breast size


  • What are the models of bras?
  • How to determine your breast size?
  • Tips for men who can not determine the size lingerie

Chest - the dignity of women, it should never be ashamed. Shoulders back, head up, chest forward and one step from the hip - that is the key to success at the stronger sex.

Make a bust of more appetizing and appealing shapes help bras, which range in our time is very high: lace and smooth, sexy and sports, with or without straps with buckle back or front, black, white, red and many others. Every woman should know how to determine the size of the breast.

But not all so simple: find the right bra - is an art, and failure to comply with all the rules of selection entails spinal surgery, sagging breasts and discomfort.

According to statistics, more than half of the women picked the wrong bra. When he wears on you, there should be no discomfort, shoulder straps must not fall down and scrape the skin closure. Another important factor in choosing the location of the breast bra plays. It can be widely separated or close, so try to trim location cups respectively. Underwire bra in any case should not dig into the body and bring some inconvenience.

Pay attention to the thickness of the straps. Their thickness should be directly proportional to the volume of the bust. The weight should fall on the shoulder straps so the straps are tight to rub the skin if a heavy chest.

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What are the models of bras?

What is the next model to choose? And what should not even be measured? What's your bra size? Which is better to use straps? About this below.

  1. Angelica - straps can be removed, the cup is a wide and do not cover the chest above the nipples. Open and sexy model, which still manages to be comfortable. This is one of the most popular models.
  2. Push up - literally translated to English as "lift". Open model, which is suitable for women with small and medium-sized bust. Due to the sewn foam or silicone inserts in the cups, this model raises rounds and shapes. This bra you will look very appetizing.
  3. Invisible bra - invisible bra. It's really hard to see, because he has no straps or buckles, it is nothing but 2 cups silicone. This bra is not suitable for very large sizes. It is easy to use and handle after each use it is necessary to rinse with water and it's ready for the next campaign.
  4. Wonder bra - star model. Initially created for the Screen Actors Guild, and later because of its practicality loved by all women of the world. The cups sewn into the air or silicone pads that give extra volume of the breast.
  5. Underwire bra - very comfortable, suitable for all sizes, well it captures and suitable even for sports.
  6. Braser - has a skeleton that supports the bust and bottom makes it more lush. Suitable for low-cut dress.
  7. Balkonet - similar to braser, but here are straps unfastened, and the top part of the cup replaces the lace.
  8. Classic bra with a closed cup, a good lock, very convenient and practical.

 model bras

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How to determine your breast size?

Any reputable company underwear publish on its website a special table or a calculator that calculates your size. There is enough to drive your parameters (chest, under the chest circumference, waist circumference and hip) and it gives the size of ready-made. But we need to be able to define itself and its dimensions.

What is the bra size? This is a letter of the alphabet (A, B, C, D, E, F), which corresponds to the cup, where A - the smallest. In addition to letters on the label there is always more numbers - is under the breast girth. Underbust girth ranges in size from 70 to 100, and always ends in 5 or 0, i.e. 75, 80, 85, etc.

Determining the size of the breast will take you just a couple of minutes. To begin to determine the circumference under the breasts. To do this, take a measuring tape and holding tightly to the body, measure the volume under the breast. See, to obtain the "ring" was flat and level on the back and front it was identical. The result is recorded and rounded it, that is if you have recorded 72, then round up to 70, if 86 is rounded up to 85.

Then proceed to the second measure - a chest at the most exposed point. You can put on your most comfortable bra without foam and measured by it. Record result. And now look what size cups will correspond to the difference between the girth and circumference under the breasts:

  • 10-12 cm - AA (0);
  • 12-13 cm - A (1);
  • 13-15 cm - B (2);
  • 15-17 cm - C (3);
  • 18-20 cm - D (4);
  • 20-22 cm - DD (5);
  • 23-25 ​​cm - E (6);
  • 26-28 cm - F (7).

Some European countries have their own size, and they should be defined differently. Start measuring Circumference below the breast and protruding points of the chest, as described above. The resulting difference between the girth should be divided into 6, it will be the size of the bra. Example: 92-74 = 18, and then 18: 6 = 3 - this is your size.

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Tips for men who can not determine the size lingerie

Dear men, if you decide to give his lady underwear, you should not go to the store and tell the sales assistant that chest similar to your favorite peaches, apples or melons. Be more practical. There are a couple of ways to buy the clothes, which is ideal for size:

  1. Show photo sales assistant if he experienced, he can easily determine the size of a snapshot of the girl.
  2. Ask your favorite friend. She'd probably know the size.
  3. Play spy. Find a bra my girlfriend and see its size.
  4. The most banal, but the exact way - ask directly from the one you want to bestow a gift. Then just can not go wrong.

Determining the size of the breast and bra selection of a suitable model does not take a lot of time, this knowledge will be useful, and any self-respecting woman should know what her size. Now you know how to correctly determine bra size, which frees you from many unpleasant consequences: stoop, back pain, poor circulation, discomfort.

 We determine the correct size of the breast

 Contraindications to surgical abortion


  • What is the procedure for surgical abortion?
  • Removal of the embryo at different stages of pregnancy
  • What are the contraindications for surgical removal of the fetus?
  • What are the complications of surgical abortion?
  • To draw some conclusions

Unwanted pregnancies often lead to the need for women to have an abortion. Surgical abortion is considered a classic and most common way to interrupt unwanted pregnancies. Carried out this type of abortion after the embryo has already reached a few grams of weight. Typically, this occurs after the seventh week of pregnancy.

Surgical abortion is a procedure scraping the uterine cavity using a curette - a special medical instrument in the form of a small spoon.

This procedure is the removal of the fetus from the uterus called curettage. Otherwise, data manipulation called curettage. In medicine, it scraping considered a fairly common procedure. It is carried out not only for removal of the fetus, but also in the treatment of many gynecological diseases. Very often scraping allows you to stop uterine bleeding. Vyskablennye tissue is sent for further examination that reveals a variety of diseases.

 Tools for abortion
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What is the procedure for surgical abortion?

It is said that a surgical abortion more than any other species of removing the embryo gives complications. Unlike the vacuum and medical, surgical abortion is necessarily spent in the hospital. The procedure for removal of the embryo takes place under general anesthesia. The whole process takes 15 to 30 minutes. During surgery in the operating room must be present anesthetist. Operation begins with the fact that a woman on a surgical chair, and then injected into a state of anesthesia. Using a special probe doctors carried out the expansion of the uterus.

This is followed by the main part of the abortion. In the uterus, the doctor inserts curette, through which the procedure scraping the top layer of cells (the mother of the epithelium). During this process, the embryo itself is destroyed.

Cases when curettage combined with application of vacuum, by which sucked destroyed parts Remote embryo.

This procedure is the surgical removal of the embryo is completed. Women are advised to comply with bed rest under the supervision of a doctor. After all women prescribe specific drugs for uterine contractions. After a few days is necessary to make reference ultrasound.
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Removal of the embryo at different stages of pregnancy

It is known that the removal of the fetus and is conducted in the early, and at a fairly late in pregnancy. If the gestational age is between 6 and 14 weeks, the removal of the embryo carried by a special vacuum machine. Then, a curettage. Under the influence of a vacuum and the body of the embryo breaks it easily passes through a tube aspiration. To cleanse the uterus by fetal membranes used curettage. Removal of the embryo in these terms is considered to be early.

At 13-22 weeks' gestation, the fetus is considered to have sufficiently large. Here, the procedure requires a greater expansion of the uterus than abortion, conducted in early pregnancy. To remove the fetus from the uterus, it is first destroyed by surgery, followed by a large forceps pulled out of the body of the embryo. Small parts are removed using a vacuum apparatus. After removal of the fruit is also produced scraping the uterine epithelium.

 operating for the procedure
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What are the contraindications for surgical removal of the fetus?

At first glance, it appears that the procedure for removal of a fetus is surgically poses no threat to the body. But in fact, statistics says that about 30% of deaths in obstetrics occurs during data manipulation.

Not every woman can perform such manipulations, like abortion. There are a number of contraindications to perform the procedure. These include existing sexually transmitted infection or gynecological diseases. Acute inflammation or exacerbation of chronic processes in the body is a significant reason for the rejection of abortion.

Contraindications include disease and bladder, appendix, colon disease, and others.

Before exercising an abortion, make sure that you have has no contraindications, otherwise the consequences can be dire.

 complications after abortion
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What are the complications of surgical abortion?

It is believed that surgical removal of the fetus causes great harm to the female body. It contributes to the development of stress and various infections.

So, one of the most frequent complications of surgical removal of the fetus is infected. If the abortion procedure was carried out in non-sterile conditions may develop endometritis (inflammation of the uterus). If left untreated this infection, it can lead to very dire consequences, up to a blood infection that results in death.

Very often, the removal of the fetus causes bleeding. Such bleeding can be both weak and strong. Excessive bleeding can lead to what is necessary to remove the uterus. Very often, these effects occur by the procedure by unqualified personnel.

The more the abortion was performed, the greater the likelihood of infertility. After several abortions (and someone and after a) the uterus becomes similar to a big scar. This leads to the fact that the embryo may not be attached to the uterine wall, causing the dies.

If the physician during the procedure of removing the embryo roughly worked to a probe extending uterus, which may result in damage. Such damage can lead to miscarriages in the future, since the cervix is ​​no longer able to perform its functions as it did before.

In medicine, there are cases of incomplete removal of the fetus. This means that pregnancy has not interrupted, the embryo and further continues to evolve. Children who are born as a result of incomplete abortion usually have many different defects in development.

It happens that the gross effects of unskilled doctor in the uterine wall opening is formed, which is called perforation.

One consequence of unsuccessful deletion of the fetus may be the formation of antibodies to fetal blood cells, in case of maternal blood is Rh-negative. In medicine, this phenomenon is called Rh sensitization.

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To draw some conclusions

So, as has become clear, the procedure is the surgical removal of the fetus may cause significant harm to the female body. Before making a decision about abortion, I think. Abortion procedure could lead to further infertility. Try to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Modern methods of contraception can help protect against pregnancy by 99% when used correctly.

 The procedure for the surgical removal of the embryo, what it implies?
