allergies during pregnancy


  • How can an allergy?
  • There are light and heavy HAPs
  • How to cure allergies
  • Prevention - the best way to prevent disease

In the context of our civilization is very difficult to maintain their health. And when it comes to pregnancy, the health problem is most acute. As we remember, the 20th century has been called the century of cardiovascular disease, but the 21st century, according to forecasts by the World Health Organization has called the century of allergies.

At last count, 20% of the world population suffers from allergies, and in areas with unfavorable ecological situation and the scale of all increases to 50%. As for Russia, in the aggregate 15-35% of people suffer from allergies (depending on the region).

If we consider the last thirty years, we can safely say that every 8-9 years, the number of reported cases of the disease increases by 2-3 times. The reasons are many: they can be attributed to the deteriorating environment, and stress, and the development of industry that disregards environmental measures, and the medication without consulting your doctor, and poor nutrition, and the use of cosmetics (the quality of which no one was watching), and, of course the appearance of new allergens in connection with the invention new tools for consumer disinfection.

Allergy - a manifestation of the protective reaction of the body, in the process which damages its own tkani.Eto phenomenon in medical terminology called HAPs - acute allergic disease. Statistics show that 5-25% of allergies found in pregnant women. Over the last twenty years the number of such cases has increased 6 times. Most susceptible to allergies women from 18 to 24 years.
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How can an allergy?

Consider the three stages of the mechanism of allergic reactions:

  • The first hit of the allergen into the body. As it can act animal dander, pollen, cosmetics and foods (any pathogens allergies). The immune cells of the body recognize foreign substances and begin to produce antibodies. These antibodies are fixed to mast cell walls under the epithelial tissues or under the mucous membrane. In this state, the antibodies can be more than a year, waiting for re-exposure to the causative agent.
  • In the second step, when again the allergen enters the body, the antibody binding occurs on the surface of mast cells triggered mechanism "opening" of such cells, they are distinguished from anti-inflammatory hormone (serotonin, histamine, etc.). They cause the first symptoms of allergies.
  • In the third step anti-hormones dilates blood vessels and increase the permeability of tissues, so there is inflammation and swelling. When an allergen enters the bloodstream (this is considered a bad case), it is possible anaphylactic shock - a sharp drop in blood pressure as a result of the strong expansion of blood vessels.

 manifestation of allergy during pregnancy

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There are light and heavy HAPs

Light HAPs: the main symptoms

  • Localized hives - formed round blisters with a pale center and raised edges, accompanied by a pronounced itching.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis - formed edema and hyperemia (redness), clearly visible blood vessels on the white of the eye, it's accompanied by itching, tearing, eyelid edema, photophobia, and a narrowing of the optic fissure.
  • Allergic rhinitis - nasal breathing difficult, swells the mucous nasal mucous secretion is released, there is a burning sensation in the throat and constant sneezing.

Heavy HAPs: the main symptoms

  • Angioedema - swelling of the skin, mucous membranes, subcutaneous tissue. The most commonly develops swelling in the cheeks, lips, forehead, eyelids, scalp, hands, scrotum, feet. Also captures swelling joints and mucous organs. For example, laryngeal edema can be determined by coughing, choking sensation, for hoarseness. A swelling of the gastrointestinal tract accompanied by abdominal pain, vomiting or nausea.
  • Anaphylactic shock - low blood pressure (hypotension), stupor, respiratory failure, abdominal pain, itching, hives, and even loss of consciousness within one hour after the reaction to the allergen.

Among these HAPs are common in pregnant urticaria, angioedema, and allergic rhinitis.
If you have any allergies the child in the mother does not suffer from hypersensitivity because the antigens that are struggling with allergies, do not reach the fetus through the placenta.   Nevertheless baby is in the womb, is uncomfortable because of the general condition of the mother. Moreover, drugs for the treatment of allergies adversely affect the fetus, since they may cause a drop in uteroplacental blood flow, which allows the life of the fetus.

 allergy symptoms during pregnancy
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How to cure allergies

The main aim is the rapid and safe elimination of symptoms allergosis in pregnant women without adverse effects on the child. It is known that the reaction of any drug depends on the physiological state of man. A pregnancy in this case - a special state. HAPs complicates treatment in pregnant women following facts: 60-80% of women are constantly taking other drugs, while 40-45% are diseases of internal organs. The average pregnant woman for nine months, taking pills 4 species or more, without considering the micronutrients, vitamins and dietary supplements. All these funds will inevitably affect the fetus, especially in cases of self-medication.

It is worth remembering that most of the antihistamine drug allergy is absolutely contraindicated for the treatment of allergies during pregnancy.

For example, diphenhydramine (the most common remedy allergosis) can cause uterine contractions at a late stage of pregnancy, terfenadine reduces birth weight, Astemizole toxic to the fetus.

Claritin, Suprastin, cetirizine, Feksadin, Tavegil, pipolfen - all of these anti-HAP should take vital readings, with the permission of the attending physician, otherwise the consequences could be dire.

As soon as the first symptoms of an allergic reaction, you immediately should consult an allergist. In the initial stages of the disease, you can not do without the drugs inside, do not forget that there is a cream that helps to cope with the swelling and itching. And it is much better than pills. The first manifestation allergosis should analyze food and all activities that occur before, to identify the cause of HAPs.

If you identify yourself allergen is not possible, do not despair, the science does not stand still, either an allergist can help you. You will have "skin test": will be put under the skin of the potential solutions (more common) allergens (pollen extracts of trees, grasses, insect venom, the epidermis of animals, medicines, food). If you have an allergy to one of these substances is formed at the injection site swelling.

What anti-HAP apply?

Choose from allergy medications during pregnancy is not so easy. To get started, contact a physician. No one but him, you will not be able to appoint a cure for allergies during pregnancy, do not threaten the fetus.

But if you are allergic caught off guard and you can not visit a doctor, guided by data on the drugs used against the HAPs, you may be able to find a suitable method of treatment.

One of the least dangerous drugs - allertek (tsiterezin). It can be taken at 2 and 3 trimester.

Suprastin (hlorpiramidin) Tavegil (clemastine) pipolfen (piperacillin), Claritin (loratadine) - all of these drugs
unequivocally harmful to the fetus. They should only take on vital testimony in the case, if the effect of therapy is much higher than the risk to the fetus, simply, if the mother is threatening allergic condition the child more than the drug itself.

But this threat in any case, the doctor must determine in each case.

If the allergy is not causing your illness, it is possible to manage without medication, using the cream. For example Fenistil cream or La Cree. These tools can help you get rid of the itching, swelling of the skin. Cream - a more gentle way to fight against allergies, when it comes to pregnancy.

 tablets for the treatment of allergy during pregnancy
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Prevention - the best way to prevent disease

Preventive measures include restriction of dietary vysokoallergennyh products (for each individual), limit contact with household chemicals, cosmetics and so on. D.

During pregnancy should be clean in the house. Every day do wet cleaning every few days, vacuuming carpets, furniture, beat pillows, bed linen change.

It is unacceptable smoking during pregnancy (both active and passive). This factor adversely affects not only the growth of the child's development, on the formation of the internal organs, but also increases the likelihood of allergies, as the mother during pregnancy, and the baby, was born.

All the doctors of the world against artificial feeding, they tirelessly repeat that infants should be fed breast milk! This is the most useful and hypoallergenic product.

Pregnancy - the special status of women. That is why a woman should at this time to think not only about themselves but also about the kid. Follow all recommendations of doctors, watch your health, do not take drugs without a prescription, because now in the hands of your new life!

 Means for treatment of allergy in pregnant women: drugs, pills, creams
