release in early pregnancy


  • Normal vaginal discharge
  • Bloody issues

Unfortunately, the future mothers a lot of reasons not only for pleasure but also for excitement - still, because they are now the guardians of another small and so dear life. And one of the reasons for separation anxiety may be in the early stages of pregnancy. Most often, these allocation totally harmless, but sometimes still serve as a signal of danger.

Therefore, pregnant women should be careful about your body and celebrate the smallest changes. And we'll tell you about what to expect from certain selections. Of course, the exact cause can only find a gynecologist, but having some knowledge, you can at least assume that happens to you and it's time to seek help.

 allocation at early pregnancy

Normal vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge are common to all women, without exception, and with the birth. Prior to puberty, they are almost invisible, and then become much more abundant. One woman - more, the other - less. During pregnancy, the nature and amount of bleeding, too often change, which can not fail to excite women. Selections can be very different:

  • Increasing the number of selections

If you notice that the pad should be changed more often, pay attention to the selection - if they do not change color and smell, do not worry - this is a normal process associated with several factors. Firstly, in a woman's hormonal changes occur. Secondly, nature takes care of the baby - copious prevented from entering the uterus pathogenic organisms.

  • Cheesy discharge

If the discharge of its consistency resemble cottage cheese, white in color and have a sour smell, chances are you're faced with a disease such as thrush. In addition to providing the woman complains of irritated genital itching and burning. Thrush during pregnancy - a very common phenomenon. The reason is simple - during pregnancy is a significant weakening of the immune system.

Therefore, should not be afraid - it goes through more than half of all pregnant women. However, yeast and leave unattended in any case it is impossible - it needs to be treated. Otherwise, the disease will appear again and again. And it is fraught enough - not enough that you will experience discomfort, so even during childbirth can be a serious problem. Firstly, most likely during birth you infitsiruete crumbs. Second, the likely gaps as due thrush perineal tissues become more vulnerable.

Today there are many medications that successfully treat thrush in the shortest possible time and completely without causing harm to the health and development of your baby. Of course, all drugs must choose only your gynecologist. Otherwise, you risk to face the undesirable side effects.

  • Discharge with an unpleasant odor and unusual color

If there is an unusual selection of color, such as yellow or too odorous, should begin to worry - unfortunately, if you are sexually active, there is always the chance of diseases, sexually transmitted diseases. And forget about the inflammatory processes in any case can not be - many believe that expectant mothers are not exposed to them. But actually it is not - it is on the first trimester of pregnancy account for the largest number of various inflammatory processes of sexual sphere.

Ignore inflammation in any case it is impossible - it is very difficult to predict what the consequences of the disease will result in your case. Many refuse the proposed treatment - say, child drug harm. But my mother sick body hurt him much stronger. A competent doctor will choose a treatment that does not harm the child's body.

  • Mucus

Some expectant mothers notice vaginal discharge resembling mucus, often yellowish or pink. And sometimes so much that the expectant mother begins to panic - and everything was in order? Most likely cause a similar change is nothing more than the hormonal changes the body. But needless to say, the most reasonable in this situation would be to warn their attending physician - even if he is satisfied that you are not faced with any infection that is particularly likely if the yellow highlight.

 white discharge during early pregnancy

Bloody issues

Spotting in early pregnancy scare future mother most of all - and this is quite understandable - hardly the blood will be just like that, for no reason. But do not panic - not always the reason so very dangerous for a normal pregnancy. Although ignored in any case not worth it - you can miss serious pathology. Most often spotting appear in the following cases:

  • The introduction of the ovum

After fertilization, she begins her journey through fallopian tubes into the uterus. Once the goal is reached, the embryo begins to implant in the uterine lining. And this is the process, and is accompanied by a slight bleeding. Strictly speaking, his bleeding and something called hard - very poor selection, sukrovichnye. Usually, two or three days, they disappear on their own.

By the way, it is like a woman bleeding is often mistaken for menstruation, and then are surprised her pregnancy. Therefore, if you notice that the monthly suspiciously scarce, always make sure that it really is menstruating, if you do not want surprises.

  • Threat of abortion

Enough common cause of blood in early pregnancy - is the threat of an interruption. It sounds unpleasant but actually in most cases a timely appeal for medical aid allows a woman to continue the pregnancy and become a happy mother.

It starts bleeding is not abundant - light spotting. In addition, the expectant mother may complain of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. When the first symptoms of the woman should lie down and cause a brigade of "first aid". Almost always in these situations, doctors suggest hospitalization - in any case, do not give up!

  • Miscarriage

If the bleeding becomes very abundant and severe pain, cramping and even likely pregnant woman faced with such a disaster as a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. However, in this case, to prevent panic in any case impossible - modern medicine allows you to save the pregnancy, even when in the course of the miscarriage.

Therefore, immediately go to call the "ambulance" and then family and friends, if you are alone at home. Describe the symptoms to the dispatcher so that it can assess the severity of the situation and name the exact home address- it will provide a more rapid arrival of medics. Independently go to the hospital is by no means impossible - in the event that on the road you will bleed heavily, your life will be threatened.

  • Ectopic pregnancy

Another dangerous condition that can cause bleeding - it is an ectopic pregnancy. It develops in the event that no embryo is implanted into the uterus and its neck, or abdomen, which occurs most often in the fallopian tube. Ends alas, such a pregnancy is always the same - its interruption, because no organ other than the uterus is not able to ensure not that the child's nutrition and oxygen, and even stretched to the required size of the baby.

And just when the size of the embryo becomes critical, there is bleeding - at first just a scribble, but then more abundant. If a woman is not an immediate medical assistance, a pipe burst and there will be a very serious threat to life. Therefore, the appearance of bleeding, the doctor must first rule out an ectopic pregnancy. Nowadays it is hard to do - it is sufficient to ultrasound that will determine exactly where the fetus.

If an ectopic pregnancy is confirmed, doctors will immediately help the woman - will remove the fetus. The sooner this is done, the better. A chance to save the fallopian tube decreases with each passing day, so do not delay a visit to the doctor. You want to be happy in the future mommy?

  • Missed abortion

Another sad reason which can cause bleeding - a missed abortion, in which the fetus stops growing and dies. It is difficult to say with certainty why this happens - most doctors did not manage to establish the cause, but the fact remains - like the place to be. And one of the first signs is just bleeding - often scant, sukrovichnoe.

Medical assistance should be provided to women as soon as possible - the doctor will cleanse the uterus of a dead fetus and fetal membranes, and then the woman be treated with antibiotics to prevent the development of inflammation, as well as drugs that reduce the uterus. If you do not, likely to develop severe complications such as sepsis.

As you can see, the reasons provoking selection at early pregnancy, a lot, and most of them quite serious. Therefore, the only correct solution, which can take a woman - is the immediate access to a doctor. Of course, pre-evaluate their condition, because pregnant women inherent feature escalate the situation - it is not necessary to wake her doctor late at night just because you thought that the panty liner is too moist. It could wait until morning - doctors are people too, and at night sleep.

But if you have a strong stomach ache or lower back, dizzy, weakness, bleeding, and no matter what - abundant or not - immediately call an ambulance because the delay could be costly. And most importantly - take care of yourself, because you depend on the health and the life of your crumbs!

 Selections in early pregnancy - beware!
