causes of allergy in pregnancy


  • What is an allergy? We delve into the essence of the concept
  • Allergy symptoms: how to diagnose the disease
  • The effects of allergies during pregnancy: it threatens?
  • How to treat allergies during pregnancy: important points
  • Prevention: how to avoid allergies

Allergies occur during pregnancy, many expectant mothers. This phenomenon brings a lot of discomfort, so do not delay the treatment. What are the symptoms and effects of this disease? How to treat it? More on this below.
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What is an allergy? We delve into the essence of the concept

So, before you find out what to do, is to understand the essence of the phenomenon of allergies during pregnancy. The disease occurs when the human body to get certain substances or components, which are called allergens. And then the immune system will recognize these substances and begins to attack them, seeing as alien and completely unnecessary.

There are various symptoms, which, incidentally, can be distributed across multiple systems and organs. So, you may have a skin reaction (eg, on the face or hands of a rash and redness). In addition, often affects the respiratory system, eyes and even the digestive system. Allergens can serve different substances. For example, often are allergic to pollen or even the usual dust.

Allergens can also be a food. It is worth noting that often during pregnancy affects the allergy, but not always. For example, it is believed that hormonal changes that occur during gestation (no matter what trimester, but particularly strong bursts occur in the early stages, most often in the first trimester) may be the kind of trigger, ie provoke allergic reactions.

 on medical examination
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Allergy symptoms: how to diagnose the disease

What are the symptoms of allergies? As already noted, allergy during pregnancy can affect different body systems. So, there are several forms depending on the displays in a particular case: respiratory allergies, skin, food. One or the other signs of the disease depends on whether it was an allergen and how he got into the body. For example, if the cause was some kind of a product, then there is diarrhea or vomiting (but often in such cases, a rash on the face, hands and other parts of the body), if the influencing factor was the air, or rather what it contains, It is likely to manifest respiratory symptoms. So, we list the main symptoms of an allergy:

  1. Skin reactions usually manifest as rash, redness, severe itching and burning. If nothing is done, then the lesion may occur crust, which subsequently disappear and form a very real wounds. Redness can be very itchy, uncomfortable bringing the expectant mother.
  2. Respiratory reactions often affects almost all organs of respiration. For example, this symptom may occur as a runny nose. And there may be nasal congestion or increased mucus production and frequent sneezing (as often happens in reaction to pollen). And cough can occur (which sometimes develops in allergic asthma).
  3. The reaction of the digestive system is not uncommon. So if all of a sudden there was a vomiting, you should not immediately think of the poisoning, it can be an allergic reaction. In addition, frequent and symptoms such as diarrhea and pain in the stomach and intestines.
  4. Another sign of allergy - a swelling. For example, if a person is allergic to the bites of some insects that bite may swell and increase in size several times. Angioedema extremely dangerous, as it can lead to suffocation in the absence of the necessary measures against allergies.
  5. In the most severe cases, anaphylactic shock may occur, which occurs when the amount of allergens rolls. Its symptoms are: severe uncontrollable vomiting, difficulty breathing, seizures, severe diarrhea, fever up to the limit marks, and even loss of consciousness. All this may lead to death!

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The effects of allergies during pregnancy: it threatens?

By itself, the unborn baby is allergic to almost no effect, because the fetus is protected by the placenta, which serves as a shield and the filter. But this does not mean that you can do nothing and do not take drugs against allergies.

The disease often brings a lot of discomfort, that in the early stages, when the body is rebuilt in a new way, and experiencing heavy loads at all out of place (and in fact in the first trimester can begin even morning sickness).

If there was a strong eruption on the face or elsewhere, the expectant mother is scratched, worried and nervous, and do it all in the period of gestation, you should not.

In addition, for example, the reaction to pollen may stuffy nose, causing a shortage of oxygen. A lack of oxygen to the fetus in the early stages of development can be disastrous, because at that time all the organs are formed (although hypoxia is harmful at any stage). Finally, a doctor in the event of reaction (particularly strong) prescribe drugs against allergies. And during pregnancy, even the ointment can be dangerous. So what are some components of the drug can penetrate to the fetus and to provide him a direct negative impact. So just need to treat allergies, and time and correctly.

 manifestation of allergy during pregnancy
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How to treat allergies during pregnancy: important points

What should be the treatment of allergies during pregnancy? It differs from the action against the disease in the normal state, as not all medications are allowed during the period of gestation, even if it is an ointment.

To get started is to list the main products and to indicate whether they accept and which cases do it.

  • Suprastin. This drug is approved in the second and third trimesters, but not always, but only in cases where the benefits for the mother is significantly greater than the likely risk to the fetus. Most often, such a medicine used in acute forms of allergy.
  • Tavegil not recommended for use, because the tests revealed that the components of the tool have a negative impact on the unborn child. It is allowed only in case of a threat to a woman's life and the impossibility of using other means.
  • Pipolfen should not be taken during the period of gestation.
  • Allertek can be taken if the benefits outweigh the potential risk.
  • Claritin. Contraindications to the use of this drug is not present, but the use is reasonable where the benefits for mothers will be greater than the impact on the child.
  • Feksadin can be used in the case of obvious benefit.
  • Diphenhydramine should not be taken, as this may cause a strong contraction of the uterus (resulting in premature labor begin).
  • Astemizole is very toxic, so forbidden to use during the childbearing.
  • Terfenadine may reduce the weight of the fetus, so pregnant women should not take it.
  • Tsetrin can be taken, but only under the constant supervision of a physician and with extreme caution.

If human cutaneous allergies (in particular, such a feature as hives), such as the hands or face, the state may facilitate local treatment. You can apply some ointment. But not any ointment is allowed to use. For example, the hormone is not recommended.

As an anti-allergy can be used and traditional recipes based on herbs (often used series, chamomile, sage, oak). Thus, the series can be used as a decoction. The recipe is as follows: dried grass in the amount of 2 tablespoons. spoon to pour a glass of boiling water and infuse for half an hour. Then, you can moisten the broth in a piece of cloth and apply to the affected area. Inside a series of pregnancy can not be applied, it is contraindicated in this form.

If the rash gets wet, you can lubricate it with zinc ointment or treated with a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). If the skin has become dry, it is possible to process oils (Vaseline).

If the allergy is manifested in the form of problems with the digestive system, they can prescribe drugs, adsorbents, excretes toxins (Enterosgel or Enterofuril) and symptomatic agents against diarrhea and vomiting (Smecta).

If there are allergic to pollen or dust, which manifests itself in the form of a common cold, you can use the nasal drops on the plant basis to soften the mucosa. Excessive use of vasoconstrictors is not necessary, they act on the whole body and may cause fetal hypoxia.

Another important aspect of treatment - the restriction of contact with the allergen. And by all means should appoint a doctor!

 correct treatment of allergies during pregnancy
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Prevention: how to avoid allergies

For allergy did not catch you by surprise, you need to follow the necessary preventive measures.   They are listed below.

  1. Proper nutrition. It is necessary to use only organic and quality products. But on potential allergens should be abandoned. These include: nuts, chocolate, strawberry, citrus, seafood and so on. Of course, limit yourself around it is not necessary, but it is better to try something a little to follow the reaction of the organism.
  2. It is important to conduct a correct way of life: sleep, spend more time outdoors and, of course, give up bad habits (passive smoking also affect the health of the unborn child!).
  3. By the choice of cosmetics and hygiene products should be approached responsibly, since they, too, can provoke allergic reactions.
  4. It is worth remembering that some tissues and can cause allergies, so it is better to give preference to clothes and linen from natural, hypoallergenic materials.

Finally, you can add that allergies can be dangerous for the future mother and the fetus, if the treatment is not timely and effective. But on their own start taking some medicines can not be, it can be dangerous! Any preparations after the test must be prescribed by a doctor, who is obliged to observe the treatment and the condition of women.

 How to identify and treat allergies during pregnancy?
