Virtually every adult at least once in his life had to yourself to experience the bitterness of parting with a loved one; However, they are experiencing such a difficult time in completely different ways. Some of the very first days of the dip in the rapid cycle of life, and thus simply squeezed out of the idea of separation occurred. But more sensitive by nature people are often very long and worried about the gap love relationships, and eventually may even plunge into a state of depression. So sad result has led many women to seek different ways of how to get out of depression after a breakup, but first you need to understand the cause of their disease psychologically condition.
Why do many parting brings so much suffering, as seems to be the logical conclusion of outdated relations should, on the contrary, only to spur growth and renewal? The fact is that most people are suffering not so much from his feelings for a certain person, but from the collapse of hopes and plans related to the further development of relations. For women it is much more, because most of them, which really must admit, like constantly to imagine how they will marry the man she loved, will work together to raise and educate children and as they say in fairy tales, "will die in one day. " Such thoughts often and cause a rupture of relations after the appearance of the doldrums.
The main symptoms of depression
Before we deal with getting rid of depression, you need to determine if you have it, or disease state is a common human reaction to stress
. If your suffering, in general, does not prevent you to live and have practically no effect on the usual daily way of, most likely, no depression, you do not, and you just need to wait until the dust settles from the negative emotions breakup
. If you constantly feel very depressed, no longer interested in a favorite hobby, you do not pay due attention to the care of their appearance, because you simply do not care what you look like, practically stopped eating or, conversely, began feverishly to sweep away all that is in refrigerator, seriously believe that you will never be able to love and be happy, and observe any other significant changes in their behavior and, more important, in attitude, we can confidently say that you are faced with such unpleasant phenomenon, depression
One of the most effective ways of getting rid of a variety of psychological problems is a visit to a qualified psychologist; but there are also "home" methods that have helped hundreds of thousands of people to say goodbye to depression after breaking up with a loved one.
Ways out of depression
So let's see how you can help yourself to itself.
Socializing with friends and loved ones
The first reaction of many people to the painful parting is the desire to retire and indulge in suffering alone. Of course, at first, some privacy is indeed necessary, but even after a week or even a few days of complete isolation from society starts to put pressure on the man only by provoking the emergence of negative thoughts, although he this is usually not aware of.
According to various studies of psychologists after breaking love relationships in most cases effectively deal with the problem of depression helps confidential communication with relatives and friends, as well as their moral and psychological support, so that in no case should not deprive themselves of the usual walks with friends traditional Sunday lunch in the family.
However, it is also important to choose the right people for their rehabilitation, avoiding communication with those who are not averse to gloat, give you any claim or prove a negative in any other way. As a rule, such people are found among the so-called psevdodruzey or "nodding" friends, but family is almost always ready to provide support after the rupture of romantic relationships.
Putting in order of their appearance
To make it easier to cope with stressful events such as separation, it is important to allocate sufficient time to care for their appearance, and in any case, do not be lazy to do it regularly. Many women after breaking romance lose any incentive to maintain their blooming appearance, but such disregard for itself over time, provoking an even greater increase in depression, so you have to literally force yourself to do a variety of procedures to always look at height.
A good motivational trigger can be a visit to SPA-salon, where it is possible, in addition to a direct reduction in the order of appearance, enjoy the atmosphere of peace and tranquility. You should also resume regular home-care and try every day to choose a stylish and beautiful dress, the best way to emphasize the advantages of your figure. All this at a subconscious level affects women as a powerful antidepressant. And at first you may not notice any changes in your mental state; but just a couple of weeks, you will feel much better and, maybe, even get rid of heavy thoughts about what happened the break.
Improvement or a fundamental change in lifestyle
Parting could wreak havoc in your everyday life, breaking the usual mode of operation, sleep, rest, food intake and physical activity. To get rid of depression, it is important to bring life back to normal, which is necessary to remember that you have the willpower to force themselves and return all full circle. If you're used to a certain rhythm of work, time, sleep, nutrition and exercise, the sharp rejection of such a lifestyle, or a substantial change could further drive you into a state of depression, and even provoke a variety of health problems.
Forced himself to return the old rhythm of life, you are setting up a body to heal and gradually getting rid of a variety of depressing thoughts. If your earlier life is poor, while after breaking up is one of the most successful periods in order to begin to eat more correctly, to introduce into daily routine of sports and exercise any other major changes. Such innovations will accept your body as a signal to "reset" of all systems, including neuro-psychological condition that can quickly relieve you from depression.
An effective rest
Quality and timely rest is an integral part of harmonious existence of any man, and during the experience of parting its importance increases hundreds of times. Many women try to fill the void in my heart and mind off negative thoughts with the help of hard work, but to do so in any case not worth it. To forget about depression after breaking love relationships, it is often enough to give himself a few weeks, not only physiological, but also psychological, "vacation":
Physiological vacation
To ensure quality rest of your body, you can take a vacation and go to the sea, in the mountains or visit some country that you are interested in a long time, but you can just arrange regular forays into the countryside. The only important condition of physiological rest, which allows you to get rid of depression, is a constant activity, and the obligatory presence of the sport, or at least the most minimal exercise. Such actions will help you to rid himself of evil thoughts while lying on the beach simple will, on the contrary, even more provoking suffering from the experience of separation.
Psychological vacation
In addition to the physiological aspect it is also very important psychological aspect of rest, which allows effectively "unload" the brain and get rid of the obsessive thoughts about the separation. For the purpose of this holiday should try for some time (from several weeks to several months, depending on the speed of adaptation of a person), avoiding stressful situations, or at least reduce their number to a minimum, not to engage in any conflict, not to participate in fierce disputes, takes, sometimes, every effort not to criticize anyone, and possible criticism to try to simply turn a deaf ear.
It is also very important not to take any important decisions that can dramatically affect your life (such as changing jobs, moving to another city, etc.), because in such an unstable emotional state can spur of the moment to do something that you'll later very sorry. Every day is let into your life a little and often quite illogical or absurd joy from childhood, cause you only positive emotions.
For example, you can affliction huge bubbles, take a piece of chalk and draw on the pavement or do any other thing that is associated with childhood you with carelessness, joy and gladness. You can also successfully raise the company of friends and play your favorite games. Such seemingly completely useless actions allow many people to quickly and easily cope with the depression of various kinds, including those that arise after breaking up with a loved one.
If you have tried all the methods described above, but have been unable to cope with depression, it is wise to seek the advice of an experienced psychologist, to help cope with negative emotions overwhelm you and give life back to normal. Many people visit such specialists, unfortunately, seen as something shameful and totally unacceptable, but in fact ashamed there is nothing, because according to statistics, almost everyone, in time to seek help from a psychologist, quickly goes out of depression, and even changes your thinking in a way that would never be in this situation.