As a rule, the age difference between man and a woman is 2-3 years. Today, however, in today's society can be found tandems in which the partners can be older or younger than each other for decades. Many psychologists and sociologists have quite a long time trying to determine what the age difference between men and women is optimal, but their opinions on this subject often diverge.
Thus, most experts believe that the strongest associations are obtained when the age of spouses or lovers differ by no more than 5-7 years. Others argue that a man should be a much older woman, and even lead calculations, how to determine the optimal age his future wife: only need to divide the man's age by two and add to it another 7 years. There is also a theory that the most successful marriages, the husband and wife are always about the same age as they are grown in the same conditions of society prevailing at any given time.
Opinions about the optimum age difference a lot, but sometimes life dictates its own rules. It happens that the union of two people, which violates all the rules of propriety and age limits, there is so much longer than the usual age marriages. If people decide to unite their destinies in conscious age, no difference in age or the opinions of others can influence their desire for life together. A much more serious situation when a similar tandem solved very young people who have succumbed to a fit of passion, and not burdened with great life experience to understand what problems they may expect in the future.
If we talk about the age difference between a man and a woman, the most we have in mind that a man older than her friend. But there are opposite situation, when the girls (and increasingly women) are selected as partners in life of young guys. And in that, and in a different situation can be found both pluses and minuses. Let's talk about how the age difference can affect the future of young people more.
If a guy older
Most modern couples guy older girl for at least several years, and it is quite normalno.Delo that for many reasons, young girls are far ahead of their peers, the guys in the psychological development, so that with their peers they are simply not interested. At older ages, especially after 25-30 years, so little difference in age is completely leveled, because the level of development of men and women roughly "balanced."
Contrary to popular belief, older men often look for and appreciate a young girl is not so much the beauty of how much a certain lightness of thinking, openness and lack of many complexes, which tend to have time "to acquire" older women. The sexual aspect of the relationship is also very important in these cases because it is a man "aged" can teach the inexperienced girl to experience the full range of sexual sensations. But the guys her age, as a rule, are rarely interested in the pleasure of his beloved.
Nor can it be ruled out of consideration the fact that the man who is looking for a young companion, it also evaluates the opportunity to become the best mother of his future children. Girls tend to see the same in adult men the most appropriate candidates for the role of the father of their children. And this is quite natural, because in comparison with their peers, mature men are much more focused on family values, confident "are on their feet" and may provide the family a decent living.
Hardly not blame the girls for such a mercantilist approach because most of them are not looking for any special material benefit. It is the inherent nature: following the ancient instinct, they are trying to do everything possible to see their children in no need to know. Of course, there are marriages that are only on the calculation, and they are not uncommon. However, in most cases, a young girl still truly falls in love with a man older than her age, intrigued by its well-established views on life, and a sense of calm and confidence that he could give her, in contrast to peers, it is not ready for a serious relationship.
The danger of such relations is the fact that she may eventually start a little "bored" in the company of his beloved, because over the years, most men become more serious, thorough and even a little boring. The only "cure" from this development is a healthy sense of humor, which is to treat new manifestations in the second half of his nature, and willingness to constantly "bother" the man, causing him to unusual and, sometimes risky behavior.
When communicating very young girls with older men, they need to be constantly on the alert. Quite often there are cases of dishonest attitude of boys or adult men to his young friends who are in the manifestation of sexual interest exclusively, carefully masked behind strong and passionate feelings. Recognize these guys can be on the explicit request to spend the evening in an intimate atmosphere and resentment in the case of failure. Such unpleasant behavior is more characteristic of boys and young men aged 30-35 years, and senior representatives of the stronger sex, as a rule, women are more respectful and do not allow such behavior.
The romance is very difficult to determine the border, when a man becomes a woman or girl is "too old". Most ladies are good at adapting to the needs of their older gentleman without any damage to their own personality. In addition, many women and so much more mature earlier than men, so it may be that the lady of 20-25 years is on the same level of development as the 40-50-year-old, who has just recently decided to settle down and start a family.
Few things are more complicated with young girls who, because of his inexperience sometimes can not distinguish the true feelings of the ordinary light of love. For them, with men who are older than 10 years and more frequently turn into a tragedy. However, and this trend is not mandatory, as in our modern society, you can find a lot of couples in which the man is literally "raised" and "nurtured" his wife with a very young age, being much older than her.
The main principles of a successful relationship in which the man or men older girl, is his willingness to build a serious long term relationship, in every possible way to defend and protect his beloved. From the girls also requires the ability to create an optimal psychological environment comfortable for ourselves and for the man she loved. However, the only condition sine qua non of success union in which a man older girls still exists - is a community of interests and basic attitudes to life.
If the girl is older
Recently, due to the changing social status of women in many countries often began to form alliances in which a lady older than her partner for 10 years or more. Such relationships are still condemned by the society, but, in fact, they have the same right to exist as the tandems of older men with young girls, which today is no surprise. In such unions is very important is the age of a woman who decided to link their lives with a younger partner. For example, 25-year-old girl is rarely interested in boys at 10 or even 5 years younger because often believe they are too young and naive, so that this type of relationship will not be considered. Quite a different matter with the ladies of more mature age - 30, 40 or even 50 years.
For thirty or forty years, many young women, especially those that have not had time to taste all the joys of family life, often pay attention to young boys. They seem to them a sort of innocent young Romeo with burning hearts, ready for the most unpredictable actions for the sake of his beloved. That ease of relationships and a certain extravagance of feelings arising from an alliance with the young guys, and attracts women aged 30-40 years as their peers at this time, as a rule, almost completely lose the ability to surprise and shock the lady of his heart.
Quite a value in tandem with a young guy older women have sexual relations, which, as a rule, completely satisfied with the both sides of the Union. In adulthood, the majority of women are sexy in their prime, and their young lovers are always ready to love joys. In addition, after 30 years, many women get rid of complexes associated with the body and how they look in the nude, which allows them a lot better to be liberated and fully surrender to the power of his passions.
One of the most obvious advantages of such relations is the desire to meet the woman his young gentleman, which results in enhanced care about their appearance. As a result, and so quite a young woman begins to look more fresh and young. And most importantly, changes occur not only in appearance - the whole inner world of women is transformed, giving it the lightness and the joy of knowing that she is still young and beautiful.
On the other hand, the need for constant external conformity to the significant other may eventually tire much a woman, and even provoke her neurosis, which can serve as the first "bell" to end this relationship. Also, severe psychological stress for women is society's response to its alliance with the young man, in particular those situations (when a large difference in age), when they are perceived as a mother with her son. In such cases, it is important to ignore the opinions of others, paying attention only to the harmonious development of their relations. Especially the guys, as a rule, did not worry about the age of his beloved. Moreover, they are often proud of its experience and ability to not only save, but also to increase its appeal over the years.
Most dangerous are the young men who are only interested in financial position its mature friend. These young people are very cleverly camouflage their true intentions. When a woman understands the fallacy of such a connection, you usually have time to fall in love with his ne'er-do gentleman and seriously worrying about the inevitable rupture. Also quite acute in such an alliance is the problem of the child's birth as a woman simply can skip your childbearing age, waiting for her young lover is ripe to become a dad.
However, in recent years one can observe a sufficiently large number of happy couples who have there is such a difference in age. The basic condition for the success of such unions are, of course, sincere feelings on both sides and a willingness to sacrifice some of their principles and beliefs for the sake of life sharing a happy future.
Despite all the advantages and disadvantages of the above unions, always remember that the age difference is not decisive in such a delicate matter, as building strong romantic or family relationships. Much more important is to look at life in the same direction, trying to embody similar goals, have the same representation and the most important life values. If you have similar interests, are able to enjoy every minute of time spent together and are ready to support his mate in any, even the most difficult situations, that there is no difference in age does not prevent you to be happy!
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