How to reduce discomfort during exacerbation of herpes attacks?
Genital Herpes - one of the varieties of herpes infection. It was established that today there are 8 of these species. Herpes viruses are pathogens. They are found in virtually every living organism on earth person.
People in the body which are not pathogens of herpes symptoms, may be called exceptional: they are in the world only 10%.
For most people, the virus lies dormant in a lifetime ganglia located near the spinal cord. It does not manifest itself as long as the human immune system does not fail. Primary infection typically causes HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus). At relapse of the disease activated HSV-2.
Genital herpes is most often affects women, but men also sometimes suffer from this disease. Usually sores affect the genitals, the area adjacent to it and the anus. Rarely, genital herpes affects directly the perineum, cervix, ovaries. The harm caused to a virus ovaries and uterus may be irreparable. Genital herpes often leads to infertility, sometimes - to the death of a woman affected with HSV.
In contrast to the domestic rare, genital herpes is transmitted only through sexual contact. Especially dangerous oral-genital, oral-anal, genital-oral communication with strangers, although classic unprotected contact with patients, too, can lead to infection. The use of condoms does not exclude, but reduces the risk of infection with herpes by about half. Most of all put themselves at risk of infection:
Women (men) with weakened immune systems. The reason for this may be easing stress, frequent colds, chemotherapy or radiotherapy for cancer.
People often change sexual partners, have sexual contact with a sick or strangers, do not use barrier preservatives.
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The causes of sexual (genital) herpes
Symptoms of genital herpes does not always manifest themselves externally. But the absence of symptoms does not make the disease less secure: a person afflicted with herpes virus is always dangerous to sexual partners. Any contact with infected skin can cause diseases his partner. Particularly susceptible to the virus are:
Mucous located in the mouth
Genitals women (men)
The area adjacent to the anus, the anus itself.
That is why the infection is possible and oral, and genital and anal sex. Partner with herpes sores on the lips easily pass the infection on the genitals of a partner during oral sex.
Scientists found that the spread of genital herpes is directly related to the socialization of people. Since risk factors may include:
Indiscriminate sex (both unprotected and protected, although in the latter case, the risk of infection is reduced by half).
A large number of sex (known or unknown) partners. Statistically it is proven that exactly half of the women infected with herpes are unmarried.
The low social standard of living, lack of normal conditions, nutrition.
Genital herpes can be more dangerous because during the initial signs of infection of the disease does not always manifest. A person can become a carrier of the virus. This means that the virus, which is his body, does not hit the media, but it is transmitted to sexual partners. Genital herpes can also occur in a latent form in which all symptoms. Sometimes they present, but appear so weak that ill just do not pay attention to them. But, regardless of symptoms, sexual contact with an infected in most cases leads to infection.
The body of any person tries to resist disease. However, the fight against genital virus becomes useless if the person:
Increase the risk of genital infection sex during menstruation.
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Types of sexual (genital) herpes
Doctors say that it is possible to allocate 4 types of percolation of sexual infection, depending on how it manifests itself and affects someone.
If a woman is never in contact with patients with herpes (or carriers of the virus), which has no antibodies to the herpes virus infects the first time, allocate the first type of clinical manifestations of genital herpes.
If a woman with antibodies to the virus first infected sexual (genital) herpes, allocate a second type of clinical manifestations.
Recurrent (reactivated) infection - the third type.
Asymptomatic manifestation of experts called the fourth type of clinical manifestations.
Each episode has its own clinical picture and, consequently, their primary symptoms. From this viewpoint, genital herpes is separated into:
Asymptomatic (to it equivalent of virus)
It is sometimes difficult to determine which the clinical picture is present at the moment in a woman. Washington physicians, many years studying the herpes believe that in primary genital herpes are always present three of the following symptoms:
Extragenital (external, not related to the genitals): nausea, muscle pain, joint pain, headache, sometimes - fever.
Rash, redness in the genital area, which held at least 10 days.
The presence of painful genital lesions.
Mucous throat, nose, skin, buttocks, hands, etc.
The symptoms of primary herpes infection
Usually occurs 3-8 days after unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected partner. In women, red, swells the skin in the area of the vulva, perineum, anus, vagina. On giperimirovannoy develop skin vesicles (watery blisters), which later turn into open sores. They are covered in a few days purulent yellow. The skin in this place becomes very sensitive, women complain of unbearable burning, itching exhausting, sometimes - pain in the area of the rash.
You may experience more severe symptoms: frequent urination, heaviness in the abdomen (below), headache, sometimes - nausea or fever. Usually pronounced symptoms disappear in a month: the disease becomes latent form.
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Symptoms of recurrent sexual (genital) herpes
If a woman suffered a primary genital herpes, there is a 70% probability that it will have the symptoms of recurrent genital herpes. Depending on how often exacerbated genital herpes, distinguished form of gravity of the disease.
In mild symptoms every few years.
With an average - up to 6 times a year.
In severe - on a monthly basis.
Symptoms of recurrent genital herpes may occur in:
The defeat of the vesicles or ulcers of the face, trunk
Gingivitis, stomatitis
Eye disease
Usually, these symptoms of genital herpes disappear once localized sores on the genitals.
Depending on how the proceeds of genital herpes, focusing on the symptoms, doctors are distinguished:
Arrhythmic type of flow. In this case the periods of remission / exacerbations occur at different time intervals from three weeks to six months.
Monotonous type is characterized by approximately identical time intervals between relapses / remissions. Usually, symptoms of genital herpes occur every 3-4 months.
Fading is characterized by periods of remission that women are becoming prolonged and symptoms - less visible.
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Symptoms of atypical forms of genital herpes
When atypical genital herpes affects not only the skin and mucous membranes, but (it is especially dangerous) appendages, a woman's uterus. Usually, atypical disease develops as a result of recurrent herpes, although in some cases the destruction of internal organs enough primary infection. When atypical symptoms of genital herpes infection can appear only:
in strong unrecoverable belyah (abnormal vaginal discharge)
almost imperceptible vesicle
intolerable itching, severe burning, which worried woman
In the first stage of genital herpes affects the external genitalia, the second - the urethra, cervix, vagina, on the third (the most severe) - the bladder, epididymis, uterus.
Launched genital herpes may be accompanied by severe symptoms:
Acute urinary retention.
Nervous and mental disorders: irritability, drowsiness or, conversely, irritability, depression, or depression.
The overall weakness.
Reasons for relapses may be:
Mental and physical exhaustion.
Regular exposure.
Influenza, respiratory or other infections.
Chronic diseases that weaken the immune system
The consequences of genital herpes
Secondary infection sores. Combing itchy sores and places a woman at risk to make the wound infections that cause streptococci, staphylococci, etc.
A pregnant woman infected can not bear a child. If the abortion has not occurred, the child may be born with a form of genital herpes or deformities.
Of the uterus and other internal reproductive organs in most cases lead to infertility.
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How to reduce discomfort during exacerbation of herpes attacks?
Unfortunately, the world has not yet invented medicines that can save mankind from a terrible virus. Drug therapy can relieve symptoms, prolong remission, reduce healing time, reduce the chance of transmitting the virus to partners. Treating physician selected individually for each patient.
It is believed that the most effective is a comprehensive treatment that is administered at the same time a gynecologist and an immunologist.
During exacerbation of women can complement self-medication treatment, which must be agreed with the doctor. How to ease their condition?
During exacerbation of women can complement self-medication treatment, which must be agreed with the doctor. How to ease their condition?
For headaches or take a temperature paracetamol.
Wear loose clothing, thereby reducing the contact affected areas with a cloth.
Keep affected areas cool.
Two or three times a day to take the salt bath, immersing the affected area in a saline solution (spoon at 0, 5 liters of water).
Avoid being outdoors, but take air baths to sores dried up.
Sometimes, an exacerbation of a woman hurt defecate. This can be done, immersed in warm water: the pain will be less.
How to reduce the risk of infection with herpes?
About half of the people infected with herpes for the first time by airborne droplets. However, genital herpes is transmitted only through sexual contact. In order to reduce the risk, you must:
Avoid frequent change of partners.
Be sure to use a condom.
Avoid casual relationships.
Systematically checked and tests.
To strengthen its own immunity.
Genital herpes - a complex disease, so you need to take all measures that it does not get infected.