to deny yourself;

Fear of loss of choice

As long as people only meet or live in a civil marriage, a man thinks he has the right to choose. And maybe, if something starts to oppress the existing relationship, they break easily. Legally married significantly limits its action;

The negative experience of the past

It happens that the previous marriage between a man was unsuccessful. And now he does not want to get married or because he has not yet experienced the pain of loss, or because he is afraid of a repetition of arguments, a regular occurrence in the former family;

Frustrated girl

Sometimes, meeting a girl for some time and are increasingly recognizing it, the guy starts to understand that today's friend - not his dream. Not all of the young people would dare to say so directly. A man can still inertia of habit and maintain relationships. But in fact, have to look for another party;

Fear to make an offer

There are men who panic fear of failure on the part of women. They can not bring himself to propose to her. Such a representative of the stronger sex will dream to give his friend's wife. But do not dare to tell her about it for a long time;

The fear that the marriage soured relations

Often, young people, after watching how in love some time after the wedding become enemies, do not want to get into the same situation. And therefore avoid any talk of marriage, even with that which truly love;

Elementary greed

This concerns a fairly wealthy man suspected everyone and everything in the assault on their material wealth. Such hog do not trust anyone and believe that any woman will strive to chop off a piece of their wealth. And the wealth and something is often exaggerated - running flat, old car, average incomes - but for them, it is a luxury.

Well, that's about all the most common reasons why men do not want to marry. Of course, there are plenty of other reasons for refusal of the marriage - the reluctance to share with someone a roof over his head, the uncertainty of their male dignity and so on. But this is the position of the individual. And they occur less frequently than those described above. Therefore, we do not discuss the will. It is better to talk about how to proceed in the case of the girls one of the most common failures men from marrying.

How to behave the girl if the guy does not want to get married? Let's look at a situation where the reasons that men do not get married, it is controlled. When there is an opportunity to accelerate events, explaining all the advantages of a man of family life, or when the situation is such that it is best to leave this man.

 I do not want to get married

How to behave the girl if the guy does not want to get married?

How to behave the girl if the guy does not want to get married? Let's look at a situation where the reasons that men do not get married, it is controlled. When there is an opportunity to accelerate events, explaining all the advantages of a man of family life, or when the situation is such that it is best to leave this man.

Financial insolvency

If the guy with whom we meet for a long time, all the time insists that marries only once safely back on track - it is generally a good idea. Because it is an indicator of a serious, thorough approach to marriage. At the same time, this approach has drawbacks. It is necessary, in terms of men, for the comfortable existence of family status can cobble together for years. And you can do will never put together. It is likely that in order to achieve this goal would be advantageous to have a family and together try to become quite wealthy couple.

Girls who want to marry preoccupied with their financial situation Man, we must try to explain it to him. In the end, it is often possible to live comfortably on the money that is now available to both. And often it is the wife for the husband becomes a guide and support in all your endeavors. And the appearance of children is an additional incentive for action and move forward. All this is necessary to explain to the man, and not wait until he finally becomes wealthy. Who knows whether vzbredet then to him to find himself another girlfriend?

The desire for freedom

In that case, if the guy does not want to get married and is offering live in a civil marriage, a girl should think twice. Maybe he just wants to know her closer, and then make a decision. But maybe he just does not want to limit their freedom. Very convenient - woman, satisfying the needs of its men, always at hand, even if it solves some domestic issues, asking nothing in return, and all is well! You can live itself, clover, until you get bored.

No, civil marriage, of course, can agree. That's just to give themselves without reserve the whole man is not worth it. Let him feel that we have it is not yet fully belong and are also free in their actions, as he did. We need him lasting relationship? Let the period of cohabitation will learn to be a good family man and a reliable support for their loved ones. A play alleged wife, we do not intend for a long time. Cohabitation - it is cohabitation. Will call tomorrow, worthy man in the registry office, and - adieu, dear! We're just roommates. And then, thanks for the nice time spent.

The ban parents

If a guy wants to get married, in principle, but can not because of the ban parents, the situation is complicated. Rather, it is one of those who are called "mama's boy" and life with him does not seem honey. Not afraid of such a future? Then we insist that the man acted alone and had married in defiance of parents. However, then it has to withstand regular swoops in-law. Well, nothing, over time, it will have to put up with everything, Son, you know!

Of course, the young man can not go against the wishes of his mother and father and will be playing for time, trying to persuade his girlfriend to wait a little more. And whether it is necessary to wait for this spineless types from which a little confused? An adult should be able to own decisions, and not to shift the responsibility for their fate to someone, even if the parental shoulders! Oh, is it not? He does not want to marry, because he is afraid to disappoint my mother and leave her alone? So my mother always upset with or without reason! What now, all my life to please her? And why is my mother left alone? On the contrary, it is now will take care of just two.

In short, if a guy regularly refers to the prohibition of parents and ever more tempting to wait long to hear his songs do not need to. So you can spend a lot of time on the person who is unable to be a good husband and father. Or wait for the fact that his mother pick up my little boy a more appropriate, from her point of view, the party. And the weak-willed young man reluctantly (or even fun) marries another. And we are left alone.

Fear of liability

If a guy evades marriage because afraid of responsibility, a girl should ask ourselves the question - whether it needs such a man at all? After all, when you create a family with him solve all the problems have to take over. But in life anything may happen! And often without the support of a strong and reliable shoulder can not do. And the most difficult to cope with the forces will not suffice. Where, then look for this support? At the neighbor, colleague or lover? Bleak prospect, I must say.

Fear of loss of choice

When a man wants to go to the registrar because of the reluctance to give up the possibility of choice, it is advisable to give it time to complete freedom. Let chooses as long as vomit. Thus it is necessary to pull myself together and try to communicate with him as little as possible. Let him think that we are facing the dilemma of whom to marry. And picks himself most worthy. Oh, he can find a new love and did not come back? Yes, good riddance! So, it's not our man. And it would be much worse if the "new love" had appeared after the wedding.

The negative experience of the past

If a man was already married, but is not very good, it is not ruled out his fear of a repetition of that experience. In this case, the woman is not desirable to rush things. May elect not had time to forget the hurt and the pain caused to his former wife. There is also the likelihood that he absolutely does not want a repetition of the old family script in the belief that often exactly what happens. Well, that just have to wait and gradually accustom the young man to himself and to the idea that family life possible happiness, mutual understanding and peace. Only this should be done gently, being careful not to touch the last man in conversation.

Frustrated girl

If a guy does not want to get married because it was disappointed in the girl, there's nothing to be done. What sin to hide, sometimes we understand, but we continue to hope for something. And even taking active steps, trying to return the love of a man. Sometimes it succeeds. But as rare as rare! Blown feelings are very difficult to revive. No, you can, of course, do not pay attention to the feelings of men. There are families who already have good live. And then, who knows, maybe yes again slyubitsya can endure! Perhaps slyubitsya, and if not? Then the happiness we can not see, as their ears. So it has nothing to do: to whom we once thought her future husband, it is better to let go and wish him good luck.

Fear to make an offer

In that case, if we meet with a guy for a long time, he is gentle, thoughtful, considerate, generous, but offers some reason does not particularly think it is not necessary. Most likely, he is not averse to marry, just afraid to even hint about it. What should I do in this situation? We must take the bull by the horns and to hint to him about wanting marriage. Or even hint and say right. Otherwise, this Tula gingerbread anything not wait. Will beat around the bush for years.

The fear that the marriage soured relations

Sometimes young people do not intend to marry his girlfriend out of fear that marriage will ruin the relationship. After all, he spoiled them from friends, acquaintances, colleagues! At first they seemed to be with her friends was love, but after the wedding she suddenly disappeared somewhere ... I must say that the concerns were not in vain guy. Unfortunately, it happens quite often. But not always! There are plenty of examples of successful marriages in which the wife is quite pleased with each other. So why should our marriage be any different? You just have to try both to smooth the rough edges, and everything will be fine. All this girl should tactfully to impress a guy, adding that she was prepared to work on yourself. It is up to him.

Elementary greed

Situations where a man does not want to marry because of the boundless greed, perhaps, not worth discussing. He does not want to get married? And thank God! Then report back for every penny, deny yourself and children around and listen to the accusations of extravagance when buying cheap tights? Yes, his enemy would not wish such a life! So let meanie sent home.

However, it does not matter why the man does not want to marry. Do not be wasted on those men who are not worthy of us. It is better to be alone than to drag down the aisle anybody. It is not for the same we marry, then to suffer! The husband we need to feel confident and comfortable.

 Why men do not want to get married?

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