acne on the chest


  • Causes of Acne
  • How to fight acne

Acne can appear absolutely anywhere on the body, including the chest. Of course, the chest is not the person, but nevertheless, most women are not willing to give up the neckline. Get rid of acne on the chest is quite real, and the sooner you start to deal with them, the faster the enemy will be defeated.

Of course, wise to go to a dermatologist who will be able to ascertain the cause of acne and select the best course of treatment. But in practice, things are very different, and hardly any of the lovely ladies, finding spots on the chest, go to the clinic. That women prefer to be treated yourself. Moralistic situation is unlikely to fix, so we'll try to help you understand at least how not to hurt yourself.

Causes of Acne

Pimples on the chest do not just happen, so it is first necessary to understand the cause. Otherwise, your struggle with acne may be delayed indefinitely. The most common reasons are as follows:

  • Allergic reaction

If the cause of acne on the chest is allergic, the symptoms are quite specific. Firstly, acne on the chest occur suddenly, they are numerous enough, the skin around the acne reddened and swollen. Second, skin rashes accompanied by itching. If you are faced with such a phenomenon, analyze - that unusual you ate in the last day? Most often it manifests itself as a food allergy.

  • Infectious diseases.

Another reason to be excluded - a variety of infectious diseases. Yes, do not smile, but measles, rubella or chickenpox often face even adults. In this situation, acne on the chest - is not the only symptom. Increased body temperature, fatigue - all these can not remain unnoticed.

  • Problem Skin

If you have a problem oily skin of the face - acne and acne - the breast is also unlikely to remain on the sidelines. We will not investigate the cause of problem skin - a lot of them: genetic predisposition, hormonal state, and others.

 acne on the chest Treatment

How to fight acne

Trying to cope with acne on the chest can be used only if the causes of infectious and allergic excluded. We offer you some improvised, which in most cases turn out to be very effective:

  • Salicylic alcohol

Salicylic alcohol can be bought at any drugstore. Every evening, after taking a shower, wipe the entire problem area of ​​the skin with a cotton pad soaked in salicylic alcohol. If a lot of acne, the procedure can be repeated even in the morning. Total weeks of this treatment - and the skin condition improved significantly. Incidentally, the same salicylic alcohol can be cleaned and skin.

  • Dandelion Tincture

If the problem assumes catastrophic proportions, you can try to get rid of acne using an alcohol tincture of dandelion. Preparing it as follows: finely chop fresh dandelion leaves, put them in a glass bottle, fill it with vodka at a ratio of 1 to 3. Capacity tightly cover and place in the refrigerator for a week.

Before use, be sure to strain the infusion, add one third of the volume of pure boiled water. Get infusion wipe the skin on the breast as often as possible - but at least three times a day. Treatment should continue for at least ten days. If necessary, it can be extended by making a five-day break.

  • Aloe with honey

If acne is constantly inflamed, try a mixture of aloe and honey. But remember that honey often causes allergic reactions. Therefore, you should be absolutely sure that your body does not respond to medical procedures allergies. The treatment itself is as follows: peel and izomnite to puree the status of aloe leaf, add a third of a teaspoon of honey, mix well and put the resulting mass in the problem areas. After 15 minutes, rinse the skin profusely with plenty of water.

  • Zinc ointment

Very good remedy is zinc ointment - especially if the skin is very oily. Every evening, apply on the skin surface a thin layer of zinc ointment leave until until it dries. Then how should rinse the skin with ointment. Just a week of this treatment, the skin will become much clearer. But if this does not happen, look for some other way of treatment - zinc ointment dries the skin hard enough.

Whatever method of treatment you choose, remember that there must be a reference point - one month. If during this time you will not notice improvement, you still have to turn to the dermatologist. Or continue to hide the chest for the "deaf" outfits.

 Pimples on the chest. How to get rid of them?

 talc Body


  • What is wen and how to diagnose
  • Why talc appear on the body?
  • Fighting Wen traditional methods
  • Surgical methods for the treatment of lipomas

We all wish to have a clean, healthy skin on which there would be a single pimple, blackhead or blemish. Unfortunately, each of the fair sex with this lucky. Many ladies of a problem such as the presence on his back under the skin of a small seal, know firsthand. And fight wen is not so simple. It is enough to allow the slightest error in the treatment as these formations cover fully all shoulders.

The main trouble, which deliver talc - is their appearance. The bulge on the skin does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Furthermore, if they are in the open areas of the body, they are difficult to conceal under clothing. And if the winter you can cover the shoulders of a jacket or a scarf in the summer, the situation is much more complicated. Will you be on the beach in a bathing suit under your neck closed or walk around the city in a turtleneck.

What is wen and how to diagnose

So wen - folksy name of the tumor. In medicine, it is referred to as lipoma. Talc are small-sized tumors growing in the subcutaneous connective tissue layer. In most cases, lipoma fairly soft to the touch, and the pressure-sensitive contents easily shifted sideways. Initially, its dimensions do not exceed a pea, but over time it can expand. Often ladies floor confuse them with acne.

Many women hear the word tumor, think of malignancies. Do not worry ahead of time, as a lipoma on the body has nothing to do with cancer. Wen - a benign pathology. In addition, it can be quickly and easily removed in the clinic.

How to diagnose the disease in time? This can only be done during the scan. In appearance similar to a lipoma inflamed or enlarged lymph node. It is the same and slightly rounded convex shape. The resemblance ends there. Wen, in contrast to the inflamed lymph nodes are painless formations. Their presence does not cause temperature.

In the first stage body talc may be imperceptible. Over time, the skin begins to thicken and swell. They appear anywhere on the body where there is fat tissue. Even the belly is no exception. And it gives the girls a lot of inconvenience.

Nor should it be confused and subcutaneous lipomas spots that usually appear on the face (chin, nasolabial cavities, forehead, cheeks). Pimples occur when there is an infringement removal of subcutaneous fat, which goes through the sebaceous ducts. As a result, pores become clogged, inflammation begins, and then a small seals on the skin. The inflamed nodule acne pus accumulates. Please note: any entity, whether wen or a pimple, you can not squeeze, picks open the needle.

 talc body causes

Why talc appear on the body?

Often the cause of the lipomas are embedded in the wrong metabolism and poor nutrition. We are too keen on the food, which contains a few natural ingredients and a lot of fat. As a result of disrupted all systems of the body responsible for its cleanup. So try to eat fresh, steamed dishes. Less solite, pepper, do not throw a whole handful of exotic spices.

It promotes the appearance of Wen and sedentary lifestyle, irregular and unbalanced diet. These factors lead to a breach of motility of the digestive tract, which does not manage to rid the body of accumulated decay products. All these "wastes" a negative impact on health. That is why the body in humans appear talc, acne, the problem starts with the skin, hair, nails, etc.

Fighting Wen traditional methods

The small size wen can try to remove the traditional methods that are safe and can be used at home. All funds are as follows: they increase blood circulation at the place of a benign tumor - lipoma.

  • Lotions

It makes lotions with kalissii fragrant. Note: some of us are more familiar this plant called Golden Us. Freshly picked leaf kalissii should be attached to the tumor and the bandage tightly. On average, the procedure takes 10-12 hours, but not a minute longer. In order to enhance the effectiveness of the means used conventional polyethylene film. She wrapped her back.

  • Mask

Garlic chop as finely as possible to obtain a homogeneous dough. It is added to vegetable oil (just a few drops). Gruel of garlic rubbed daily in the place where the tumor formed. Also, from time to time you can put a film of raw eggs.

If you did everything right, after some time on the site overlay compress formed swelling and redness. This indicates that you have achieved the desired effect, ie blood flow to education increased. After that you need to remove the wrap to give the skin some time to recover. When shoulders redness disappears, the procedure can be repeated. But be careful not to get burned!

  • Juice of celandine

On wen apply a few drops of juice, you can then delete the contents of the holes, using compresses with ointment Vishnevsky. To disinfect recommend taking a baked onion, aloe juice or plantain. They should grind to a mushy state. It is better to apply the juice of celandine in those areas of the skin where there is no scalp. Before applying to the shoulders and neck Gather hair into a bun. It should be recalled that this plant is among poisonous and must be handled properly. After its use on the skin can form a small sore or hole that passes quickly.

  • Cinnamon

To strengthen the body's resistance to help cinnamon, which has almost magical properties. It should be consumed on a daily basis, but only in moderation. Ie from 0, 5 to Article 1.5. spoons. Cinnamon powder can add coffee, milk, soups, cereals, baked goods.

 talc Body Treatment

Surgical methods for the treatment of lipomas

In the event that wen on your body has reached large sizes, to cope with it folk remedies will not succeed. Before you remove lipomas doctor should examine the education and make a puncture. This will help determine the nature of the tumor. Sometimes you need an ultrasound or CT scan. And after that you can start treatment.

Option One - intratumoral injection of a special composition, which promotes the resorption Wen content. The advantage of this method is that the skin does not remain scars or scars. However, it is used in the case where the size does not exceed a few centimeters.

Second Embodiment - surgery. Resort to it when the lipoma rose more than 3 centimeters. This small operation is performed under anesthesia. Unfortunately, your memory of her scars on the body. Plus, the first time you will have to avoid many of the usual cases.

Laser surgery - a new, modern way to remove wen. Conduct operations under local anesthesia. The advantage is that after the skin is left rough tracks. Healing occurs very quickly. Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for all women.

It is important to not only remove lipoma itself, but also the capsule that surrounds the tumor. Otherwise, possible relapse. If the operation has been performed poorly, eventually will re-growth of the oil lamp on the body. Note: the contents sent for histological examination. This is necessary for the detection of malignant tumors.

 Wen on the body: how to fight them
