In what month is better to marry

Well, we finally found the man of her dreams, and he made an offer. I'd like to marriage was stable and safe. Conclusion it - is extremely significant event. The wedding day seems to be something mystical and, of course, fatal. Many couples are suitable to the choice of this day is very kind. How else, then? After all, this date will be the birthday of a new family. And, therefore, it will affect the development of relations between the spouses and their degree of reliability and success. In what month it is better to get married to the birthday of the family fell on the most successful period for its creation? Let's see what we are advised astrologers.

Day of wedding the Zodiac

Zodiac astrology examines periods of marriage in terms of impact in the future on the location of its energy during these periods of the planets. Wedding horoscope lets you know in what month is better to marry girls who want to have a family relationship of some kind. It gives information about what is going to be the quality of marriages registered in a given period. And we get the opportunity to choose the most appropriate time period desires. Well, proceed directly to the horoscope.

 in a month is better to marry

Horoscope for marriage

  1. The period from 21 March to 19 April. Not a very good time for marriage. Marriage concluded in this period promises to family conflicts and disagreements. In principle, the union of man and woman is a powerful energy. But it is unstable. And the passion present in the beginning of a relationship, can quickly fade away. So for couples who filed an application to the registrar, still did not really know each other this period is unfavorable. Well, for those who have already found quite a while and had to adapt to the shortcomings of the elect, it is quite acceptable;
  2. The period from 20 April to 20 May. Whatever broadcast our ancestors about the fact that in May, born to suffer, according to astrologers, the birthday of the family is not the case. And if we think, what month is best to marry, it is during this period is the best answer. Gap from April 20 to May 20, protects the planet of love, Venus. And marriages, prisoners in such a time span, are the most robust and stable;
  3. Period from 21 May to 20 June. This period protects Mercury. It is the planet of communication. If the registration of the marriage takes place in time for the couple to build a strong and happy family will need the ability to conduct a dialogue without mutual reproaches. Marriage is prosperous when it is based on common interests and plans. Zodiac promises quite frequent quarrels, but they will end up faster reconciliation;
  4. The period from 21 June to 22 July. In such a period of time is better to marry based on emotional compatibility of people and their full understanding. He is especially favorable for those who want to create a close-knit family in which the child will not be alone;
  5. Period from 23 July to 22 August. Union, created in this time period, promises to be an extraordinary, bright and quite safe. But if the pair is one of the partners is inert, not ambitious and does not set itself any special purpose, the wedding to play in this period is not desirable. Otherwise, loving relationship absorb routine and boredom. And the family can quickly fall apart. To avoid this, the newlyweds should be as fast as possible to get a baby;
  6. The period from 23 August to 23 September. This time period is good for registration of the union impulsive and passionate partners. He is able to create energy balance and harmonize relations, eliminating them from the love of horse racing to hatred. Too calm and level-headed people to marry from 23 August to 23 September undesirable. The Union will very quickly become boring and monotonous. In general, to the family, created in this period was rather strong, the couple should strive for a healthy lifestyle and sharing consistent problem solving;
  7. The period from 24 September to 23 October. This time very well to form a union of those people for whom the family above all else. This astrologers do not recommend this period for the conclusion of unequal marriages. When a large difference in age or social status of spouses is difficult to be good partners in all aspects of life. A partnership is a prerequisite for a successful alliance, formed in this period;
  8. Period from 24 October to 22 November. Those who intend to play a wedding in this time period, it should be remembered - the marriage is going to be very emotional and passionate. However, it will be exposed to the risk of regular changes, mutual suspicion and the constant struggle for leadership. The family probably will not avoid a considerable number of major conflicts. But in an intimate relationship such an alliance is extremely good. It will give the opportunity to complete sexual satisfaction;
  9. The period from 23 November to 22 December. In fact, in this period it is better not to enter into marriage as a very high probability of divorce. Externally, the family can look and exemplary, but in fact it all the time would be the major quarrel. But if the spouses have the same outlook, the union could be good. Therefore astrologers categorically advised to enter at this time mixed marriages, marriages with foreigners and marriages between people of different religions. Different views on life will make such a marriage is extremely disadvantaged;
  10. The period from 23 December to 20 January. This period of time is most favorable for marriage by calculation or by mutual agreement. Such alliances are expected to be stable and calm, as the wife behave predictably and no misunderstandings between them does not arise. However, in the family expected a fairly long period of grinding in men. If they successfully elude him, the question of divorce is unlikely to ever become relevant;
  11. Period from 21 January to 19 February. Marriages in this period better than those who are able to give her husband a certain amount of freedom. In general, family, whose birthday falls on the time period from 21 January to 19 February, will not be too happy. Implementation plans and problems will occur randomly. And believe the husband and wife in this regard have just at the mercy of fate;
  12. The period from 20 February to 20 March. In such a period of time is impractical to register marriages creative and too emotional people. The families of these individuals created from February 20 to March 20, the likelihood of violent regular scandals too high. However, with time the dust settles passion. But in their place come emptiness and indifference. In short, those who are not willing to at least partially dissolve in a partner and want to preserve their identity in this period is best not to create a family.
 In what month is better to marry: advice of astrologers

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 Indian horoscope

Horoscopes have recently become very fashionable and extremely popular. We all really want to know the nature and characteristics of a person, and that the fate of the other things we, and who can be an ideal partner. Here we turn for an answer to these questions in astrology. I must say that in spite of those who are skeptical of astrological forecasts, they still often help in life. In any case, many of the horoscope enable select targets and actions, and in relationships with the opposite sex. That is also the Assistant Indian horoscope love, that combines the teaching of karma and knowledge of astrology.

Features of Indian horoscope love

Indian horoscopes are the official science in India, developing based on the ancient astrological texts. Perhaps that is why they differ extraordinary accuracy of forecasts. In general, Indian horoscope is based on the contention that the period of a person's birth determines his character and life of the system. Change it impossible. There are only a probability to know what the circumstances to go through and how they can affect people.

Indian horoscope is based on the position of the moon and the sun relative to the stars, which are called parked. According to his statements, the Earth's year is divided into twenty-seven sites. The symbol of each park are some particular star and animal - totem. The animal may be either sex. As other horoscopes, Indian horoscope determines which parking is a man of his birth time intervals.

Well, then, proceed directly to the horoscope.

 Indian horoscope compatibility

Love horoscope Indian-

  • Ashivini. Born April 13-27 period. Totem - horse. This freedom-loving people who need to take such as a satellite. They need adventurous with a rich inner world. Ashwini passionate, sensual and can be simply stunning in sex;
  • Bharani. Period Born April 28 - May 11. Totem - an elephant. Bharani pragmatists. They are looking for someone who shares their interests and are willing, in the presence of rivals to fight for it in every way. But, having achieved their own, these people can grow cold in feelings;
  • Krittika. Period of birth 12 - 25 May. Totem - sheep. This passionate nature, prefer to be conquered. Krittika their feelings start to show only when assured that the love is mutual. But strong unions scare them, so to marry these people usually are not solved for a long time;
  • Rohini. Period Birth May 26 - June 8. Totem - snakes. Indian horoscope states that born in this period are capable of deeply committed love. For love, they are able to go to desperate acts. However, striving for excellence Rohini first step do not. Activity against should be chosen;
  • Mrigasira. Born June 9-21 period. Totem - a snake. Mrigasira also did not know how to take the first steps. They are secretive, arrogant, and able to control myself. For a stable alliance that people need, above all, intelligent harmony with a partner;
  • Adra. Period Born June 22 - July 5. Totem - a dog. This gentle, caring and faithful people who are ready to invest in the relationship with your loved one all the power and passion. Often they are too active than can drive the opposite sex. Look for the Adra kind, attentive partner who will become their constant praise. But it is inclined to give up on him without cause;
  • Punarvasu. Period Birth 6 - 19 July. Totem - a cat. Punarvasu proud, secretive and unapproachable. Often they little love one person. Therefore Punarvasu willing to accept favors from other people, causing a lot of suffering to those who loved them. In fact, their behavior they seek to show loving that do not tolerate self control;
  • Pushia. Period of birth 20 July - 2 August. Totem - ram. Pushia closed, but incredibly sexy. These people are not prone to long-term relationships. However, they are very jealous and do not tolerate cheating. So can long pursue the one suspected of infidelity;
  • Aslesha. Period of birth 3 - August 16. Totem - a cat. Self-sufficient, secretive, Aslesha looking for someone who will not encroach on their independence. Partner should worship them. And then Aslesha become gentle, caring and faithful. Besides, who does not appreciate, they are cold and aloof;
  • Magha. Period of birth 17 - 30 August. Totem - rat. Magha love pleasure and seek power and authority. They need to understand this life companion. These people are undaunted, courageous, brave, and can wake up the sexy even in the coldest partner;
  • Purva Phalguni. Period of birth August 31 - September 13. Totem - the mouse. Indian horoscope warns - these people are sometimes prone to violent outbursts. However, they tend to long-term sincere attitude for which are ready for any sacrifice. Anger just trying to ignite the passion in a loved one;
  • Uttara Phalguni. Period 14th birthday - September 27. Totem - buffalo. Uttara Phalguni generous, kind, loyal and do not represent the life without the second half. But they need only one who should be sought. And who can maintain sexual interest to him;
  • Hasta. Period Born September 28 - October 9. Totem - buffalo. Hasta independent kept outwardly appear calm and impenetrable. However, they are very vulnerable and extremely disturbing. These people need a satellite that can provide emotional support. With such a man Hasta become sensual, generous and unselfish;
  • Chitra. Period of birth 10 - 23 October. Totem - a tigress. Chitra - strong-willed and very sexy people who want to find someone who will obey them. Can suddenly grow cold to his partner and to show respect to his indifference and even cruelty;
  • Swati. Period Born October 24 - November 6. Totem - buffalo. The main objective of SWAT - the stable long-term relationship .. But the second half of these people will not be easy. They are picky, stinging, critical. This practical and can provide for the family, as it should be;
  • Vishaha. Period Birth 7 - 19 November. Totem - Tiger. Have unprecedented sexuality Vishaha require frequent change of partners, so prone to treachery. Such people need a life partner, able to satisfy their sexual hunger. But in this case of adultery can not be excluded. Therefore, Indian horoscope compatibility does not recommend Vishaha communicate with those who can not tolerate infidelity;
  • Anurada. Period of birth 20 November - 2 December. Totem - doe. Anurada - people perfect love. Without this sense, they can not imagine their lives. In search of love, they change partners more often than not engaging with them in an intimate relationship. Sex without love Anurada not accept;
  • Yeshta. Period of birth 3 - December 15. Totem - deer. This is a very sexy, sensual and fickle people. To persuade someone to sex, they'll go for anything. Besides, Yeshta too imperious, so lasting relationship with them are very difficult;
  • Mula. Period of birth 16 - 28 January. Totem - a dog. Mule unreliable, capricious and do not like stability. But ready for a long-term alliance with those who will not require them to comply with social norms and rules of conduct. Mula this can not stand;
  • Purva Ashadha. Period Birth December 29 - January 11. Totem - a monkey. It adherents monogamy can be faithful to your sweetheart. Purva Ashadha - serious people. They like to participate in various sex. But with only one partner;
  • Uttara Ashadha. Period of birth 12 - 24 January. Totem - mongoose. Those born during this period are ambivalent desires. This is difficult, people living by their own rules. They appreciate the freedom, do not aspire to a stable marriage and choose a variety of sex;
  • Shravan. Period Birth January 25 - February 6. Totem - a monkey. Sravana capable of deep feelings, but sometimes seek solitude. They are delicate, unobtrusive and can be happy only with those who can appreciate the quality and understand their need for periodic seclusion;
  • Dhanista. Period Birth 7 - February 19. Totem - a lioness. Dhanista responsible, strong spirit, charismatic. These people seek for a serious relationship and capable of fidelity to his half;
  • Shatabhishak period Birthday February 20 - March 4. Totem - horse. Shatabhishak - sexual nature, carefully hide it. They prefer to have the initiative in the relationship showed partner, capable of passionate sex;
  • Purva Bhadra. Period of birth 5 - 17 March. Totem - lion. This friendly, optimistic people, to surrender completely to love. They are very sexy and often idealize their partners. In love relationships are investing a lot of strength and energy;
  • Uttara Bhadra. Period 18th birthday - on 31 March. Totem - cow. These people tend only to the ideal relationship. If it does not, can change or go for a break. Loneliness Uttara Bhadra not afraid.
  • Revati. Period of birth 1 - April 12. Totem - an elephant. Revati generous sacrifice and non-sexual. They need deep feelings and lasting relationship. This Revati jealous and lost, if they begin to doubt the loyalty partner.
 Indian horoscope love

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