A woman always likes to please others and herself. It's so nice - catch yourself admiring glances of men like charging extra energy, and see in the mirror every Met this beautiful, well-groomed, stylish and with no apparent age-related changes!
But nature came up with the aging process, and the person - passport offices (age). And when the pages of the passport date of birth is gradually shifting to the past, every woman wants to look younger. So, you have to help yourself and your beauty shine as long as possible.
What is beauty and help prevent damage to your health?
How does age
A woman's age - a relative term. Whatever did not think employees of passport offices, the woman's age - not what is written in her passport, and that reflect the mirror.
What promises us time? If you give up on her hand and let it go, nothing good. Sooner or later we will see in the mirror a tired face, note Emerging bags under the eyes, skin laxity note and cute, but we do not need such "crow's feet" around the eyes ...
The reason for these changes in the biochemical processes occurring in the body of each person, the Earth's gravity (oval face like a "sag" and gravitates to the ground), photo-aging and insufficiently competent care.
What to do?
When the age-related changes are not "erased" standard creams, homemade masks, lotions and serums, many women are thinking about going to a plastic surgeon. It would seem that the p-time - a couple of professional scalpel strokes, and the biological clock show is 10 years ...
But it is not so simple. After plastic - it is a full surgical procedure with anesthesia, a long process of rehabilitation, contraindications, risks and, finally, a common female fear of the knife.
Thanks to modern cosmetology - today women aged 30+ have a great alternative that allows you to postpone the long trek to the plastic surgeons!
Choose alternative
Alternative methods of non-traumatic rejuvenation resorted to today, thousands and hundreds of thousands of women - a delivery to the deep layers of the skin substances that could rejuvenate it from within.
The most common tools include the use of Botox, hyaluronic acid and collagen. Let's talk about each of these methods.
- Botox.
Using this method, the impact does not occur on the skin, and muscles located underneath. With directional paralysis of the facial muscles - the ones that are responsible for the "crow's feet" around the eyes and forehead wrinkles - botulinum toxin, they are temporarily immobilized. This helps to reduce wrinkles ... exactly the time which is valid botulinum.
- Hyaluronic acid.
Intradermal application of hyaluronic acid called biorevitalization. Hyaluronic acid - a powerful natural moisturizer of the skin, and its use allows to achieve a long-term effect of moisture. And with it the visual facial rejuvenation. Perhaps the only important and minus hyaluronic acid is that its application is not able to stimulate the body to produce yourself this important element. Conversely, it relaxes the body, and after several courses of the drug amount of hyaluronic acid produced by the organism, can be somewhat reduced.
- Collagen.
When injected into the deeper layers of skin collagen specially treated and approximate in structure to human, there is a very important process: the body with new energy begins to independently develop their own young collagen fibers that fill the skin, leaving it smoother, firmer and younger. A good example of a collagen product - a unique gel COLLOST
. It is composed of 7% or 15% of the collagen of animal origin, purified from extraneous and fiber and processed by a special patented technology, which is at the XXIII International Exhibition of Inventors in Switzerland was awarded the Grand Gold Medal.
Features gel COLLOST
almost limitless. It improves skin, tightens and makes clearer shape of the face, smoothes uneven skin relief, makes it less noticeable not only small, but deep wrinkles and visibly smoothes the complexion.
characterized by long-lasting effect, manifested by the rise - which means that for 2-4 months after application of the gel COLLOST every day you'll look younger and younger. Thus, as if your biological clock is reversed.
: Is not this the dream of every woman?