causes of hair loss in pregnancy


  • Causes of hair loss during pregnancy and the postpartum period
  • Methods for the treatment of hair loss in the

One of the most important and joyful moments in any woman's life is pregnancy. During this period, the body goes into a new direction, undergoing significant changes in physiological and hormonal level. All efforts are directed at creating optimal conditions for the development of the fetus. This can be observed and some not very pleasant "side effects": hair loss, fragility and brittle nails, deterioration of the skin. The most difficult in this case is that you can not use conventional methods of treatment and care of hair, so as not to harm the baby and the body of the mother.

In any case, to disregard such a change is not necessary. After all, hair loss may be due to some hidden diseases and pathologies. Normally everything should be on the contrary, during the pregnancy, the placenta is much more active, which leads to an increase in female hormones. It occurs in 12-16 weeks with an improvement in hair condition, they less drop out. That is why any deviation from the norm should not go unnoticed, and it is better if the changes refer to a gynecologist or physician.

 breastfeeding can cause hair loss
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Causes of hair loss during pregnancy and the postpartum period

  1. The natural process in the body of each person: some hair falls out, and in their place grow more healthy. In ordinary life, this condition is almost negligible, but in pregnant women suspended update mechanisms and therefore there is so much hair loss.
  2. Lifestyle. When pregnancy is changing normal woman, appears lack of sleep, depression and fatigue. The metabolism due to improper diet, lack of vitamins and minerals. Circulation deteriorates, resulting in insufficient nourishment of hair roots.
  3. Lactation. Mother's milk contains a large number of female hormones - estrogen, responsible for the normal growth of hair. But the kid picks up a significant portion of these hormones in the mother during breast feeding.
  4. General anesthesia for caesarean section. In some cases, a complication of giving iron deficiency. Lack of iron is dangerous for the health of both mother and fetus condition since It can cause hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Upon confirmation of the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes pregnant women iron supplements (40-60 mg per day).

Hair loss in pregnant women may indicate a previously transferred infectious disease. This could be the flu or acute respiratory infections, intestinal infections, severe stress.

There are also more serious causes of hair loss during pregnancy. This can be androgenic alopecia occurring as a result of hormonal changes. For the treatment of this disease should go to trihologu who hold special surveys - phototrichogram and trihoskopiyu. This woman should be possible to collect all the falling hair, and keep track of their length and number.

 compresses against hair loss
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Methods for the treatment of hair loss in the

  • Folk remedies: masks, infusions

To give hair volume, shine they must be constantly strengthened. Regular use of various masks will help prevent hair loss, to maintain their strength and beauty. They can be bought ready-made, consult your doctor or cook at home. The most effective is considered yolk mask: you have mix thoroughly 2 egg yolks, rub into hair and leave it for 25-30 minutes.

Also popular mask of rye bread, warmed in whey.

By popular methods of strengthening the hair is rinsed and infusions of herbs, nettle, sweet flag. They are an excellent means of decoctions of oak bark, burdock root and peel onions. You can rub into the scalp various oils, such as jojoba oil or burdock. There are many different recipes, you just need to find a suitable option.

  • A balanced diet

Often triggered by the deterioration of the hair malnutrition women. Avoid drinking too sharp, salty and smoked foods. It is necessary to increase the amount of food, which is composed of vitamin B (legumes, yeast, beef) and calcium (found in all dairy products) and silicon (oatmeal, toasted bread). The diet should be more fresh fruits and vegetables. You can not throw and vitamins, it is just necessary to replace them with those that are designed for pregnant and nursing mothers. They will help restore essential nutrients in the body.

  • Proper and careful hair care

Hairdressers recommend a haircut or at least trim the ends, and the hair growth is significantly faster. The head should be washed with warm water and nutrient use shampoos, having in its composition tonic components - ginseng, tea tree oil and rosemary, panthenol. Apply to the roots of special strengthening balms. Dry hair is recommended naturally, without the use of hair dryers. The street should avoid direct sunlight, always wear a hat. Combing the hair better than a wooden comb. Very useful outdoor exercise, heals the body and the condition of the hair. Normal mode of the day and sleep will help prevent fatigue.

Hair loss during pregnancy - it is rather an exception, not a widespread phenomenon.

Many expectant mothers notice the improvement of hair, their rapid growth and healthy appearance. Undoubtedly, it is impossible to predict how to behave like hormones in a particular case, and even if your hair will begin to fall, do not despair and lose heart, there is always a set of simple and effective ways of strengthening them. We need only the desire, patience and a bit of free time.

 How to prevent hair loss in pregnancy

 correct protein diet during pregnancy


  • The relevance of protein nutrition
  • Description of the diet for pregnant women
  • How useful protein diet
  • Finally, conclusions, recommendations,

Today, the industry is very developed, such as medicine, and in particular one of its destinations - obstetrics. Pregnancy - is a very important and crucial period in the life of any woman. One of the fundamental rules here is correct, balanced diet. When pregnancy is used so-called protein diet. Its advantages compared to other diets is that it provides the mother and fetus complete proteins. Many people know that the power of this period depends on the health of the woman and the unborn child. If the diet is not enough protein, then the child may be born weak and often sick afterwards.
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The relevance of protein nutrition

It is very important that during pregnancy greatly increases the metabolism and the energy consumption is just for two people. Therefore, doctors recommend that all pregnant women strictly observe protein diet. Protein - is the most important nutrients. They are part of cell membranes, are involved in the formation of antibodies, enzymes and hormones perform transport functions (hemoglobin), and power sources are useful amino acids. Consider further that is a protein diet for pregnant women.

 Products with the protein diet
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Description of the diet for pregnant women

Diet for pregnant women is characterized by the following features: the number of protein intake per day should be 100-120 grams, which is approximately 2 g per kg of body weight. With regard to fat, the rate of consumption of 80-100 g, 20 g of which must be of plant origin. The proportion of carbohydrates, since the second half of pregnancy is reduced to 300 g From this point on should be limited to flour, cakes and juices. Protein diet for pregnant women limit consumption of salt water. Excessive fluid intake can cause swelling. The diet eliminates eating fried, spicy dishes. The most optimal would be to cook for a couple or a cook.

To get the necessary proteins, with each meal need to use one portion of the following products: 200 g of cheese, egg whites 6, 150 g of fish or poultry, red meat 120 g, 250 ml of milk or dairy products. So, all these products are most valuable for the expectant mother. The day a pregnant woman should drink 500 ml of milk or dairy products. This is very important because in addition it contains more protein and calcium.

Diet and a list of banned products

Expectant mother should eat regularly, at regular breaks. Optimal mode - this is five meals small meals every 3-3, 5 hours. This will contribute to better assimilation of proteins and other nutrients. Diet includes the range of so-called forbidden foods. These include fatty meats, herring, mayonnaise, mushrooms, alcohol, fast food, hot spices, canned goods, concentrated broth, condensed milk, pastries, fried foods, strong tea or coffee, sugar. And limited salt intake to 5-6 g per day.

Calorie daily diet should be distributed in the following order: breakfast should account for 30% of daily calories at lunch - 10%, for lunch - 40%, lunch and dinner - 10%. In addition to the foregoing, it should be noted that the pregnancy should eat as many fruits and vegetables, do not neglect multivitamin complexes, which contain all of the vitamins necessary to the child and mother. We do not recommend to abuse such fruits as bananas, grapes, as they boost blood sugar and thereby improve appetite and calories - it's not so good.

 fruit during pregnancy is necessary for the woman's body
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How useful protein diet

Many moms mistakenly believe that the more they eat, the better for the child. In fact it is not so. Overweight will help to ensure that more nutrients will flow through the placenta to the baby. This may contribute to the development of so-called large fetus with a high birth weight.

That, firstly, cause complications of delivery, and secondly, in the following a child will often suffer from either match endocrine and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, a large children often reduced immunity. Diet for pregnant women to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates that help adjust the desired weight. In addition, complete proteins help to increase muscle mass, increase the tone of the uterus, ligaments, promote proper growth and development of the baby, enhance immunity, and much more.

When pregnancy is very important to know that there are some contraindications to the use of this diet. This is primarily the liver and kidney disease, such as renal failure.

Therefore, before organizing protein diet during pregnancy, you should see a doctor. It will give guidance and tell you what food is the best.

 protein diet menu for pregnant women
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Finally, conclusions, recommendations,

Based on the above we can conclude that during pregnancy the most optimal and balanced protein diet is. It allows you to fully compensate for the deficiency of proteins, including those of animal origin. Of great importance here is played by the fact that the overall structure of the protein consumed by pregnant proportion of animal protein should be at least 60%. A source of animal protein are animal products: meat, milk, eggs, cheese. Also important vegetable protein. Its source - it legumes and nuts, which also need to periodically enter into the diet during pregnancy. Besides all this, the proteins contribute to the strengthening of the placenta and birth canal, ligaments, enhance immunity, regulate proper growth and development of the child.

All of this plays a crucial role in fetal development and later life of the child. Protein diet for pregnant women - a universal diet, it can be used in many other cases. When using it must be remembered that eating steamed or boiled, in such a protein would be most valuable and digestible. It is of great importance and diet during pregnancy. There needs 4-5 times a day in small portions with equal intervals. It is not recommended to eat at night. Therefore, if you are pregnant, eat complete proteins!

 The diet of a pregnant woman: calorie, norms menu
