Pregnancy - this is probably the most joyful and important event in the life of the expectant mother. After all, over the next nine months in her tummy will grow and develop a small baby. Women know the happiness of motherhood, they say that these feelings are incomparable.
However, at the same time, the fair sex are lots of problems that they have to constantly fight. So, for example, the reason for serious concern can be monthly, which do not stop to go in early pregnancy. The main thing in these situations - not to panic, but immediately seek the help of a specialist - a gynecologist or physician.
Can go monthly in the first trimester
Noticing spotting on underwear, many women are putting themselves diagnosis - a risk of miscarriage. But is this really so? According to the ladies on the forums, some expectant mothers month did not stop to the birth or before the second trimester. Of course, this does not happen very often. Plus, more than anyone should believe? An unknown person, who is on the other side of the screen? Or professionals who argue that in any case, if you have started bleeding, you should call an ambulance. Only in the hospital doctor can determine whether it is safe.
Please note: The doctors say that spotting that occur in early pregnancy, not a month. First, let's deal with the fact that such periods. So, once a month in a woman's ovaries to produce eggs. When fully ripe, it gradually moves to the uterus, where "expects" fertilization. If that is not the case, it "dies".
In the so-called critical days it is rejected functional layer of the endometrium, with him out obsolete and its egg. All this action is accompanied by slight bleeding, pain in the abdomen. This blood has a dark and intense color, plus as soon as she collapses. This is due to the presence of certain enzymes, which are contained in it in a rather large amount. Thus, what happens in early pregnancy can not be menstruating. This - the usual bleeding.
However, there is one thing of which you should always remember. During pregnancy really can come true monthly, but only in the first two or three weeks, not later. The reasons may be two. The first - optimistic. The ovaries are two expectant mother matured egg. It happens very rarely, but it happens. One of them succeeds to fertilize it and secured. The second is "empty", so it is rejected. As a result - menstruation.
As for the second case, it is all more complicated. As you may remember from school biology lessons, at women ovulate on the average 15-day cycle. Once you made love with her boyfriend, was fertilization. It gradually begins to move into the uterus, where it is implanted. The average whole process takes a week, at least. But sometimes it takes a hitch, and then all the action is delayed for 10-14 days. Once it is fixed, our body begins to signal that everything went well.
As a result of these actions the expectant mother's body begins to change completely, there is the production of progesterone - a special hormone. It is responsible for the development of the fetus. But sometimes there is a failure, no signal in time in a woman's body does not make any changes. It all ends with menstruation. By the way, often at the time of fixing the fetus sometimes blood stands. This drop can be 2-3, but no more.
When the month - warning of the danger?
The trauma of the cervix
Did you know that in some countries, doctors do not recommend to go for a visit in the hospital pregnant the fair sex, until after five weeks from the moment of conception? In the early period there is a risk of injury to the cervix, for example, if the gynecologist will try to take a swab. As a result - can go a month. By the way, this is why during pregnancy is not recommended to have sex.
If bleeding does occur, it is recommended to do an ultrasound. This will help to deal with the fact that all is well with your body, as well as to determine how the embryo develops. Do not worry, even if there was a mechanical injury, you can make a healthy baby.
Ectopic pregnancy
Also, monthly and may be an ectopic pregnancy, where the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine cavity is not, and beyond. The first symptom - bleeding, pulling and gnawing pain in the abdomen. As you know, in this case about any child's birth can be no question. Where is the fruit, there are no conditions for its development. Therefore, an urgent need surgery (abortion), otherwise the consequences can be sad until death.
Now let's deal with symptoms of ectopic pregnancy. The manifestations of this disease may include the following: nausea, somnolence, increased appetite, breast swelling, tenderness nipple. Often, in the first weeks of serious symptoms are observed. And only somewhere from the second month there is pain in the abdomen. It can be dull and ordinary, both in monthly and cutting, as if something sharp stuck inside.
Note that initially it hurts the abdomen (the right or left side) and after bleeding occurs, unpleasant sensations occur in the rectum and the stomach and even in the upper back. Often, even a sick woman to go to the toilet.
Important! If the bleeding is internal, monthly can not go. All it can pour into the abdominal cavity. In this case, it is dangerous to life. As for uterine bleeding, it is not always plentiful. There may be a meager allocation - just a couple of drops. The next stage - the onset of shock. Women may swoon, they observed pale skin, greatly reduced blood pressure.
Usually, this pathology occurs only in 2% of cases. So do not immediately think of the worst. Still, if you experience any symptoms, you should not drink painkillers and hope for a miracle. Immediately contact the hospital. The longer you wait, the worse.
The clinic serves to make US, which will help identify whether there is the egg in the uterus, as well as to determine the amount of fluid in the abdomen, to prevent bleeding. There may also need other tests - sweep, transvaginal investigation. And only after the diagnosis is confirmed, it will make abortion.
If the fair sex is in serious condition, she was bleeding, it will be immediately operated. In this case, remove the egg, which is the cause of all this trouble. If a ruptured fallopian tube, it can also cut.
When an ectopic pregnancy is determined during the inspection in the early stages, while the woman feels good, it can offer chemotherapy. This means that the patient will enter a special drug that stops the development of the embryo, and then cause the resorption of the egg.
Who is at risk? In fact, doctors do not fully know why some women the fetus is fixed correctly, while others - not. But there is a category of women who are most vulnerable to the appearance of an ectopic pregnancy. So, it may be women who have previously had surgery in the abdominal cavity, the person enjoying certain contraceptives (hormonal).
Incidentally, after the surgery, so the fair sex need to get tested and get tested to rule out the presence of tumors of the uterus and ovaries, to ensure that there is no abnormality of the genitals. Also can serve the cause of hormonal failure, inflammation, infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases.
Also it is necessary to talk about what the consequences of ectopic pregnancy. If not treated, and not to wait before re-conceiving the baby six months (at least), this issue may recur. Plus, there is a risk that in the future the lady simply can not have children. After the examination, time-consuming procedures, intravenous lines and medications, the chance to have a baby is 50%. Therefore, it is important not to run yourself, do not fall into a prolonged depression, and not to engage in self-flagellation, and act immediately. Of course, it is difficult to do, but for the sake of the child should try.
The threat of miscarriage
If during pregnancy the woman is admitted to hospital with bleeding, the risk of miscarriage - is the first thing she suspected. It does not matter whether this anomaly is accompanied by pain or not. After carrying out ultrasound and analysis of hCG, the future mother put on treatment in the hospital. During this period, completely contraindicated for all kinds of loads. Both physically and emotionally, she should rest. The heat, bed rest and complete rest - the only way to ensure the normal course of pregnancy.
During the time that the lady will be in the hospital, she would have to go through a bunch of research. And after such determination is the cause of the bleeding, all efforts be directed at its elimination. Unfortunately, in some cases, need and medication, which can adversely affect the health of the unborn baby.
Missed abortion
Bleeding in the first and second trimesters may indicate the fading of the fetus. Unfortunately, early (14 weeks) It is difficult to diagnose, arresting the development of the embryo. Often the missing warning signs of pregnancy - morning sickness, chest pain, etc. Only after some time the first symptoms - cramps and abdominal pain, bloody discharge, feeling unwell. The body girl as if he is trying to get rid of a foreign body.
Diagnosing yourself fading impossible. It is able to make only an experienced doctor during the examination. To confirm or disprove his hypothesis, the woman would have to make US and donate blood for HCG. And if the tests are positive, it is necessary to have an abortion.
Note that in the first months of pregnancy a woman's body can rid yourself of the fruit. Ladies, do not know that they are in position, it is often mistaken for menstruation. The situation is worse if the fetus comes out. In such circumstances, the need for medical intervention. Here, as in the case of ectopic pregnancy or surgically solve the problem, either by using drugs that stimulate the uterine contractions.
If you are diagnosed - developing pregnancy, there is no time to think. The longer you wait, the worse for you. The presence of a foreign organism in your body can lead to a syndrome of DIC. And it is fraught incoagulability blood. If in this case starts bleeding, it is almost impossible to stop.
Why it is happening fading fetus? Blame can be a gene, or an infection, or problems in the hypothetical-lyamo-pituitary system. There are cases when the fetus stops developing because of Rhesus conflict with her mother. The danger is great if, before this woman who has Rh-negative, do at least one abortion in the past. The fact that such a body of the fair sex during each pregnancy develop antibodies. They - the cause of fading. Plus, because the artificial termination could occur hormonal failure, trauma or infection of the cervix.
Therefore, in our time, experts recommend at first to pass examinations, and both men and women. And only after genetic and other abnormalities are not detected, you can start planning for the child. The same goes for women who had a history of this problem. First, we find the cause, eliminate it, we pass a full medical treatment, waiting for half a year, protecting at the same time. And only when the doctor will give the good kid we start.
We pass the tests for bleeding
If a woman is pregnant and her period started in early pregnancy, it may be asked to make the following tests and examinations:
blood or urine test to check the levels of progesterone
Having handed over the analysis on HCG, you can determine if any abnormalities and deviations. If progesterone levels are normal, it can be argued that pregnancy is good, the fruit develops correctly. In the first week results should not exceed 16-156 mU / ml. In the second week, this figure should match 101-4870 IU / ml. Etc. If there are serious deviations, a pregnant lady may be asked to once again blood (but only after 48 hours).
Indicators below the norm indicate that the lady may be missed abortion or threatened abortion. If an ectopic as a delay in the increase in the level of hCG. Under normal circumstances, the rate is doubled, and every 3 days. In rare cases, there may be slight variations.
inspection of the cervix
The doctor will need to examine you to make sure that the cervix is sufficiently closed. Do not be afraid, this procedure is not painful. The doctor will introduce a special mirror to inspect and assess the condition. If this is experienced, it is only one appearance will be able to determine whether there is a threat of miscarriage.
an ultrasound
Ultrasound is usually done three times, to be exact - in the middle of the first, second and third trimesters. This, of course, ideal. When bleeding can also send you to the survey, both on the ventral (when the device drive in the stomach), and the vaginal.
Only after receipt of the data analysis can make serious conclusions. And up to this point will have to remain in the dark. We should not be adjusted for the worse, as our thoughts are material. Plus, if there is a threat to your health is better now take all necessary measures, than to long and hard infertility treatment. And do not forget that the majority of women who were bleeding, yet endured and gave birth to healthy offspring.