causes of discharge for thrush


  • Causes of thrush
  • Symptoms of yeast infection in women
  • Types of selections for thrush
  • What are the symptoms have bacterial vaginosis
  • The main features of "thrush"
  • What treatment should be followed for thrush

In the scientific community yeast called Candida. The name she received because of the pathogen fungus - Candida albicans. The main symptoms - irritation, discomfort, vaginal itching and discharge from thrush genitals in the form of cheese.

Almost all women are carriers of this fungus, but in small doses, it does no harm. But under certain conditions, the balance is disturbed and the fungus begins to grow at an increased rate. Because of this, damaged mucosa and women develop symptoms of thrush.
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Causes of thrush

Weakened currently immunity. Immunity can be weakened as a result of severe diseases or treatment with drugs that suppress the immune system.

The use of antibiotics. Powerful broad-spectrum antibiotics with harmful bacteria are killed and useful to the body.

The use of birth control pills. Hormones in humans control the amount of bacteria. But birth control drugs, which have the hormones affect the levels of hormones in the body.

Tight clothing. Always dressed in tight clothing, increases the risk of raising the temperature and humidity in the folds of the skin, which helps the development of the fungus.

Infection of the intestine. The fungus causing thrush, often found in the intestines. And if you do not observe the rules of hygiene after defecation, yeast fungus can get into the vagina.

Diabetes. Diabetes is the cause of increased glucose levels in the blood and urine. Because of this the sugar increases in vaginal fluid decreased the acid environment, and this leads to the development of yeast fungus.

Infections of sexual intercourse. It should be noted that thrush is not a venereal disease. If intercourse can disrupt vaginal mucosa, and it will increase the risk of thrush. Men, too, is a thrush, but they have not seen it. And if a woman has recovered from the disease, and after a while the disease appears again, check and male partners.

 on medical examination
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Symptoms of yeast infection in women

In yeast are the main symptoms:

  • Pain. The mucous membrane of the vagina is very delicate, and if it is inflamed, it leads to a feeling of pain.
  • There is a burning sensation when urinating. This happens when the urine reaches the inflamed areas of the vagina
  • An unpleasant itching in and around the vagina, which is a common indicator of thrush, is very strong.
  • Vaginal discharge. In diseases thrush discharge becomes heavy, often white, in appearance resembling cottage cheese, but no odor.
  • , Pain during sexual intercourse.

But not always for thrush are white cheesy discharge.

It is important to note that the diagnosis is important to identify and type of agent. Usually thrush highlight color white. This smell sour milk secretions. If a vaginal candidiasis, it is accompanied by thick clumps cheesy type overlooking grains. They are easily removed from the mucosa. Later, a dense film can be released whitish-gray color, which, in turn, firmly attached to the mucosa. Attempts to separate the film lead to bleeding.
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Types of selections for thrush

When the green highlight appear likely, it means inflammation of the fallopian tubes, vagina, cervix or ovaries. If the secretions of a high level of white blood cells, they turn green. And doctors call it leykoreey, that is, if the allocation of green, this indicates a bacterial infection. Gynecological diseases characterized by abnormal vaginal discharge.

Here are some of the symptoms of abnormal discharge:

  • Allocation of a specific color which abundantly than conventional isolation menstrual cycles at different time.
  • Vaginal discharge any color at any point in the cycle. This release accompanied by burning genitals, abdominal pain and have an unpleasant odor emissions.
  • Change the usual amount of bleeding during menstruation. Discharge or sharply reduced or become abundant.
  • There are pink spotting before and after the menstrual cycle. Perhaps excessive bleeding during menstruation.
  • More green discharge may be in bacterial vaginosis.

 Drug treatment of thrush

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What are the symptoms have bacterial vaginosis

The reasons for such a disease may be an infection transmitted by a partner during intercourse, or insufficient or, conversely, excessive hygiene. The reason may be antibiotics, stress, weak immune system and pregnancy.

With such a violation is subject to vaginosis vaginal flora. The number of lactic acid bacteria is reduced, but increased levels of pathogens and bacterial vaginosis appears. Then, the discharge becomes green or gray-white color. Selections exfoliate films and have a pungent fishy odor. There are discomfort and burning when urinating.

You must immediately see a specialist for treatment as usual gardnerelly destroy vaginal flora. This problem is treated in two stages. Please take antibiotics that destroy gardnerelly. And then restore the vaginal flora.

Another reason green discharge - is trichomoniasis. Confirm it can only be determined by analyzes. And if a woman appear greenish discharge, felt slight irritation of genitals, it is better to consult a doctor.

Yellow and green discharge characteristic of acute inflammation. In this case, selection would be ample. But in chronic inflammation and release are maloobilnymi with a greenish color.

Allocation to yellow

If a woman has an unusual highlight color, texture, itching and pain, it is best to think and immediately seek medical attention. Yellow highlight - this is bacterial vaginosis. This disease catches up with 65% of women. In this case, the vaginal flora is destroyed. There are white or yellow discharge, which have an unpleasant odor. This odor is usually worse after hygiene or sexual intercourse.

Brown discharge in women

When the front of the menstrual cycle appear bright red bleeding, it can be caused by erosion of the cervix or endotservitom. If the allocation of the colors appear in a pregnant woman, it is an indication that the start of detachment of the ovum, which can cause miscarriage. If the vagina there are small cracks, after coitus will appear bright red spotting, which is also a consequence of the erosion of the cervix. Spotting may occur after an abortion, then you should seek medical advice.

The appearance of light brown discharge

If there brown discharge before menstruation, a measure that will soon begin a full menstrual cycle.

Light brown discharge are not normal during your period if you do not take hormones. The reasons may be different:

  • The reason may be an inflammation of the uterus
  • If the vagina becomes inflamed due to diseases, sexually transmitted diseases
  • Cancer or cervical erosion

In such cases, brown or pink highlight will be permanent after intercourse.

When a pregnant woman has brown soiling spotting, the reason for that detachment of the placenta, which occurred a few days ago.

If soiling dark spotting appear before menstruation, it is an indicator of the pathological processes in the uterus.

If a woman appear white, like cottage cheese, isolation, white film or plaque between the labia or clitoris, it is a sign of thrush. The smell in this case will look like a bread or sour milk.

It happens that during menstruation appear large blood clots that says is likely to bend the cervix. Or it occurs due to poor blood clotting tendency to thrombosis or lack of vitamin B.

It is important to consult a doctor for examination and treatment, regardless of the nature and color selections.

 a sign of thrush is itching in the groin
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The main features of "thrush"

When thrush woman may encounter one or more symptoms of the disease. Consider the most common symptoms.

Itching in the genital area. Itching has both permanent and growing before menstruation, after a long day, if a woman uses a synthetic underwear, using panty liners. Often the emergence and strengthening of itching and after taking a hot bath. Because of itching woman may begin to suffer from insomnia and nervous exhaustion.

The emergence of discomfort in the genital area. Pruritus is often causes fungal woman combing zone, which leads to increased irritation. And that leads to redness, the appearance of puffiness and inflammation. It increases the sensitivity of the vaginal mucosa to water and urine.

The emergence of a variety of selections. Every woman in the tissues of the vagina are glands that secrete a little mucus, it helps cleanse the vagina and keeps it from drying out. These secretions are small and transparent. If thrush has a rich selection character, like the creamy consistency.

When thrush itching, pain when urinating and pain during sexual intimacy, which in the article mentioned above.
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What treatment should be followed for thrush

The urgency of thrush is not abating, despite the fact that now there are so many drugs to fight thrush. Thrush is always very difficult to cure until the end, and there is always the risk of recurrent disease. It is important when a thrush to see a doctor, because the self can be disastrous. Only a specialist can help choose the right drug and the method of treatment.

What measures will be included in the basis of the treatment of thrush:

  1. procedures for the systematic treatment of symptoms of thrush
  2. measures to eliminate the local manifestations of the disease
  3. activities for the full recovery of the immune system

At the beginning of the treatment of thrush, it is important to remember that it is impossible to completely get rid of the fungus that causes thrush. And drugs play a role limiting the breeding of fungus.

All medicines from yeast are divided into several types:

  • Antimicrobial. It is based antibiotics levorin, nystatin, natamycin.
  • Antifungal. The main substance in them - this is ketoconazole, ikonazol, miconazole and klortimazol.
  • Drugs combined type. They include antifungal agents and antibiotics.

Medications used for the topical treatment of yeast, are applied to the surface of the skin or mucosa. And have the form of an ointment or a solution. Yet such drugs can be administered to the genitals of women. And take the form of vaginal tablets or suppositories. Feature preparations in that they need to be systematically applied (1-2 times a day), and duration of use was 14 days.

After the drugs you need to restore the immune system. This contributes to the effectiveness of treatment. For this purpose, medication used prebiotics are reduced mucosal microflora. Woman prescribers with complex vitamins and minerals. After such a treatment is often necessary to restore yeast and intestinal microflora. In such a case is assigned to a special diet.

Experts advise not to self-medicate. If a woman has become prominent unusual or mucous-like cheese selection with an unpleasant odor, it is best to consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

 How does thrush in women?
