Many representatives of the fair sex, faced with thrush, interested in the question: can we make love until they are cured? It has long been known that candidiasis is sexually transmitted. What's wrong with that if condoms are found in every drugstore.
But infected partner - this is not the worst thing that can happen in this case. In fact, women who choose not to abstain from intimacy during the treatment of thrush, a great risk to their health. Agree, because you can wait a couple of weeks not to engage in sex. And no tragedy will not happen.
What we know about thrush?
Thrush - a disease that has arisen because of the yeasts. Once in the body, they begin to actively proliferate, poisoning the waste products of your body. The reasons why you might receive candidiasis, a lot, starting with a weakened immune system, ending the infection from a partner. By the way, that after your recovery you do not have to go back to the doctor, you should find out what stimulated the proliferation of fungi.
Once you pass the examination, correct the cause, if any, you will be treated. Typically, doctors prescribe anti-fungal ointment and special medications. Note: self-medicate in this case is not worth it. Improperly selected drugs can cause aggravation. For example, all antibiotics stimulate the spread of fungal diseases.
By the way, to avoid the breeding of fungus, you will also need to follow a diet. So, it is necessary to exclude from your diet all spicy, sweet, fatty, salty, sour, yeast. Otherwise, after the use of one of these dishes are all symptoms will grow several times. You can eat vegetables and fruits, cereals and fresh soups.
And, of course, the doctor categorically forbid you to make love, not only during thrush, but a few weeks after complete recovery. Plus, he would recommend to pass inspection and your partner (permanent and temporary) to avoid the risk of infection in the future. You do not want your young man was a carrier of the disease. After all, you can even get infected after a single act of love.
How dangerous sex with thrush?
For women who do not represent life without sex, thrush - fails to reject pleasure. Indeed, why worry when you can use condoms. They not only protect against pregnancy, but also from many diseases, sexually transmitted diseases.
But in reality it is not so simple as it seems at first glance. Did you know that the fungus that causes thrush, is transmitted during oral sex. In the mouth it is a pretty good feeling. Therefore, ladies should avoid even oral sex, both with him and with her hand.
By the way, you should always remember that the condom does not protect 100 percent. And imagine that you have been treated, but your partner - not, as hoped for protection. The next time you have sex, the risk of re-infection is too great. It does not matter, whether he has the symptoms of the disease or not. Carriers are not always immediately evident thrush. Is it worth risking your health and the health of the man she loved, and for a moment's pleasure?
Let's say you are protected and are confident that the partner is not infected. Good! But did you know that during sex, you can bring an infection in the bladder. The presence and absence of a condom does not matter. As a result - a banal cystitis. Urogenital different women short urethra. Bacteria and microorganisms are rapidly making their way through it to the bladder, where they begin to multiply. Thus, if, due to thrush developed cystitis, sex before a complete cure completely contraindicated.
And one more point, which should pay attention to - the presence of pain during intimacy. Very rarely, some of the fair sex gets pleasure from the process. And endure the pain will only true masochist. So talk to your boyfriend, explain that at the time would have to forget about the lovemaking, because you do not have something that is unpleasant, and unbearably painful.
What should be remembered a woman with thrush?
If you or your partner was diagnosed - candidiasis should observe a number of rules that will help prevent infection and avoid exacerbation of the disease. If you ignore them, could happen in the future relapse. But you would not want to once again undergo treatment, suffer pain, itching and discomfort.
Disclaimer sex
First, try to refuse sex until they are cured. A loving man will enter the position. It is unlikely that he will be able to enjoy sex, despite the tortured and are suffering the pain of his wife. If that is not possible (you never know), be sure to use condoms. But if you experience any discomfort immediately stop partner and postpone intimacy later. And in any case, do not suffer!
Do not experiment, thinking "What if it will not hurt," if you have been diagnosed - a chronic yeast infection. In this case, the risk of infection of the genitourinary system is too great. It is better to wait a couple of weeks later than long and tedious treatment of cystitis.
To be treated with
When thrush should be screened both partners. If this man can be explained that the disease is not always immediately evident. It's over, the stronger sex have hard times, as the strokes - not a most enjoyable. But for the sake of love, you can not go for it. Because then you will know that full well. And under no circumstances should be engaged in sex with a partner without first making sure that he is not a carrier of the disease.
Do not play doctor
And never try to choose medications at random. After all, when we are engaged in self-medicate, then we play the game "Minesweeper" with his health. Lucky or not - it depends on luck. And what are the consequences - you can only guess. Even doctors go to each other to be treated!
Health thrush: common rules
As for thrush, and the normal daily life of the fair sex should observe good personal hygiene. Unfortunately, not all girls and women are able to care for themselves. And some ladies just because of laziness neglect this, thinking that enough time in the day to wash. In fact, things are not so simple.
Now, remember once and for all: the genitals should be washed at least twice a day - morning and evening. And, of course, in front of each sex. After all, cleanliness - the guarantee of health. Only need to wash clean, the best filtered warm water. Directions - from the pubis to the coccyx, ie from front to back. This rule must be observed in order not to infect the bladder. Do not forget to pre-wash their hands, as they may be dirt. And before intimate caresses your partner also has to take care of cleanliness!
For cleaning the used special tools, which are sold in pharmacies. Ordinary soap in any case should not be used. The fact that it washes and lactobacilli, which protects against a variety of infections and pathogens inside. And we already weakened body just can not cope with the load.
Choosing gels and special tools for personal hygiene, always pay attention to the composition. They have to contain lactic acid. However, no coloring, flavoring and other harmful additives need not be. Otherwise, you will be annoyed.
Incidentally, during the yeast can not wash soda solution, do irrigation, etc. Such procedures should be carried out only on the recommendation of a physician. If you use these methods on occasion and without, in the future you have just broken the acid-alkaline balance. As a result - the spread of yeast, that is active reproduction of the fungus.
And during the illness and after recovery, use a personal towel. Even if you drink with her husband of one cup, you do not brush your teeth a brush. Wipe their genitals should be carefully dabbing a little moisture. But to rub skin redness is not necessary. After not forget to dry the towel. Make sure that it was always clean and dry. Every two or three days, replace it with a new one. Old wash in the machine, rinse well and ironed iron to get rid of possible bacteria.
The next thing you should pay attention - this is hygiene in the critical days. So, the first thing you need to remember - the timely change of gaskets. During thrush is done not less than once every 2-3 hours, in everyday life - every 4 hours. The fact that the surface of the bacteria are beginning to emerge that may get inside. Plus, the "greenhouse effect", which is created during these two hours stimulates the proliferation of the fungus. By the way, with candidiasis tampons is not recommended to use these days.
Secondly, do not forget to rinse the genitals every time you change your sanitary napkin. If there is no opportunity to do it, use special wipes. Just be careful that they are not perfumed or deodorized, otherwise it will cause irritation.
With regard to the dailies, the gynecologists about them at all faulted. In fact, hurt by them than good. Therefore, candidiasis, try to refrain from the use of such means of hygiene. Of course, it is convenient, but because your health is more important.
An important role in this case played by your underwear. The first point concerns the frequency shift thereof. It is desirable that the morning and evening you wore new pants, even when using pads. Second - this is the material that makes up these things. Do not get synthetics that does not absorb moisture, not a conductor of heat. It only complicates the ventilation of the skin does not breathe, it just creates a favorable environment for the emergence and spread of the disease.
By the way, all your favorite thong (underwear, consisting of one stripe) can cause the appearance of cystitis and thrush. The thing is that while walking the very thin piece of tissue begins to rub the authorities, causing irritation. Plus, it is so transferred bacteria from the anus to the vaginal opening and the urethra.
Thus, when thrush is better to abandon all uncomfortable that prevents normal move, causing chafing and discomfort. Nowadays you can buy a lot of good underwear that is the beauty of any no way inferior to synthetics. Should such products are not much more.
And if you follow all of the rules, that is not going to neglect treatment, hygiene, for a time give up sexual intercourse, you will soon get rid of thrush. And then you can enjoy the intimate caresses, without fear of pain and discomfort. After making love - it means to surrender completely to his senses.