pregnancy test


  • What does the lack of critical days?
  • Problems with urination, and toxemia
  • Fever, fainting, and other symptoms of pregnancy
  • Diagnosis of pregnancy: how to start?

All women perceive the news of the pregnancy in different ways. For some, it is a long-awaited joyous occasion, for others - a pleasant surprise, and some girls news of their interesting situation is appalling. One thing is clear: if a woman is sexually active, it means that it is always the risk of getting pregnant. Many ladies of childbearing age are interested in information about whether there are any signs of pregnancy in the first few weeks or even days after conception?

Clear answer to this question can not be, since symptoms suggestive of such a position in some women may appear quite clearly, and others altogether absent. Sometimes what some women feel a signal indicating a pregnancy is actually a symptom of an illness.
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What does the lack of critical days?

What are the signs of pregnancy may occur shortly after fertilization? The best known symptom of which is known even teenagers - a missed period. If the critical days have not come in due time, most women immediately rush to the drugstore for a pregnancy test. However, do not get excited. Sudden delay menstrual cycle from a few days to a week - it is quite a natural phenomenon. But the longer the absence of menstruation can testify not only about pregnancy and be a consequence of severe stress suffered by the disease, taking certain medications, abrupt change of the regime of the day, weight loss.

Most often, the absence of menstruation in due time all the evidence is that a woman's body is born a new life.

But sometimes even menstruation can occur during pregnancy, but in this case it will be typical. Too scarce or abundant bleeding, very short, or, conversely, an unusually long period of critical days, the onset of menstruation before or after the usual period - all this may indicate or any gynecological disease, or symptoms of pregnancy. To determine the exact cause of the failure of the menstrual cycle can only gynecologist, so she is not worth your own credit for pregnancy, instead, it is necessary as soon as possible to visit the antenatal clinic.

 Nausea is one of the signs of pregnancy
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Problems with urination, and toxemia

The symptoms of pregnancy, it is worth mentioning the frequent urge to urinate. This is not quite a pleasant symptom is a result of hormonal changes and the expectant mother can occur in a couple of weeks of pregnancy. In addition to the frequent urgency to the toilet woman can feel her bladder and feel a burning sensation or slight pain when urinating. At the initial stage of pregnancy, this symptom goes quickly and comes back to a few months pregnant when the fetus in the uterus increases and starts to put pressure on the bladder. But more often described not show signs of pregnancy, but the cystitis, so the frequent urge to the toilet and discomfort in the bladder see a doctor.

Without unpleasant manifestations of toxicity manages to make a baby very few people. It usually occurs at the beginning of pregnancy and especially strongly reminds of itself in the morning. Some women in the state may suffer from it throughout the period of childbearing, others toxemia goes to the end of the first trimester, but there are also lucky that morning sickness totally unknown. These pregnancy symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and weakness are the most common signs of toxicity. But do not hurry to rejoice, feeling nauseous. Perhaps what you take for signs of pregnancy is the most common food poisoning.

High gas separation could also signal the onset of pregnancy. Often, this is accompanied by a slight rounding symptom abdomen, which is not associated with the growth of the uterus (in the early stage, it slightly increases) and with bloating. This is explained by the fact that after conception abdominal vessels expectant mother fill with blood, and this leads to a slight swelling of the intestinal wall. The digestive system begins to work in women slowly in and out of this form gases. Slow bowel movement can cause constipation in women. These unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy toxemia often accompany.

Shortly after conception, the future mother can start to bother dragging pain in the abdomen and in the lumbar region. Such pains are characteristic of the month, but in the case of pregnancy with pain critical days did not come. The emergence of long-term pain that will not go, should cause concern, as they may be signs of pregnancy, signaling the threat of miscarriage. In order to prevent spontaneous abortion, a woman should try to lie to the complete disappearance of pain. A visit to the gynecologist in this case should happen as soon as possible.

 dizziness at the initial stage of pregnancy
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Fever, fainting, and other symptoms of pregnancy

Even our grandmothers knew that pregnancy can determine by measuring the temperature inside the rectum. If you suspect that you are pregnant, then within a few days, without getting out of bed in the morning, the usual medical thermometer measure the temperature in the rectum. About pregnancy figures show the thermometer 37 degrees and above. Rising temperatures in the anus is typical for the period of ovulation, but after the release of the egg into the abdominal cavity parameters thermometer gradually normalized.

In pregnancy, the temperature in the rectum is steadily increased. This method is the most accurate and indicates clear signs of pregnancy, it can be used from the first days after the conception.

If you are suddenly drawn to the sour and salty, it is quite possible that your body has started actively preparing for motherhood. The appearance of a wild appetite, changes in taste preferences, the desire to combine the food is absolutely incongruous products indicate that the female body for the normal development of the fetus must be a lot of minerals and vitamins, which he takes from the food consumed. Often these signs of pregnancy are complemented by a change of smell. At such moments, the expectant mother is hard to bear the smell of fried fish, baked goods, meat or other products. And some women have an intolerance to tobacco smoke or perfume.

All amateur series know that if the main character of the film complaining of dizziness or suddenly loses consciousness, then she is pregnant. And in real life for many women, sudden fainting and dizziness - the first symptoms of pregnancy that can occur before the menstrual cycle or delayed occurrence of toxicity. But remember that identical symptoms can have anemia, hypotension, diseases of the spine and other ailments, so after a sudden fainting contact your doctor who will be able to accurately determine whether or not you qualify for a baby.

What are the signs of pregnancy can still be called? After a few days after conception begins the process of swelling of the breasts, there are pain in the nipples. Chest slightly increases and becomes sensitive to any stimuli, unpleasant woman to touch it. Similar symptoms are familiar to most women as a manifestation of PMS, but they occur during pregnancy in 70% of expectant mothers and suggests that the body begins to actively rebuild to accomplish the mission given by the nature. Chest discomfort occur within 7-14 days after fertilization.

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Diagnosis of pregnancy: how to start?

Finally I would like to say a few words about the diagnosis in the first weeks of pregnancy. Today's women are very lucky with this. If menstruation has not come in due time, buy at the pharmacy a special test that allows you at home to determine your position. Pregnancy test - a plate impregnated with a chemical reagent interacts with a hormone that is produced in a woman's body from the first days after conception. This hormone is called human chorionic gonadotropin, and is derived from the female body in the urine.

Lower plate dough into a clean container with a morning urine and hold it there for a few minutes. One strip that appeared on the test will indicate that your other reasons for the delay. Two strips - probable signs of pregnancy. But there are times when the tests are wrong.

The most reliable way to diagnose pregnancy is hCG - clinical diagnosis of blood for the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin. By analyzing a woman can make in its offensive 10 days after the conception. Signs of pregnancy in this case - target exceeding 15 IU hCG mark in one milliliter of blood serum. The advantage of this method is its hundred percent certainty, cons - the need for its conduct in the laboratory and the long wait for results.

Every body is different, and for the future motherhood reacts differently. All of the above symptoms in a woman can be observed in full, and in a second pregnancy will indicate only the absence of menstruation and 2 strips on the test. It is important to remember that the diagnosis itself without a visit to the gynecologist and the survey is by no means impossible. Only a doctor can reliably determine whether your health complaints first manifestations of pregnancy or evidence of the presence of any disease.

Our grandmothers were determined by pregnancy dreams. They were sure that if a young girl dreams of fish, so it is ready for motherhood. Pike dream to the girl, and carp or perch - the boy. Watermelon, seen in a dream, too, hinted at the imminent completion of the family. Today, these pregnancy symptoms taken seriously only superstitious people. But consider, if you started to attend these dreams. What if your body is so alert you to the fact that has long been willing to conceive?

 The first signs of a pregnancy
